Contribution “Geoinformation Technology and Governance” to capita selecta School A+BE Version 19 September 2014 Coordinator / responsible lecturer: Peter van Oosterom The aim of the day: to learn about the different theories and methods used in research in the research programme Geoinformation and Governance. The Geoinformation Technology and Governance (GiTG) research programme is dedicated to both the technology and the governance aspects of the spatial information infrastructure (or Spatial Data Infrastructure). The programme consists of two sub programmes Geoinformation Technology and Geoinformation Governance. Developed knowledge and technology is applied, tested, and further improved in context of various application areas: crisis management, land administration, and e-government/SDI (spatial data infrastructure). The day consists of several sessions each focussing on one of the research topics. In a session a supervisor will elaborate on theoretical and methodological issues and frame the (PhD) research. The PhD candidate will demonstrate how he/she used that theory/method is his/her PhD-project. The sessions are selections of research carried out within the two subprogrammes and application domains. Programme of the day (20 November 2014): Overall introduction and welcome Topic 1 Variable-scale Maps Topic 2 3D and Higher Dimensional GIS Topic 3 Indoor Modeling and navigation (lunch-time) Topic 4 Open data policies Topic 5 3D Cadastre Introduction of assignment: Obtaining geo-data for my PhD research Reflection on GI in your PhD-research and conclusion Variable-scale Maps Research Question: How can we realize a paradigm shift towards dynamic vario-scale geoinformation with minimal redundancy, supporting the delivery of representations at an arbitrary scale for different user contexts and progressive transfer for the delivery of refinements?" Supervisor: prof. dr. Peter van Oosterom, Dr. Martijn Meijers PhD candidate: Radan Suba 3D and Higher Dimensional GIS Research Objective: The realisation of a data model, data structure and the basic algorithms required for the operations in a higher dimensional Geographic Information System Supervisor: Prof. dr. Jantien Stoter, Dr. Hugo Ledoux PhD candidate: Ken Arroyo Ohori/Filip Biljecki Indoor Modeling and navigation Research Question: What is the added value of the “door to door” 3D navigation approach of complex indoor environments, compared with current solutions? Supervisor: Prof.dr. Peter van Oosteron, dr. Sisi Zlatanova PhD candidate: Liu Liu Open data policies Research objective: To uncover the real barriers to reusing public sector information for value adding, such as public sector organisations acting in direct competition with the private sector. Supervisor: Dr. Bastiaan van Loenen PhD candidate: Frederika Welle Donker 3D Cadastres Research objective: How to design a 3D Cadastres solution for the increasing complexity of densely built-up areas (including their infrastructure), which a proper registration of the legal status (private and public) and which can only be provided to a limited extent by the existing 2D cadastral registrations. Investigors: Hendrik Ploeger, Prof.dr. Peter van Oosterom Assignment ‘Obtaining geo-data for my PhD research’ Geo-data and GIS are tools serving many different purposes in a range of application areas, including research in context of architecture and built environment. During the assignment, you will have to discover available sources of geo-data, access them (either viewing or downloading them), converting them where needed (select only relevant information) and show their application in your research. Note that the geo-data may be 2D or 3D, temporal, of different scales (LoD) and cover a range of spatial themes. Coordination: ir. Edward Verbree