2015 Dampier Classic Capture Section Rules The following rules are for the 2015 Dampier Classic and must be read in conjunction with appendices A, B, C. If an issue is not specifically dealt with in these rules, then the GFAA rules (Appx A) will apply. 1. GFAA rules will apply for both Capture and Tag & Release sections of this competition. All fish must be caught or tagged within 60 NM (101 km) of the KBGFC Gantry at Dampier and will not include the Monte Bello Island ,Glomar Shoal or Rankin Bank 2. At least one member of the team (preferably the skipper) must attend the competition briefing. Failure to do so will render the team ineligible to fish the competition no refunds will be given. 3. A working fitted VHF radio with a vessel mounted antenna is compulsory. If your radio fails during the competition you must be in a position to maintain phone contact with the radio base station (i.e. mobile, sat phone). You must have your radio replaced/repaired prior to the log on of the next day. The radio base for the 2014 Dampier Classic will be named the KING BAY BASE. There will be new radios and antennas at the gantry for purchase if required. You must radio the base station as soon as it is manned in the morning to inform them of vessel name, Persons on Board (POB), fuel and destination. All skeds and radio coverage will be on VHF ch 21. (Please note that your radio must be set on international and on hi power or it will not work correctly on channel 21). It is mandatory for all vessels to radio their position on all skeds (10am and 3.00pm) and to have communication coverage for the area they are fishing in. Daily log on will be between 7.00am and 8.00am or if you are leaving port after 8.00 am, radio the information as you depart the harbour. Failure to log on will result in the vessel being classed as not fishing the competition. If you change location during the day you must contact the base radio station and inform them of your new location. At the end of the day you must either log off with the radio base on your arrival at the ramp or if you are over-nighting please inform the base of your location for the night. For the safety of all competitors and emergency services personnel it is compulsory that these radio rules are adhered to. Failure to comply with the working radio, change of location and skeds rules may result in the points for the offending vessel being disqualified for that day. We would like to thank Woodside for the use of their VHF ch21 repeater station. With respect to that, please keep the use of ch21 to vessel to base communications, keep the language down and treat it with respect. For radio chat between boats call the vessel on ch21 then move to the appropriate channel. Note: If a team is fishing overnight the skipper must ensure that the vessel is in an area that has phone coverage (mobile or sat phone) to ensure that in an emergency they can contact the emergency contacts provided in the competition bags once the radio base station is unmanned. 4. The King Bay Game Fishing Club has an emergency/accident response procedure (Appx B). By instigating these procedures the club in no way infers, implies or accepts any responsibility or liability for personal injuries, loss or vessel damage that occurs while a team is fishing a competition organised by the King Bay Game Fishing Club. The responsibility for the safety of the vessel and its occupants of competing teams is the sole responsibility of the vessels skipper/owner. It is the skipper/owners responsibility to provide a vessel that complies with the DOT safety requirements and is a safe environment for the anglers to fish and to ensure that the vessel is not operating in conditions or in a manner that exceeds the vessels capabilities or puts the vessel and or its crew in danger. These documents cover issues such as restricting, suspending or cancelling periods of the competition due to bad weather and the clubs response to PAN or MAYDAY calls. Please see the accompanying documents, which include an inclement weather procedure (Appx C) on the King Bay Game Fishing Club web site. 5 Lines in at 0600 on Friday with compulsory Lines out at 1700 on Saturday, fish and tags must be presented to the weigh master or in line buy no later than 1800. Lines are not allowed back in until 0800 on Sunday and final lines out at 1700 on Monday with tags and fish to the weigh master or in line by 1800. Burley/chumming and live bait fishing is allowed before lines in. 6 If an angler is hooked up at between 1645 and 1700 Saturday and Monday they must radio in immediately to King Bay Base. The angler will be allowed to fight the fish until capture of loss. Radio confirmation is required when the result is known. No other team member can fish at this time. 7 The weigh-in will be conducted at the King Bay Game Fishing Club Gantry in Dampier All fish to be weighed with completed daily weigh sheets and tags must be handed in at least every second night. Any fish or tags handed to the weigh master or assistant that exceed the 2 day limit will not be eligible for points in the competition. The times for the weigh-in are 4.00pm to 6.00pm each day. 8 To assist anglers and the weigh master with the complexity of the state bag limits it is compulsory to complete a weigh sheet in the capture section. This weigh sheet must be completed prior to the anglers going to