
The relationship between organizational culture, entrepreneurship culture,
and job motivation with productivity of teachers working in Ramsar
schools in academic year 2012-13
Neda tokasi
Email: n.tokasi@yahoo.com
Department of Education and Islamic Azad University
Dr. Davood Kia Kojori
Email: davoodkia@yahoo.com
Department of Public Administration, Chaloos Branch Islamic Azad University, Chaloos,
Nasereh fereidouni
Email: naserehfereidouni@yahoo.com
Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University.
Today, one of the most important issues sparkling in the domain of work environments is the
presence of self-motivated and efficient workforce. Because the personnel of an organization
is considered one of the vital sources of it, it is required to improve the performance and
productivity of organization.
The aim of this research is to consider the relationship between organizational culture,
entrepreneurship culture, and job motivation with productivity of teachers in Ramsar. The
statistical society consisted of all teachers of Ramsar in academic year 2012-13 (520
persons). To perform the study, 150 persons (73 males, 77 females) were selected based on
Morgan table through stratified random sampling. To gather the necessary information,
closed- response questionnaires of organizational culture (standard), entrepreneurship culture
(research made), job motivation (research made), and productivity (research made) were
applied. For analyzing the data, descriptive and inferential methods (Pearson correlation
coefficient and step- by- step multi-factorial regression analysis) were utilized. The result of
testing the first and second hypotheses suggest there is no meaningful relation between
organizational and entrepreneurship cultures with teachers productivity. The third hypothesis`
result show a meaningful relation exists among job motivation and productivity of teachers.
Also, result obtained from testing the mail hypothesis through multi-factorial regression (the
relation between organizational culture, entrepreneurship culture, and job motivation and
teachers productivity) manifests a meaningful relationship between predictive variable (job
motivation) and criterion variable (productivity). The final result made it clear that predictive
variable (job motivation) is capable of predicting 29 percents of changes in teachers'
productivity. By adding the predictive variable of entrepreneurship culture to the model, this
amount increases to 31 percents.
Keywords: organizational culture, entrepreneurship culture, job motivation, productivity of
teachers, productivity of Educational and Training Organization
1- Introduction
Some scholars consider management as the effective process of using human and material
resources, through programming, organization, control and conducting, to achieve the defined
goals. Nowadays, among the central issues in management is to elevate efficiency and
productivity of workforce. Because in Iran, many of organizations and institutions are lacking
in influential applying of production personnel, increasing productivity and desirable usage of
resources should be under attention of managers. The personnel of an organization is
considered as one of the vital sources of it, so it is required to modify the performance and
productivity of organization. In an organization, physical and mental health of personnel as
well as production and productivity, both are of spectacular importance for senior managers.
Mental health plays an important role in not only promotion of productivity but also
delivering better and more effective services. Now, workforce, as the most precious capital of
an organization, faces with numerous problems. Management experts and organizational
psychologists orient their focus over factors being influential in decreasing or increasing
efficiency of personnel. Therefore, they attempt to, by recognizing these factors and applying
many necessary requirements, promote the effect of positive factors, in one way, and
decrease the role of nefarious factors, in other way (Firouzbakhsh, 2010). It is noteworthy to
mention that organizational management can be successful and influential merely when it be
wholly aware f the nature of the organization, recognizes dynamics and stability of
organization, be familiar with organizational culture, entrepreneurship culture and job
motivation, and finally, strengthens the organization`s positive dimensions. To implement
fundamental changes and improvements in organization, there ought to be complete
knowledge of organizational culture. Strong organizational culture can be accounted as a
capital for the organization. One ramification of this specific culture is fewer turnovers of
personnel; moreover, a thorough consensus is created regarding the status of organization
among personnel. This contributes to loyalty, cooperation and commitment towards
organization (Ahmadi et al. 2005). A variety of factors are helpful in elevating the
productivity of organization some of which have been considered in the very research.
Organizational culture denotes to values, ideas, theories, myths, norms and objectives
extensively accepted in an organization (Bordbar, 2009, p.189). Moshabaki (2002) defines
organizational culture as "a collection of key values, directive beliefs, and differences being
common in an organization`s personnel".
