January 2013 Vitae 1. 2. 3. Name: Bernard Malamud Rank: Professor of Economics Education Ph.D., Economics, New School for Social Research, 1971 Thesis: The Economics of Office Location. M.S., Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University, 1965. B.S., Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic University, 1963. 4. Date of appointment at UNLV: September 1968. Assistant Professor of Economics, 1968 - 1970 Associate Professor of Economics, 1970 - 1976 Professor of Economics, Since 1976 Chair, Department of Economics, 1976 - 1980, 1996 - 1999. London Program Professor, Spring 1985 Turin Program Professor, Spring 1990, Summer 1998 Advisor, Corporate Rebels, 1994, 1995 Bilbao Program Professor, 2004 Courses taught at UNLV Current Economic Issues Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Microeconomics Statistical Methods Intermediate Income Theory Intermediate Price Theory Money and Banking Statistical Analysis Comparative Economic Systems Urban Economics Environmental Economics Transportation Economics Introduction to Econometrics International Economics International Monetary Relations International Monetary Economics International Finance Topics in Macroeconomics 5.Publications: 1 Economic Analysis Optimization Techniques History of Economic Thought Economic Fluctuations Advanced Macroeconomic Theory Advanced Microeconomic Theory Advanced Statistical Modeling Migration: An Economic Perspective The Las Vegas Economy Evaluation of Real Estate Quantitative Methods Invited Seminar in Management Introduction to MIS MIS Analysis Economic Integration of CommonMkts Economic Development Applied Economic Analysis Global Economics and Development Single Family Residence Market Values: The Contributions of Major Improvements to Individual Units and Neighborhoods, Working Paper No. 6, University of Nevada Bureau of Business Research, Reno, 1973 (with L.Seidman). Interactions and Office Location, Working Paper No. 7, University of Nevada Bureau of Business Research, Reno, 1973. Gravity Model Calibration of Tourist Travel to Las Vegas, Journal of Leisure Research, Fall 1973. Home Improvements: What Are They Worth on Resale? Nevada Realtors News and Views, July 1973 (with L. Seidman). Nevada In-Migration, Income, and Quality of Life, Nevada Business Review, October 1974. Projections of Nevada Economic Activity, in Law School Study for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, by Willard H. Petrick and Lorne Seidman, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1974. Socioeconomic Impacts of the Second Stage of the Southern Nevada Water Project, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975 (with J. Nixon and W.T. White). Socioeconomic Impacts of the Las Vegas Wash Desalting Plant, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975 (with J. Nixon and W.T. White). Economic Impact of the Emplacement of Sanguine in Southern Nevada, UNLV Center for Business and Economic Research, 1976. Las Vegas Timed Multipliers, Nevada Review of Business and Economics, Fall 1980. Nevada Tax Revolt: Economic Consequences, Western Tax Review, January 1981. John H. Williams on the German Inflation: The International Transmission of Monetary Disturbances, in Nathan Schmukler and Edward Mason, eds., Inflation Through the Ages: Economic, Social, and Historical Aspects, Columbia University Press for Brooklyn College Press, 1983. Ominous Parallels ... Heartening Differences, Challenge, March-April 1987. Regional Economic Growth and Decline: The Supply - Side Contribution, Annals of Regional Science, July 1987. Supply - Side Regional Growth and Decline: Some Lessons for Nevada, Nevada Review of Business and Economics, Summer 1987. Consumer Demand for Global Products, Proceedings of the Western International Business Association, Pomona, April 1991 (with Giuseppi Tardivo). Italian Business Finance: 1976 - 1992, Economia Aziendale, December 1991 (with Giuseppi Tardivo). The Federal Reserve’s Response to Exchange Rate Shocks, Applied Financial Economics, 2000, Vol. 10: 461-70. (with Djeto Assane). 