1 SUPPLEMENTARY ONLINE MATERIAL 2 3 Assessing trophic position from nitrogen isotope ratios: effective 4 calibration against spatially varying baselines 5 6 Paul Woodcock1, David P. Edwards1, Rob J. Newton2, Felicity A. Edwards1, 7 Chey Vun Khen3, Simon H. Bottrell2, Keith C. Hamer1 8 9 1 Institute of Integrative and Comparative Biology, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK 10 2 School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK. 11 3 Sepilok Forest Research Centre, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia 12 13 Corresponding author: Paul Woodcock; email: bgy3pw@leeds.ac.uk 14 15 Table S1: 16 17 Details of approaches to baseline correction in 34 recent stable isotope studies conducted in terrestrial ecosystems. Table S2: 18 Mean and standard deviation for repeated isotope analyses of ant and plant samples. 19 Table S3: Standard deviations of random effects in linear mixed models. 20 Figure S1: Variation in plant δ15N values between transects, with and without samples of 21 the Fabaceae. 22 Table S1: Approaches to baseline correction in recent stable isotope studies conducted in terrestrial ecosystems Study # distinct consumer # spatially Max. distance Baseline # Samples Question, study taxa and sampling sites distinct baselines between sampling material per baseline ecosystem recognised used to interpret locations assumed data to have a constant baselinea No Baseline Duyck et al. (2011) Pisanu et al. (2011) 4 0 and 2b ? - but total sampling area is 920m2 N/A N/A 2 0 and 1b 4km N/A N/A Bihn et al. (2010) 12 0 ? – Not given N/A N/A O’Grady et al. (2010) 1 0 ? – but sampling area is 4 x 2km N/A N/A Prochazka et al. (2010) 1 0 120m N/A N/A Vidal and Sabat (2010) 5 0 and 2b 100km N/A N/A Smith et al. (2008) 4 0 Several kmc N/A N/A 2 0 ? – Not given N/A N/A 1 0 and 1b ? – Not given N/A N/A Tillberg et al. (2006) Yi et al. (2006) Examine effects of cover crops on arthropod food web structure Determine trophic positions of rats on a Subantarctic island δ15N used as a trait to assess changes in ant functional diversity along a successional gradient Trophic ecology of ants in temperate grassland. Compare trophic positions of 4 understorey bird species across a forest-savannah ecotone Divergence in resource use amongst mainland and island lizard populations Investigate intra- and intercolonial variation in diet of harvester ant castes Inter and intra-colonial variation in trophic position of ants Describe food web in alpine meadow 23 a No baseline means that the study effectively assumes that all sampling locations have a constant baseline of zero. A combination of uncorrected and corrected data were presented/analysed c Principal conclusions on caste determination unaffected, because all castes are collected from all nests (thereby averaging out baseline variation), but cannot be confident on whether intercolonial variation is genuine. b Single Baseline Study # distinct consumer sampling sites recognised # spatially distinct baselines used to interpret data Max. distance between sampling locations assumed to have a constant baselinea Pisanu et al. (2011) 2 0 and 1b 4km Hyodo et al. (2010) 1 1 ?- Not given 6 1 ? – Not given, but sampling area is 2000m2 Leaf litter, grass and top soil Leaves, litter, dead wood and soil Leaf litter and roots 29 1 Several km Soil, plants 382 5 1 ? – Not given Moss, herbs and grass 18 1 1 < 50m Termites 11 1 0 and 1b ? - Not given Herbivores ? 5 1 ? - Not given Plants, litter and soil 10 4 1 ? – Not given, but sampling area is 2000m2 Plants and stubble 19 10 1d >50 km Plants 15-29 2 1 ≈3km. Within-site sampling area not givene Leaves 37 Pollierer et al. (2009) Traugott et al. (2008) Sanders and Platner (2007) Kupfer et al. (2006) Yi et al. (2006) Halaj et al. (2005) Schmidt et al. (2004) Tooker and Hanks (2004) Blüthgen et al. (2003) Baseline material # Samples per baseline ? ? 15 Question, study taxa and ecosystem Determine trophic positions of rats on a Subantarctic island Describe tropical forest food web, including birds, mammals and invertebrates Describe soil food web in temperate forest Trophic positions of wireworm species in European farmland Intraguild interactions between predatory arthropods in grassland and meadow. Describe tropical forest food web. Describe alpine meadow food web. Describe soil invertebrate food web in coniferous forest and examine effects of thinning Soil food web in arable field Investigate trophic position of flower beetle on 2 plant species in Illinois and Indiana prairies Omnivory and food web structure in arboreal rainforest ants 24 d e Study presents data separately for beetles on 2 different plant species, with each plant species used as a separate baseline Models investigating interspecific variation in ant δ15N values included the δ15N value of the plant from which the ant was collected as a covariate. 3 Multiple Baselines Study # distinct consumer sampling sites recognised # spatially distinct baselines used to interpret data Duyck et al. (2011) 4 0 and 2b Gibb and Cunningham (2011) 12 Hawke and Clark (2010) Baseline material # Samples per baseline Question, study taxa and ecosystem ? - but each baseline applies to an area of 460m2 Plants ? Examine effects of cover crops on arthropod food web structure 12 <6m Leaf litter, grass, top soil 3 homogenised samples Comparing ant community across regenerating pastures 2 2 <5m Soil Homogenised sample analysed in duplicate Describe arthropod food web in penguin burrows Menke et al. (2010) 4 4 ? – Not given, but may be >100m Plants 4-5 plant species Smith and Suarez (2010) 8 8 0m Seeds 1 homogenised sample Vidal and Sabat (2010) 5 0 and 2f 50km Seeds & fruits ? 