Entrepreneurship culture is the culture of understanding changes and discovering
opportunities. It supports modern job opportunities, new ideas and development of new jobs
(Alimardani, 2009, p.132).
Job motivation comprises of an internal drive to elicit an external movement, including
physical, intellectual or artistic ones. Stimulating people depends on the strength of their
motivations. Motivations go toward goals constructed consciously or unconsciously (Saatchi,
2006, p.55).
Productivity is the sum of efficiency and effectiveness which mean proper implementation of
jobs and performing correct jobs, respectively. Generally, productivity of workforce means
creating a league of necessary capacities in personnel to make them promote efficiency,
effectiveness and organizational commitment (Taheri, 2007, p.19-20).
In educational and training organization, the only focus was on quality and no attention was
paid over the quality of outputs and teachers motivations. In spite of vast scientific advances,
this official organization faces with many problems concerning efficiency and productivity.
The personnel of this organization are of not enough enthusiasm and motivation to work
effectively. So, in this article, we seek to find the relation between organizational culture,
entrepreneurship culture, and job motivation with productivity of teachers in Ramsar.
2- Theoretical framework and hypotheses
This research seeks to find proper answers to following hypotheses:
2-1- Main hypothesis
There is a relation between organizational culture, entrepreneurship culture, and job
motivation with teachers` productivity.
2-2- Special hypothesis
1- There is a relation between organizational culture and teachers` productivity.
2- There is a relation between entrepreneurship culture and teachers` productivity.
3- There is a relation between job motivation and teachers` productivity.
According to above, the present study considers the relationship between organizational
culture, entrepreneurship culture, and job motivation with teachers` productivity; it, also,
considers whether any relation exists among the given variables. This study involves four
variables: organizational culture, entrepreneurship culture, and job motivation as predictive
variables, and teachers` productivity as the criterion variable.
Findings of Isfahani and Kazemi (1997) suggest the relation between organizational culture
and performance is not necessarily linear, and strong values of a culture may result in
promotion of productivity. But, if cultural controls be so severe, some obstacles would be
created by cultural models, i.e. obstacles which reduce productivity.
Ramly Rusyla (2001) concluded that organizational efforts (technology, communication,
rewards, recognition and cooperation) had substantial and positive effect on productivity.
Moghimy (2008) and other authors found out the only solution to operationalize small and
medium-size businesses is to disseminate entrepreneurship culture in all stages of
organizations. The essential element to implement such culture is to possess managers with
entrepreneurship skills. Robinson (2001) stated increasing motivation have positive and
meaningful effect on personnel productivity. Davoudi (2012) came to this conclusion that a
meaningful relationship exists between organizational culture, entrepreneurship culture, and
job motivation with job satisfaction. Moreover, he expressed job motivation, organizational
culture, and ages are meaningful predictive variables for job satisfaction. Comparing to
organizational culture, job motivation is a meaningful predictive variable to forecast job
3- Methodology
The principal aim of this study is to consider the relation between organizational culture,
entrepreneurship culture, and job motivation with productivity of teachers in Ramsar. The
statistical society consisted of all teachers of Ramsar in academic year 2012-13 (520
persons). To perform the study, 150 persons (73 males, 77 female) were selected based on
Morgan table through stratifies random sampling. To gather information, questionnaires of
organizational culture (standard), entrepreneurship culture (research made), job motivation
(research made), and productivity (research made) were applied. For organizational culture,
four-choice tests, and for the next three variables, five-choice tests, with the validity of 0.92,
were used. For analyzing the data, descriptive and inferential methods were applied. In
descriptive part, issues like distribution, percent of distribution, drawing bar graphs, and
tables, all were under consideration. Multi-factorial regression analysis tests and Pearson
correlation coefficient were used in inferential part. Tools applied in this study are as follows:
Organizational culture questionnaire: this is a standard questionnaire being designed by
Hafsted (1994), and contains 30 closed-response tests in Likert spectrum. To determine the
value of the choices, a scale involving 5 parts was used: very little, little, medium, high, and
very high, with 1 to 5. The amount of alpha coefficient was 0.93.