2 A Common Currency for Mercosur and Latin America, American Business Review June 2002, 132-139 (with Wayne Label). Federal Reserve Operating Strategy: Exploiting “Pressure” on Bank Reserves, Journal of Policy Modeling 2002, 24: 527-532 (with Djeto Assane). Financial Development and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Do Legal Origin and CFA Membership Matter? Applied Economics, August 2010, (with Djeto Assane) Geographic Deregulation and Commercial Bank Performance in US State Banking Markets, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, February 2011. (with Stephen Miller and YongDong Zou) The Real Cost of Free Play, Casino Enterprise Management (with R. Jeff Jordan). January 3, 2011 Slow Growth and Slow Convergence in Sub-Saharan Africa. Applied Economics Letters. 2013, 20, 377-381. (with Djeto Assane) Book Reviews Urban Economic Development: Suburbanization, Minority Opportunity, and the Condition of the Central City, by Bennett Harrison, The Annals of Regional Science, November 1976. Mass Transit and the Politics of Technology: A Study of BART and the San Francisco Bay Area, by Stephen Zwerling, The Annals of Regional Science, March 1977. Housing Messages, by Franklin D. Becker, The Annals of Regional Science, March 1980. The Economics of Neighborhood, David Segal, editor, The Annals of Regional Science, July 1981. Zoning, Its Costs and Relevance for the 1980s, by Michael Goldberg and Peter Horwood, The Annals of Regional Science, November 1981. Urban Decline and the Future of American Cities, Katherine Bradbury, Anthony Downs, and Kenneth Small, editors, The Annals of Regional Science, July 1985. Kalecki's Microanalysis: The Development of Kalecki's Analysis of Pricing and Distribution, by Peter Kriesler, Southern Economic Journal, January 1989. Effective Demand and Income Distribution: Issues in Alternative Economic Theory, by Marc Jarsulic, Southern Economic Journal, January 1990. Kalecki's Relevance Today, Mario Sebastiani, editor, Southern Economic Journal, July 1990. Capitalism and Equality in America, Modern Capitalism. Volume I. Peter L. Berger, editor, The Annals of Regional Science, 1991 (2). 3 Wages and Profits in the Capitalist Economy: The Impact of Monopolistic Power on Economic Performance in the USA and UK, by Andrew Henley. Southern Economic Journal, July 1991. The Economic Theory of Structure and Change, Mauro Baranzini and Roberto Scazzieri, editors, Southern Economic Journal, October 1992. International Reorganization and American Economic Policy, by Leonard Rapping, Southern Economic Journal, April 1993. The Dynamics of the Wealth of Nations: Growth, Distribution and Structural Change. Essays in Honor of Luigi Pasinetti, edited by Mauro Baranzini and G.C. Harcourt. Southern Economic Journal, April 1995. Post Keynesian Macoreconomic Theory: A Foundation for Successful Economic Policies in the Twenty-first Century, by Paul Davidson. Southern Economic Journal, January 1996. Collected Works of Michal Kalecki, Volume V: Developing Economies, edited by Jerzy Ostiatynski. Southern Economic Journal, April 1997. 6. Presentation of professional papers: The Location of Administrative Activity in the United States, Western Regional Science Association, Santa Barbara, 1971. Determinants of Las Vegas Tourism, Western Regional Science Association, San Diego, 1972. Administrative Location for Maximum Interaction Value, The Institute of Management Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1972. Single Family Residence Market Values: The Contributions of Major Improvements to Individual Units and Neighborhoods, Western Regional Science Association, Monterey, 1973 (with L. Seidman). Pricing and Allocation in Residence Filtering Models, Western Regional Science Association, Long Beach, 1974. A Simulation Model of Zoning Change Decisions, The Institute of Management Sciences, Las Vegas, 1975 (with G. Borgel). Inland Waterway Industrial Parks: Land Use Guidelines, Western Social Science Association, Tempe, 1976 (with R. Hoyt). Econometric Analyses of the Utah Industrial Loan Corporation Industry, Western Economic Association, San Francisco, 1976 (with W.T. White). A Model for the Analysis of Socioeconomic Impacts of Water Projects, Western Social Science Association, Tempe, 1976 (with J. Nixon and W.T. White). Timed Employment Multipliers, Western Regional Science Association, Tucson, 1977. 