PUBLICATIONS - Loughborough University



[Hyperlinked publication titles will direct you to a free download of that publication]


Bosher L.S.

and Chmutina K., ( forthcoming ), Disaster Risk Reduction for the Built Environment: An introduction ,

Wiley, London

Bosher L.S., (ed.), (2008) Hazards and the Built Environment: Attaining Built-in Resilience, Taylor and Francis,

London ISBN: 9780415427296 (HB); 9780415427302 (PB)

Bosher L.S., (2007) Social and Institutional Elements of Disaster Vulnerability: The Case of South India ,

Academica Press, Bethesda, USA ISBN 1933146-35-4


Fisher, J.F., Chmutina K. and Bosher L.S.

(2015), ‘Urban Resilience and Sustainability: The Role of a Local

Resilience Forum in England’, in: Masys T., (ed.),

Disaster Management: Enabling Resilience , Springer,

New York ISBN: 978-3-319-08818-1 (Print) 978-3-319-08819-8 (Online)

Johnson C., Bosher L.S., Adekalan I., Jabeen H., Kataria S., Wijitbusaba A. and Zerjav B., (2013), ‘ Private sector investment decisions in building and construction: increasing, managing and transferring risks ’. Working paper for the Global Assessment Report 2013 on Disaster Risk Reduction , UNISDR, Geneva, Switzerland

Bosher L.S., (2010) ‘The importance of institutional and community resilience in post disaster reconstruction’, in:

Lizarralde G., Davidson C.H. and Johnson C., (eds.), (2010) Rebuilding after disasters: From Emergency to

Sustainability , Spon Press, London: pp.231-247

Bosher L.S., (2008) ‘Introduction: The need for built-in resilience’, in: Bosher L.S., (ed.), (2008), Hazards and the

Built Environment: Attaining Built-in Resilience , Taylor and Francis, London

Dainty A.R.J. and Bosher L.S., (2008) ‘Integrating resilience into construction practice’ in: Bosher L.S., (ed.),

(2008), Hazards and the Built Environment: Attaining Built-in Resilience , Taylor and Francis, London


Bosher L.S. and Johnson C., (eds.), (2014), ‘Making cities more resilient’, Special Issue of The Proceedings of the

Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning , Vol.167, No.3, pp. 93-94

Bosher L.S. and Coaffee J., (eds.), (2008), ‘ Guest editorial: International Perspectives on Urban Resilience , Special

Issue of The Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning , Vol.161, No.4, pp.145-146


Chmutina K. and Bosher L.S.

, (2015), ‘ Disaster risk reduction or disaster risk production: The role of building regulations in mainstreaming DRR ’, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction , Vol. 13, pp.10-19

Lizarralde G., Chmutina K., Bosher L.S

. and Dainty A.R.J. (2015), ‘ Sustainability and resilience in the built environment: The challenges of establishing a turquoise agenda in the UK ’, Sustainable Cities and Society ,

Vol. 15, pp.96–104

Bosher L.S.

, (2014), ‘

Built-in resilience’ through Disaster Risk Reduction: Operational issues


Building Research

& Information , Vol. 42, No.2, pg. 240-254

Chmutina K. and Bosher L.S.

, (2014), ‘Construction in Barbados: Keeping natural hazards in mind?, Disaster

Prevention and Management , Vol. 23, No.2, pp. 175-196

Chmutina, K., Bosher, L.S.

, Coaffee, J., & Rowlands, R. (2014), ‘ Towards Integrated Security and Resilience

Framework: A Tool for Decision-makers ’, Procedia Economics and Finance , Vol. 18, pp. 25-32

Chmutina K., Ganor T. and Bosher L.S.

, (2014), ‘Role of urban design and planning in disaster risk reduction’, The

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning , Vol.167, No.3, pp. 125 –135

Bird S., Ruikar K., Bosher L.S.

, Bouchlaghem N.M. and Glocking J., (2013), ‘ Development of a Fixed Firefighting

System Selection Tool for Improved Outcomes


Journal of Information Technology in Construction , Vol.

18, pg. 353-371

Ezeji J.I, Smout I.K. and Bosher L.S.

, (2013) ‘Coupling water utility performance targets with catchment management’, The Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer , Vol.166, No.2, pp.130-138

Gregson-Green L., Dainty A.R.J. and Bosher L.S.

