Excel 2 Instructions

Computer Technology
Excel 2 Assignments 1
Situation: Your manager at i-phone-u-phone has asked you to
create an inventory report. He wants you to calculate the total
value of the products in inventory and the total profit of the
1. Open the Excel 2—Activity 1Inventory file from the Shared Drive
2. Insert two blank rows above row 1
a. In cell A1 key in the title i-Phone-u-Phone hint: Make sure you are in A1
b. Merge and center A1:G1 hint: highlight A1:G1 press Merge & Center icon in the Alignment
d. In cell A2 key in the subtitle Inventory List
Merge and center A2:G2
3. Change the spreadsheet theme to Office Hint: Page Layout Tab
Apply a Title Style to A1:A2
 Add a dark blue fill color
 Change the font color to white
 Increase the font size in A1 to 24pt and A2 to 20pt
5. Change the document properties
 Author: Your name
 Title: Excel 2 – Activity 1
 Subject: Class Period
6. Save as per# last, first—Excel 2 Activity 1 in your Excel 2 folder
7. In cell G3 add the column heading Total Profit
8. Apply a Heading 3 style to A3:G3 Hint: Cell Styles
a. Text wrap any columns that contain 2 or more
words hint: alt + enter
b. Center the titles
9. Apply a Currency Style to the amounts in Column C and D
10. Change the following column widths
a. A – 10.00
b. B – Autofit to contents Hint: Double click between column headings
c. C:D – 12.25
d. E – Autofit to contents
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e. F:G – 15.00
10. Center the contents of column E (you might have to click the center button a couple of times)
11. Perform the following calculations
a. F4 calculate the Value of the inventory
= Cost * Quantity in Stock
b. G4 calculate the Total Profit in Inventory
=(Selling price – Cost)*Quantity in stock
Use the fill handle to copy the formulas in column F and G down through the remaining list of
inventory items
12. In row 44
a. In A44 type the word Total
b. Use the auto sum button to determine the totals for column F and G
c. Merge and Center A44:E44
d. Right align the Total
e. Apply a Total Style to A44:G44 hint: you may have to adjust the column widths to fit the
13. Key in the following information and right align each cell title
a. B46 – Maximum
b. B47- Minimum
c. B48 – Average
14. Perform the following calculations using the Autosum Button (make sure you select to correct
a. In cells C46 determine the Maximum for column C
b. In cell C47 determine the Minimum for column C
c. In cell C48 determine the Average for column C
15. Fill the results of C46:C48 to D46:G48 hint: use the fill handle
16. Highlight the range of A3:G43
a. Use a Custom sort button to perform the following sorts
i. Quantity in stock – smallest to largest
ii. Total profit – smallest to largest
17. Change the number format in E46:E48 to number with no decimal places
18. Rename the sheet tab to Inventory
19. Insert a class header and footer
a. Change the view back to Normal
22. Change the following page set-up
a. Width fit to 1 page x Height fit to 1 page
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b. Print Gridlines and Headings
c. Page orientation Landscape
23. Print Preview your spreadsheet and compare with the key provided
a. Save as a PDF
b. Copy the sheet, name the new sheet Formulas, change to formula view Save as a PDF.
c. Upload all three files to edu20.org-regular view pdf, formula view pdf, Excel file.
Excel 2—Activity 2
Situation: Your manger at i-phone-u-phone has asked you calculate the minimum,
maximum, and average sales from last week’s Weekly Sales Report.
1. Open the Excel 2 – Activity 2 Weekly Sales file from the shared drive
2. Save as Per# Last, first—Excel 2 Activity 2 in your Excel 2 folder
3. Insert four blank rows above row 11
4. Key in the following information, Right Align and Bold each title
a. (A10) and (A22) Maximum
b. (A11) and (A23) Minimum
c. (A12) and (A24) Average
5. Perform the following calculations. Check your ranges carefully….DO NOT include the Total in
your range!
a. In B10, Max for the range for B5:B8. In B22, Max for range B16:20.
b. In B11, Min for the range for B5:B8. In B23, MIN for range B16:20
c. In B12, Average for the range for B5:B8, In B24, average for range B16:20
d. Use the fill handle to fill the functions across to columns C:E
6. Change the document properties
a. Author: Your name
b. Title: Excel 2 – Activity 2
c. Subject: Class Period
Update the header and footer in class format.