Entrepreneurship culture questionnaire: this contains 40 five-choice tests and measures seven
components, that is, change perception, finding opportunities, cooperation, personal
creativity, independence, responsibility and risk taking. A scale of five parts was used. This
questionnaire is research made and designed hinging on entrepreneurship culture literature.
The amount of alpha was 0.91.
Job motivation questionnaire: to collect information, a research-made questionnaire of job
motivation designed by Firouzbakhsh (2010) (based on two factorial theory of Herzberg).
Questions of this questionnaire involved five choices, being scored from 1 to 5. It contains 40
questions and was designed to assess seven components, including salary and reward,
cooperation rules, job security, work environment, supervision, recognition and appreciation.
Chronbach`s alpha was r=0.93.
Teachers` productivity questionnaire: it was designed by Kazemi et al. (2009) and includes
21 five-choice questions. A scale of 5 points from very little to very high is used to rate the
given questions. The amount of alpha was 0.91.
To determine reliability, a pilot study was performed over a sample of 30 persons. Then, by
SPSS, Chronbach`s alpha was measured around 0.92. The validity and reliability of the
questionnaire were approved by the professors who participated in the process of performing
this research.
4- Research findings
To test hypotheses, the results of correlation coefficients have been studied.
Table 1-1: the matrix of correlation coefficients of variables related to teachers` productivity
and predictive variables
Productivity of teachers
Predictive variables
1- job motivation
2- entrepreneurship culture
3- organizational culture
As can be seen, there is a meaningful relation only between job motivation and teachers`
productivity (p<0.05). To determine the best predictor of teachers` productivity, regression
model was applied. It should be mentioned that job motivation and entrepreneurship culture
were entered in the model whose results were shown in table 4-6.
Table 1-2: multiple correlation coefficient and correlated square root about job motivation
and entrepreneurship culture in predicting productivity of teachers
Criterion variable
predictive variable
Productivity of teachers
job motivation
Job motivation and entrepreneurship culture
According to the above findings, there is a meaningful relation between job motivation and
teachers` productivity. Based on the coefficient of R2, job motivation was able to determine 3
percents of variance in teachers` productivity. By entering entrepreneurship culture in the
model, two pre-determined variances were promoted to over 3 percents (R2=0.031).
Table 1-3: standard and non-standard regression analysis for teachers` productivity
Criterion variable step statistical index non-standard standard deviation standard coefficient
constant number
Job motivation
Constant number
Job motivation
entrepreneurship culture
Therefore, it can be concluded that job motivation has the ability of predicting criterion
variable. Then, regression equation can be generalized to the whole statistical society. Table
4-7 shows the results of regression analysis and the prediction ability of independent
Concerning to the given results in table 4-6, regression equation for model 1 can be written as
follows: Y= a+b1x1
Predicting teachers` productivity= constant amount+ gradient (job motivation)
Teachers` productivity= 40.981+ 0.075 (job motivation)
The more the amount of job motivation, the more productivity of teachers would be. Also, the
amount of T for job motivation is 2.112 (p<0.05). This clarifies the direct and positive
relation between job motivation and teachers` productivity. By changing one unit in job
motivation, an amount of 0.171 was added to teachers` productivity variable.
This table shows that, in the first step, entrepreneurship culture and organizational culture,
and in the second step, organizational culture lacked the ability of predicting teachers`
productivity. Based on the present data, hypotheses of the research were analyzed.
Table 1-4: non-meaningful variables in regression equation for predictive variables related to teachers`
Criterion variable
predictive variable
standard coefficient amount of t
Entrepreneurship culture
Organizational culture
Teachers` productivity
Organizational culture
4-1- First hypothesis: there is a relation between organizational culture and teachers`
Pearson correlation coefficient was applied to test this hypothesis. According to the data in
table 4-5, the measured correlation coefficient was not meaningful (r= -0.002, P= 0.492).
This shows no relation exists among the two variables.
Comparative analysis: this finding is in sheer contrast with the findings of scholars like Nasiri
pour et al. (2008), Amupour et al. (2010), Asadi (2002), Nowrouzi (2001), S>Ameri (2009),
Sivang and Harton (2006), Hersy and Blanchard (1993), Kudiba (2003), Bordbar (2009),
Wallace and Weese (1995), Wright (1990), Isfahani and Kazemi (1997), and, Thomas and
Cholin (1993). All of these researchers found a meaningful relation between organizational
culture and teachers` productivity. The finding of this research is somehow in accordance
with finding of Kazemi (1997) and Rahavi (2001).
