Applications of Health Information Technology

Applications of Health Information Technology
Course Number: 25.49600
Georgia Standard
Georgia HOSA Competitive
How It Relates
HS-AHIT-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business & industry.
1.1 Communicate effectively through
*Interviewing Skills (*IS)
*IS – Writing, speaking, listening, reading, & interpersonal skills.
writing, speaking, listening, reading &
*Speaking Skills (*SS)
*SS – Writing, speaking, & interpersonal skills.
interpersonal abilities.
Biomedical Debate (BD)
BD – Speaking, listening, reading, & interpersonal skills.
Extemporaneous Health
EHP – Reading & interpersonal skills.
Poster (EHP)
EW – Writing & reading.
Extemporaneous Writing
JSS – Writing, speaking, listening, reading & interpersonal skills.
MR – Writing, reading.
Job Seeking Skills (JSS)
MRC – Communication & interpersonal skills.
Medical Reading (MR)
MS – Writing, speaking, listening, & reading.
Medical Spelling (MS)
PS – Writing, speaking, & interpersonal skills.
MRC Partnership (MRC)
RPS – Writing, speaking, & interpersonal skills.
Prepared Speaking (PS)
Research Persuasive
Speaking (RPS)
1.2 Demonstrate creativity with
Biomedical Debate (BD)
BD – Use multiple approaches to ask questions; debate.
multiple approaches to ask challenging Community Awareness (CA) CA – Creative procedures, methods, & products to raise awareness.
questions resulting in innovative
Extemporaneous Health
EHP – Creativity in drawing to raise awareness.
procedures, methods, & products.
Poster (EHP)
HE – Creative procedures, methods & products to raise awareness.
Health Education (HE)
PH – Creative procedures, methods, & products to present to public.
Public Health (PH)
1.3 Exhibit critical thinking & problem
*Interviewing Skills (*IS)
*IS – Critical thinking, problem solving skills & career planning.
solving skills to locate, analyze, & apply Creative Problem Solving
CPS – Critical thinking, problem solving skills, analyze, & apply
information in career planning &
employment situations.
Health Career Display (HCD) HCD – Apply information in career planning.
Job Seeking Skills (JSS)
JSS – Critical thinking, problem solving skills, & career planning.
MRC Partnership (MRC)
1.4 Model work readiness traits
required for success in the workplace
including integrity, honesty,
accountability, punctuality, time
management, & respect for diversity.
1.5 Apply the appropriate skill sets to
be productive in a changing,
technological, & diverse workplace to
be able to work independently,
interpret data, & apply teamwork skills.
*Interviewing Skills (*IS)
*Speaking Skills (*SS)
Conference Dress Code
Job Seeking Skills (JSS)
Prepared Speaking (PS)
Researched Persuasive
Speaking (RPS)
Biomedical Debate (BD)
Community Awareness (CA)
Creative Problem Solving
Forensic Medicine (FM)
Health Career Display (HCD)
Health Education (HE)
HOSA Bowl (HB)
Medical Innovation (MI)
Parliamentary Procedures
Public Service
Announcement (PSA)
All Competitive Events
Conference Dress Code
MRC – Critical thinking, problem solving skills, apply information for
career planning, & employment situations.
*IS – Model work readiness traits.
*SS – Model work readiness traits.
Conference dress code models work readiness traits.
JSS – Model work readiness traits.
PS – Model work readiness traits.
RPS – Model work readiness traits.
BD – Diversity, interpret data, & apply teamwork.
CA – Diversity, interpret data, & apply teamwork.
CPS – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
FM – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
HCD – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
HE – Diversity, apply teamwork.
HB – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
MI – Technological environment, interpret data, & apply teamwork.
PP – Interpret data & apply teamwork.
PSA – Technological environment & apply teamwork.
1.6 Present a professional image
Dress code requires students to be in a navy blue or black suit at all
through appearance, behavior, &
HS-AHIT-2 Design a mobile application & demonstrate utilization in a medical setting.
2.1 Design a mobile app using a
Medical Innovations (MI)
MI – up and coming technology.
simulated mobile app tool.
2.2 Demonstrate (in a simulated
Health Education (HE)
HE – teaching a patient.
setting) training a healthcare provider
Medical Innovations (MI)
MI – delivery of healthcare.
how to teach a patient to utilize the
mobile app.
2.3 Research devices used for remote
Medical Innovation (MI)
MI – up and coming technology.
patient monitoring.
