
Visit Lutherland
500 Years of
Upper Susquehanna Synod September 26 –
October 5 / October 8, 2017
2017 will be the 500th Anniversary of the
Reformation. We think foremost of Martin Luther as
being the leader of this movement to renew the
Church, but he did not live and work in isolation.
Many others came together to study, to pray, to
discuss, to discern, and to act.
The Ansbach-Würzburg Partner- ship Committee of
the Upper Susquehanna Synod invites you to come
to Wittenberg to visit and learn of these events from
1517 and the years before and after. We will visit
important sites that have religious and historical
significance during that time.
We will travel with an experienced tour guide who
lives in Wittenberg, knows church history, and
speaks impeccable English. Christian Eggert will be
our guide for these days in Germany to
make history more understandable and exciting for
us. We will visit many important sites of the
Reformation time, and will have a few opportunities
to visit other German sites of historical significance.
We invite you to join us.
For further information, please contact:
The AnsbachWürzburg Committee of the Upper Susquehanna Synod,
ELCA Rev. Dr. Lois D. Martin,
Lo7mrt@aol.com or call: 570-768-6299
Visit Lutherland
Berlin – Wittenberg – Leipzig – Eisleben – Halle –
Weimar – Buchenwald – Erfurt – Eisenach –
Wartburg Castle
Tour extension: Dresden – Meissen
- Prague
Day 1, Tuesday, September 26, 2017: Depart
the US
Gather for your overnight transatlantic flight to
Day 2, Wednesday, September 27, 2017:
Arrival Berlin
On arrival in Berlin we meet our
Tour Manager and our bus. After a first orientation
we start the trip with a guided city tour of Berlin. The
tour includes a stop at the Brandenburg Gate and
former Checkpoint Charlie. We visit the museum at
Bernauer Strasse to see a remaining part of the Wall.
End the tour at Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church
which was bombed during World War II leaving only
the west tower standing. Later this afternoon we
continue our way to Lutherstadt Wittenberg. Check
in at Colleg Wittenberg, Dinner and overnight. D
Day 3, Thursday, September 28,
Lutherstadt Wittenberg
After breakfast,
we gather for the first part of the
city tour and
discover the city where Martin Luther once lived and
taught. On our tour in the “Footsteps of Martin
Luther” we visit places which were important in his
life, like the Town Church, the Market square, the
Town hall and the Castle Church, where Luther
posted his “95 thesis”. In the afternoon, hear a
presentation on “How Martin Luther and his Friends
lived in Wittenberg.” Dinner and overnight. BD
Day 4, Friday, September 29, 2017: Lutherstadt
In the morning, join your guide for the
second part of the city tour. In 1883, the Prussian
Crown Prince established the “Lutherhaus” as a
museum which archives more than 10,000 prints,
6,000 manuscripts, 2,000 coins and medals, and
14,000 illustrations. We explore the three-story
museum, which displays only a fraction of its
Reformation collection, the world’s largest. The
Reformer’s living room, known as the “Lutherstube,”
is especially well preserved. Another museum is the
newly reopened Melanchthon House museum, which
we will visit afterwards. The afternoon offers free
time to explore Wittenberg on your own. Dinner is
followed by a conversation with Wittenbergers on life
in Germany and church life in Wittenberg. BD
Day 5, Saturday, September
30, 2017:
We travel to Leipzig. In May
1989, the
people of Leipzig first
organized the
that brought hundreds
thousands into the streets for
the “Peaceful
Revolution”. We
will visit their rendezvous point
the Gothic St. Nicholas
Church, built in
Afterwards time and lunch on
your own (we
suggest to go for
lunch to the historic Auerbachs
Keller, where, in a scene made famous in Johann
Wolfgang Goethe’s Faust, Faust and Mephistopheles
drank with the local students before flying away on a
barrel). In the afternoon we will enjoy the Motet with
the famous St. Thomas Boys Choir at the 14
Century St. Thomas Church, where Luther preached
and where Bach served as cantor and choirmaster
for 25 years. Later on, we meet for a presentation on
the Peaceful Revolution by a pastor who served in
Leipzig in 1989. Afterwards, return to the Colleg
Wittenberg for dinner and overnight. BD
Day 6, Sunday, October 1, 2017: Lutherstadt
Eisleben and Halle
This morning we drive to Eisleben where we will
worship with the local congregation. A guided tour
will follow: Luther’s birth and death occurred here,
his Bethlehem and Jerusalem. His home is typical of
the Middle Ages. An exhibition interprets the spiritual
environment of Luther’s childhood. We can further
understand the foundation of Luther’s faith when we
visit the Church of St. Peter and Paul, where Luther
was baptized. The late medieval residence where
Luther died is preserved nearby. Our tour includes a
stop at St. Andrews, where Luther gave his last four
sermons. Lunch on own. Continue to Halle, where we
will have a guided tour of the Francke Foundation
and see Luther’s Death mask at the Market Church.
