Subject : Business studies Grade : 10 Term :3 Topic : Entrepreneurial Opportunities Lesson Topic : Creative thinking Time : 55 Minutes Lesson Outcomes By the end of this lesson the learners will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define the term creativity in their own words. List five ways in which creativity can be developed. Name and explain the steps in the problem-solving cycle. Work effectively with others as members of a group. Communicate effectively. Lesson Phase Teacher action Learner activity Orientation The teacher will show the learners a short video clip and ask learners key questions. Teacher will employ direct instructions and make use of whole class discussions. The learner’s textbooks should be closed. The teacher will instruct the learners to move into groups of 2 members each for purpose of small group work. When in their groups teacher will ask learners to discuss what they believe can help them develop their creativity. The teacher will ask of the Learners will watch the video clip attentively and respond to the teacher’s questions by means of answers. Exposition 1 Learners will move into their small groups as paired by the teacher. Learners are to discuss how they believe creativity can be developed. Assessment strategy Question and answer Method. Resources Oral Feedback from the groups will serve as informal assessment Whiteboard Video clip Data Projector Estimated Time 5-7 Minutes 5-10 Minutes Internalization 1 Exposition 2 Internalization 2 Application learners to provide verbal feedback on their discussions. The teacher will now officially discuss creative thinking with the learners. She will also explain how creative thinking can be developed. The teacher will ask the learners to think back to the examples they provided and to see whether any of the things they have put down is one of the things mentioned in the textbook. Teacher will select a learner at random to answer. Learners textbooks are open on the section of the work. The teacher will discuss problem solving with the learners. The teacher will also explain the research skills for recognizing a problem. Learners textbooks should be open on the section of the work. The teacher will ask the learners to close their textbooks and to list in sequence the steps in the problem solving cycle. Learners will also have to name and explain ways in which creative thinking can be developed. The teacher will consolidate the lesson by asking key questions and in doing so provide Learners will listen Question and attentively to what answer method the teacher says and follow in their Via Afrika textbooks. Learners will respond to the teachers questions by means of answers. Grade 10 Via Afrika Textbook. 5-10 Minutes Learners will listen to the teacher’s explanation and give their opinions. They will also respond to questions that will be asked by the teacher. Learner’s active engagement will serve as assessment. Power point Data Projector 20 Minutes The learners will close their textbooks as instructed by the teacher and respond to the teacher’s questions by means of answers. Question and answer method Teacher 5-10 Minutes The learners will respond to the teacher’s questions by means of Question and Answer method. Case study Whiteboard 5 Minutes a brief overview of the lesson. The teacher will hand out the homework (CASE STUDY) to the learners which should be done individually and are to be completed by the next lesson. The teacher will also provide instructions regarding her expectations. answers. Learners will listen to the instructions of the teacher. The learners will write their homework in their dairies. The learners may start with the homework in class provided that there is still time within the lesson.