, (2013), ‘ Understanding the impacts of multiple stakeholders on the future security of main English railway stations ’, Infrastructure Risk and Resilience Special Issue: The

Institution of Engineering and Technology , July, pp.34-42 ISSN 2041-5923

Bosher L.S.

, (2011), ‘ Household and governmental perceptions of risk: Implications for cyclone resistant housing in south India


Housing Studies , Vol.26, No.2, pp. 241-257

Bosher L.S. and Dainty A.R.J., (2011) ‘ Disaster risk reduction and 'built-in' resilience: Towards overarching principles for construction practice


Disasters: The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management ,

Vol.35, No1, pp. 1-18

Pinera J.-F. and Bosher L.S.

, (2011), ‘ Sphere and Sustainability: A matter of time ’, Journal of Humanitarian

Assistance , January 13 th , published by Feinstein International Center, Tufts University. Available on-line

Bosher L.S., Dainty A.R.J., Carrillo P.M., Glass J., and Price A.D.F., (2009) ‘ Attaining improved resilience to floods: A proactive multi-stakeholder approach ’, Disaster Prevention and Management , Vol.18, No1, pp.9-


Coaffee J., and Bosher L.S., (2008) ‘ Integrating counter-terrorism resilience into sustainable urbanism



Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning , Vol.161, No.2, pp.75-83

[ paper awarded the 2009 ‘Reed and Mallik’ Medal from the Institution of Civil Engineers ]

Coaffee J., Moore, C., Fletcher D., and Bosher L.S., (2008) ‘ Resilient design for terror-resistant cities: Effective and acceptable solutions for community safety ’, The Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers:

Municipal Engineer , Vol.161, No.2, pp.103-110

Bosher L.S., (2007) ‘A case of inappropriately targeted vulnerability reduction initiatives in Andhra Pradesh, India?’

International Journal of Social Economics, Vol.34, No.10, pp.754-771 ISSN: 0306-8293

Bosher L.S., Carrillo P.M., Dainty A.R.J., Glass J., and Price A.D.F., (2007) ‘ Realising a resilient and sustainable built environment: Towards a strategic agenda for the United Kingdom


Disasters: The Journal of Disaster

Studies, Policy & Management , Vol.31, No.3, pp.236–255 ISSN: 0361-3666

Bosher L.S., Dainty A.R.J., Carrillo P.M., and Glass J., (2007) ‘ Built-in Resilience to Disasters: A Pre-Emptive approach ’, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management , Vol.14, No.5, pp. 434-446 ISSN:


Bosher L.S., Dainty A.R.J., Carrillo P.M., Glass J., and Price A.D.F., (2007) ‘ Integrating disaster risk management into construction: A UK perspective ’ , Building Research & Information , Vol.35, No.2, pp.163-177 ISSN:


Bosher L.S., Penning-Rowsell E., and Tapsell S., (2007) ‘ Resource Accessibility and Vulnerability in Andhra

Pradesh: Caste and Non-Caste Influences


Development & Change , Vol.38, No.4, pp.615-640; ISSN: 0012-


Bosher L.S., (2006) ‘Emergency management and public health systems’, The Journal of The Royal Society for the

Promotion of Health , Vol.126, No.2, March 2006; pp.65-66 ISSN 1466-4240

Bosher L.S., (2006) ‘The Asian Tsunami one year later: Public health, a disaster within a disaster’, The Journal of

The Royal Society for the Promotion of Health , Vol.126, No.2, March 2006; pp.64-65 ISSN 1466-4240


Chmutina K., Bosher L.S.

and Coaffee J. (2014), ‘Towards integrated urban security and resilience: A tool for decision-makers’, Proceedings of the International Disaster Reduction Conference , Davos, Switzerland, 24-

28 August

Chmutina K., Lizarralde G., Bosher L.S.

and Dainty A., (2014) 'The reification of resilience and the implications for theory and practice', In Schrenk M., Popovich V.V., Zeile P. and Elisei P., (ed.) RealCorp 2014 , Vienna,


King K., Bosher L.S.

and Kayaga S. and Buttle M., (2014), ‘Stimulating Resilience for Recovery: Building

Adaptive Resilience in Emergency WASH Response in Haiti, the Philippines and Lebanon’, Shaw R., (ed),

Proceedings of the 37th WEDC conference , 19-23 September, Hanoi, Vietnam

Lizarralde G., Chmutina K., Dainty A. and Bosher L.S.

