Foundation Donor List - Altrusa District Three

Altrusa District Three Foundation, Inc.
Altrusa Columbus
Catherine Thompson
Harriet Rosenberg
Jean Snydnor
Millie Griswold
Silvia Silverman
Valerie Forster
Altrusa Caldwell Co
Altrusa Charlotte, NC
Altrusa Fayetteville
Altrusa Orl/Winter Pk
Altrusa Starke, FL
Altrusa Waynesville
Barbara Duren
Barbara Ann Hughes
Barbara Thomas
Carol Decelle
Deborah Brown
Donna Johnson
Eileen Hines
Elaine Muther
Jenneane Froman
Judith Williams
Kathy Jackson
Linda Tatum
Margaret Cannon
Marilyn Armstrong
Mary Carol Boyd
Mary Carol Brown
Mary Conner Cannon
Mary Kane
Mary Martin Santana
Mary Reynolds
Nancy Drought
Nancy Levine
Susan Moore
Elizabeth Cribb
Irma Massengill
Lida Coffman
Madlean Rogers
Scott Tice
*Auction Purchases are Not Included
We Appreciate and Thank You All for your Support
Altrusa Spartanburg Found
Beverly Hardy
Cindy Schad
Marguerite Branch
Marlene Jones
Michelle S. Smith
Altrusa District 3
Bonnie K. Lee
Carroll Myers
Christy Bryant
Colleen Duris
Dot Brock
Gayle Magruder
Jane Gray
Linda Robison
Lynne R. Hipp
Martha Epps
Mary J. Poole
Rich Van Wagoner
Robin Hall
Tammy Hall
Altrusa Starke Found
Linda Robison
Margaret Cannon
Michelle Smith
The Altrusa District Three Foundation, Inc. would like to thank everyone for their generous donations and support for our fundraising efforts this past
year. Because of you we had a very successful Auction at the District Three Conference in Jacksonville. We are also pleased to report that we are
growing our Fiscal Partnership Accounts. More Clubs in our District are coming on board with us to aid in maintaining the "Tax Exempt" status for
their Clubs Donors and Sponsors. If your club does not have its own "Foundation" (which requires a separate Board of Directors within your Club as
well as separate accounting measures and fees) please contact us for an application to create your own account with us. We provide your Club all
of the tax exempt benefits to aid in your fundraising efforts, accounting statements and prompt response when you need your funds for the
furtherance of your club projects and charitable purposes. We look forward to working with and for you!
Shannon Schell
Altrusa District Three Foundation, Inc. Treasurer