Parent Involvement Policy

Cliftondale Elementary School
Parent Involvement Plan
2014-2015 School Year
School Plan for Shared Student Achievement
What is it? This is a plan that describes how Cliftondale Elementary will
provide opportunities to improve parent engagement to support student
learning. Cliftondale Elementary values the contributions and involvement
of parents in order to establish an equal partnership for the common goal
of improving student achievement. This plan describes the different ways
Cliftondale Elementary School
Dr. Tony Wilcher, Principal
3340 West Stubbs Road
College Park, GA 30349
that Cliftondale Elementary will support parent engagement and how
How is it developed? Cliftondale Elementary School welcomes parent
Plan Revised September 15, 2014
What is Title I?
Cliftondale Elementary is identified as a Title I school
as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education
Act of 1965 (ESEA). Title I is designed to support
State and local school reform efforts tied to
challenging State academic standards in order to
parents can help plan and participate in activities and events to promote
student learning at school and at home.
input and comments at any time regarding the plan. All parent feedback
will be used to revise the plan for next year. The plan is posted on our
school website for parents to view and post feedback throughout the
year. We also distribute an annual survey online to ask parents for their
suggestions on the plan.
Who is it for? All students participating in the Title I, Part A program, and
their families, are encouraged and invited to fully participate in the
opportunities described in this plan.
reinforce and enhance efforts to improve teaching
and learning for students. Title I programs must be
Where is it available? The plan is available online via the school website.
based on effective means of improving student
Parents can also retrieve a copy of the plan in the Front Office.
achievement and include strategies to support
parental involvement. All Title I schools must jointly
develop with all parents a written parental
involvement policy.
20114-15-Fulton County Schools Goals
Graduation Rate 90% of Fulton students
will graduate on time.
College Readiness 85% of Fulton’s seniors
will be eligible for admission to a University
System of Georgia college or university.
Work readiness 100% of FCS graduates
will be work-ready certified.
Let’s Get Together!
Cliftondale Elementary will host the following
events to build the capacity for strong parental
involvement to support a partnership among the
school, parents, and the community to improve
School-Parent Compacts
As part of this plan, Cliftondale
2014-15 School Goals
Elementary and our families have
At Cliftondale, we will work to improve
developed a school-parent compact,
student performance in Reading and Math.
Our goal is to increase Reading
performance with an emphasis on Reading
for Information for every Kindergarten
through 5 grade student. The goal for
Math is to increase growth for every
student in the areas of Numerical
Operations and Measurement and Data
Analysis. We look forward to creating a
partnership to support our students in
achieving these goals.
which is an agreement that parents,
teachers, and students will develop
together. It explains how parents and
teachers will work together to make
sure all our students reach grade-level
standards. The compacts will be
reviewed and updated annually based
on feedback from parents, students
student academic achievement.
Annual Title I Meeting-September 25, 2014
6:00pm until 7:00 p.m.
 Learn about Title I funding at Cliftondale, how
funds are dispersed and school goals for the
school year. We invite you to learn and share
about our Title I program including our
parent involvement policy, the school wide
plan, and review the home/school compacts.
Parent-Teacher Conferences-October 2014
 Scheduled updates on your child’s progress.
Technology Workshop- October 28, 2014
and teachers. The school-parent
 Parents will enjoy learning online techniques
compacts are kept with each child’s
that will encourage Reading and Math at
teacher if parents need a copy.
Math Workshop: Building Number Sense
 Learn how math integration can be fun.
Future Events will be posted on the schools
website, and announced through take home
flyers, email, and voice messenger.
Cliftondale is Branching Out!
Parental Involvement
Cliftondale Elementary believes that parent
involvement means the participation of
Cliftondale Elementary will take the following measures to promote and support
parents in regular two-way, meaningful
parents as an important foundation of the school in order to strengthen the school
communication involving student academic
and reach our school goals. We will –
learning and other school activities, including
ensuring –
 Ensure that all information related to school and parent programs, meetings,
and other activities is published and posted on the school website and included
That parents play an integral role in
in the monthly school newsletter for all parents.
assisting their child’s learning;
That parents are encouraged to be actively
involved in their child’s education at
parents to understand the school’s academic standards and assessments as well
as the ways parents can monitor their child’s progress and work with educators.
That parents are full partners in their
child’s education and are included, as
appropriate, in decision-making and on
advisory committees to assist in the
education of their child;
 Share information on the school website and in the school newsletter for
The carrying out of other activities as
described in this plan.
Cliftondale Elementary is committed to
helping our parents attend the parental
 Communicate with all families and the community on a regular basis regarding
school wide events and activities, such as phone messages, email, voice
messages, and flyers.
 Provide necessary materials for parents at conferences, meetings, and activities
to help parents work with their child to improve their child’s achievement.
 Inform parents of classes to help further enhance their various education
activities listed in this plan. Please contact us
for more information.
Cherrika Holloman, Parent Liaison
 Listen and respond to parents’ requests for additional support for parental
involvement activities.
School Community Team
Parent Advisory Committee
This committee is open to all Cliftondale parents.
Cliftondale Elementary invites all parents to
join the Title I Parent Involvement Committee
to share ideas and ways to involve other
parents to build partnerships with school,
families, and the community. The team will
meet four times during the school year, but
parents can also submit their ideas or
suggestions during all activities and meetings
as well as through our parent surveys and
website. If you would like to learn more about
Yes, I am excited about joining the PAC
Yes, please contact me so I can learn more about the PAC
Yes, this sounds like a great idea, please keep me posted about future meetings
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Child’s Name and Grade: ___________________________________________________
Email Address: __________________________________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________________________________
Email address: ____________________________________________________
the Title I Parent Involvement Committee
please contact Parent Liaison, Cherrika
Holloman, at
or complete the interest form and leave it in
the Main Office.
Share Your Thoughts
We want to hear from you. If you have any suggestions or if there is any part of this plan
that you feel is not satisfactory with the students’ and the school’s goals for academic
achievement, please provide us with your comments in the space provided and leave this
form in the Main Office:
Parent Resource Center Information
Cliftondale Elementary Parent Center is
located in the Media Center. Hours are
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Name: (optional) _______________________________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: (optional) _________________________________________________________________
Parent Liaison, Cherrika Holloman can be
reached by phone 770-774-4060 ext. 130 or
by email