Review for Weather Prediction

Name: ____________________________
Date: ____________________
Review for Weather Prediction
Reviewing Vocabulary
Define the term below, using the related term as part of the definition.
Related Term
Low-pressure system
Air Mass
Storms and wind
Storm Surge
Tropical Storm
Low-pressure system
Air Mass
Humidity and
Low-pressure system
Weather and wind
A low pressure system in the tropics with
winds at least 120 km/hr
Reviewing Key Concepts
1. What qualities are nearly the same at different locations in a single air mass?
a. Temperature and pressure
b. Temperature and humidity
c. Air pressure and wind speed
d. Air pressure and humidity
2. A meteorologist is a scientist who
a. Predicts meteor showers
b. Studies maps
c. Studies the weather
d. Change the weather
3. Which is produced when a warm air mass pushes a colder air mass?
a. A stationary front
b. A cold front
c. A warm front
d. A thunderstorm
4. Which can be measured in inches of mercury?
a. Air pressure
b. Temperature
c. Hail
d. Lightning
5. Compared with warm fronts, cold fronts are
a. Faster moving
b. Less dense
c. More cloudy
d. Less steep
6. Which statement is usually true of high-pressure systems in North America?
a. They bring fair weather.
b. They change quickly.
c. The air in them is cold and dense.
d. The air in them moves counterclockwise.
7. Thunderstorms often begin with the rising of
a. Cool, dry air
b. Cool, humid air
c. Warm, dry air
d. Warm, humid air
8. The movement of air molecules causes
a. Air density
b. Air pressure
c. Humidity
d. Relative humidity
9. Which type of cloud is most likely to bring thunderstorms?
a. Stratus
b. Altostratus
c. Cumulonimbus
d. Cirrus
10. Over short distances wind blows toward areas of
a. High pressure
b. High density
c. Low temperature
d. Low pressure
11. As altitude increases, air pressure usually
a. Decreases
b. Increases
c. Varies more
d. Varies less
Thinking Critically
For each set of conditions listed in the chart, write a weather prediction.
A cold front is moving into an area that has
warm, moist air.
A warm front is moving into an area that has
cold, dense air.
A cool sea breeze is blowing inland, causing
warm, humid air to rise.
Air pressure is falling, and the temperature is
Air pressure is increasing and the
temperature is steady.
A thunderstorm is developing spinning winds
at its center
A low-pressure center is over the Atlantic
Ocean where the water temperature is
above 81 degrees Fahrenheit.
Analyzing a Map
1. Which letter labels a cold front?
a. Q
b. U
c. X
d. Y
2. Which word best describes the general
movement of the fronts?
a. To the north
b. To the east
c. Clockwise
d. Counterclockwise
3. A warm front occurs where warm air moves into colder air. Which of these locations is
probably the warmest?
a. R
b. S
c. T
d. U
4. If the fronts continue to move as shown, which location will get warmer soon?
a. Q
b. R
c. S
d. T
5. Low pressure often brings stormy weather, and high pressure often brings fair weather.
Which of these locations is most likely to have clear skies?
a. Q
b. R
c. S
d. U