the weigh master. The daily weigh sheet will help the angler and the weigh master and his crew ensure that no one has exceeded their daily bag limit and should aid in a free flowing weigh-in. If the daily weigh sheet is not filled in the fish will not be weighed. This weigh sheet must be filled out in full including boat name, angler, age division, species captured, tags allocated for capture and the date. All tag cards for fish nominated for capture must accompany the Daily weigh sheet. Both the weigh master and angler must sign the daily weigh sheet once the fish have been weighed. There will be a weigh master assistant available at the gantry to assist any angler that has a problem with the daily weigh sheet prior to going to the weigh station. The 2 day limit for capture and tags will apply from time of weigh in. Example: if fish or tags are presented at 6.00pm Friday at the weigh station any fish caught between 6.00pm and 12.00pm Friday night will be classed as captured on Saturday and must be included on the weigh sheet for Saturday. 9 Line classes for capture shall be limited to 1kg, 2kg, 3kg, 4kg, 6kg, 8kg, 10kg, 15kg, 24kg, 37kg & 60kg. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to inspect and/or test any rod, Reel, rig or tackle used in the tournament. 10 Only IGFA rated and factory tested Mono will be accepted. The only exception to this is IGFA factory tested Dacron. No Pre-test Braid will be allowed 11 When a billfish is tagged regardless of which section It must be radioed to King Bay Base stating the following: Species Angler Time of tagging Estimated weight Line class At this time the angler may be asked to present the gear for inspection when next at the weigh station. Either Saturday or Monday if staying out fishing overnight. 12 A deposit of $50.00 will be required for the issue of 5 orange Billfish Tags. A Maximum of 20 game fish tags and 5 shark tags will be issued to each team on request; additional Game fish/Shark tags will require a further deposit of $50.00 also refundable on return of unused tags. All unused Tags must be returned at the completion of the Dampier Classic Monday at 6.00pm or the deposit will be forfeited. 13 All tag cards must be filled in with all required info including Lat/Longs/correct species identification (i.e. not just Mackerel) and signed by the angler and initialled by a team member before it will be accepted. As per below: 14 Tag cards can be presented at the weigh in daily. If a team choses to send their tags in with another boat they must be filled in correctly and it is not the team presenting the tags responsibility. Radioed billfish tag cards are not considered authenticated until they are receipted by the Weigh master. 15 Protests: A verbal intention to protest must be made to the Weigh master as soon as possible by the protester. This is to enable the Weigh master to preserve any evidence that may be needed by the committee if the fish/tag card is presented before the protester can attend the gantry. All protests must be lodged with the Weigh master in writing with a $100.00 deposit, which will be refunded, if the protest is upheld. Protests must be lodged before the close of weigh in at which the fish was weighed or tag card presented. No further protests will be accepted after completion of weigh in on the final day. The committee will consider all protests as soon as possible after receipt. The committee’s decision is final and the affected parties will be notified. a. In the event of a protest being upheld or incorrect trophy/prizes presented, all trophy/prizes must be returned to KBGFC immediately. 16 The KBGFC will not tolerate any unsportsmanlike like fishing. Fish need to be hooked and a fight ensues between the angler and fish I.e. burleying fish to the boat and grabbing the leader just after the bait is engulfed without a fight is considered as unsportsmanlike fishing. 17 Only in line circle hooks are to be used when live baiting for billfish. KBGFC strongly recommends that stainless steel hooks are not to be used in the capture to tag fish. 18. POINTS FOR CAPTURE WILL BE ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS Capture Points = Weight of fish x 100 ÷ Line Class a. The angler may only nominate 1 fish per line class and only the highest point scoring each for species will be allocated for individual capture point score and only 1 highest point scoring of each species will be allocated for champion boat capture. b. Billfish tagged in the capture section must use billfish tags, if another type of tag is used it will be disqualified. The tag card must be marked “capture”. If you nominate a tagged billfish as capture the fish cannot be used in another category (i.e. you will not get T&R points for that fish). Please note that all Marlin are considered one species for this tournament. All tagged billfish nominated for capture are line class based and the points allocated to the nominated tagged billfish on each allowed line class is per the point scoring matrix below. Tackle used in the capture of the fish must be presented with the card if requested by the radio operator. These will be random as per T&R billfish rules. Species/Group Marlin (all one species) Sailfish c. 3kg 4kg 6kg 8kg 10kg 15kg 300 24kg 200 37kg 150 200 150 100 Special Note If a black marlin has a lower jaw to fork measurement of at least 2.3m and is