Thursday February 5, 2015 PTA Executive Committee Meeting Present: Elana Spieth, Sara Forsythe, Shannon Slocum, Nancy Craft, Krissy Gallagher, Rochelle Snyder, Aphrodite Papadakis Approval of prior meeting minutes I. Events Committee a. Parents’ Night Out: 2/27 6-9pm i. $10/first kid. $5/each kid thereafter ii. Needs: 12 volunteers. iii. Shannon will ask Ms. Lang and Mr. Spears to act as caregivers. Ms. Lang will do for $50 b. All School Dance. April 24th. 6:30-8pm. $2/child. Dinner can be brought. Cookies/punch provided i. Dance for 30 min. then intermission. Then dance more. 1. Elana will d/w Ms. Stratton th c. 5 Grade Mixer Party. May 8th. 6-7:30pm i. Ask Canterbury and Roxboro how they structure the price Next mtg 2/18 5:30pm at Fairfax . 2. Playground committee Seatbelts on seesaws; Toddler swing in 2nd bay Remembrance project: school house. Rebecca and Trishka Nancy H. Sherwin. 3011 Corydon Rd. 216-321-5016. Volunteer to be “keeper” of the LFL ?drinking fountain. ?basketball hoop. Next meeting 2/23 9:15am 3. District PTA update Standardized testing grid. Number of tests given per grade. Discussion of this reality Will send out link for testing grid. refusing testing. (opting out of testing) Audit of breakfast foods available. Meeting. ? 2/11. Survey for students to complete forthcoming. 4. Fundraiser: Nancy Craft. Malley’s runs through 3/6/15. (real last date 3/11/15). Online til 3/30. 3/26/15 pick up orders at school. Top seller: Indian’s tix Top seller at each grade: Dewey’s pizza school Krissy recommends that student/adult go to each classroom and talk up the sale and prizes. Or do it during lunchtime. 5. Basketball Night 2/21/15. $5/kids. $6/adults. 7:30pm start time. 6. Iceskating party 3/28 4:30-6pm. Krissy with d/w Pam and Bruce re: details. PTA pays for skates 50/50 raffle 7. Literacy Night: Thursday 3/19. 6:30-8pm. Idea to change to a poetry café. Experiential. Few stations. Poem starters, poems to recite. At end of night walk away w/a completed project. Jazz trio/poet laureate/donated books. PTA has books to donate. Design prize packs and draw winners. (ie: book and pencil) $600 budget.. black paper. Snacks. Paying quartet $20/each. Stage materials $75. Sun glasses/berets: $40. PTA promises $500. Rochelle will shore up budget and get back to us if more needed. 8. hat/glove drive/coats. Church to assist. Message out to parents to bring in extras. Lunch aids to distribute hat/gloves. Krissy will d/w Melinda re: feasibility. 9. Sara Forsythe. Ambassador club: bulletin board in each elementary school to sell middle school 10. Pastries for Parents 3/5/15. 3rd/4th grade parents. Arrange 5th grade breakfast to meet 6th/7th graders currently at middle school 11. Future directions for the PTA: stay the course at this time. 6/28 Cain Park: Tamar Gray performing. Meeting Adjourned.