Back to Wittenberg. BD
Day 7, Monday, October 2, 2017: Buchenwald
In the morning, say good bye to Wittenberg and
board your coach and travel southwest to Weimar,
arriving in time for lunch. After time on your own,
travel to Buchenwald. Between 1937 and 1945, a
quarter million people were imprisoned at
Buchenwald concentration camp. All of them suffered
and 50,000 of them died.
Among the prisoners were Lutheran pastors Dietrich
Bonhoeffer and Paul Schneider, outspoken
opponents of National Socialism. Continue to Erfurt
for dinner and overnight. BD
Day 8, Tuesday, October 3, 2017: Erfurt
After breakfast we gather for a city tour and follow
again the footsteps of Martin Luther. We will see the
University district, where Luther studied, and visit St.
Mary’s Cathedral, where he was ordained. A tour of
the Augustinian Monastery, where Luther took his
monastic vows and lived as a monk, will follow. In
the afternoon we will have free time to discover the
Capital of Thuringia on our own or just relax in the
hotel. No group dinner tonight. B
Day 9, Wednesday, October 4, 2017: Eisenach
In the morning, we depart Erfurt for
where we will visit the Bach House
Museum and
hear a mini-concert on period
instruments. After
some free time for lunch, we’ll
tour the Wartburg
Castle, where Luther disguised
himself as a squire
named “Junker Jörg” and hid
away for ten months
while he was on the run from
imperial authorities. Here Luther created one of his
most important works—the translation of the New
Testament into German. On
our private guided tour of the castle, we will also see
the room where Luther lived and worked on his
translation. In the afternoon, continue to Dresden.
Check in at our hotel. Dinner and overnight. BD
Day 10, Thursday, October 5, 2017: Auf
Wiedersehen. For those who chose to fly home,
your bus will bring you to the Dresden Airport for
your homebound flight. B
Tour extension:
Day 10, Thursday, October 5, 2017: Dresden
This morning we explore Dresden with a guided city
tour. We visit the Frauenkirche (Church of Our Lady
Lutheran Church) which remained in ruins from the
WWII bombing in
1945 until recently.
Learn the story of the bombing and rebuilding from a
church leader/member. Admire other treasures on a
panoramic tour of Dresden. In the afternoon, we
enjoy some free time to discover the beautiful city by
our own. Dinner and overnight. BD
Day 11, Friday, October 6, 2017: Meissen
Today we drive along the river Elbe to Meissen and
have a private guided tour of the porcelain factory.
After lunch on our own we continue our way to
Prague. Check in at our hotel. Dinner and overnight.
Day 12, Saturday, October 7, 2017: Prague
In the morning we meet our local guide for a city
tour. We begin to discover this historic and elegant
baroque city while meandering through the narrow
streets of Old Town. We admire the Astronomical
Clock Tower and visit Our Lady Before the Tyn
Church, the leading church of the Hussite movement
for the 200 years following the execution of Jan Hus
and explore the Jewish Quarter to learn about the
community established here in the 12th century.
Before lunch break we visit Bethlehem Chapel.
This afternoon we visit the grounds of Prague Castle
to explore the magnificent St. Vitus Cathedral and
Vladislav Hall. Enjoy the evening at Stary Vrch
restaurant in a close by suburb. BD
Day 13, Sunday, October 8, 2017: Auf
All too soon we have to say Good Bye to Germany.
We will be transferred to Frankfurt airport for our
homebound flight. B
Note: minor changes to the program are possible.
The rate for the land arrangement is based on a minimum of 25
participants, double occupancy, and does not include
Per Person main program: US $ 1,775.00 DresdenPrague extension: US $ 525.00
Single room supplement: US
$ 345.00 Single Room supplement: US $ 170.00
Wittenberg 5 Nights Erfurt 2 Nights Dresden 1/2 Nights Prague 2
Colleg Wittenberg Radisson Blu Hotel Maritim Hotel
NH Hotel
� Thoroughly experienced multilingual tour director from Berlin
airport to Dresden / Prague airport. �Transportation in a 4 star
European-styled motor coach with climate control, reclining seats,
restroom, sink, refrigerator and coffee machine. Maximum 44
� Hotel accommodation, double occupancy.
� Baggage handling for one piece of luggage per
� Taxes, parking and road fees.
� Guided tours in Prague, Dresden, Wittenberg, Berlin,
Leipzig, Eisleben, Buchenwald and Erfurt.
� Entrance fees to Bethlehem Church, Jewish quarter
and Castle district in Prague.
�Farewell dinner with
entertainment at Stary Vrch Restaurant in Prague (including
beverages and drinks.)
�Entrance fees to the Town
Church, Luther House museum and Melanchthon House
museum in Wittenberg.
� Presentation on “How Martin
Luther and his Friends lived in Wittenberg.”
Conversation with Wittenbergers about life and church life
in Germany.
