Personal defination of Instructional technology (Final Draft)

Amanda Reid-Personal Definition
The term instructional technology seems to hold many labels and definitions.
After reviewing the first chapter of the text and an internet search, I found that the field
is often referred to as instructional technology, instructional technology and design,
instructional media, educational technology, and audiovisual instruction. Instructional
technology is a method to help learners gain new knowledge by using instructional
aides to help the learner connect with the new material and concepts being presented. I
believe that the field refers to the instructional aides as well as how they are used and
knowing how to use them properly. I find that the best term to clearly define the field is
instructional technology and design.
What do the terms technology and design represent? While creating my own
personal view of the concept I found myself pondering upon these two words. Webster
defines the term technology as the application of knowledge in a particular area, and/or
as the specialized aspects of a particular field of endeavor. The term design is defined
by Webster, as a verb to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan, and to
devise for a specific function. Referring to the definition of the two terms helps to clear
up the idea of instructional technology and design. Today the lay person would interpret
the term technology as a reference to the items used as instructional aides, not as the
application of knowledge. Understanding the true meaning of both terms allows for a
complete perception of what the term/ field truly is.
Throughout the history of the field the technology aides have been used has
defined field of instructional technology. The concept is a fairly young idea only dating
back to the 1920’s when it was first defined in textbooks, but most of my findings have
shown that the real start of the field was during World War II. During the twenties
professionals in the field focused on using the advances of media with motion and
sound. Therefore the idea was defined by Dorris as the enrichment of education through
the ‘seeing experience.’ That was just the foundation of the field, but as stated earlier
the field blossomed during the second World War helping to define what it is today. This
was due to the requirement for the rapid training of new soldiers. The training included
the use of films and visual aids. The large amount of films used to train/instruct helped
create an awareness of instructional technology. After this period of time many others
Amanda Reid-Personal Definition
created definitions of what the field included. The most recent being presented by the
AECT, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, states that
concept when relating to education is the “study and practice of facilitating learning and
improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological
processes and resources.” I feel that the term/ field is well defined by the group and
does not give a false impression that the field only relates to technology in the terms of
computers and software. For more information on the history of the field visit the
following website, The
website includes an interactive time line of the field.
Reiser, R.A., & Dempsey, J.V. (2007). Trends and issues in instructional design and
technology. Upper Saddle River: Pearson.
technology. (2009). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved September 6,
2009, from
design. (2009). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.
Retrieved September 6, 2009, from