2 2 30m Plants, soil and litter 25 10 2 and 10g 5m in some analyses, 601000m in other analyses Plants ? McGlynn et al. (2009) 7 7 <10m? Leaf litter York and Billings (2009) 5 5 ? – Not given Plants El-Wakeil (2009) Kozhu et al. (2009) Max. distance between sampling locations assumed to have a constant baselinea 3 replicates of 3 homogenised samples 1-7 per sampling location Examine spatial variation in trophic position of chaparral/scrub ants Trophic position of harvester ant castes Divergence in resource use amongst mainland and island lizard populations Description of soil food web in coniferous forest Description of arthropod and mammal food web on grasslands Determining predictors of ant d15n values Compare trophic level within and between fruit bat species 25 f g 2 mainland sites and 3 island sites examined, each separated by ≈50-100km. Correction carried out at mainland and island levels. Within site distances not given. Data sometimes interpreted at the site level (= 2 distinct baselines) and sometimes at each of 5 sampling locations within each site (= 10 distinct baselines) 4 Multiple Baselines (contd.) Study # distinct consumer sampling sites recognised # spatially distinct baselines used to interpret data Max. distance between sampling locations assumed to have a constant baselinea Baseline material Hyodo et al. (2008) 6 2 1kmh Soil, leaf litter & grass 4-5 Takimoto et al. (2008) 36 36 <20m Leaves 5-10 Daugherty and Briggs (2007) 4 4 0m Leaves 10-31 Tillberg et al. (2007) 6 6 ? – Not given Plants 6-21 Gratton and Denno (2006) 36 4 ? – Not given, but >10m Plants, leaf litter & soil core 5-10 6 6 0m Pine needles 5 4 4 5m Leaf litter and bark 8 3 3 ? – Not given Leaves ? Mooney and Tillberg (2005) Schneider et al. (2004) Davidson et al. (2003) 26 27 28 29 30 31 # Samples per baseline Question, study taxa and ecosystem Effect of humification on termite & earthworm δ15N values in forest & savannah Effect of disturbance on food chain length, focusing on lizards & spiders Trophic structure of arthropod community in pear orchards Spatial variation in trophic position of invasive ant species in woodland/pasture Effect on arthropod food web of removing an invasive plant from salt marshes Spatial variation in ant omnivory in pine forest Niche differentiation in orbatid mites in temperate forest. Herbivory and food web structure in arboreal ant food web of rainforests REFERENCES Bihn JH, Gebauer G, Brandl R (2010) Loss of functional diversity of ant assemblages in secondary tropical forest. Ecology 91:782-792 h Within vegetation types, δ15N values differ by ≈1.5‰ 5 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Blüthgen, N, Gebauer G, Fiedler K (2003) Disentangling a rainforest food web using stable isotopes: dietary diversity in a species-rich ant community. Oecologia 137:426-435 Daugherty MP, Briggs CJ (2007) Multiple sources of isotopic variation in a terrestrial arthropod community: challenges for disentangling food webs. Environ Entomol 36:776-791 Davidson DW, Cook SC, Snelling RR, Chua TH (2003) Explaining the abundance of ants in lowland tropical rainforest. Science 300:969-972 Duyck P-F, Lavigne A, Vinatier F, Achard R, Okolle JN, Tixier P (2011) Addition of a new resource in agroecosystems: Do cover crops alter the trophic positions of generalist predators? 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J Mammal, 90:1469-1477 7 91 Table S2: Mean and standard deviation (SD) of δ15Nair values for repeated isotope analyses 92 of ants collected from within single sampling points: Lophomyrmex bedoti (Ant1), 93 Pachycondyla obscurans (Ant2 and Ant3), Paratrechina sp3 (Ant4) and Pseudolasius sp1 94 (Ant5) and sp2 (Ant6). The standard deviation for repeats of a homogeneous leaf sample 95 (EUP) run in several columns is also shown. Numbers of repeats analysed per sample are 96 shown in brackets. 97 Ants Plant Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 Sample4 Sample5 Sample6 EUP (5) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (38) 98 99 Mean 5.77 (‰) 6.89 7.54 6.03 5.64 5.46 0.00 SD (‰) 0.20 0.21 0.07 0.36 0.36 0.25 0.18 100 Table S3: Standard deviation of random effects in linear mixed models of corrected ant δ15N 101 values versus local baseline for overall ant community, ant subfamily, and ant species 102 analyses within unlogged and logged forests. The greater the standard deviation, the more 103 variation is attributable to the random effect. Overall Unlogged Logged Subfamily Unlogged Logged Species Unlogged Logged subfamily 1.85 1.58 - - 0.20 0.32 species (within subfamily) species 0.96 - 0.86 - 1.01 0.87 - - 104 105 9 106 Figure S1: Mean plant δ15N values (‰) + for the entire dataset (n=160 plants; ALL) and for 107 each transect (n = 20 plants per transect) in (a) unlogged forest and (b) logged forest. Shaded 108 columns have Fabaceae samples removed for comparison. Transects are presented in rank 109 order, from highest plant δ15N value to lowest. (a) 3.5 All leaf samples 3 Mean plant δ15N Excluding Fabaceae samples 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 ALL -0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sampling location in rank order 110 (b) Sampling location in rank order ALL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mean plant δ15N 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 All leaf samples Excluding Fabaceae samples 111 -2.5 10