(2014), ‘Tensions and complexities in creating a sustainable and resilient built environment: Achieving a turquoise agenda in the UK’, Proceedings of the International

Disaster Reduction Conference , Davos, Switzerland, 24-28 August

Von Meding J. and Bosher L.S.

, (2014), ‘Aligning NGO strategy formation with key resilience outcomes’,

Proceedings of the International Disaster Reduction Conference , Davos, Switzerland, 24-28 August

Bosher L.S.

, (2013), ‘Disaster risk reduction and built-in resilience: Practical realities, obstacles and ways forward’,

Resilience and the Built Environment Workshop , ETH, Zurich 14-15th January 2013

King K.G., Bosher L.S

. and Kayaga S., (2013), ‘Resilience in the Humanitarian Sphere: Stimulating Resilience for

Recovery’, To be presented at the 36th WEDC International Conference: Delivering Water, Sanitation and

Hygiene Services in an Uncertain Environment, 1 st -5 th July, Egerton University, Nakuru, Kenya

Fisher J.F., Harre-Young S.N., and Bosher L.S.

, (2012), ‘ Understanding the relationship between resilience and sustainability: Emergency planning and design of urban space ’, In: Schrenk, M., Popovich, V.V. and Zeile,

P. (eds.). Re-mixing the City- Towards Sustainability and Resilience? Proceedings of REAL CORP 2012 ,

14th-16th May 2012, Schwechat, Austria, pp. 965-973.

Harre-Young S., Bosher L.S

., Dainty A.R.J, and Glass J, (2012), ‘ Incorporating security measures into the built environment

’, In: Smith, S.D (Ed.)

Proceedings of the 28th Annual ARCOM Conference , 3-5 September

2012, Edinburgh, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 1187-1196.

King K.G., Bosher L.S

. and Kayaga S., (2011), ‘ Sustainable Recovery: Creating Haitian Resilience ’, In: Shaw, R.

(Ed.) Proceedings of the 35th WEDC International Conference, The Future of Water, Sanitation and

Hygiene in Low-Income Countries , 6 th – 8 th July 2011, Loughborough University, England

Bosher L.S.

and Kappia J.G. (2010) ‘ Decision support for incorporating counter-terrorism design innovations into public places ’, In Anumba C., Bouchlaghem N.M., Messner J.I., and Parfitt M.K., (Eds.), (2010),

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering & Construction

(AEC) , 9 th -11 th June, Pennsylvania State University, USA; pp.1142-1151

Harre-Young S., Bosher L.S., Dainty A.R.J. and Glass J. (2010) ‘ Counter-terrorism complexity: Identifying opportunities for innovation ’, In Anumba C., Bouchlaghem N.M., Messner J.I., and Parfitt M.K., (Eds.),

(2010), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering &

Construction (AEC) , 9 th -11 th June, Pennsylvania State University, USA; pp.1121-1130

Bosher L.S., (2009) ‘Addressing the challenges and impediments to building national, regional and local resilience:

A built environment perspective’, to be presented at the 4th International Conference on Integrated Natural

Disaster Management (INDM 2009) , 1 st - 2 nd March, Tehran, Iran

Bosher, L.S.,

Dainty, A.R.J., Carrillo, P., Glass, J. and Price, A. (2009) ‘Decision support for integrating disaster risk management strategies into construction practice’, In: Dainty A.R.J., (Ed.), (2009), Proceedings of the

25th Annual ARCOM Conference , 7 th -9 th September, Nottingham, UK, Association of Researchers in

Construction Management, pp.793-802

Harre-Young S., Bosher L.S., Dainty A.R.J. and Glass J., (2009) ‘The implications of the UK's Counter-Terrorism strategy on the construction sector’, In: Dainty A.R.J., (Ed.), (2009), Proceedings of the 25th Annual

ARCOM Conference , 7 th -9 th September, Nottingham, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction

Management, pp.793-802

Kappia J.G., Fletcher D.I., Bosher L.S. and Powell J., (2009) ‘ The acceptability of counter-terrorism measures on urban mass transit in the UK

’, In Brebbia G.A., (Ed.), (2009)

Proceedings of the Fifteenth International

Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment , 22 nd – 24 th June, Bologna, Italy: pp.627-636 ISBN:


Achour N., Bosher L.S. and Price A.D.F., (2008) ‘Seismic hazard mitigation and construction decision-making:

Learning lessons for flood threatened hospitals in the UK’, Proceedings of the International Conference on

Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation 2008 (ICEEDM08 ), 14 th -15 th April, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bosher L.S., Dainty A.R.J., Carrillo P.M., Glass J. and Price A.D.F., (2008) ‘ A proactive multi-stakeholder approach to attaining resilience in the UK ’, Proceedings of the Information and Research for Reconstruction

(i-Rec) Fourth International Conference on ‘Post-disaster reconstruction: Building resilience - achieving effective post-disaster reconstruction , 30 th April – 2 nd May, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New


Kappia J.G. and Bosher L.S., (2008) ‘Hardening Infrastructure – A Decision Support Perspective’, 4th Annual

Science and Technology for Homeland Security and Resilience Conference , 25 th – 26 th June, Royal United

Services Institute, Whitehall, London

Bosher L.S., (2007) ‘The construction perspective: Attaining a more resilient built environment’ ‘ UK Resilience:

Delivering Resilience Conference ’ 19 th – 20 th September 2007, Royal United Services Institute, Whitehall,


Bosher L.S., Dainty A.R.J., Carrillo P.M., Glass J. and Price A.D.F., (2007) ‘Towards a protocol for built in resilience to disasters’ In Boyd, D. (Ed.), (2007), Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ARCOM Conference , 3 rd -

5 th September, Belfast, UK, Vol.2, pp831-840, ISBN 978-0-9552390-0-7

Bosher L.S., Dainty A.R.J., Carrillo P.M., and Glass J., (2007) ‘PRE-EMPT: Developing a protocol for built-in resilience to disasters’, Proceedings of the CIB World Building Congress , 14 th – 18 th May, Cape Town,

South Africa; pp.2931-2941 ISBN 1-920-01704-6 [CD-ROM]

Bosher L.S., Sohail, M., Lodi S. and Rafeeqi S. F. A., (2007) ‘Engineering design for dwellings and small housing in seismically active regions of Pakistan: Towards a more holistic approach’, New Silk Route: Design

Education and Research Conference , 10 th -11 th February, Karachi, Pakistan

Goodier C.I., Bosher L.S., Fleming A. & Soetanto R., (2007) ‘Synergising disaster risk management and construction research: A multi-disciplinary initiative from the UK’, Proceedings of the CIB World Building

Congress , 14 th – 18 th May, Cape Town, South Africa; pp.2942-2953 ISBN 1-920-01704-6 [CD-ROM]

Bosher L.S., Dainty A.R.J., Carrillo P.M., Glass J., and Price A.D.F., (2006) ‘Disasters and the Construction

Industry: Towards built-in resilience’, Proceedings of the International Disaster Reduction Conference

(IDRC), Volume 2 , 27 th August-1 st September, Davos, Switzerland, Swiss Federal Research Institute, pp.81-


Bosher L.S., Dainty A.R.J., Carrillo P.M., Glass J., and Price A.D.F., (2006) ‘ The Construction Industry and

Emergency Management: Towards an integrated strategic framework


Proceedings of the Information and

Research for Reconstruction (i-Rec) Third International Conference on ‘Post-disaster reconstruction:

Meeting stakeholder interests’ , 17 th -19 th May, University of Florence, Italy [CD-ROM]


CIRIA, (2011), Guidance on catastrophic events in construction , Construction Industry Research and Information

Association (CIRIA) Report C699, London ISBN 978-0-86017-699-2 (Co-authored with Alan Gilbertson,

Alistair Gibb and Joseph Kappia).

Health and Safety Executive (HSE), (2011), Preventing catastrophic events in construction , Report RR834, HSE,

Bootle (Co-authored with Alan Gilbertson, Alistair Gibb and Joseph Kappia).

Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI), (2005) Safer Training: Managing risks to the welfare of recruits in the British armed services , ALI, Coventry (Commissioned by the Ministry of Defence) ISBN 0112711766


Bosher L.S., (2010) ‘Urban futures: energy crises and sporadic responses’, Building Research & Information ,

Vol.38, No.2, pp. 228 - 231 ISSN: 0961-3218

Bosher L.S., (2010) ‘The Everyday Resilience of the City: How Cities Respond to Terrorism and Disaster: Coaffee,

J., Murakami Wood, D. and Rogers, P.’, Progress in Human Geography , Vol.34: pp.402-403