4 A Gambling Stock Price Index, Conference on Gambling, Reno, 1978 (with J. Baxter and D. Hartley). The German Inflation in Monetarist Literature, Atlantic Economic Society, Salzburg - Vienna, 1979. Keynes on the German Inflation, Eastern Economic Association, Boston, 1979. John H. Williams on the German Inflation: the International Amplification of Monetary Disturbances, Brooklyn College Conference on Society in Change, 1980. Rational Expectations in Hyperinflation, Western Economic Association, San Diego, 1980. Inflation Theory: The Political Dimension Ignored, Western Social Science Association, San Diego, 1981 (with G. Kirschner). German Output, Employment and Productivity in the Decade Following World War I, Western Economic Association, San Francisco, 1986. Regional Economic Growth and Decline: The Supply - Side Contribution, Presidential Address, Western Regional Science Association, Kona, 1987. Locational and Capacity Competition in Regional U.S. Hospital Markets, Regional Science Association European Conference, Krakow, Poland, 1986. German Distributional Conflict in the Decade Following World War I, Southwestern Social Science Association, Dallas, 1987. Regional Growth and Decline in the Supply - Side Era, Fourth International Mini-Conference on Regional Development, Indianapolis, May 1987. Distributional Conflict in Post-World War I Germany, Money/Macroeconomics Seminar, Bloomington, May 1987. Indiana University Market Economies of Scale: The Case of Acute Care Hospitals, Western Regional Science Association, Napa, 1988 (with T. Carroll). Corporate Dividends: Market Discipline or Managerial Discretion?, Western Economic Association, Los Angeles, 1988 (with T. Carroll). The Determinant of Homelessness: Poverty or Inadequate Housing?, Western Regional Science Association, San Diego, 1989 (with T. Carroll). Rent Controls and Homelessness: An Empirical Investigation, Western Economic Association, Lake Tahoe, 1989 (with T. Carroll). Exchange Rate Regimes, Domestic Price System, and Factor Prices: Implications of Alternative Paths to Reform, AISEC Italia Conference on Europe in Transition, Turin, April 1990. The Consequences of the Adoption of Global Strategies on Companies' Organizational and Decision-Making Structures, European International Business Association, Madrid, Spain, 1990. 5 Consumer Demand for Global Products, Western International Business Association, Pomona, 1991 (with Giuseppi Tardivo); also presented at Estonian Management Institute, Tallinn, December 1991. Wage Share, Capital Structure and Steady-State Growth in a Financial Economy, Southern Economic Association, Nashville, 1991. Steady-State Growth in a Financial Economy: Regional Adaptations and Tests, Western Regional Science Association, Maui, 1993. Money, Distribution, and Growth, Eastern Economic Association, Boston, March 1994. Federal Reserve Reaction Functions in a Global Economy, Eastern Economic Association, Boston, March 1996 (with Dj. Assane). Federal Reserve Reactions to Exchange Rate Shocks: An Examination of the Floating Rate Era, Atlantic Economic Society, London, March 1997 (with Djeto Assane). Federal Reserve Interest Rate Targeting: The Experience Since 1983, Eastern Economic Association, Boston, March 1999 (with Djeto Assane). Dollar, Merco, Float: Currency Alternatives for Latin America, Business Association for Latin American Studies, San Diego, April 2001 (with Wayne Label). Inflation Convergence in a Currency Union: The Waemu Countries and France, Eastern Economic Association, Boston, March 2002 (with Djeto Assane). Financial Development and Growth in Anglophone and Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa: Does Colonial Legacy Matter? Eastern Economic Association, February 2003 (with Djeto Assane). Anomalies in Growth: Sub-Saharan Africa Eastern Economic Association, February 2006 (with Djeto Assane). Distress: Discounts and Externalities in the Las Vegas Housing Market, 2005 – 2009. Eastern Economic Association, February 2010 (with Djeto Assane and Denisse Colin). 7. Community service: Las Vegas foreign tourist point-of-origin study, for Landrum and Brown, 1970. Economic impact of natural gas curtailment on southern Nevada, testimony on behalf of Southwest Gas Corporation, Federal Power Commission, May 1972. Clark County Regional Transportation Study, Citizens Advisory Committee, 1973-1976. Clark County Consumers' League, Board of Directors, 1973-1975. Cost-benefit analysis of South Carolina Regional Medical Program, 1974. 