
Auxiliary Material for
Correlated patterns in hydrothermal plume distribution and apparent magmatic budget
along 2500 km of the Southeast Indian Ridge
Edward T. Baker (NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle,
Washington, USA; now at Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean—
PMEL, University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
Christophe Hemond (Laboratoire Domaines Océaniques, Université de Brest, CNRSUBO, Plouzané, France)
Anne Briais (CNRS, Geosciences and Environment Toulouse, University of Toulouse,
Toulouse, France)
Marcia Maia (Laboratoire Domaines Océaniques, Université de Brest, CNRS-UBO,
Plouzané, France)
Daniel S. Scheirer (US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA)
Sharon L. Walker (NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle,
Washington, USA)
Tingting Wang (School of Earth and Space Sciences,
Peking University,
China, now at School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University, Shanghai, China)
Yongshun John Chen (School of Earth and Space Sciences,
Beijing, China)
Geophysics, Geochemistry, Geosystems, 2014
This data set gives information for the location and depth of the axis of the Southeast
Indian Ridge between 77.36° and 99.26°E, for the mantle Bouguer anomaly and crossaxis inflation between 80.97° and 99.26° as determined during this study, and for the
locations and results of all MAPR profiles. Table ts01.xlsx gives the locations and depth
of 8600 points that define the axis of the Southeast Indian Ridge between 77.36° and
99.26°E. This information is used to construct the bathymetric profile in Figures 5, 7, and
9. Table ts02.xlsx gives cross-axis inflation and mantle Bouguer anomaly for all ridge
segments between 80.97° and 99.26°. This information is used in Figures 7, 8, and 9.
Table ts03.xlsx gives the location of all MAPR profiles, the results of each profile (no
plume, plume, possible plume), and plume frequency statistics for each segment. This
information is used in Figures 1, 2, 4-9.
1. ts01.xlsx Depth and location of the Southeast Indian Ridge axis in the study area.
1.1 Column “Segment”, name of each ridge segment in the study area.
1.1 Column “longitude”, degrees, longitude of the axis point.
1.2 Column “latitude”, degrees, latitude of the axis point.
1.3 Column “depth (m)”, m, depth of the point beneath mean sea level.
1.4 Column “seg km”, km, distance along each segment.
1.5 Column “total km”, km, cumulative distance along the ridge axis.
1.6 Column “km from St Paul”, km, cumulative distance along the ridge axis measured
from St Paul Island.
2. ts02.xlsx Location, cross-axis area, depth, and mantle Bouguer anomaly of the
Southeast Indian Ridge axis in the study area. Each tab contains data from a single 1storder segment, divided into 2nd-order segments if applicable. Columns in all tabs are
2.1 Column “Segment”, name of each ridge segment in the study area.
2.1 Column “longitude”, degrees, longitude of the axis point.
2.2 Column “latitude”, degrees, latitude of the axis point.
2.3 Column “area (km2)”, km2, the cross-axis area of bathymetry, relative to 2800 m
depth, measured along a 20 km transect perpendicular to the axis and centered at the
location in cols 1 and 2.
2.4 Column “km from St Paul”, km, cumulative distance along the ridge axis measured
from St Paul Island.
2.5 Column “Depth (m)”, m, depth of the point beneath mean sea level.
2.6 Column “MBA (mgal)”, mgal, mantle Bouguer anomaly at the location of the axis
3. ts03.xlsx Location of all MAPR profiles, the results of each profile (no plume, plume,
possible plume), and plume frequency statistics for each segment.
3.1 Column “segment”, name of each ridge segment in the study area.
3.2 Column “Sta ID”, station name from each cruise.
3.3 Column “mapr long”, degrees, the Longitude of each MAPR cast.
3.4 Column “mapr lat”, degrees, the Latitude of each MAPR cast.
3.5 Column “Distance km”, km, the distance between each station in each segment. First
station value in 1st-order segments (G, H, J, K, L, M, N, and O) always zero.
3.6 Column “plume ?”, integer, 1=no plume, 2=possible plume, 3=plume. Consecutive
rows shaded green indicate the eight plume clusters.
3.7 Column “ORP ?”, integer, 1=ORP anomaly observed.
3.8 Column “cast/km”, cast frequency/km in each 2nd-order and 1st-order (G, H, N)
segment. Additional rows give cast frequency for 1st-order segments (J1+J2, J3+J4, K, L,
M, and O) that can be divided into 2nd-order segments.
3.9 Column “plume frequency”, fraction of casts on which a plume was detected in each
2nd-order and 1st-order (G, H, N) segment. Additional rows give cast fraction for 1st-order
segments (J1+J2, J3+J4, K, L, M, and O) that can be divided into 2nd-order segments.
3.10 Column “plume+possible frequency”, fraction of casts on which a plume or possible
plume was detected in each 2nd-order and 1st-order (G, H, N) segment. Additional rows
give cast fraction for 1st-order segments (J1+J2, J3+J4, K, L, M, and O) that can be
divided into 2nd-order segments.
3.11 Column “plume long”, degrees, the longitude of each MAPR cast where a plume
was detected.
3.12 Column “possible long”, degrees, the longitude of each MAPR cast where a possible
plume was detected.