Embracing Diversity: Driving Success CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW ROCHELLE 2015-16 CALENDAR & DIRECTORY www.nred.org www.facebook.com/newrochelleschools @NewRochelleED A MESSAGE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT AND BOARD OF EDUCATION Dear CSDNR Community, During the 2015-16 school year, our district will be embarking upon a bold, innovative plan to shape the future of our schools. Despite the challenges posed by the New York State property tax cap legislation and numerous other unfunded or underfunded state mandates, we have put in place a solid plan to simultaneously support teaching and learning in every classroom, including making significant investments in our facilities. CSDNR Board of Education We will continue to offer high-quality academic programs, maintain favorable class sizes, and ensure safe, secure schools. We can proudly celebrate the achievements of our recently graduated 2015 student scholars, athletes, and humanitarians, as we look forward to more success this school year. These accomplishments included nominees to the 2015 U.S. Presidential Scholars Program, an Intel Science Talent Search Semifinalist, Division I college athletic scholarships, and a top 10 in the nation youth volunteer Prudential Spirit of Community Award. New this year, we will launch a three-year districtwide Wi-Fi installation initiative that expands the use of Chromebooks, allowing us to continue supporting college and career readiness skills in technology. We have also reduced antiquated staff roles and added needed new ones to maximize how we are supporting all students. Thank you as always for joining us as we work together to implement the core mission of our district’s Strategic Roadmap: The City School District of New Rochelle, through an active partnership amongst community, parents, staff and students, will provide access to a high quality and challenging education for every child, in a safe, nurturing environment that embraces our rich diversity and drives our success. There are wonderful things happening in the New Rochelle schools! Most Sincerely, Brian G. Osborne, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools and the CSDNR Board of Education BOARD OF EDUCATION CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION Lianne Merchant, President Brian G. Osborne, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools (914) 576-4200 bosborne@nredlearn.org Diane Massimo, Ph.D., Associate Superintendent (914) 576-4206 dmassimo@nredlearn.org Rachel Relkin, Vice President lmerchant@newrochelle.k12.ny.us rrelkin@newrochelle.k12.ny.us (914) 576- 4300 Maddali Atallah matallah@newrochelle.k12.ny.us Jeffrey T. White, C.P.A., C.G.M.A., Assistant Superintendent for Business and Administration (914) 576-4240 jwhite@nredlearn.org Naomi Brickel nbrickel@newrochelle.k12.ny.us Joseph H. Williams, Assistant to the Superintendent for Human Resources (914) 576-4213 jwilliams@nredlearn.org Lisdalia Saraiva, Clerk & Secretary to Board of Education (914) 576-4219 lsaraiva@nredlearn.org Salvador A. Fernandez, Ed.D. salfernandez@newrochelle.k12.ny.us Carol Amorello, Treasurer (914) 576-4247 camorello@nredlearn.org Jeffrey Hastie jhastie@newrochelle.k12.ny.us Christine Coleman, D.P.S., Director of Technology (914) 576-4648 ccoleman@nredlearn.org David Lacher dlacher@newrochelle.k12.ny.us Rhonda Jones, Ph.D., Director of Pupil Services (914) 576-4274 rjones@nredlearn.org Arturo Rivera, Director of Facilities (914) 576-4222 arivera@nredlearn.org Yvette Goorevitch, Director of Special and Alternative Education (914) 576-4268 ygoorevitch@nredlearn.org Adrienne Weiss-Harrison, M.D., F.A.A.P., Medical Director/School Physician (914) 576-4264 aweiss@nredlearn.org Susan Yom, Director of Research, Assessment, and Accountability (914) 576-6780 syom@nredlearn.org Elena Dilion, Supervisor of ELL and Dual Language Programs (914) 576-8249 edilion@nredlearn.org Pamela M. Davis, Ed.D. Chrisanne M. Petrone pamdavis@newrochelle.k12.ny.us cpetrone@newrochelle.k12.ny.us Published by the Board of Education of the City School District of New Rochelle. Produced by the Public Information Office. Find us on the web at www.nred.org; on Facebook: The City School District of New Rochelle; on Twitter: @NewRochelleED www.nred.org CALENDAR AND DIRECTORY OF THE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF NEW ROCHELLE 2015-2016 BOARD MEETINGS The Board’s regular monthly meetings held in public are generally scheduled on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at various schools throughout the district. A Committee of the Whole session is generally held on the last Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., except in July and August. Parents and residents are invited to attend all meetings. Meetings are listed in the calendar and announced in the local media. COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE BOARD The Board provides time at its regular monthly meetings for the public to be heard. Speakers may be included on the Board’s printed agenda by contacting the Clerk and Secretary (576-4219) at least one day prior to the Board’s meeting. Additionally, the Board may set aside a time slot during the Committee of the Whole session held in public on the last Tuesday of the month for an informal discussion with members of the public. Residents who wish to communicate with the Board by letter may address their communication to the President, Board of Education, 515 North Avenue, New Rochelle, NY, 10801. Questions concerning administrative matters or individual students should not be directed to the Board until the appropriate staff members or administrators have first been contacted. In cases of questions or problems concerning a student, parents should first contact the teacher or guidance counselor, then the principal, and then, if necessary, the Superintendent of Schools or his staff. If after these contacts, questions still remain, the matter may then be brought to the attention of the Board of Education. Experience has shown that most problems can be resolved with the least delay if the staff member nearest the problem is approached first. 2015-16 SCHOOL DATES* Sept. 8 Sept. 9 Sept. 14 Sept. 15 Sept. 23 Oct. 12 Nov. 3 Nov. 11 Nov. 26-27 Dec. 24-Jan. 3 Jan. 4 Jan. 18 Feb. 15-19 Mar. 25 April 25-29 April 28 April 29 May 30 June 24 Staff Only - Superintendent’s Conference Day (Tues.) Schools Open - Opening Day for Students (Wed.) Elementary Half Day (including Kindergarten) Schools & Offices Closed - Rosh Hashanah (Mon.) Schools & Offices Closed - Rosh Hashanah (Tues.) Schools & Offices Closed – Yom Kippur (Wed.) Schools & Offices Closed - Columbus Day (Mon.) Schools Closed – Election Day (Tues.) Schools & Offices Closed - Veterans Day (Wed.) Schools & Offices Closed - Thanksgiving Holiday (Thurs.-Fri.) Schools Closed - Winter Recess Offices Closed 12/24, 12/25, 12/31, 1/1 Schools Reopen (Mon.) Schools & Offices Closed - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Mon.) Schools Closed – Mid-Winter Recess (Mon.-Fri.) Offices Closed 2/15 Schools & Offices Closed – Good Friday (Fri.) Spring Recess – Schools Closed (Mon.-Fri.) Offices Closed 4/25 Weather Make-Up Day #2 (Thurs.) Weather Make-Up Day #1 (Fri.) Memorial Day – Schools & Offices Closed (Mon.) Last Day Of School (Fri.) *Calendar is subject to change. Updates will be published regularly on nred.org. Please contact your child’s school with any questions regarding calendar changes. **New York State requires a minimum 180-day calendar. If schools must be closed more than two days due to inclement weather or other emergency, school will be held for a full day on April 29. If an additional day is needed, April 28 will be used. Parents with questions concerning days of religious observance should contact their principals. HALF-DAYS The following days are scheduled half-days for parent-teacher conferences or curriculum/professional development. Sept. 9 Sept. 28 Oct. 14 Oct. 19 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Jan. 11 Feb. 8 Mar. 7 June 13 June 22-24 June 24 Schools Open - Elementary Half Day (including Kindergarten) Half Day All Schools - Professional Development (Mon.) NRHS Only Half Day - PSAT Administration Half Day All Schools– Professional Development (Mon.) Half Day All Schools - Professional Development/ Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences (Mon.) Elementary Half Day - Parent Teacher Conferences Half Day All Schools – Professional Development (Mon.) Half Day All Schools – Professional Development (Mon.) Half Day All Schools - Professional Development/ Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences (Mon.) Elementary Half Day (Mon.) Elementary Half Days (Wed.-Fri.) Last Day of School NEW ROCHELLE SCHOOL DISTRICT TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 914-576-4300 BOARD OF EDUCATION - CITY HALL 21st Century Program Manager Accounts Payable Accounting Accountability & Assessment ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENTS: - Business & Administration - Business & Administration - Curriculum & Instruction - Curriculum & Instruction - Instructional Support Services - Instructional Support Services - Human Resources - Human Resources Assistant Business Administrator Attendance Buildings & Grounds Census Civil Service Personnel Clerk & Secretary Clerk & Secretary Custodian Data Processing Data Processing English Language Learners Inst. FAX (District) Funded Programs Office Health Insurance Health Services Health Services Magnet Office Payroll Personnel - Teacher Personnel - Civil Service Public Information Pupil Services Purchasing Purchasing Risk Management Special Education Office Special Education Superintendent Teacher Absence 5pm-8:30am Technology Director Technology Director Transportation 576-4070 576-4243 576-4245 576-6780 576-4240 FAX 576-5395 576-4204 FAX 576-4602 576-4206 FAX 576-4233 576-4214 FAX 576-9437 576-4444 576-4253 576-4222 576-4288 576-4227 576-4219 FAX 576-4613 576-4257 576-4210 FAX 576-4294 576-8249 632-4144 576-4234 576-4254 576-4264 FAX 576-4295 576-4622 576-4245 576-4213 576-4227 576-4305 576-4274 576-4252 FAX 576-4218 576-4255 576-4268 FAX 576-4295 576-4200 576-4306 576-4648 FAX 576-4294 576-4230 Treasurer Worker’s Compensation 576-4247 576-4255 ADULT EDUCATION 576-4547, 4548 ALBERT LEONARD M.S. Main Office 576-4339 Principal 576-4340 Administrative Dean 576-4319 Assistant Principal 576-4341 Audio Visual 576-4312 Counselors 576-4313, 4315, 4320, 4321 Custodian 576-4322 Humanities Chair 576-4334 Library 576-4326 Mathematics 576-4327 Nurse 576-4331, 4325 Psychologists 576-4311, 4318 Science 576-4333 Social Work 576-4310, 8086, 8080 GENERAL FAX 576-4784 BARNARD SCHOOL Main Office/Principal Assistant Principal/Magnet Pre-K Nurse Custodian Preschool Speech PSSLLC FAX Psychologist Social Work GENERAL FAX CAMPUS SCHOOL 576-4386 576-4606 576-4388 576-4391 576-4387 576-4390 576-4286 576-4385 576-4394 576-4625 576-4393, 4397 FAX 576-4647 COLUMBUS ELEMENTARY Main Office Principal Assistant Principal Technology Specialist Math Facilitator Nurse Custodian Psychologist Social Work Speech Language 576-4400 576-4401 576-4402 576-4465 576-4389 576-4410 576-4409 576-4408 576-4407 576-4717 GENERAL FAX 576-4628 DANIEL WEBSTER ELEMENTARY JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY Main Office/Principal 576-4460 Assistant