Activity Tourism Working Group Minutes_03_12_14

Activity Tourism Working Group
Wednesday 3rd December 2014
2.30 p.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Outdoor Recreation NI Offices
The Stableyard, Malone Road,
Barnett Demesne, Belfast
In Attendance:
Craig McCullough
Chris Smyth
Andrew Porter
Dan Lavery
Lawrence McBride
Catherine Knox
John Hubbucks
Outdoor Concepts (Chair)
Bryson LaganSports
Peak Discovery Group
Long Line Surf School
Far & Wild
Share Discovery Village
Mobile Team Adventure
Chris Scott
Beverley Pierson
Stephen Bill
Bernadette Haughian
Outdoor Recreation NI
Outdoor Recreation NI
Jamie Mark
Sarah Carmichael
Ricky Martin
Foyle Hovercraft
The Jungle NI (Vice Chair)
Alive Surf School
1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
Craig McCullough (Chair) opened the meeting allowing everybody present to introduce themselves.
Chris Scott explained this working group was elected at the last Activity Tourism Forum in Jan 2014.
Chris Scott apologised for the delay in convening this meeting however due to ongoing uncertainty of
funding and ongoing responsibilities he did not feel it useful to call a meeting to discuss hypothetical
situations. ORNI is now clear of their budgets available until end of March 2015 to deliver activity to
be discussed at this meeting.
2. Action Points from previous meeting
Action Point: ORNI to provide trade further guidance on the type of events which are popular.
Delivered within trade communications for Adventureland 2014
Action Point: ORNI to analyse 2013 booking info re pricing and outline feasibility of other event
pricing models. Circulate to working group via email for comment.
Delivered – no comments received
Action Point: ORNI to arrange for show case of customer retention best practice as part of ATF
Delivered – Annette Eatock, Lizard Adventure, Cornwall gave a presentation on Practical Steps
to Customer Retention at January 2014 Activity Tourism Forum.
Action Points:
ORNI to ensure 5th & 6th April doesn't clash with any consumer events already scheduled
Action Point:
ORNI to organise ATF in late Jan and communicate to trade early in New Year
3. Adventureland 2014 review and planning for 2015
Beverley Pierson (ORNI) presented a review of Northern Ireland Adventureland 2014 and options for
2015 event / campaign.
Stephen Bill asked if trade present felt the campaign was beneficial
Dan Lavery, Lawrence McBride and Craig McCullough each raised concerns that the lower price point
attracted ‘bargain hunters’ who were unlikely to repeat at full price. Beverley Pierson highlighted that
44% of Adventureland Weekend participants said they had taken part in an activity with a paid activity
provider between April – August.
Chris Smyth and John Hubbucks felt the campaign/ event was worthwhile as it acted as a kick start to
the season and raised the profile of adventure activities within Northern Ireland.
Andrew Porter commented that measuring the impact of Adventureland weekend is a challenge as
the customer will often struggle to remember how they found out about a certain activity provider.
Chris Scott and Stephen Bill raised concerns that the customer survey indicated that only 30% of
Adventureland participants recalled receiving any follow up information from the activity provider who
delivered their event. Beverley Pierson stated that only 12 of 27 trade had provided OutdoorNI with
any further information on events or experiences during the rest of the summer period to allow them
promote these further.
Lawrence McBride felt the OutdoorNI CMS made it quite time consuming to upload information albeit
he understood the requirement for detail. Chris Scott said he would contact Lawrence after the
meeting to discuss further.
Andrew Porter asked what the promotional budget would be for Adventureland.
Chris Scott replied that due to cuts the budget would be negligible and therefore not allow for
significant promotional campaigns including off line media however both NITB and ORNI would be
investing staff resource in online tactics and PR which customer research has proven to be most
It was agreed that the campaign / event should remain the same as before and take place on 28 th &
29th March 2015 however the group will meet again in mid January to discuss:
Tactics to recruit new attendees to Adventureland
Revised tactics for OutdoorNI / NITB follow up activity during April-Sept.
Action Points:
Chris Scott to discuss functionality of OutdoorNI CMS will Lawrence McBride
ORNI to begin recruiting events in early January
ORNI to arrange meeting mid January to discuss
o Tactics to recruit new attendees to Adventureland
o Revised tactics for OutdoorNI / NITB follow up activity during April-Sept.
4. Activity Tourism Forum
Beverley Pierson outlined the concept for the upcoming Activity Tourism Forum and asked the group
to discuss and decide on venue, dates and potential speakers / topics.
It was agreed to host the event at Peatlands Park, near Dungannon on week commencing 16 th
February 2015.
The groups agreed on the following topics proposed by ORNI:
Tricks of the Trade in Social Media
Update on NITB’s ‘Unique Outdoors’ Pillar from NITB
Best Practice: Key Note Speaker 1 - Extreme Ireland – Successfully Working with Tour
The group also suggested:
 Inviting the Minister for Tourism to open the event
 Overview on digital promotional opportunities via other platforms
 Best Practice Presentation on Customer Service from non outdoor activity provider. It was
suggested that Adrian McLaughlin from The Merchant Hotel is an excellent speaker on this
 Review of recent AdventureMark Trade Surveys by SportNI / AAIAC (if available)
Stephen Bill mentioned that NITB would like to deliver a ‘City +’ networking opportunity i.e. allowing
activity providers network with Derry and Belfast based accommodation providers. The objective is to
improve the ‘City +’ offering. Stephen Bill asked if such an event could be combined with the ATF.
Chris Scott replied that the concept is great however was concerned how many accommodation
providers from Belfast and Derry would travel to Dungannon. Also the ‘City +’ offering would not be
relevant to many of those attending the ATF.
It was agreed the networking concept was excellent but would be better executed in two separate
events with a tailored invite list.
Craig McCullough asked if only accredited providers would be invited.
Stephen Bill stated NITB is currently reviewing how they provide prominence to activity providers but
they currently promote everybody equally.
Action Points:
Chris Scott to liaise with Craig McCullough re invitation letter to ATF to Minister for Tourism
ORNI to arrange ATF as discussed
Stephen Bill to further liaise with Chris Scott re execution of City + networking opportunity
5. AOB
Chris Smyth (the group’s representative on the Adventuremark Managing Forum) gave a brief update
highlighting that SkillsActive is no longer a key partner for Adventuremark delivery within AAIAC. This
transition has caused a delay in progress and the detailed review of the scheme.
Stephen Bill gave an update that NITB have been given a 15.1% budget cut which amounts to
approximately £2m. In additional NITB has also lost a further £2m funding from the EU. Stephen Bill
pointed out that the draft DETI budget is currently available for public consultation.
Chris Scott also highlighted that ORNI has received a 10% budget cut from SportNI and are expecting
a 10-15% cut from NIEA and further cuts of an unknown amount from DCAL (Inland Waterways) and
NITB. This has resulted on 5 staff being put on notice with 3 definitely being made redundant at end
of March. Therefore ORNI will have to significantly reduce what it can offer to the trade from April
Action Points:
Craig McCullough to liaise with Chris Scott re a response to DETI Consultation.
Meeting closed 4.40 p.m.