� Admission to St. Thomas Motet in
� Lecture fee and room rental in Leipzig.
Private guided tour of Meissen porcellan
�Entrance fee to St. Andrews Church, St. Peter
and Paul Church and Luther’s Birth and Death house in
� Admission and guided tour at Francke
Foundation in Halle.
� Entrance fee to Luther’s Death Mask
at Market Church in Halle.
� Admission and guided tour at
the Wartburg Castle in Eisenach.
� Admission to the Bach
House in Eisenach including a mini concert.
�21 meals: 11
buffet breakfasts and 10 dinners (beverages and drinks are
not included with dinners except at Stary Vrch.)
necessary tips such as bellman, maid, doormen and dining
room tips for meals specified in the itinerary. The
customary gratuity to tour directors, drivers, and step-on
guides is included. Information folder for all participants
including town and country brochures and maps, along with
information on the Czech Republic and Germany and a
detailed timed itinerary upon arrival in Prague.
Not included: Airfare, expenses for passports, visas, additional
beverages, bar bills, telephone calls, laundry or items of a
personal nature, baggage or other insurance, meals other than
those included in the itinerary.
Lois Martin will serve as the registrar for this trip. She will accept
deposits and arrange for bank transfers to Christian Tours Europe.
An initial $500 non-refundable deposit will be due upon
registration. A second payment is due by September 1, 2016.
Full payment is due by May 1, 2017. Refunds for cancellations
are possible. Cancellations made prior to September 1, 2016 are
completely refundable, less the initial $500 deposit. There will be
no refunds for cancellations after May 1, 2017 or no show.
Checks should be made to Upper Susquehanna Synod with a
notation: “Visit Lutherland” and mailed to Upper Susquehanna
Synod; PO Box 36; Lewisburg, PA 17837.
Terms and Conditions:
Any person reserving a Christian Tours Europe (“CTE”) tour
accepts the condition that CTE reserves the exclusive right to
change tour itineraries, hotels, and other tour components
whenever it is deemed necessary, although tours are planned
and hotels are booked with all possible care. Published times in
our itineraries are as accurate as possible and subject to change
due to traffic, weather, mechanical and any other conditions that
prevent CTE from operating under normal conditions. CTE cannot
accept liability in the case of any passenger being denied
boarding by any airline carrier due to carrier's over-booking of a
flight, nor does it accept liability in the case of a cancelled or
delayed flight. It shall be the passenger's responsibility solely to
provide the means to join a missed tour that is already in
progress. In the event that any dispute arises in which any party
has a right to assert a claim, the exclusive jurisdiction for that
claim shall be in a court of competent jurisdiction located in
Wittenberg, Germany. The tour is operated exclusively under
German law.
Christian Tours Europe, Wittenberg, Germany acts only as an
agent for all suppliers of service offered on this tour and does so
upon the express condition and agreement that it shall not be
liable for any injury, loss, damage, accident, delay, irregularity,
or expense arising from strikes, war, weather, quarantines,
sickness, government restrictions or regulations, from any act or
omission of any individual, firm or corporation furnishing
transportation, sightseeing, hotel accommodations, or any
service in connection with such travel plan, or from any other
cause whatsoever in connection therewith.
Transportation for one full-sized suitcase per person is included.
For extra luggage, an additional $30.00 per bag will be assessed.
There is no charge for an additional carry-on bag, which must fit
under your seat or in the overhead rack and for which you will be
responsible. Although every effort is made to handle passengers'
luggage as carefully as possible, Christian Tours Europe cannot
be responsible, assume liability, or accept claims for loss or
damage to luggage due to breakage, theft, or fair wear and tear
though hotel and group carrier handling.
Travel requirements and insurance:
For U.S. citizens, a valid passport is all that is required.
Participants are responsible for all visa, health and passport
regulations. Please check your medical insurance for overseas
coverage. It is recommended that participants purchase trip
insurance to cover health, trip cancellation, and loss of baggage.
All necessary tips, such as maid, doorperson, and dining room
tips for meals specified in the itinerary and the customary
gratuity to escorts, drivers and step- on guides are included. Tips
for beverages and drinks are not included; if you wish, such
appreciation may be extended on a voluntary and individual basis.
Physical activities:
There will be physical activities for you. You should be in good
health, able to climb stairs (sometimes many) without assistance,
and to walk at a modest pace for more than a mile at a time.
Christian Tours Europe requires all handicapped or disabled
clients requiring special assistance to be accompanied by a
responsible paying adult and that Christian Tours Europe must be
notified, in advance, of this special required assistance.
Airfare and transportation to and from Berlin
airport will be additional, that cost to be
determined and reserved in November, 2016.
We will travel as a group to the airport. At this
writing approximate cost for airfare is $1400.
With an additional cost for bus transportation.
For a Reservation Form, Please Contact:
Rev. Dr. Lois D. Martin