estimated to be 100kg plus it can be weighed and normal tagging points will apply. This must be communicated to the radio operator as soon as the fish is measured and secured. Heaviest black marlin will be a separate prize. The fish must be weighed inside the official weigh in times. The angler is responsible for removal of the fish after the weigh in. If being taken out to sea it must be taken outside of Hampton Harbour. Note: Please keep the fish in good condition as the flesh will be donated to a local aboriginal community and the internal organs will be used for scientific research. d. Sharks tagged in the capture section must use metal shark tags. If another type is used the fish will be disqualified. The angler may nominate only 1 in each line class and the highest point scoring tag for each species of shark will be allocated for individual capture point score and only 1 the highest point scoring of each species will be allocated for champion boat capture. All sharks must be over 100cm in length to be eligible to be tagged. The tag card must be marked “capture”. Please note that the length of the shark is the most important information required by the NSW DPI so please measure as accurately as you can and estimate the weight. Please note that GFAA and WAGFA no longer accept lemon sharks as an eligible species for tagging or capture. If you nominate a tagged shark for capture the fish cannot be used in another category (i.e. you will not receive tag and release points for the same tag). All tagged sharks nominated for capture are line class based and the points allocated for capture on each allowed line class is per the point scoring matrix below. Species/Group Tiger Shark** Whaler Shark** 3kg 4kg 6kg 8kg 10kg 15kg 300 24kg 200 37kg 150 100 75 50 200 150 100 (all one species) Hammerhead** (all one species) ** a. Minimum shark size for tagging = 100cm Special Note If a shark is measured and estimated 150kg plus it can be weighed and normal tagging points will apply. This must be communicated to the radio operator as soon as the fish is measured and secured. If at night when the radio is unattended it must be called through before 0700 the follow morning. Heaviest shark will be a separate prize. The fish must be weighed inside the official weigh in times. The angler is responsible for removal of the fish after the weigh in. If being taken out to sea it must be taken outside of Hampton Harbour. NOTE: Any shark that is weighed during the competition will be used for Scientific research into DNA and ageing processes. 18 All tag cards for billfish and sharks nominated for capture must be written on the daily capture sheet and the tag cards handed to the weigh master with the daily capture sheet. 19 All fish weighed must equal or exceed the line class they were captured on (This does not apply to fish tagged and nominated for capture). The angler must be present at the weigh-in of the fish that he or she has captured. In addition the fishing gear (i.e. rod/reel/rig) used in the capture must be presented for inspection. 20 All fish should be kept in good condition and free from mutilation, if a fish is presented for weigh-in in an advanced state of decay, it shall be at the sole discretion of the weigh master to weigh that fish and no protest or correspondence will be entered into. Frozen fish will not be accepted for weighing. 21 KBGFC Eligible Gamefish Species For Capture List (Dampier Classic) Please note State Bag limits apply in all sections NOTE: Barracuda Pick Handle is no longer an eligible species and has been replaced with the Bludger Trevally. Tuna Long tail has been re-allocated in the Fisheries WA state bag limits to Large Pelagic Finfish Aquatic Environment. Min Size Common Name Scientific Name Great Barracuda Sphyraena barracuda. Chinamanfish Symphorus nematophorus 75cm Cobia Rachycentron canadum 75cm Mackerel - Broad Barred Scomberomorus semifasciatus 90cm Mackerel - Narrow Barred Scomberomorus commerson 50cm Mackerel - Spotted Scomberomorus spp. Aquatic Environment Large Pelagic Finfish Demersal Finfish Large Pelagic Finfish Large Pelagic Finfish Large Pelagic Finfish Large Pelagic Finfish 50cm Tag & Nominate Tag & Nominate Mahi Mahi (Dolphinfish) Corypheana spp. Marlin - Black Makaira indica Queenfish Scomberoides spp. Rainbow Runner Elagtis bipinnulatus Sailfish Istiophorus platypterus 100cm Tag&Nom Shark - Tiger Galeocerdo cuvier 100cm Tag&Nom Shark - Whaler Carcharinus spp. 100cm Tag&Nom Shark - Hammerhead Sphyrna spp. Spangled Emperor Lethrinus Nebulosus Trevally - Big Eye Caranx sexfasciatus Trevally - Bludger Carangoides Gymnostethus Trevally - Giant Caranx ignoblis Trevally - Gold Spot Carangoidies fulvoguttatus Trevally - Golden Gnathanodon speciosus Tuna - Bigeye Thunnus obesus Tuna - Kawa Kawa Euthynnus affinis Tuna - Large Scale Grammatorcynus bicarinatus Tuna - Longtail Thunnus tonggol Tuna - Yellowfin Thunnus albacares Wahoo Acanthocybium solandri 41cm 50cm 90cm Large Pelagic Finfish Large Pelagic Finfish Nearshore Estuarine Nearshore Estuarine Large Pelagic Finfish Large Pelagic Finfish Large Pelagic Finfish Large Pelagic Finfish Demersal Finfish Nearshore Estuarine Nearshore Estuarine Large Pelagic Finfish Nearshore Estuarine Large Pelagic Finfish Large Pelagic Finfish Large Pelagic Finfish Large Pelagic Finfish Large Pelagic Finfish Large Pelagic Finfish Large Pelagic Finfish