4-2- Second hypothesis: there is a relation between entrepreneurship culture and teachers`
Pearson correlation coefficient was applied to test this hypothesis. Based on the data in table
4-5, the measured coefficient was not meaningful (r= -0.065, P= 0.215). This manifests no
relation exists among these two variables.
Figure 1-1: correlation graph between entrepreneurship culture and teachers`
Comparative analysis: this finding is in contrast with findings of Ahmad pour (1998), Alaei
(2012), Moghimi (2006), and Zolfaghari (2010).
4-3- Third hypothesis: there is a relation between job motivation and teachers` productivity.
Pearson correlation coefficient was utilized to test this hypothesis. Based on the data in table
4-5, the measured coefficient was meaningful in p<0.05 (r= 0.171, P=0.018). In other words,
the more job motivation, the more productivity of teachers. This result is shown below.
Figure 2-1: correlation gragh between job motivation and teachers` productivity
Comparative analysis: this finding is in line with Robinson (2011) and Hanifi (2008), because
job motivation acts as a driving force in the process of training students and helps teachers in
achieving their goals in education.
4-4- Result of testing the main hypothesis
"There is a relation between organizational culture, entrepreneurship culture, and job
motivation with teachers` productivity."
Results obtained from Pearson correlation coefficient test show that among the predictive
variables, only between job motivation and teachers` productivity a meaningful relation
exists. Moreover, to determine the best predictor of teachers` productivity, multi-factorial
regression analysis was used. Results suggest that only job motivation is capable of
predicting teachers` productivity variable.
5- Discussion and conclusion
The most important resource of every organization is its workforce. Education and training
organization inserts in this group. Every country needs motivated and efficient teachers in
order to nurture knowledgeable and skilled students for a better and promising future. As
such, more attention of programmers and government to job motivation in teachers will
culminate in promotion of quality in productivity and prevent from wasting time and energy.
To increase productivity in organizations, many requirements ought to be satisfied one of
which is workforce. Motivated workforce is the best source of achieving the best kind of
productivity. Motivation can be obtained by elevating job satisfaction and good morale. This
is achievable only through meeting the requirements of personnel. Organizations possessing a
proper mental environment can satisfy the needs of workforce. The present study showed that
merely job motivation is related to teachers` productivity, but the other variables denied any
relation. It would be feasible that, in past, these factors were influential in teachers`
productivity; however, it can be said that, today, teachers are not motivated by the given
factors. Therefore, their productivity does not relate to above factors, and this is only their
love and enthusiasm in teaching that stimulates them. Therefore, the following notes are
- To create an open and healthy culture in every organization or institution should be
considered as a long-term goal. Managers have to insert organizational culture,
entrepreneurship culture and job motivation in the general capital of organizations. Severe
discipline and pressure over personnel could be effective in short-term period, but gradually,
reduces the productivity of personnel and all functions of organization.
- Every teacher possesses specific characteristics which are different from the other
workmates. So, there should be no comparison among them to promote performance and
productivity of teachers.
- People have varied levels of ability, so ion the process of assigning responsibilities, abilities
and personality of personnel need to be considered.
- To produce group norms supporting best operations in work, and giving instructions
concerning the value of work, the status of workforce and the pleasure of giving service to
other people.
- It is recommended to managers that through giving enough salary, cooperating teachers in
decision-making, giving freedom to teachers, and improving general relations, make ready
the necessary context to modify moral behavior of teachers.
- It is recommended that managers pave the way for strengthening the personnel and, as a
result, promotion of job motivation, innovation and job enthusiasm. This is achievable only
through presenting a culture in which works are don in groups, information are distributed
rationally in all levels of organization, personnel cooperate in decision-making process,
managers respect personnel, and meetings lead to influential results.
- For proper motivation, managers should warmly accept critics to structure and methods of
organizations. Also, by supporting creative and innovative personnel, they can present an
environment suitable for revising and changing the current methods.
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