Guidance on Submission of CV

Dr Liz Lightstone
Reader in Renal Medicine, Imperial College London
And Honorary Consultant Physician, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Renal and
Transplant Centre, Hammersmith Hospital
Liz has a long standing interest in renal disease and pregnancy. She established the Renal
Obstetric clinic in 1996 and now has her practice embedded in the high-risk obstetric
medical service at Queen Charlottes and has managed >600 women over the last 16 years.
She was a founder member of the Collaborative Obstetric Renal Database group (The CORD
group) which has now matured into the national Pregnancy and Chronic Kidney Disease
Rare Disease group, of which Liz is the inaugural National Coordinator. She has published
on preparation for and management of women with kidney disease, is undertaking research
into identifying novel prognostic marker in such pregnancies and evaluating novel therapeutic
Her other main interest is in lupus nephritis – together with Renal and Rheumatology
colleagues she manages a cohort of over 300 patients with lupus nephritis at the Imperial
College Lupus Centre. She is chief investigator of the RITUXILUP randomised controlled trial
evaluating a rituximab based oral steroid-free treatment regimen, and has published on
biomarkers, outcomes and novel therapeutic approaches. She is on the peer review panel of
LUPUS UK, and on the EU executive of the Lupus Nephritis Trials Network.
Dr Liz Lightstone CV for UK Kidney week Feb 2014