Save hint: click the save button on the quick access toolbar
8. Change the following page set-up
a. Landscape orientation
b. Width 1 page x Height 1 page
c. Print Gridlines and Headings
9. Print Preview your spreadsheet and compare with the key provided
a. Save as a PDF
b. Copy the sheet, name the new sheet Formulas, change to formula view Save as a PDF.
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c. Upload all three files to edu20.org-regular view pdf, formula view pdf, Excel file.
Excel 2—Activity 3
Situation: Your manger asked you to create a receipt that would be used whenever
someone made a purchase. Using what you have learned in this unit, create the receipt
1. Open a blank excel document. Save it as Per# Last, first—Excel 2 Activity 3 in your Excel 2 folder
2. Change the Theme to Berlin on the Page Layout Tab
AutoFit all
columns A:D
Merge &
Center A1:D1
Red fill, White
font, 20 pt
Thick Box
Border A1:A2
Heading 2
(Text will be brown)
Merge & Center
Brown Text 2 fill,
White font, 16 pt
Formula to
calculate Total
=Qty * Amt
Bottom border
Currency Style
AutoSum in D10
Range D4:D8
Formula to
Calculate Tax
=Sub Total * .07
Total Style
AutoSum in D12
Range D10:D11
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1. Insert header/footer
2. Prepare the document properties
3. Save hint: click the save button on the quick access toolbar
4. Change the following on the Page Layout Tab
a. Portrait orientation
b. Width 1 page x Height 1 page
c. Print Gridlines and Headings
5. Print Preview your spreadsheet and compare with the key provided
a. Save as a PDF
b. Copy the sheet, name the new sheet Formulas, change to formula view Save as a PDF.
c. Upload all three files to edu20.org-regular view pdf, formula view pdf, Excel file.
Excel 2—Activity 4
Situation: Your manger at i-phone-u-phone has asked you use last week’s
Work Schedule to calculate payroll for each employee.
1. Open the Excel 2 – Activity 4 Payroll file from the shared drive
2. Save as Per# last, first—Excel 2 Activity 4 to your Excel 2 folder
3. Add your own name to A12
4. Add the following titles
a. I2 – Hourly Wage
b. J2 – Gross Pay
c. K2 – Social Security
d. L2 – Medicare
e. M2 – FICA
f. N2 – State Tax
g. O2 – Net Pay
8. Apply a Heading 2 style to cells I2:O2 and Total style to
I13:O13 Hint: use cell styles or the format painter
9. Text wrap any columns that contain 2 or more words Hint: alt
+ enter
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10. Use this information to add the hourly wages in column I
for each employee
11. Perform the following calculations and then fill in for all
a. Gross Pay (J3) = Total * Hourly Wage
b. Social Security (K3) = Gross Pay * 0.062
c. Medicare (L3) =Gross Pay * 0.015
d. FICA (M3) = Gross Pay * 0.02
e. State Tax (J3) = Gross Pay * 0.017
Net Pay (O3)
=Gross Pay - Social Security – Medicare – FICA -State Tax OR
g. Use the AutoSum button to total columns J:O
Hint: Be sure to check the range
8. Apply a comma style to the range of J3:O12
9. Apply a currency style to the range of I13:O13
10. Fix cell A1 so it merge and centers from A1:O1 Hint: click cell A1 > merge & center > highlight
range A1:O1 > merge & center
11. Change the title in A1 from Work Schedule to Weekly Payroll
12. Change the column widths for B:O to 12.50
13. Rename the worksheet tab to Payroll
14. Create a header and footer in class format
a. Change the view back to Normal
15. Change the document properties
a. Author: Your name
b. Title: Excel 2 – Activity 4
c. Subject: Class Period
16. Change the following page set-up
a. Landscape orientation
b. Width 1 page x Height 1 page
c. Print Gridlines and Headings
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Print Preview your spreadsheet and compare with the key provided
 Save as a PDF
 Copy the sheet, name the new sheet Formulas, change to formula view Save as a PDF.
Upload all three files to edu20.org-regular view pdf, formula view pdf, Excel file.
Excel 2 – Activity 5 File Management
1. Take a screensnipping of the contents of your Excel 2 folder, paste in a new Word document
2. Add a class Header/Footer
3. Save the Word document as Per# Last, First—Excel 2 Activity 5 in your Excel 2 folder
4. Print the document and attach to your Excel 2 packet
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