Principal 576-4680 Custodian 576-4463 Magnet Facilitator 576-4468 Nurse 576-8411 Library 576-4459 Psychologist 576-4466 Social Work 576-4467 Speech Language 576-4469 GENERAL FAX 576-4479 Main Office/Principal 576-4430 Main Office/Assistant Principal 576-4431 Nurse 576-4429 Custodian 576-4427 Psychologist 576-4428 Social Work 576-4433 Speech/Language 576-4424 GENERAL FAX 576-4631 GEORGE M. DAVIS JR. ELEMENTARY Main Office/Principal Assistant Principal Nurse Custodian Magnet Psychologist Social Work 576-4420 576-4421 576-4422 576-4414 576-4419 576-4415 576-4416 GENERAL FAX 576-4225 TRINITY ELEMENTARY Main Office/Principal 576-4440 Main Office/Assistant Principal 576-4441 Administrative Assistant to Principal 576-4239 Nurse 576-4663 Custodian 576-4438 Psychologist 576-4435 Social Work 576-4434 Speech Language 576-4437 Technology Specialist 576-4443 GENERAL FAX 576-4266 ISAAC E. YOUNG M.S. WILLIAM B. WARD ELEMENTARY Main Office/Principal 576-4360 Administrative Dean 576-4345 Assistant Principal 576-4379 Counselors 576-4358, 4365, 4373, 4363 Custodian 576-4351 Humanities Chair 576-4376 Guidance 576-4367 Library 576-4364 Mathematics 576-4381 Nurse 576-4368 Psychologist 576-4366, 4359 Science 576-4353 Social Work 576-4377, 4346 Special Education 576-1192 GENERAL FAX 632-2738 Main Office/Principal 576-4450 Administrative Assistant to Principal 576-4392 Assistant Principal 576-4451 Library 576-4445 Attendance 576-4452 Nurse 576-4453, 4473 Custodian 576-4456 Psychologist 576-4448, 4454 Social Work 576-4478, 8023 Speech Language 576-4396, 4655 GENERAL FAX 576-4263 NEW ROCHELLE HIGH SCHOOL Main Office Adult Education Assistant Principal Attendance Band Room Business Cafeteria Chorale Room Custodian ESL Coordinator ESL Coordinator Food Service 576-4500 576-4547 576-4504 576-4495 576-4779 576-4549 576-4550 576-5635 576-4554 576-4530 FAX 576-4284 576-4216 Foreign Language Guidance Guidance Health Office Hispanic Liaison Officer House 1 House 2 House 3 House 4 Language Arts Learning Disabilities Program Library Main Office Mathematics Media Center Model Congress Nurse Nurse Orchestra Room PAVE Physical Education Planetarium Principal Psychologist Registrar Science Social Studies Social Work Special Education Staff Resource Center Student Assistance WISE Youth Employment Services 576-4559 576-4542 FAX 576-4560 576-4575 576-4484 576-4516 576-4525 576-4530 576-5093 576-4488 576-4595 576-4562 576-4500 576-4564 576-4566 576-4541 576-4575 FAX 632-4232 576-4112 576-5643 576-4586 576-4589 576-4502 576-4539 576-4592 576-4596 576-4597 576-4490 576-8292 576-4593 576-4551 576-4524 632-9890 www.nred.org NEW ROCHELLE COUNCIL OF PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATIONS 2015-2016 PTA COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President: Roland Rogers, roland@kirkor.com • President-Elect: Suyen Taylor, blakewt@aol.com Treasurer: Karen Gray, kkpolkgray@me.com • Reporting Secretary: Angelica Guel, aguel@hotmail.com UNIT PRESIDENTS Trinity Elementary President: Kathy Townley, kdhtownley@aol.com President-Elect: Evelyn Gonzalez, evgreggon@aol.com President: Helen Berrios, lionises@gmail.com President-Elect: Tita Damiani, djtita@aol.com PTA Council Rep.: Mary Monzon, monzon23@optonline.com Albert Leonard M.S. Ward Elementary President: Fran Nordquist, fvnordquist@aol.com President-Elect: Nancy Podhradsky, mrsnpod@verizon.net PTA Council Rep.: Karen Selman, karenkeller@att.net President: Tracy Hill, wardptapresident@gmail.com President-Elect: Sonia Brown, wardptacopresident@gmail.com PTA Council Rep.: Anne Todd, aytodd@verizon.net New Rochelle High School Isaac E. Young M.S. President: Paola Flores-Drew, pdrew914@gmail.com President-Elect: Dely Barajas, momofjjjb@gmail.com PTA Council Rep.: Laraine Karl, llk43@optonline.net Henry Barnard School President: Dierdra Clark, dgrayclark@mac.com President-Elect: Mary DePaolo, syaama@yahoo.com Daniel Webster Magnet School President: Rosemary Salvatore, thesalvatores@outlook.com PTA Council Reps.: Al McCutchen, ashanti43@hotmail.com and Yvette Cruz, cruzy845@gmail.com Columbus Elementary President: Karina Torres, btorres75@yahoo.com Vice-President: Maria G. Euyoque, mseuyoque@yahoo.com Davis Elementary President: Kristen Bamberger, kquillinan@gmail.com President Elect: Jina Tetro, jina.tetro@cbmoves.com PTA Council Rep.: Anne Marie Nascimento, ambert13@aol.com Jefferson Elementary President: Lisa Pace, arenfam@aol.com PTA Council Rep.: Kim Castellano, kimcastellano1@gmail.com Special Education Parent-Teacher Association (SEPTA) President: Beth Fisch Cohen, bethfischcohen@hotmail.com Co-President: Julia Muggia-Ochs, jmuggia@orsofilms.com PTA Council Rep.: Mary Jo Jacobs, jacobsnewro@gmail.com City School District of New Rochelle Strategic Roadmap Embracing Diversity: Driving Success MISSION (our core purpose): Embracing Diversity: Driving Success The City School District of New Rochelle, through an active partnership amongst community, parents, staff and students, will provide a high-quality and challenging education for every child, in a safe, nurturing environment that embraces our rich diversity and drives our success. CORE BELIEFS (drivers of our words and actions): We believe… 1. schools should be safe, joyous places of learning 2. every student is worthy of intellectual, social, and emotional respect 3. in the continuous improvement of teaching and learning 4. quality education requires culturally competent adults 5. parents and guardians are our partners 6. in the pursuit of equity and excellence 7. the diversity of our schools is a strength 8. in fiscal accountability to those that invest in our schools 9. in providing robust, varied, and cutting edge educational opportunities 10. in educating the whole child by nurturing students’ physical, social, emotional, creative, and intellectual growth www.nred.org SEPTEMBER 2015 SCHOOL EVENTS New Rochelle High School Grades 9 – 12 School Hours: 7:20 AM - 3:07 PM 265 Clove Road, New Rochelle, NY 10801 Main # (914) 576-4500 – FAX (914) 576-4284 Website: www.nrhs.nred.org Principal: Reginald Richardson Assistant Principal: Joseph Starvaggi Campus Alternative High School Grades 9 -12 School Hours: 8:45 AM - 2:20 PM 50 Washington Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10801 Main # (914) 576-4393 – FAX (914) 576-4647 Website: www.nrhs.nred.org Program Administrator: Joel Fridovich Henry Barnard School Trinity Elementary 11.......... Amy’s Greenhouse Tribute, 3:30 PM 17.......... PTA Meeting, 7:30 PM 18.......... Parent Coffee: Title 1 & RTI 24.......... Meet the Teacher Night, 6:30 PM 29.......... Pre-K Transition Day 30 ......... Pre-K Transition Day 16 ......... Meet the Teacher Night, Kaleidoscope, 6 PM, Grades 3-5, 7 PM 17.......... Meet the Teacher Night, Grades K-2, 7 PM 18.......... PTA Welcome Back Picnic, 5 PM 21.......... PTA Meeting, 7 PM 26.......... Car Wash, 10 AM – 1:30 PM Columbus Elementary Ward Elementary 10.......... Anti-Bullying Assembly 16 ......... Meet the Teacher Grades K-2, 6-8 PM 17.......... Meet the Teacher Grades 3-5, 6-8 PM 16.......... Meet the Teacher, Grades 3,4,5, 7 PM 17.......... Meet the Teacher Grades K,1,2, 7 PM 24.......... Picture Day 25.......... Picture Day 25.......... Welcome BBQ, 5-8 PM 29.......... Class Parent Meeting, 7 PM Davis Elementary 17.......... Meet the Teacher, Grades K-2, 6:30 PM 21 ......... Meet the Teacher, Grades 3-5, 6:30 PM 24.......... PTA After School Club Registration, 7 PM 27.......... PTA Carnival 29.......... PTA New Parent Coffee, 9:15 AM Jefferson Elementary 9............ PTA Coffee, 9 AM 21-25... Jefferson Cares Week 24.......... Meet the Teacher Night, 6 PM Webster Elementary 9............ Coffee w/the Principal, 9 AM 10.......... Wrap Sale Begins 24.......... PTA General Meeting, 8:45 AM 24.......... Meet the Teacher Night, Grades K-2, Kaleidoscope, 6 PM 24.......... Meet the Teacher Night, Grades 3-5, District Kaleidoscope, CAMPEL, Specialists, 7 PM Albert Leonard M.S. 9............ PTA Tailgate, 8:45 AM 22.......... Grade 8 Picture Day 24.......... Grade 7 Picture Day 25.......... Grade 6 Picture Day 30.......... Meet the Teacher Night, 7 PM Isaac E. Young M.S. 8............ Welcome Back Staff Lunch 9............ Welcome Back Parents Coffee 12.......... Zumba Dance, 9 AM 16.......... Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 17.......... Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 17.......... Family Fitness, 5:30 PM 21.......... Meet the Teacher Night, 6:30 PM 25.......... Hispanic Heritage Night 30.......... Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 30.......... PTA Executive Meeting, 6:30 PM 30.......... PTA General Meeting, 7 PM New Rochelle High School 4............ Football Game – Away – John Jay East Fishkill, 7 PM 9............ 9th Grade in School 10.......... 9th & 10th Grades in School 10.......... NRHS PTSA Welcome, House IV Cafeteria, 7 PM 11.......... All grades report to NRHS 11.......... Football Game – Home – Mamaroneck, 7 PM 17.......... NRHS PTSA: Senior Parent School Counseling Overview, LEK*, 7 PM 18.......... Planetarium show, 7PM 19 ......... Football Game – Away – North Rockland, 1:30 PM 19.......... Senior Car Wash Day, 10 AM-4 PM 25.......... Football – Away – Arlington HS, 7 PM SEPTEMBER 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 2 THURSDAY 7 Labor Day Holiday, District Closed 13 Sukkot begins at sundown 8 Opening Day Teachers Board of Education Regular Meeting, (tenure) 6/7 PM*, NRHS 14 Rosh Hashanah, District Closed 21 Davis Meet the Teacher Night, Grades 3-5, 6:30 PM IEYMS Meet the Teacher Night, 6:30 PM 27 4 5 Football Game – Away John Jay East Fishkill , 7 PM 6 20 SATURDAY 3 *Linda E. Kelly Theater at NRHS is shown as LEK throughout calendar. **BOE 6/7 PM* -The public portion of BOE meetings begins at 7 PM New Rochelle Street Fair, 11 AM-5 PM Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown FRIDAY 28 Half Day All Schools – Professional Development SEPTA General Mtg. 7:30 PM Sukkot 9 Schools Open - Elementary Half Day (including Kindergarten) 9th grade reports to NRHS 15 Rosh Hashanah, District Closed 16 Columbus Meet the Teacher Night, Grades K-2, 6-8 PM Trinity Meet the Teacher Night, Kaleidescope, 6 PM - Grades 3-5, 7 PM Ward Meet the Teacher Night, Grades 3-5, 7 PM 22 Yom Kippur begins at sundown 29 Board of Education Special Meeting, 6/7* PM, NRHS Sukkot 23 Yom Kippur, District Closed 30 ALMS Meet the Teacher Night, 7 PM 10 PTA Council Meeting, 7 PM 9th & 10th grades report to NRHS 11 All grades report to NRHS Football Game – Home Mamaroneck, 7 PM 9/11 Memorial Service, 7:30PM 17 Davis Meet the Teacher Night, Grades K-2, 6:30 PM Columbus Meet the Teacher Night, Grades 3-5, 6-8 PM Trinity Meet the Teacher Night, Grades K-2, 7 PM Ward Meet the Teacher Night, Grades K-2, 7 PM 18 19 Football game – Away North Rockland, 1:30 PM Senior Car Wash, 10 AM-4 PM Planetarium Show, 7 PM, NRHS 24 Barnard Meet the Teacher Night, 6:30 PM, K-2 Jefferson Meet the Teacher Night, 6 PM Webster Meet the Teacher Night, K-2, Modified Kaleidoscope, 6 PM Webster Meet the Teacher Night, 3-5, District Kaleidoscope, 7 PM Eid al-Adha 12 25 26 Football – Away Arlington HS, 7 PM OCTOBER 2015 AUGUST 2015 S M T W T F S 1 S M T W T 1 F 2 S 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 30 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 OCTOBER 2015 SCHOOL EVENTS Albert Leonard M.S. Grades 6 – 8 School Hours: 8:45 AM - 2:40 PM 25 Gerada Lane, New Rochelle, NY 10804 Main# (914) 576-4339 – FAX (914) 576-4784 Website: albertleonard.nred.org Principal: John Barnes Assistant Principal: Rodney Arthur Henry Barnard School Trinity Elementary Albert Leonard M.S. 1............ First Full Day of Pre-K 2............ Spirit Day 5 ........... Pre-K Meet the Teacher Night, 6:30 PM 8............ PTA Meeting, 9 AM 8............ Puentes, 6:30 PM 17.......... Pumpkin Patch, 10 AM 20.......... Grade 2 Parent Math Workshop, 6:30 PM 23.......... Halloween Dance, 6:30 PM 27.......... Afterschool Program Begins 5-9........ Book Fair 7............ Parent University, Common Core, 7PM 13.......... PTA Meeting, 7 PM 15.......... Costume Swap 16.......... Costume Swap 23.......... Fall Festival: Session I, 5-6:30 PM Session II, 7-8:30 PM 26-30... Spirit Week 30.......... Halloween Parade, K-2, 9:30 AM 2............ Music Hour Rehearsal Day 5.............Stomp Out Bullying, Blue Shirt Day 8............ Co-curricular Night, 7PM 9............ 8th Grade Baby Pictures Due 14.......... PTA Meeting, 7 PM 16.......... Principal’s Luncheon 22.......... Picture Retake Day 23 ......... Music Hour Rehearsal Day Columbus Elementary Ward Elementary 5............ Gift Wrap Sale Begins 9............ PTA Meeting, 9 AM 16.......... Hispanic Heritage Celebration, 6-8 PM 29.......... Picture Day 30...........Kindergarten Halloween Parade, 2 PM 30.......... Halloween Party, 6-8 PM 1-31...... Read-a-thon 2............ Raindate Welcome BBQ, 5-8PM 8............ PTA Meeting, 7 PM 15-16... PTA Pumpkin Sale 23.......... PTA Halloween Party, K-2 at 6 PM, 3-5 at 7 PM Davis Elementary 2............ PBIS Unity Day Celebration 5............ PTA Executive Board Meeting, 7:30 PM 13.......... Picture Day 20-23.... PTA Fall Book Fair 30 ......... Halloween Parade, K-2 30.......... Halloween Party, 7 PM Jefferson Elementary Webster Elementary 7-9........ Costume Exchange Drop Off 8............ Learning Garden Clean-Up 8-9 ....... Picture Day 14-15... Costume Exchange Pick Up 14.......... International Walk to School Day 16.......... Family Dance Night 22.......... PTA Meeting, 8:45 AM 22.......... Literacy/Math Parent Workshop, 9 AM 30.......... Halloween Parade, 1:45 PM 1............ PTA Meeting, 3:30 PM 8............ CILA Celebration Night, 7 PM 23.......... Halloween Party, 6 PM 10/21: WCSMA Area All-State Pre-Rehearsal, 4-9 PM, White Plains HS (NRHS) Isaac E. Young M.S. 1............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 1............ Family Fitness, 5:30-7 PM 5............ Morning Coffee, 9 AM 10.......... Zumba Dance, 9 AM 14.......... Picture Day 15.......... Picture Day 15..........PTA Executive Committee, 6:30 PM 15.......... PTA General Meeting, 7 PM 17.......... Fall Spruce Up, 10:30 AM New Rochelle High School 1............ Meet the Teacher Night, 6 PM 3............ SAT Exam 3............ Football Game – Home – Clarkstown North, 3 PM 8............ NRHS PTSA: Junior Parent School Counseling Overview, LEK*, 7 PM 10.......... Homecoming Football Game – Home – Mahopac, 1:30 PM 12.......... Cheerleading Clinic, 8 AM 14.......... PSAT Exam 20-22... NRHS PTSA Walkathon 21.......... Hispanic Parent Night, 6:30 PM 23-27... NRHS PTSA Walkathon (rain date) 24.......... ACT Exam 29.......... NRHS PTSA: Sophomore Parent School Counseling Overview, LEK*, 7 PM 30 ......... Planetarium Show, 7PM OCTOBER 2015 S SUNDAY MONDAY SEPTEMBER 2015 NOVEMBER 2015 M T 1 W 2 T 3 F 4 S 5 S 1 M 2 T 3 W 4 T F 5 6 TUESDAY S 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 29 4 Shmini Atzeret begins at sundown 30 11 5 6 Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6/7 PM*, LEK* NRHS Simchat Torah 12 25 Red Ribbon Week SEPTA General Mtg., 7:30 PM Red Ribbon Week 3 SAT Exam Football Game – Home Clarkstown North, 3 PM Barnard 1st Full Day of Pre-K NRHS Meet the Teacher Night, 6 PM 8 Alternative Campus High School Meet the Teacher Night, 7 PM Jefferson CILA Celebration Night, 7 PM SEPTA Executive Mtg., 7:30 PM 14 15 16 17 22 23 24 20 21 NRHS PTSA Walkathon WCSMA Area All-State Pre-Rehearsal, White Plains HS (NRHS), 4-9 PM NRHS Hispanic Parent Night, 6:30 PM NRHS PTSA Walkathon PTA Council Meeting, 7 PM 26 2 9 10 Homecoming Football Game – Home Mahopac, 1:30 PM Early Dismissal Drill New Rochelle High School ONLY Half Day - PSAT Administration 19 No School Pre-K Half Day All Schools – Professional Development SATURDAY 7 13 Cheerleading Clinic, NRHS, 8 AM Columbus Day, District Closed 18 FRIDAY 1 October is Internet/Digital Citizen Month Shmini Atzeret Simchat Torah begins at sundown Barnard Meet the Teacher Night, Pre-K, 6:30 PM Albert Leonard Blue Shirt Day, Anti-Bullying THURSDAY 7 6 27 WEDNESDAY 27 Board of Education COW Session, 6/7 PM*, Ward School Red Ribbon Week NRHS PTSA Walkathon 28 Red Ribbon Week 29 Red Ribbon Week ACT Exam Red Ribbon Week Red Ribbon Week 30 Planetarium Show, 7 PM, NRHS Red Ribbon Week 31 Red Ribbon Week Halloween NOVEMBER 2015 SCHOOL EVENTS Henry Barnard School Trinity Elementary Isaac E. Young M.S. 3............ PTA Bake Sale 6............ Spirit Day 12.......... PTA Meeting, 7:30 PM 17.......... Grade 1 Literacy Parent Workshop for Puentes, 9 AM 18.......... Puentes Pre-K, 9 AM 18.......... Puentes Pre-K, 1 PM 11.......... Picture Day 12.......... Picture Day 12.......... PTA Meeting, 7 PM 17.......... American Education Week Open House, 9 AM-Noon 4............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 5............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 5............ Family Fitness, 5:30 PM 5............ PTA Executive Committee, 6:30 PM 5............ PTA General Meeting, 7 PM 9............ Morning Coffee, 9 AM 14.......... Zumba Dance, 9 AM Columbus Elementary 2 – 6..... Book Fair 13.......... PTA Meeting, 9 AM 17.......... Featured Readers, 9-11 AM Davis Elementary Isaac E. Young M.S. Grades 6 – 8 Grade 6: 8:25 AM - 2:25 PM Grade 7: 8:25 AM - 2: 20 PM Grade 8: 8:10 AM - 2:15 PM 270 Centre Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10805 Main # (914) 576-4360 – FAX (914) 632-2738 Website: isaacyoung.nred.org Principal: Anthony Bongo Assistant Principal: Tawanda G. Robinson 11/4: WCSMA Area All-State Pre-Rehearsal, 4-9 PM, White Plains HS (NRHS) 11/5: WCSMA Area All-State Pre-Rehearsal, 9 AM-3:30 PM/Concert, 8 PM, SUNY Purchase 11/14: WCSMA Elementary All County String Auditions, Grades 4-5, 8:30 AM-11:30 AM; Grades 6-7, 1PM-4:30 PM, TBA 11/21: WCSA Elementary All County Band Auditions, 8:30 AM-11:30 AM, PVC Middle School, Croton 2-6........ PTA Coat Drive 14.......... Multicultural Heritage Dinner, 5-8 PM 17.......... PTA Meeting, 9 AM Jefferson Elementary 5............ Thanksgiving Food Drive Kickoff 5............ PTA Meeting, 6:30 PM 16-20... PTA Book Fair 19.......... Family Night Book Fair, 6-8 PM Ward Elementary 12.......... PTA Meeting, 9:15 AM Webster Elementary 9 -12..... Book Fair 18 ......... Colonial School Day 2nd Grade 19 ......... Literacy/Math Parent Workshop, 9 AM 25 ......... Spirit Day Albert Leonard M.S. 6............ Music Hour Rehearsal Day 13.......... Music Hour Rehearsal Day 16.......... Spirit Week Begins 18.......... PTA Meeting, 7 PM 20.......... Principal’s Luncheon 20.......... Yearbook Ads Due 30.......... Book Fair New Rochelle High School 6............ End of Marking Period 7............ SAT Exam 9............ Winter Sports Begin 11 ......... Area All-State Concert, 8 PM, SUNY Purchase 12.......... NRHS PTSA: Freshman/New Parent School Counseling Overview, LEK*, 7 PM 18.......... Planetarium Show, 7 PM 19 ......... NRHS TheatreWorks, 7:30 PM, LEK* NRHS 20 ......... NRHS TheatreWorks, 7:30 PM, LEK* NRHS 21 ......... NR Fund Pancake Breakfast, 8-9:30 AM 21 ......... NRHS TheatreWorks, 7:30 PM, LEK* NRHS NOVEMBER 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 2 WEDNESDAY 3 Election Day, Schools Closed Superintendent’s Conference Day Daylight Savings Time Ends 8 9 Winter Sports Begin SEPTA Executive Mtg., 7:30 PM Days of Computer Coding 15 16 23 29 30 11 24 FRIDAY SATURDAY 5 6 WCSMA Area All-State Pre-Rehearsal, 9 AM-3:30 PM /Concert, 8 PM, SUNY Purchase 18 12 13 14 WCSMA Elementary All County String Auditions, Grades 4-5, 8:30-11:30 AM; Grades 6-7, 1:00-4:30 PM, TBA 19 NRHS TheatreWorks, 7:30 PM, LEK* NRHS 25 7 Days of Computer Coding SAT Exam City of New Rochelle Veterans Day Ceremony, 10:30 AM Veterans Day, District Closed Planetarium Show, 7 PM Board of Education COW Session, 6/7 PM*, IEYMS PTA Council Meeting, 7 PM WCSMA Area All-State Pre-Rehearsal, White Plains HS (NRHS), 4-9 PM No School Pre-K 17 SEPTA General Mtg. 7:30 PM American Education Week, Nov. 16-20 22 4 10 Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6/7PM*, LEK* NRHS THURSDAY 20 NRHS TheatreWorks, 7:30 PM, LEK* NRHS 26 21 Valenti-New Rochelle Thanksgiving Parade, 10 AM NR Fund Pancake Breakfast, 8-9:30 AM, NRHS WCSMA Elementary All County Band Auditions, 8:30-11:30 AM, PVC Middle School, Croton NRHS TheatreWorks, 7:30PM, LEK* NRHS 27 Thanksgiving Recess, District Closed 28 Thanksgiving Recess, District Closed OCTOBER 2015 S M T W T DECEMBER 2015 1 F 2 S 3 S M T 1 W 2 T 3 F 4 S 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 27 28 29 30 31 DECEMBER 2015 SCHOOL EVENTS Henry Barnard School 4............ Spirit Day 8............ After School Program Ends 10.......... PTA Meeting, 9 AM Columbus Elementary 8-9........ STREAMing Into Learning K-5 Convention 10.......... Picture Day Make-ups 11.......... PTA Meeting, 9 AM 15.......... Winter Concert, 9:15 AM & 10:15 AM 18.......... Staff Recognition Luncheon Davis Elementary Henry Barnard School Early Childhood Center Grades Pre-K – 2 School Hours: 8:45 AM - 3:15 PM 129 Barnard Road, New Rochelle, NY 10801 Main # (914) 576-4386 – FAX (914) 576-4625 Website: http://barnard.nred.org Principal: Joanna Genovese Assistant Principal: Lori E. Pisani 1-4........ PTA Holiday Boutique & Toy Drive 3............ Picture Day Make-Ups 18.......... PTA Staff Appreciation Holiday Breakfast Jefferson Elementary 8-10...... PTA Kids Holiday Shop 17.......... PTA Meeting, 3:30 PM 22.......... Winter Concert, 10 AM 23.......... Sing-a-long, K-2 at 1:30PM, 3-5 at 2:30 PM Trinity Elementary Isaac E. Young M.S. 3-4........ Holiday Crafts 17.......... Holiday Concert: 9:30 AM, 2:15 PM, 7 PM 2............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 3............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 3............ Family Fitness, 5:30 PM 3............ PTA Executive Committee, 6:30 PM 3............ PTA General Meeting, 7 PM 7............ Morning Coffee, 9 AM 12.......... Zumba Dance, 9 AM Ward Elementary 3-4........ Holiday Boutique 7-11...... Book Fair 9............ Staff Appreciation Breakfast 10.......... PTA Executive Board, 7 PM Webster Elementary 3............ PTA Meeting, 7 PM 10-11... Holiday Boutique 22.......... Holiday Concert, 7PM Albert Leonard M.S. 1-4........ Book Fair 11.......... Music Dept. Rehearsal Day 17.......... PTA Staff Appreciation Luncheon 18.......... Principal’s Luncheon New Rochelle High School 2 ........... NRHS Financial Aid Night 4 ........... New Rochelle Opera/PAVE Vocal – Amahl & the Night Visitors, 7 PM LEK* NRHS 4............ Cheerleading Competition, 6 PM 5 ........... New Rochelle Opera/PAVE Vocal – Amahl & the Night Visitors, 7 PM LEK* NRHS 5............ Cheerleading Competition, 1 PM 9 ........... PAVE I Dance Concert, 7 PM, LEK* NRHS 12.......... ACT Exam 11.......... NRHS PTSA Staff Appreciation Event, Room 222 15 ......... Winterfest Instrumental, 7 PM, Whitney, NRHS 16 ......... Winterfest Vocal, 7 PM, Whitney, NRHS 17.......... Planetarium Holiday Show, 7 PM DECEMBER 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6/7 PM*, LEK* NRHS 6 Hanukkah Begins at Sundown 7 13 20 Columbus Winter Concert Winterfest Instrumental, 7 PM, Whitney, NRHS 27 Holiday Recess Schools Closed Winterfest Vocal, 7 PM, Whitney, NRHS 10 12 ACT Exam 18 19 25 26 Trinity Holiday Concert, 9:30 AM, 2:15 PM, 7 PM Planetarium Holiday Show, 7 PM 24 Holiday Recess Mawlid-al-Nabi District Closed 30 Holiday Recess Schools Closed 5 Cheerleading Competition, 1 PM Nutcracker MS/ES Students & Ajkun Ballet, 2 & 7 PM, Whitney, NRHS New Rochelle Opera/PAVE Vocal – Amahl & the Night Visitors, 7 PM LEK* NRHS SAT Exam 11 17 23 29 Holiday Recess Schools Closed 4 Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences Jefferson Winter Concert, 10 AM Board of Education COW Session, 6/7 PM*, NRHS 28 SATURDAY Nutcracker MS/ES Students & Ajkun Ballet, 7 PM, Whitney, NRHS Cheerleading Competition, 6 PM New Rochelle Opera/PAVE Vocal – Amahl & the Night Visitors, 7 PM LEK* NRHS No School Pre-K 16 22 FRIDAY 3 9 15 21 Elementary Half Day - Parent Teacher Conferences NRHS Financial Aid Night PAVE I Dance Concert, 7 PM, LEK* NRHS 14 Half Day All Schools - Professional Development/Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences 2 8 No School Pre-K Hanukkah (Day 1 of 8) THURSDAY Holiday Recess Christmas District Closed 31 Holiday Recess District Closed Kwanzaa NOVEMBER 2015 S 1 M 2 T 3 W 4 T JANUARY 2016 5 F 6 S 7 S M T W T F 1 S 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 JANUARY 2016 SCHOOL EVENTS Columbus Elementary Science, Math, Technology Magnet Grades K - 5 School Hours: 8:45 AM - 3:15 PM 275 Washington Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10801 Main # (914) 576-4401 – FAX (914) 576-4628 Website: http://columbus.nred.org Principal: Sonia Nunez Assistant Principal: Shelli Owens Henry Barnard School Albert Leonard M.S. 6............ Magnet/UPK Open House: 6:30 PM 8............ Spirit Day 14.......... PTA Meeting, 7:30 PM 19.......... Kindergarten Fundations Parent Workshop, 6:30 PM 22.......... Magnet/UPK Deadline Date: 4:30 PM 22.......... PTA Movie Night, 7 PM 27.......... Magnet Lottery: City Hall, 1 PM 29.......... PTA Movie Night Snow Date 29.......... UPK Lottery: City Hall, 1 PM 6............ PTA Meeting, 7 PM 8............ Principal’s Luncheon 15.......... Music Hour Rehearsal Day 22.......... Music Hour Rehearsal Day 28.......... 6th Grade Chorus Winter Concert, 7 PM Columbus Elementary 3-5........ Family Prep 19.......... Featured Readers 22.......... PTA Meeting, 9 AM Davis Elementary 12.......... PTA Meeting, 9 AM 22.......... PTA Family Bingo Night, 7 PM Jefferson 8............ Art and Music Activities, 6 PM Trinity Elementary 12.......... PTA Meeting, 7 PM Ward Elementary 7............ PTA Meeting, 7 Pm Isaac E. Young M.S. 6............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 7............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 7............ Family Fitness, 5:30 PM 7............ PTA Executive Committee, 6:30 PM 7............ PTA General Meeting, 7 PM 9............ Zumba Dance, 9 AM 11.......... Morning Coffee, 9 AM 13.......... Winter Concert, Grades 7-8, 6 PM 14.......... Winter Concert, Grades 7-8 Snow Date 20.......... Winter Concert, Grade 6, 6 PM 21.......... Winter Concert, Grade 6 Snow Date New Rochelle High School 21.......... NRHS PTSA Course Selection, LEK*, 7 PM 21 ......... Planetarium Show, 7 PM 22.......... End of Marking Period 23 ......... SAT Exam 24 ......... College Goal NY FAFSA Event 26-29....Regents Exams Webster Elementary 7............ PTA Meeting, 8:45 AM 7............ Literacy/Math Parent Workshop, 9:10 AM 29.......... Spirit Day 1/9: WCSMA Sr. HS All County Jazz Festival Auditions, 10 AM-2 PM, Greenville ES, Edgemont (NRHS) JANUARY 2016 S SUNDAY MONDAY DECEMBER 2015 FEBRUARY 2016 M T 1 W 2 T F 3 4 S 5 S M 1 T 2 W 3 T 4 F TUESDAY S 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 28 29 5 Extended Day Registration Board of Education Regular Meeting 6/7 PM*, Campus School 11 12 No School Pre-K Half Day All Schools, Professional Development SEPTA Executive Mtg., 7 PM General Mtg., 7:30PM 17 25 6 19 PTA Council Meeting, 7 PM SATURDAY 1 2 8 9 Jefferson Art & Music Activities, 6 PM 13 14 27 15 16 21 22 23 Barnard Magnet & UPK Application Deadline Planetarium Show, 7 PM 28 SAT Exam 29 College Goal NY FAFSA Event 31 NYS Regents Exams Board of Education COW Session, 6/7 PM*, Jefferson NYS Regents Exams Barnard Magnet Lottery, City Hall, 1 PM WCSMA Sr. HS All County Jazz Festival Auditions, Greenville ES, Edgemont (NRHS), 10 AM-2 PM, Extended Day Fall Semester Ends Board of Education School Budget Community Input Forum, 7 PM, NRHS Library 20 IEYMS Winter Concert Grade 6, 6 PM 26 7 Barnard Magnet & UPK Open House, 6:30 PM IEYMS Winter Concert Grades 7 & 8, 6 PM 18 Dr. Martin Luther King Day, District Closed 24 FRIDAY Holiday Recess New Year’s Day District Closed 4 Schools Re-open 10 THURSDAY 6 6 3 WEDNESDAY NYS Regents Exams ALMS Winter Concert, Grade 6 NYS Regents Exams Barnard UPK Lottery, City Hall, 1 PM 30 FEBRUARY 2016 SCHOOL EVENTS Henry Barnard School Webster Elementary 4............ Puentes, 6:30 PM 5............ Spirit Day 11.......... PTA Meeting, 9 AM 11.......... Puentes Snow Date, 6:30 PM 4............ Magnet Open House, 7 PM 5............ Black History Night 11-12... Valentine Boutique 19.......... Magnet Deadline, 4:30 PM 11.......... PTA Meeting, 7 PM 22-26... Kindergarten Registration Columbus Elementary 4............ Magnet Open House, 6 PM 12.......... PTA Meeting, 9 AM 19.......... Magnet Deadline, 4:30 PM 23.......... Featured Readers 29.......... Kindergarten Registration George M. Davis, Jr. Elementary School Grades K – 5 School Hours: 8:45 AM - 3:15 PM 80 Iselin Drive, New Rochelle, NY 10804 Main # (914) 576-4420 – FAX (914) 576-4225 Website: http://davis.nred.org Principal: Michael Galland Assistant Principal: Anthony Bambrola Davis Elementary 1............ Black History Month Kickoff Assemblies 22-26... Initial Kindergarten Registration 23-26... PTA Winter Bookfair 29.......... Black History Celebration Jefferson Elementary 25.......... PTA Meeting, 3:30 PM Trinity Elementary 9........... PTA Meeting, 7 PM 22-26... Kindergarten Registration, 9 AM-2:15 PM Ward Elementary 4............ PTA Camp Expo, 6-8 PM 22-26... Kindergarten Registration Albert Leonard M.S. 3............ Principal’s Luncheon 3............ PTA Meeting, 7 PM 5............ Music Hour Rehearsal Day 9............ 8th Grade Parent Night, NRHS 26.......... Music Hour Rehearsal Day Isaac E. Young M.S. 3............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 4............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 4............ Family Fitness, 5:30 PM 4............ PTA Executive Committee, 6:30 PM 4............ PTA General Meeting, 7 PM 8............ Morning Coffee, 9 AM 9............ 8th Grade Parent Night, NRHS 10.......... National Junior Honor Society Induction, 5 PM 11.......... Valentine’s Day Sale Roses & Carnations, 2-3 PM 13.......... Zumba Dance, 9 AM 13.......... Winter Concert, Grades 7-8, 6 PM 14.......... Winter Concert, Grades 7-8 Snow Date 20.......... Winter Concert, Grade 6, 6 PM 21.......... Winter Concert, Grade 6 Snow Date 2/8: WCSMA Elementary/Intermediate All County Chorus Rehearsal, 3:30 - 6:30 PM, Sleepy Hollow HS 2/9: WCSMA Elementary/Intermediate All County Band/Orchestra Rehearsal, 3:30 - 6:30 PM, Seven Bridges MS, Chappaqua 2/24: WCSMA Sr. HS Jazz Rehearsal, 6:30-9:30 PM, Edgemont HS (NRHS) New Rochelle High School 1............ Cheerleading Show Night, 7:30 PM 4............ TheatreWorks, 7:30 PM, LEK* NRHS 5............ TheatreWorks, 7:30 PM, LEK* NRHS 6............ TheatreWorks, 7:30 PM, LEK* NRHS 25 ......... Planetarium Show, 7 PM 25.......... NRHS PTSA, LEK*, 7 PM 27 ......... African-American History Month Celebration, 4-8 PM, NRHS FEBRUARY 2016 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 Extended Day Spring Semester Begins Cheerleading Show Night, 7:30 PM 7 14 15 Mid-winter Recess District Closed President’s Day Valentine’s Day 21 2 Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6/7 PM*, Davis 8 WCSMA Elementary/Intermediate All-County Chorus Rehearsal, Sleepy Hollow HS, 3:30-6:30 PM No School Pre-K Half Day All Schools, Professional Development 22 9 16 Mid-winter Recess Schools Closed 23 29 THURSDAY 3 Digital Learning Day FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 TheatreWorks, 7:30 PM, LEK* NRHS Columbus Magnet Open House, 6 PM Webster Magnet Open House, 7 PM 10 WCSMA Elementary/Intermediate All-County Band/Orchestra Rehearsal, Seven Bridges MS, Chappaqua, 3:30-6:30 PM 8th Grade Parent Night NRHS SEPTA Executive Mtg., 7:30 PM Board of Education COW Session, 6/7 PM*, Trinity 28 WEDNESDAY 5 TheatreWorks, 7:30 PM, LEK* NRHS 11 6 TheatreWorks, 7:30 PM, LEK* NRHS 12 13 19 20 Board of Education School Budget Community Input Forum, 7 PM, NRHS Library 17 Mid-winter Recess Schools Closed 18 Mid-winter Recess Schools Closed 24 WCSMA, Sr. HS Jazz Rehearsal, Edgemont HS (NRHS), 6:30-9:30 PM PTA Council Meeting, 7 PM Columbus/Webster Magnet Application Deadline Mid-winter Recess Schools Closed 25 26 27 African-American History Month Celebration, 4-8 PM, NRHS Planetarium Show, 7 PM JANUARY 2016 S M T W MARCH 2016 T F 1 S 2 S M T 1 W 2 T 3 F 4 S 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 MARCH 2016 SCHOOL EVENTS Henry Barnard School 2............ Read Across America Kick Off 4............ Spirit Day 7-11...... Book Fair 10 ......... PTA Meeting, 7:30 PM 31.......... Puentes Meeting, 6:30 PM Columbus Elementary 3............ Magnet Lottery, City Hall, 1 PM 11.......... PTA Meeting, 9 AM 1-4........ Kindergarten Registration Davis Elementary Jefferson Elementary Grades K – 5 School Hours: 8:45 AM - 3:15 PM 131 Weyman Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10805 Main # (914) 576-4430 – FAX (914)576-4631 Website: http://jefferson.nred.org Principal: Kimmerly Nieves Assistant Principal: Leann Bruno 3/1: WCSMA Elementary/Intermediate All County Chorus Rehearsal, 3:30-6:30 PM, Sleepy Hollow HS 3/3: WCSMA Elementary/Intermediate All County Band/ Orchestra Rehearsal, 3:30-6:30 PM, Sleepy Hollow HS 3/10: NRHS National Art Honor Society (NAHS) Induction Ceremonies, 7:30 AM, MAC Gallery, LEK* 3/15: WCSMA Sr. HS Jazz Rehearsal, 6:30-9:30 PM, Edgemont HS (NRHS) 3/16 WCSMA Sr. HS Jazz Rehearsal, 6:30-9:30 PM, Edgemont HS (NRHS) 1............ 2nd Annual PTA Readathon Kickoff 7............ Staff Appreciation Luncheon 15.......... PTA Meeting, 7:30 PM Jefferson Elementary 7............ PTA Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day Luncheon 11.......... March Madness 18.......... Great Read Aloud, 10 AM Trinity Elementary 8............ PTA Meeting 7 PM 14-18... Spring Book Fair 28-29... Kindergarten Make Up Registration, 9 AM-2:15 PM 31.......... CILA Information Night Kindergarten Parents, 7 PM Ward Elementary 10.......... PTA Meeting, 7 PM 24.......... Healthy Snack Day Webster Elementary 3............ Magnet Lottery, City Hall, 1 PM 4............ Snowball Bingo 17.......... PTA Meeting, 8:45 AM 17.......... Literacy/Math Parent Workshop, 9:10 AM 18.......... Spirit Day Albert Leonard M.S. 4............ Show Biz Kids 5............ Show Biz Kids 9............ Principal’s Luncheon 10.......... Taste of New Rochelle, 7PM 11.......... Music Hour Rehearsal Day 14.......... Spirit Week #2 Begins Isaac E. Young M.S. 2............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 3............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 4............ Family Fitness, 5:30 PM 4............ PTA Executive Committee, 6:30 PM 4............ PTA General Meeting, 7 PM 7............ Morning Coffee, 9 AM 12.......... Zumba Dance, 9 AM 16.......... National Junior French Honor Society Induction New Rochelle High School 5............ Redesigned SAT Exam 7............ Spring Sports Begin 10.......... NRHS National Art Society Induction, 7:30 PM, NRHS 10.......... NRHS PTSA, LEK*, 6-7 PM 17.......... NRHS PAVE Auditions, 3:15-5:15 PM, House IV 18 ......... Senior High School Jazz Concert, 8 PM, Edgemont HS, NRHS MARCH 2016 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 WCSMA Elementary/Intermediate All-County Chorus Rehearsal, Sleepy Hollow HS, 3:30-6:30 PM Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6/7 PM*, Columbus 6 Elementary/Intermediate All County Performances: Orchestra @ 11AM, SUNY Purchase 7 Daylight Savings Time Starts 14 20 21 SEPTA General Mtg. 7:30 PM 27 Easter 15 28 22 Board of Education Budget Review Session, 7 PM, NRHS Library 29 Board of Education Special Meeting, 6/7 PM*, ALMS FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 4 WCSMA Elementary/Intermediate All-County Band/Orchestra Rehearsal, Seven Bridges MS, Chappaqua, 3:30-6:30 PM SEPTA Executive Mtg., 7:30 PM Columbus/Webster Lottery, City Hall, 1 PM 9 5 Redesigned SAT Exam Elementary/Intermediate All County Performances: Band @ 11 AM, Chorus @ 4PM, SUNY Purchase 10 11 12 18 19 Spring Sports begin NRHS National Art Honor Society Induction Ceremonies, MAC Gallery, LEK*, 7:30 AM Board of Education School Budget Review Session, 7 PM, NRHS Library Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences WCSMA Sr. HS Jazz Rehearsal, Edgemont HS (NRHS), 6:30-9:30 PM Board of Education Budget Review Session, 7 PM, NRHS Library Family University No School Pre-K 8 No School Pre-K Half Day Elementary Schools, Professional Development/ Parent Teacher Conferences Spring Sports begin 13 2 THURSDAY 16 WCSMA Sr. HS Jazz Rehearsal, Edgemont HS (NRHS), 6:30-9:30 PM 17 NRHS PAVE Auditions – House IV, 3:15-5:15 PM St. Patrick’s Day 23 PTA Council Meeting, 7 PM Purim begins at sundown 30 Senior High School Jazz Concert, Edgemont HS, NRHS, 8 PM 24 25 Purim 26 Good Friday, District Closed 31 FEBRUARY 2016 S M 1 T 2 W 3 T APRIL 2016 4 F 5 S 6 S M T W T F 1 S 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 28 29 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 APRIL 2016 SCHOOL EVENTS Henry Barnard School 1............ Spirit Day 14.......... PTA Meeting, 9 AM 15.......... International Dinner, 6:30 PM 21.......... Grade 1 Performance, 1:30 PM Columbus Elementary 5............ Picture Day 15.......... PTA Meeting, 9 AM Trinity Elementary Grades K – 5 School Hours: 8:45 AM - 3:15 PM 180 Pelham Road, New Rochelle, NY 10805 Main # (914) 576-4440 – FAX (914) 576-4266 Website: http://trinity.nred.org Principal: Anthony DiCarlo Assistant Principal: Inas Morsi-Hogans Davis Elementary 8............ PTA Readathon Celebration 12.......... PTA Meeting, 7:30 PM Jefferson Elementary 7............ PTA Meeting, 6:30 PM Trinity Elementary 11.......... PTA Meeting, 7 PM 18.......... Spring Photo Day Ward Elementary 21.......... PTA Meeting, 7 PM Webster Elementary 14.......... Learning Garden Clean-Up 15.......... International Dinner 25-29... Missoula Theatre Program Pending approval Albert Leonard M.S. 1............ Music Hour Rehearsal Day 6............ PTA Meeting, 7 PM 6............ Science Research Informational Session for Middle Schools NRHS, 7 PM 8............ Principal’s Luncheon 15.......... Music Hour Rehearsal Day Isaac E. Young M.S. 6............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 6............ Science Research Informational Session for Middle Schools, NRHS, 7 PM 7............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 7............ Family Fitness, 5:30 PM 7............ PTA Executive Committee, 6:30 PM 7............ PTA General Meeting, 7 PM 9............ Zumba Dance, 9 AM 11.......... Morning Coffee, 9 AM New Rochelle High School 6 ........... NRHS College Information Night 7 ........... NRHS College Fair 8............ End of Marking Period 9............ ACT Exam 12 ......... PAVE Band & Orchestra, 7 PM, LEK* NRHS 14.......... NRHS PTSA, LEK*, 7:00pm 15 ......... Tri-M Induction, 8:30 AM, LEK* NRHS 20 ......... PAVE II,III,IV Vocal, 7PM, LEK*NRHS 21 ......... Springfest Instrumental, 7 PM Whitney, NRHS 21 ......... Planetarium Show, 7 PM APRIL 2016 S SUNDAY MONDAY MARCH 2016 MAY 2016 M T 1 W 2 T 3 F 4 S 5 S 1 M 2 T 3 W 4 T 5 F 6 TUESDAY S 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 4 5 NYS Grades 3-8 English Language Arts Testing Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6/7 PM*, Webster 10 11 12 PAVE Band & Orchestra, 7 PM, LEK* NRHS 17 18 19 Board of Education Special Meeting, 6/7 PM*, Barnard NRHS Springfest Vocal, Whitney, 7 PM 24 25 Spring Break, District Closed THURSDAY 7 6 3 WEDNESDAY 26 Spring Break, Schools Closed 6 NYS Grades 3-8 English Language Arts Testing Science Research Informational Session for Middle Schools @ NRHS, 7 PM NRHS College Information Night 13 NYS Grades 3-8 Mathematics Testing 20 PAVE II,III,IV Vocal, 7PM, LEK* NRHS PTA Council Meeting, 7 PM 27 Spring Break, Schools Closed 7 NYS Grades 3-8 English Language Arts Testing NRHS College Fair 14 NYS Grades 3-8 Mathematics Testing 21 Barnard Grade 1 Performance, 1:30 PM Springfest Instrumental, 7 PM Whitney, NRHS Planetarium Show, 7 PM 28 Spring Break, Schools Closed** **weather make-up day #2 FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 8 9 MS/ES Students & Ajkun Ballet Spring Recital, 7 PM, Whitney, NRHS 15 MS/ES Students & Ajkun Ballet Spring Recital, 2 PM, Whitney, NRHS ACT Exam 16 NYS Grades 3-8 Mathematics Testing Barnard International Dinner, 6:30 PM Tri-M Induction, 8:30 AM, LEK* NRHS 22 Passover begins at sundown 29 Spring Break, Schools Closed** **weather make-up day #1 23 Passover (Day 1 of 8) 30 MAY 2016 SCHOOL EVENTS Henry Barnard School 3............ Afterschool Program Begins 6............ Spirit Day 7............ Mother’s Day Plant Sale, 11 AM 12.......... PTA Meeting, 7:30 PM 18.......... Pre-K Field Day 19.......... K-2 Field Day 25.......... Pre-K Field Day Rain Date 26.......... K-2 Field Day Rain Date Columbus Elementary William B. Ward Elementary Grades K – 5 School Hours: 8:45 AM - 3:15 PM 311 Broadfield Road, New Rochelle, NY 10804 Main # (914) 576-4450 – FAX (914) 576-4263 Website: http://ward.nred.org Principal: Franco Miele Assistant Principal: Kimberly Peluso 13.......... PTA Meeting, 9 AM 17.......... Spring Concert, 9:15 AM 25-26... Kindergarten Registration Make-ups Davis Elementary 3-5........ PTA Plant Sale 9............ PTA Author’s Week 11.......... PTA Executive Board Meeting, 7:30 PM Jefferson Elementary 5............ PTA Meeting, 6:30 PM 16-20... PTA Book Fair 20.......... Community Afternoon, 3:30 PM 23-27... Kindergarten Registration Trinity Elementary 10 ......... PTA Meeting, 7 PM 19.......... Spring Concert, 9:30 AM, 2:15 PM, 7 PM 20.......... Kindergarten Round Up, 9:30 AM 26.......... Talent Show, 7 PM Ward Elementary 5-6........ Spring Boutique 12.......... PTA Meeting, 7 PM 16.......... Staff Appreciation Luncheon 19.......... Band/Orchestra Concert, 6 PM Webster Elementary 2-6 ....... Kindergarten Screening 17.......... Spring Concert, 7 PM 19.......... Magnet Mile, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM 20.......... Staff Appreciation Luncheon Albert Leonard M.S. 5............ Spring Concert, 7th Grade Chorus, 7 PM 6............ Music Hour Rehearsal Day 11.......... Principal’s Luncheon 11 ......... PTA Meeting, 7 PM 12 ......... Spring Concert, 8th Grade Chorus, 7 PM 13.......... Dorney Park Trip 20 ......... Music Hour Rehearsal Day Isaac E. Young M.S. 4............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 4............ Teacher & Staff Appreciation Lunch 5............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 5............ Family Fitness, 5:30 PM 5.............PTA Executive Committee, 6:30 PM 5............ PTA General Meeting, 7 PM 6............ Mother’s Day Sale, Roses & Carnations, 2-3 PM 9............ Morning Coffee, 9 AM 11.......... Spring Concert, Grades 7-8, 6 PM 11-14... Washington, DC trip , 8th Grade, Montreal Trip 13.......... Career Day, 7th Grade 14.......... Zumba Dance, 9 AM 18 ......... Spring Concert, Grade 6, 6 PM 19.......... 5th Grade Parent Orientation New Rochelle High School 2-13...... AP Exams 4 ........... PAVE I Vocal, 7 PM, LEK* NRHS 7 ........... SAT Exam 12.......... NRHS PTSA Staff Appreciation Event, Room 222 17 ......... En Plein Air, 7:20 AM-3 PM, Outside, NRHS 18.......... NRHS Springfest Vocal, 7 PM, Whitney 19 ......... Senior Acting Show, 7:30PM, Whitney, NRHS 20 ......... Senior Acting Show, 7:30PM, Whitney, NRHS 24.......... NRHS PTSA, LEK*, 7 PM 25.......... Science Research Symposium, 7 PM 26 ......... NRHS Spring Dance Concert, 10:06 AM & 7 PM, Whitney, NRHS MAY 2016 SUNDAY MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 2 AP Exams National Teacher Appreciation Week 8 Mother’s Day 9 16 No School Pre-K NR Fund Poetry Out Loud, 7 PM, Whitney, NRHS 22 3 AP Exams Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6PM, 7 PM Public Hearing on 2016-2017 Proposed School Budget, NRHS Library PTA Council Meeting, 6 PM 23 17 En Plein Air, 7:20 AM-3 PM, Outside, NRHS Webster Spring Concert, 7 PM School Board Election & Budget Vote (Polls open 7 AM-9 PM) 24 30 City of New Rochelle Memorial Day Ceremony Memorial Day, District Closed 31 THURSDAY 4 11 AP Exams IEYMS Spring Concert Grades 7- 8, 6 PM 18 Our Children, Our Artists – Secondary, New Rochelle Public Library, 4 PM IEYMS Spring Concert Grade 6, 6 PM Board of Education Committee of the Whole Session, 6/7* PM, Central Admin. NRHS Springfest Vocal, 7:00 PM 25 FRIDAY SATURDAY 5 AP Exams ALMS Spring Concert, Grade 7 Cinco de Mayo 6 AP Exams 13 14 20 21 AP Exams 19 Trinity Spring Concert, 9:30 AM, 2:15 PM, 7 PM Ward Band/Orchestra Concert, 6PM Senior Acting Show, 7:30PM, Whitney, NRHS 7 SAT Exam 12 AP Exams ALMS Spring Concert Grade 8 Chorus NRHS Science Research Symposium, 7 PM SEPTA Executive/General Mtg. 7:30PM 29 AP Exams Our Children, Our Artists – Elementary, New Rochelle Public Library, 4 PM SEPTA We Are One Dinner, 6 PM PAVE I Vocal, 7 PM, LEK* NRHS 10 AP Exams PTA Council Meeting, 7 PM PTA Council Candidate Forum, 7 PM AP Exams 15 WEDNESDAY Senior Acting Show, 7:30PM, Whitney, NRHS 26 27 28 Trinity Talent Show, 7 PM NRHS Spring Dance Concert, 10:06 AM & 7 PM, Whitney, NRHS APRIL 2016 S M T W JUNE 2016 T F 1 S 2 S M T W 1 T 2 F 3 S 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 JUNE 2016 SCHOOL EVENTS Daniel Webster Elementary Humanities Magnet Grades K – 5 School Hours: 8:45 AM - 3:15 PM 95 Glenmore Drive, New Rochelle, NY 10801 Main # (914) 576-4460 – FAX (914) 576-4479 Website: http://webster.nred.org Principal: Melissa Passarelli Assistant Principal: Gregory A. Middleton Henry Barnard School Trinity Elementary Isaac E. Young M.S. 3............ Spirit Day 5............ Barnard Carnival 8............ Grade 2 visits to home schools 9............ PTA Meeting, 9 AM 9............ Puentes: Incoming Pre-K, 6:30 PM 16.......... After School Program Ends 20..........Pre-K Graduation for AM students, 9:30 AM 21.......... Pre-K Graduation for PM students, 9:30 AM 22.......... Grade 2 Moving Up Ceremony, 9:30 AM 3............ End of Year Picnic, 5 PM 14 ......... PTA Meeting, 7 PM 20.......... 5th Grade Moving Up, 9 AM 22.......... Kindergarten Moving Up, 9:30 AM Columbus Elementary Webster Elementary 1............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 2............ Healthy Snack Sale, 2-3 PM 2............ Family Fitness, 5:30 PM 2............ PTA Executive Committee, 6:30 PM 2............ PTA General Meeting, 7 PM 2............ 8th Grade Award Ceremony, 9 AM 6............ Morning Coffee, 9 AM 8............ Prom 10.......... Holiday Hill Trip 11.......... Zumba Dance, 9 AM 23.......... 8th Grade Graduation Rehearsal, 9 AM 24.......... 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony, 9 AM 7............ Field Day, K-2 8............ Field Day, 3-5 10 ......... PTA Meeting, 9 AM 17............Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremony 20.......... 5th Grade Luncheon and Award Ceremony, 11 AM 22.......... 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony, 9:15 AM 3............ Field Day 9............ PTA Dinner 23.......... 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony, 9:30 AM Davis Elementary 9............ 5th Grade Picnic 10.......... Kindergarten Moving Up Performance, 9:15 AM 13-17... PTA School Supplies Drive 14.......... 5th Grade Ice Cream Party 17.......... 5th Grade Party 21.......... 5th Grade Moving Up, 9:15 AM Jefferson Elementary 2............ Creative Arts Festival, 6 PM 10.......... Kindergarten Celebration, 10 AM 10.......... Incoming Kindergarten Orientation, 1:30 PM 17.......... 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony, 10 AM Ward Elementary 2............ Kindergarten Stepping Up 3............ Kindergarten Stepping Up 6............ K Punch 21.......... 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony, ALMS, 10 AM Albert Leonard M.S. 1 ........... PTA Meeting, 7 PM 9............ Awards Night, 7 PM 10.......... Principal’s Luncheon 22.......... 8th Grade Graduation, 5 PM New Rochelle High School 1 ........... NRHS Spring Jazz Concert, 7:30 PM, NRHS 2 ........... Best of PAVE Awards, 7 PM, NRHS 3 ........... Senior Prom Chelsea Piers 4 ........... SAT Exam 6 ........... Musical Theater, 7 PM, LEK* NRHS 8 ........... PAVE I, II , III Theater, 7 PM, LEK* NRHS 9 ........... PAVE I Dance, 7 PM, Whitney, NRHS 10 ......... NRHS Senior Awards Day, 9:30 AM 11 ......... ACT Exam 13.......... End of Marking Period 13.......... NRHS End of Classes 14 ......... NRHS Senior Awards, 7 PM 16 ......... Planetarium Show, 7 PM 23 ......... NRHS Graduation, 5 PM JUNE 2016 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 Regents exams NRHS Spring Jazz Concert, 7:30 PM, NRHS 5 6 NYS Grade 4 and Grade 8 Science Written Test PTA Council Installation Dinner, 6 PM NRHS Musical Theater/Film Festival, LEK*, 7 PM 12 13 Elementary Only Half Day NRHS End of Classes Shavuot (Day 1 of 2) Shavuot 1st day 19 20 Regents exams Barnard Pre-K Graduation, 9:30 AM Trinity Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony, 9 AM Father’s Day 26 Senior Varsity Awards Dinner, 7 PM Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6/7 PM, NRHS Ramadan begins 27 8 Barnard Grade 2 visits to Home Schools PAVE I, II, III Theater, 7 PM, LEK* NRHS 14 NRHS Senior Awards, 7 PM Regents exams 21 Regents exams Barnard Pre-K Graduation, 9:30 AM Davis Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony, 9:15 AM Ward Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony, 10 AM Board of Education Special Meeting, 6/7 PM*, LEK* NRHS 28 NRHS PAVE I, II, III Theater, LEK*, 7 PM PAVE I Dance, Whitney, NRHS, 7 PM 22 29 Ward K Stepping Up Senior Prom Chelsea Piers 4 SAT Exam 10 NRHS Senior Awards Day, 9:30 AM Davis Kindergarten Moving Up, 9:15 AM Jefferson Kindergarten Celebration, 10 AM 16 11 ACT Exam Shavuot begins at sundown 17 18 Regents exams Columbus K Moving Up Ceremony Jefferson 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony, 10 AM Regents exams Planetarium Show, 7 PM Regents exams Columbus Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony ALMS 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony, 5 PM Half Day Elementary Schools 3 9 15 Regents exams SATURDAY 2 Ward K Stepping Up Best of PAVE, Awards, 7 PM, NRHS 7 FRIDAY 23 Webster Grade 5 Moving Up Ceremony, 9:30 AM NRHS Graduation, 5 PM Half Day Elementary Schools 30 24 25 IEYMS 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony Half Day Elementary Schools Last Day of School MAY 2016 S 1 M 2 T 3 W 4 JULY 2016 T 5 F 6 S 7 S M T W T F 1 S 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 31 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 JULY 2016 S SUNDAY MONDAY JUNE 2016 AUGUST 2016 M T W 1 T 2 F 3 S 4 S M 1 T 2 W 3 T 4 F 5 TUESDAY S THURSDAY 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 3 WEDNESDAY 4 5 FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 6 7 8 9 BOE Annual Organizational Meeting, Central Admin., 6 PM 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AUGUST 2016 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PUPIL SERVICES The professional staff of the Pupil Services department is committed to the success of all students in an educational setting. The department maintains census records and attendance information and offers the following additional services below. SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY School psychologists provide important support to assist students in achieving maximal benefits from their educational programs. Their services include support for prevention of educational and behavioral problems through 1) early consultation with school staff and parents; 2) identification of students’ strengths and needs through observation; 3) psychological and other assessment; 4) individual and group counseling; 5) development and implementation of primary prevention; 6) social skills and esteem-building programs; 7) positive behavioral interventions; 8) parent education; and 9) crisis intervention and other services. SCHOOL SOCIAL WORK School social workers are resources for the delivery of school-based support services who work as liaisons among the schools, families, and community programs and agencies. Emphasis is placed on collaboration and coordination of services. By utilizing social history and other assessments, social workers collaborate with parents, teachers and other staff as part of a multidisciplinary team in interpreting children’s needs. ATTENDANCE/TRUANCY Attendance teachers are essential participants in the district’s efforts toward attendance improvement and dropout prevention. They provide outreach, through home visits to students and families, to address attendance problems before they become chronic. They serve as liaisons with community agencies and family court. Through residency verification and investigations, attendance teachers help to ensure that the district’s resources are reserved for New Rochelle residents. WORK PERMIT APPLICATIONS Work permits are required by law for students under 18. Information about procedures and application forms are available from the school nurse, or from the census office located on the third floor of City Hall, 515 North Ave. CENSUS A continuous census is maintained of resident minors enrolled in public and non-public schools in and outside the City of New Rochelle. Pupil population data includes individual and family information essential for district projects. All working papers are issued by the Census Office. CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR PHONE Any change of a student’s personal status, such as change of address (including apartment number), telephone number, or family name should be reported to the school office. Parents must also notify the school of changes in telephone numbers where they may be reached in cases of emergency. Personal information will be kept confidential. TRANSPORTATION Free transportation is provided only for pupils enrolled in kindergarten through fifth grade who are New Rochelle residents that live at least 1.5 miles, but less than 10 miles, from the school they attend. Students in grades 6-12 who are eligible will receive subsidized MetroCards or student passes to use for public transportation to and from school. No trips home for lunch are provided. Prekindergarten children attending school for half-days at Henry Barnard School—morning or afternoon—are transported according to a regular bus schedule. The district does not provide door-to-door transportation service, except for pupils enrolled in special education programs. Students in kindergarten and their siblings will be dropped off at their home address following the 3:15 p.m. dismissal; however, such services do not include buses or vans entering private driveways, roads or dead-end streets. Safety Reminders: Parents should familiarize pupils with bus stop locations and ensure that pupils arrive at their bus stops in a timely manner. Pupils are transported to and from assigned bus stop locations only. Children in all grades will be discharged at their assigned bus stops, even if there is no adult present to receive them, except for special education students. The safety of the pupil between home and the bus stop location is the responsibility of the parent. Parents should stress the importance of remaining seated and reasonably quiet while the bus is in motion. Students should dress for weather conditions, and for visibility in inclement weather. Policies and procedures and evacuation drills are in place to ensure your child’s safety. Please support these safety measures. To maintain discipline, the school district reserves the right to suspend transportation privileges. For more information, please visit our website at www.nred.org. Transportation Application Procedures: To Private Schools - April 1 is the deadline to request free transportation for children in grades K-5 who attend private or parochial schools. Applications must be filed every year. Applications received after the April 1 deadline, (or requests for a change of school after April 1 on applications filed prior to April 1) will be approved only if additional expense is not incurred by the school district. Requests should be sent to: Transportation Office, City School District of New Rochelle, 515 North Ave., New Rochelle, NY 10801. New Rochelle residents who move into the district after April 1 have 30 days to apply for transportation. REGISTRATION OF NEW STUDENTS Parents seeking to register children should call the school’s main office for an appointment. At the time of registration, parents must present: three (3) proofs of residency, proof of the student’s age and the most recent report card. For students residing with someone other than a parent or court-appointed legal guardian, or in cases where parents do not have required proof of residency, enrollment must be arranged through the Department of Pupil