HS-AHIT-3 Examine the information technology services in hospitals & the major functional categories.
3.1 Differentiate between hospitalHOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
based IT & provider offices & other
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Testing & Procedure II
medical facilities IT systems.
3.2 Explain the basic hospital IT
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA - Testing
3.3 Evaluate a hospital IT organization
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
& leadership & the clinical staff &
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA - Testing
hospital leadership (CEO, COO, CFO, &
3.4 Explain the variety of IT services in a HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Testing
3.5 Describe the major functional
Clinical Nursing (CN)
CN – Testing & Procedures I, II, III, IV, V, & VI
categories of HIT in hospitals & the
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
related applications including the
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Testing
administrative, financial, & clinical.
HS-AHIT-4 Demonstrate the three main groups of HIT applications in hospitals including the clinical functions of HIT in a simulated format.
4.1 Examine the administrative
Clinical Nursing (CN)
CN – Testing
functions of HIT, including ADT
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
(Admissions, Discharge, Transfer), &
enterprise-wide scheduling.
4.2 Evaluate the financial functions of
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA - Testing
the HIT, including charge capture,
revenue cycle, & patient accounting.
4.3 Research the clinical functions of
Biomedical Laboratory
BLS – Testing
HIT including; hospital departmental
Science (BLS)
CN – Testing
information systems, hospital
Clinical Nursing (CN)
HB – Round 2 questions
electronic prescription & pharmacy
HOSA Bowl (HB)
KT-Ph – Testing
system, medication dispensation
Knowledge Test:
MA - Testing
challenges, & robotic dispensation,
Pharmacology (KT-Ph)
medical imaging & radiology systems, & Medical Assisting (MA)
laboratory information systems.
4.4 Investigate the concept & role of
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Procedure III
the clinical decision support systems in
4.5 Evaluate HIT applications for
Clinical Nursing (CN)
CN – Testing
physicians & nurses at bedside,
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Testing & Procedure III
including the following: medical
diagnoses, Computerized Physician
Order Entry, computer-based patient
record system, nursing applications &
documentation, planning & outcome
identification, & nursing care plan with
effective documentation & charting.
4.6 Investigate medication
Clinical Nursing (CN)
CN – Testing & Procedures I & II
administration, including the following: HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
what can go wrong, the right method
Knowledge Test:
KT-Ph - Testing
of medication administration & process Pharmacology (KT-Ph)
HS-AHIT-5 Research the functionality & role of the Electronic Health Record system.
5.1 Research the functionality & role of Knowledge Test: Medical
L&E – Testing
the Electronic Health Record (EHR)
Law & Ethics (L&E)
MA – Testing & Procedures I & II
system, including major features &
Medical Assisting (MA)
components, impact on patient safety
& outcomes, & the benefits &
implementation challenges.
HS-AHIT-6 Evaluate health information flow & differentiate open systems interoperability & closed isolated systems.
6.1 Describe what is meant by open
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Testing & Procedure II
systems & interoperability versus
closed isolated systems.
6.2 Discuss the role of data repositories Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Procedures I & II
& the challenges with incoming data
6.3 Describe health information flow in Medical Assisting (MA)
MA – Procedures II & III
a fully integrated, open environment,
Medical Terminology (MT)
MT – Testing
as well as the role of EHR in this
HS-AHIT-7 Adhere to patient privacy, security, & confidentiality regulations.
7.1 Describe the concept & importance *Personal Care (*PC)
*PC – Procedures III & IV
of patient privacy, security &
Clinical Nursing (CN)
CN – Testing
confidentiality including the following:
Dental Science (DS)
DS – Testing
HIPPA security regulations, protected
Home Health Aide (HHA)
HHA – Testing
health information & how to protect
HOSA Bowl (HB)
HB – Round 2 questions
them, security program model, risk
Knowledge Test: Medical
L&E – Testing
assessment & management, & risk
Law & Ethics (L&E)
MA – Testing & Procedures, I, II, & III
identification & mitigation.
Medical Assisting (MA)
NA – Testing
Nursing Assisting (NA)
PT - Testing
Physical Therapy (PT)
HS-AHIT-8 Evaluate the challenges associated with implementation of the Health Information Exchange, CCDs (Continuity of Care Documents)
& CCRS (Continuity of Care Record).
8.1 Research the concept & practice of Medical Assisting (MA)
MA - Testing
Health Information Exchange (HIE),
CCDs, & CCRs.