6 Nevada economic forecast, for UNLV Law School study, 1974. Pioneer-Citizen Bank branch location study, 1974. Green Valley development projection for American Nevada Corporation, 1975 (with W.T. White). Nevada thrift industry projection for Nevada First Thrift, 1975 (with W.T. White). Clark County economic forecast for Touche-Ross arena feasibility study, 1977 (with J. Baxter). Consumer price index expert testimony on belhalf of Las Vegas City Employees Association, 1978, 1979. Armored vehicle industry cost function study, testimony before the Nevada Public Service Commission on behalf of Nevada Armored Transport, 1979; Reno Armored Transport, 1981. Economic analysis of shallow unconventional gas resource development in Montana, in cooperation with CER, 1981. Analysis of Nevada hospital costs for Nevada Hospital Association, 1982, 1983 (with P. Taylor). Information system needs analysis for Nevada Board of Pharmacists, 1982 (with P. Taylor). Charter bus industry cost function study and testimony before the Nevada Public Service Commission on behalf of Sun Valley Bus Lines, 1983. Feasibility studies for Billy's Country and Western Restaurant and Dance Hall, 1984, 1989; Henderson, NV residential development, 1985; The Ranch Mall, Henderson, NV, 1986; Casablanca Restaurant, 1987 (with F. Tussing). City of Henderson Economic Development Plan Update, 1987 (with F. Tussing). Summa Federal Credit Union membership surveys, 1987, 1988 (with F. Tussing). Las Vegas Limousine Industry needs assessment and testimony, Commission on behalf of Longride Limousine, 1989 (with L. Larson). Nevada Public Service Analysis of age - sex discrimination in termination and demotion, testimony in Federal Court regarding the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel, January 1989; regarding the Buena Vista Palace Hotel, Orlando, November 1992. Computer-based system for Valley Bank of Nevada micro-area demographic projections and branch location decisions, 1989 (with M. Ciek, D. Dyke, and F. Tussing). HSST ridership projections, 1990 (with T. Carroll). Economic damages sustained in accidents, business terminations, and divorce: expert testimony in Federal and District Court, Clark County, NV, 1974 - present. Casino slot department optimization, 1996. 7 Ridership forecast for the proposed seven station Las Vegas monorail, prepared for Venetian Resort, November 1999; testimony, June 2000. Health care needs determinations (with P. Taylor and/or W.T. White): feasibility analyses, Certificate of Need applications, and public hearing testimony on behalf of: Desert Valley Community Hospital, Phoenix, AZ, 1980 Lexington Community Hospital, Lexington, KY, 1981 Spring Valley Community Hospital, Las Vegas, NV, 1981 Clinch Valley Community Hospital, Richlands, VA, 1981 Kendall Community Hospital, Miami, FL, 1981 Sparks Family Hospital, Sparks, NV 1981 Lincoln Trail Community Hospital, Radcliffe, KY, 1981 Suburban Hospital, Louisville, KY, 1981 American Surgicenter, Provo, UT, 1981 Women's Hospital, Indianapolis, IN, 1981-2 Cameron Woods Community Hospital, Reston, VA, 1981-2 Desert Hills Community Hospital, Tucson, AZ, 1981-2 Westlake Community Hospital, Westlake, CA, 1982-3 The Colony Community Hospital, The Colony, TX, 1982-3 Wellington Hospital Medical Center, Wellington, FL, 1983 Auburn General Hospital, Auburn, WA, 1983 Cutler Ridge RMC, Dade County, FL, 1984 Martin County Medical Center, Martin County, FL, 1984 Acute care hospital feasibility studies: Platte County, MO, on behalf of Humana, 1981 Virginia Beach, VA, on behalf of Humana, 1981 Federal Way, WA, on behalf of Auburn General Hospital, 1983 Fremont County, WY, on belhalf of Lander Valley RMC, 1983 Lake Mead Community Hospital, Las Vegas, NV, 1990 Slot department, Mirage Casino, 1996- 1998 Acres Gaming, 2002-2003 Market Development/Corporate Strategy, IGT, 2004 – 2012. Commissioner, Clark County Planning Commission, August 1997–December 2003 Member, Clark County Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee, 1998 – 2007 8. 8 Awards and recognitions: President, Western Regional Science Association, 1987.