Services. Please call 576-4274 for information. At the time of registration, students residing in the Lincoln District will be assigned a school by the Superintendent of Schools. Parents/guardians should bring their children to the school when seeking registration. PRE-KINDERGARTEN PROGRAMS Recognizing the importance of early childhood education, the district provides space for a limited number of 4-yearolds at the Barnard School for the NYS Prekindergarten program and the Early Childhood Magnet Program. The prekindergarten programs help the young child with a comfortable, secure and inviting transition from home to school. Both programs provide developmentally appropriate opportunities to promote each child’s natural abilities, interests and enthusiasm for learning. Applications for the NYS Prekindergarten Program are available by contacting the main office at Barnard at 576- 4386. Applications for the EC2 Magnet Program are available at the open house event in January. MUSIC AND VISUAL ARTS A comprehensive music and visual arts program provides children rich experiences in the fine and performing arts from Grades K-12. Our Academic and Advanced Placement courses at New Rochelle High School extend a student’s opportunities for artistic advancement. Resident performers and artists complement our arts education programs throughout our schools. The NRHS PAVE (Performing and Visual Arts Education) Program affords talented high school students an opportunity to major in a specific art form (dance, music, theatre, visual arts). Students are admitted by auditions held each spring. Our young artists present their accomplishments through concerts, recitals and shows in the winter and spring. Our annual, district-wide “Our Children, Our Artists,” visual arts exhibit at the New Rochelle Public Library each May showcases exemplary student artwork; the Best of PAVE program in late spring highlights our very skilled performers and artists. MAGNET SCHOOLS: MAGNET APPLICATION Parents interested in applying for admission to the Barnard Early Childhood Center (EC2) must apply by 4:30pm on January 22, 2016. Applications for the Columbus Science, Math, Technology Magnet (C=SMT) or the Daniel Webster Humanities Magnet are due by 4:30 PM on February 19, 2016. Applications are available at each of the Magnet Open House programs: Barnard Early Childhood Center on January 6, 2016, Daniel Webster Elementary on February 4, 2016 and Columbus Elementary on February 4, 2016. All applications should be delivered to the Magnet Office at City Hall. Available magnet spaces will be assigned by lottery. Applicants are invited to the public drawing, which is held in the Board of Education meeting room at City Hall. Parents should also register their kindergartner in their assigned neighborhood school. A summary of Magnet Program dates and deadlines is below. Barnard: Magnet/UPK Open House: January 6, 2016, 6:30 PM Magnet/UPK Deadline Date: January 22, 2016, 4:30 PM Magnet Lottery: January 27, 1:00 PM City Hall UPK Lottery: January 29, 2016, 1:00 PM City Hall Columbus: Magnet Open House: February 4, 2016, 6:00 PM Columbus/Webster Magnet Deadline Date: February 19, 2016, 4:30 PM Columbus/Webster Lottery: March 3, 2016, 1:00 PM City Hall TRINITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL COMMUNICATION ARTS & TECHNOLOGY MAGNET (TESCAT) TESCAT is a neighborhood magnet school that is open to all students in the Trinity attendance area. Students learn a multitude of communication skills through the TESCAT magnet theme areas. They plan and produce daily news broadcasts in the digital TV studio. Students publish a newspaper, books and a literary magazine in the publishing center. Through the creative arts studio, artists-in-residence coach students on dramatic presentations of social studies themes. TESCAT also features an outstanding orchestra and 100-member marching band in the music conservatory. A computer network/ distance-learning center is used to develop students’ technology skills for now and the future. TESCAT is a learning community that strives for the success of all students by focusing on meaningful learning experiences in an environment that appreciates cultural diversity and nurtures respectful, responsible citizens. REINSPECTION NOTICE- AHERA Program Under the provisions of the Federal AHERA program and the New York State Education Department, all public school buildings must be inspected every three years and periodically checked every six months to update the district’s asbestos management plans. New Rochelle’s first inspection under AHERA was completed in 1989. Warren & Panzer Engineers conducted re-inspections in 2004 and 2007. Re-inspection was conducted in 2010 by ECG Engineering. The 2013 triennial re-inspection was conducted by CNS Management Corporation. Webster: Magnet Open House: February 4, 2016, 7:00 PM Columbus/Webster Magnet Deadline Date: February 19, 4:30 PM Columbus/Webster Lottery: March 3, 2016, 1:00 PM City Hall www.nred.org EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER (EC2) EC2, a dynamic and challenging primary magnet program, offers a four-year sequence for youngsters from prekindergarten to second grade. It provides a curriculum adapted from the internationally recognized Reggio Emilia method of instruction, with a strong emphasis on language development and literacy. The project-based curriculum incorporates themes that integrate creative problem solving and higher-order thinking skills while simultaneously addressing primary curriculum instruction in an aesthetically pleasing environment. COLUMBUS SCIENCE, MATH, TECHNOLOGY MAGNET The magnet program at the Columbus School provides a challenging curriculum with emphasis on science, math and technology. School activities, as well as after-school programs such as our nationally competitive Chess Club, are organized to demonstrate that all students can meet and exceed the highest standards of excellence. The Columbus Magnet School ensures that classroom and school-wide activities meaningfully engage and excite students while also involving parents in their children’s education. In addition to child-centered, hands-on science, technology, reading, research, art and mathematics projects, Columbus emphasizes frequent use of technology both in the classroom and in computer labs. Special facilities include the Global Learning Center, a fully equipped science lab, the Greenhouse and Nature Study Pond, the Library Media Center, and computer labs. Partnerships include area colleges and universities such as Iona, Pace and College of New Rochelle, and City College’s Math in the City Program. DANIEL WEBSTER HUMANITIES MAGNET Daniel Webster Magnet School enrolls children in kindergarten through fifth grades. As part of the Magnet Program, there is a humanities theme at each grade level. The themes are: Jurisprudence (laws and customs), Philosophy (logical reasoning and relationships), Economics (interdependence), Sociology (self, family, neighborhood) and Philosophical Perspectives through Literature. Spanish is taught at every grade level. Webster School also features a Studio Arts Program where children participate in a performing art or a visual art for ten consecutive weeks. KALEIDOSCOPE Kaleidoscope is an enriched program of study in language arts and mathematics for all fourth and fifth grade students, which is intended to complement the core curriculum. Students participate in the regular classroom program or are selected for either the modified Kaleidoscope program at each elementary school or the fulltime Kaleidoscope program at the Webster Elementary School, which also includes science and social studies. Selection is based on test criteria, creativity ratings and a review of writing samples. SPECIAL PROGRAMS Special programs include Pre-Kindergarten programs for 4-year-olds, expansive K-12 technology education programs in all schools, a modified Kaleidoscope program in each K-Grade 5 building, a full-time districtwide Kaleidoscope program in Webster Elementary School, a unique space science curriculum featuring demonstrations in the New Rochelle High School planetarium, English as a Second Language programs (which enroll children from more than 20 countries) and infused arts-in-education programs. All of these programs reflect the school district’s ongoing commitment to expand learning horizons and to broaden educational perspectives. In addition, all elementary schools feature a unique thematic component as an overlay to the district’s Common Core-aligned curriculum. DUAL LANGUAGE PROGRAMS Also know as CILA, the Children’s International Language Academy in the New Rochelle Dual Language Programs has successfully led hundreds of students towards the path of bilingualism. Students who graduate from the Spanish-English Dual Language Programs housed at Jefferson, Trinity and Ward Schools have the opportunity to register—in middle school and high school—in advanced Spanish courses or third language courses. The districtwide Italian-English Dual Language Program, which includes grades 3-5, is housed at Jefferson Elementary School. Students interested in the Italian-English Dual Language Program apply to Barnard’s Magnet Lottery as early as Pre-School, since in grades K-2, Barnard offers Italian as a second language to its students. Both Dual Language Programs, Spanish and Italian, are lottery-based programs. SPECIAL EDUCATION HEALTH SERVICES WELLNESS The Special Education Department offers comprehensive services for students with disabilities ages 3 to 21 who are recommended to receive special education by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) or Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE). The programs provide individualized education in the least restrictive setting. The department provides advocacy and support and works with the Special Education Parent Teacher Association’s (SEPTA) programs. The Health Services Department, under the direction of a board-certified pediatrician, strives to care for the entire school community while offering individualized care to students with identified acute and chronic health conditions. Students in public, private and parochial schools are medically evaluated. Physical examination certificates must be submitted for new entrants and students in grades K, 2, 4, 7 and 10. All students must comply with New York State Health Law immunization requirements. Through screening programs, students are examined for growth and nutritional status, vision and hearing impairment, scoliosis and hypertension; health records are maintained. Parents are apprised of all medical factors identified in school. Special medical examinations and consultations are offered based on referral from the building-level Pupil Personnel Services Team or Special Education Department. All candidates for interscholastic sports must have a medical evaluation, which includes an Athletic Health History review and examination by a school physician or the candidate’s personal physician. The City School District of New Rochelle has a wellness policy and an active wellness program, with a School Wellness Council (SWC) in each building. The District Wellness Committee and SWC’s work with the Healthy Schools Program of the Alliance for a Healthier Generation on a framework containing eight elements of wellness. Parents and staff are advised to visit the Wellness page on the district website (choose the Wellness Initiative on the left-side menu) and www.healthiergeneration.org. Please refer to the list of Healthy Snacks. We encourage parents to send healthy snacks for students who have snacks in class. New parent members of each SWC are welcome. Each September, the district seeks to identify children with disabilities who will enter the public schools and are not identified by the district’s Committee on Special Education. Parents or guardians who believe their children may have a disability should contact the Office of Special Education, 515 North Ave., New Rochelle, NY 10801, att: Yvette Goorevitch, Chairperson. Parents who suspect their preschool children may require special education services should contact: Edith Barasch, Chairperson, Committee on Preschool Special Education, Barnard School, 129 Barnard Road, New Rochelle, NY 10801. ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMS The Alternative Campus High School is a part of New Rochelle High School designed to provide approximately eighty students with a small, supportive setting in which to pursue their high school diploma. The program offers high school students experiencing challenges in school an opportunity to apply for a “fresh start” in our alternative setting. Prospective students must demonstrate a strong motivation to enter the program. The program provides students with small classes, personalized attention, academic supports, counseling supports, and a variety of instructional approaches. Our smaller learning environment also provides students with a greater sense of belonging to a community. Opportunities for community service and cultural enrichment are also provided as part of our program. We focus on helping students improve self-esteem and achieve success. The overwhelming majority of students who enroll will demonstrate improved attendance, grades, and credit accumulation and go on to earn a Regents diploma. School nurses provide services for students with special health needs that must be met during the school day. These services are based on the private/clinic physician’s treatment plan and must be consistent with State Education Department and school district policy and procedure. School nurses are also a resource for parents who have concerns about how their child’s health status may impact his or her educational program. They are knowledgeable about health services available in the community and can assist families in locating appropriate sources of general and specialty pediatric and dental care. CONCUSSION The Health Services and Athletics Departments share responsibility for the District’s Concussion Management program. Students participating in those interscholastic sports with known risk for head injury/concussion undergo baseline neurocognitive testing. Students who sustain head injuries/concussions are followed according to District policy and procedure. Parents of affected students are contacted directly. CONFIDENTIALITY OF MEDICAL & MENTAL HEALTH INFORMATION The clinical staff of the City School District of New Rochelle adheres to the standards of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to the extent that those standards are applicable to school districts. In addition, the confidentiality of student medical/health information in student records is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). www.nred.org NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT In the administration of its programs and policies, the City School District of New Rochelle does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, creed, color, national origin or disability. It complies with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Inquiries regarding this policy should be referred to the school district’s compliance officer: Dr. Diane C. Massimo, Associate Superintendent, 515 North Ave., New Rochelle, NY 10801-3416. EDUCATIONAL CABLE TV ACCESS Educational programs and prerecorded video programs of events in the school district are broadcast on the district’s educational television station via Cablevision Channel 77 or Verizon Channel 30, both available to cable TV customers in the City of New Rochelle. Program schedules are broadcast during the school year. The station broadcasts bulletin board notices and pre-recorded programs during July and August. CONTINUING EDUCATION AND ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAMS The district provides a year-round program of continuing education enrichment for adults. Courses are offered at New Rochelle High School in many subject areas. For specific course information, call the Continuing Education Office evenings from 3-9 p.m., Monday through Thursday, at 576-4547. Registration for senior citizens is half of the standard fee for most courses. NEW ROCHELLE FUND FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE - “NR FUND” The New Rochelle Fund for Educational Excellence develops, implements, and raises funds to provide educational enrichment programming and to help level the playing field for college access in all of New Rochelle’s public schools. The NR Fund also promotes active community engagement with our schools and fosters enthusiasm for our extraordinarily diverse and exceptional school district. The New Rochelle Fund for Educational Excellence is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization established to support projects that the school budget cannot fund. Some of the programs include Chess in Our Schools, Poetry Out Loud, Arts Out Loud, Agenda Books, Theater, Civics, History Workshop, Literary Festival, SAT and PSAT Preparation, New Rochelle High School on Stage at Carnegie Hall or Lincoln Center, and the Museum of Arts & Culture (located in NRHS). For more information, www.nredfund.org EMERGENCY CLOSINGS & ANNOUNCEMENTS If schools must be closed due to bad weather or other emergencies, or if significant transportation delays are experienced, announcements will be made over the following local media: Internet - district and school web pages: www.nred.org; cable TV - CABLE 30; and radio - WVOX 1460 AM. If there is no announcement, schools are open. If schools are closed, they are closed for all other scheduled activities, including after-school programs, athletics, continuing education classes and evening programs. As a decision is made, our primary concern is the safety of the children. Transportation service for eligible students in grades 6 - 12 is provided by Westchester County Liberty Lines. Buses that transport students to and from Albert Leonard Middle School, Isaac E. Young Middle School and New Rochelle High School also serve established county commuter runs that Westchester County Liberty Lines cannot alter. It is not feasible to have a delayed opening or early closing that has not been planned well in advance for one division of our school system and not the other. Since child care needs and road conditions can vary greatly, the district advises parents to assess the conditions in their own neighborhood as they make decisions as to whether or not to send their child to school. Because the district may need to notify you by phone in an emergency, please provide your child’s school with any change in telephone number or contact information. SCHOOL WEBSITES & TEACHER PAGES The City School District of New Rochelle utilizes e-Chalk, an Internet-based system, to provide school Web communication for faculty, staff, students, parents and the community. You can navigate to all of our school Web pages from the Directory Listing found on the top of each school home page. Using the e-Chalk Internetbased system, teachers may choose to post current announcements, homework and project assignments, test and quiz dates, etc. Automatic notices are sent when announcements and events are updated by subscribing to the automatic RSS feeds (orange icons) on all of our school homepages. Important district information such as school closing announcements and Board of Education meeting agendas are also posted at www.nred.org. NEW ROCHELLE HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 9-12) 265 Clove Road, New Rochelle, NY 10801-1247, 576-4500 (FAX 576-4284) Website: nrhs.nred.org Reginald Richardson, Principal Joseph Starvaggi, Assistant Principal Michael Kenny, District Coordinator, Guidance & Counseling Gustavo Barbosa, House I Principal Camille Edwards-Thomas, House II Principal Shadia Alvarez, House III Principal Michael Hildebrand, House IV Principal Maureen Maire, Director of Continuing Education and Extended Day School Program (576-4548) Joel Fridovich - Director of Campus School Steve Young – Director of Athletics Marc Schneider - District Coordinator of the Arts Juan Mendez - District Coordinator of World Language, High School coordinator of ESL David Diamond - Assistant Director of Special Education Marcelle Heywood - Science Chair for Secondary Schools Steve Goldberg - Social Studies Chair for Secondary Schools Ron Morris - Mathematics Chair Leslie Altschul - English Chair CAMPUS ALTERNATIVE HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 9-12) 50 Washington Ave., New Rochelle, NY 10801, 576-4393 (FAX 576-4647) Website: nrhs.nred.org Joel Fridovich - Program Administrator, Campus Alternative High School ALBERT LEONARD M.S. (Grades 6-8) 25 Gerada Lane, New Rochelle, NY 10804-3399, 576-4339 (FAX 576-4784) Website: albertleonard.nred.org John Barnes, Principal Rodney Arthur, Assistant Principal William Mackin, Administrative Dean ISAAC E. YOUNG M.S. (Grades 6-8) 270 Centre Ave., New Rochelle, NY 10805-2498, 576-4360 (FAX 632-2738) Website: isaacyoung.nred.org Anthony Bongo, Principal Tawanda G. Robinson, Assistant Principal Daniel Gonzalez, Administrative Dean HENRY BARNARD SCHOOL (Grades Pre-K-2) 129 Barnard Road, New Rochelle, NY 10801-1301 576-4386 (FAX 576-4625) Website: barnard.nred.org Joanna Genovese, Principal Lori E. Pisani, Assistant Principal COLUMBUS ELEMENTARY (Grades K-5) 275 Washington Ave., New Rochelle, NY 10801-5999 576-4401 (FAX 576-4628) Website: columbus.nred.org Sonia Nunez, Principal Shelli Owens, Assistant Principal GEORGE M. DAVIS, JR. ELEMENTARY (Grades K-5) 80 Iselin Drive, New Rochelle, NY 10804-1099, 576-4420 (FAX 576-4225) Website: davis.nred.org Michael Galland, Principal Anthony Bambrola, Assistant Principal JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY (Grades K-5) 131 Weyman Ave., New Rochelle, NY 10805-1428 576-4430 (FAX 576-4631) Website: jefferson.nred.org Kimmerly Nieves, Principal Leann Bruno, Assistant Principal TRINITY ELEMENTARY (Grades K-5) 180 Pelham Road, New Rochelle, NY 10805-3197 576-4440 (FAX 576-4266) Website: trinity.nred.org Anthony DiCarlo, Principal Inas Morsi-Hogans, Assistant Principal WILLIAM B. WARD ELEMENTARY (Grades K-5) 311 Broadfield Road, New Rochelle, NY 10804-2499, 576-4450 (FAX 576-4263) Website: ward.nred.org Franco Miele, Principal Kimberly Peluso, Assistant Principal DANIEL WEBSTER MAGNET SCHOOL (Grades K-5) 95 Glenmore Drive, New Rochelle NY 10801-3199 576-4460 (FAX 576-4479) Website: webster.nred.org Melissa Passarelli, Principal Greg Middleton, Assistant Principal www.nred.org City School District of New Rochelle 515 North Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10801-3416 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID White Plains, N.Y. Permit No. 1334