8.2 Explain the challenges in
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA - Testing
implementing the Health Information
Exchange (HIE).
8.3 Describe how to overcome the
Medical Assisting (MA)
MA - Testing
connectivity issues between
heterogeneous systems & data
exchange challenges.
8.4 Describe the role of standards such Medical Assisting (MA)
MA - Testing
as Health Level 7, Digital Imaging &
Communications in Medicine, &
solutions such as Service Oriented
HS-AHIT-9 Assess the HIT project life cycle & the role of HIT project management.
9.1 Investigate the process &
Medical Innovations (MI)
MI – Project management
challenges of HIT system acquisition &
9.2 Explain the role & importance of
Medical Innovations (MI)
MI – Project management
project management.
9.3 Evaluate a HIT project life cycle.
Medical Innovations (MI)
MI – Project management
9.4 Identify the HIT project
Medical Innovations (MI)
MI – Project management
management components & stages.
9.5 Explain project planning, work
Medical Innovations (MI)
MI – Project management
breakdown structure, & scheduling.
9.6 Describe the formal process of
Medical Innovations (MI)
MI – Project management
requirements identification, RFP
preparation, assessment, evaluation,
implementation strategies, & risk
9.7 Explore project management
Medical Innovations (MI)
MI – Project management
concepts including “waterfall
development”, SCRUM development, &
Lean Development.
HS-AHIT-10 Evaluate the effectiveness & success of a successful telemedicine program.
10.1 Assess the telehealth industry &
Healthcare Issues Exam
HIE – Testing
growth in Georgia & across the US.
HB – Round 2 questions
HOSA Bowl (HB)
MA – Testing & Procedure I
Medical Assisting (MA)
10.2 Evaluate nonclinical application of Healthcare Issues Exam
HIE – Testing
HB – Round 2 questions
HOSA Bowl (HB)
MA – Testing & Procedure I
Medical Assisting (MA)
10.3 Research the integrative strategies Healthcare Issues Exam
HIE – Testing
that bring these two modalities,
MA – Testing & Procedures I, II, & III
telemedicine, & telehealth, together
Medical Assisting (MA)
for a more connected care / patient
medical home model.
10.4 Evaluate the necessary set-up of a Healthcare Issues Exam
HIE – Testing
telemedicine presenting/patient site & (HIE)
HHA – Testing
the medical provider site.
Home Health Aide (HHA)
MA – Testing
Medical Assisting (MA)
NA - Testing
Nursing Assisting (NA)
10.5 Perform (in a simulated lab
Healthcare Issues Exam
HIE – Testing
setting) or observe clinical telemedicine (HIE)
HHA – Testing
applications, & proper storage &
Home Health Aide (HHA)
MA – Testing
forwarding techniques of a
Medical Assisting (MA)
NA - Testing
telemedicine conference.
Nursing Assisting (NA)
HS-AHIT-11 Demonstrate technical skills necessary for working with electronic health records.
11.1 Perform or observe skills related
Dental Terminology (DT)
DT – Testing
to utilization of hospital electronic
Knowledge Test:
Ph – Testing
health records & other health IT
Pharmacology (Ph)
THC – Testing
platforms including: eMAR, patient
Knowledge Test:
MA – Testing & Procedures I, II & III
charting, reporting, ePrescribing, &
Transcultural Healthcare
MT - Testing
patient demographics.
Medical Assisting (MA)
Medical Terminology (MT)
HS-AHIT-12 Evaluate the value of health analytics.
12.1 Analyze what clinical data can
reveal about a patient’s health status.
12.2 Assess the use of health analytics
& the potential for a move to
personalized medicine.
12.3 Evaluate how technology can be
used to enhance the overall healthcare
*Personal Care (*PC)
Biomedical Laboratory
Science (BLS)
Clinical Nursing (CN)
Medical Assisting (MA)
Nursing Assisting (NA)
Veterinary Science (VS)
Healthcare Issues Exam
Home Health Aide (HHA)
Healthcare Issues Exam
HOSA Bowl (HB)
Knowledge Test: Medical
Law & Ethics (L&E)
*PC – Procedure V
BLS – Testing & Procedures IV & V
CN – Procedure III
MA – Testing & Procedures I, II & III
NA – Procedure VI
VS – Procedure V
HIE – Testing
HHA - Testing
HIE – Testing
HB – Round 2 questions
L&E - Testing