VIRP Organics Team Meeting_8_5_2013

Organics Team Meeting
Virgin Islands Recycling Partnership
Monday, August 5, 2013 | 10:00 AM
US EPA Region II - US Virgin Islands Coordinator's Office
The Tunick Building, 1336 Beltjen Road, Ste. 102, St. Thomas, VI 00802
Teleconference Line: 1-866-299-3188 Code: 340-714-2333
- The Virgin Islands Recycling Partnership was created in an effort to establish a
sustainable solid waste strategy—based on an aggressive program of waste
reduction, recycling and composting—and moving toward a sustainable materials
economy. The partnership includes government (at all levels), non-profit
organizations, citizens, environmental groups, and the private sector. The
Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University (EFC) is using its solid
waste management and recycling expertise to assist in facilitatating the
partnership. The VIRP is comprised of commodity-based teams, including this
Organics Team. Learn more.
 Courtney Mayes, University of the Virgin Islands
 Keshema Webbe, US Environmental Protection Agency
 Laura Cardoso, Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University
 Andre Malone, Community Outreach Liaison for Senator Clarence Payne
- Introduction of the VIRP and its Organics Team to New Member(s)
- Update on EPA Goals for the VIRP (Webbe)
- Update on UVI related organics initiatives
- Brainstorm new team and VIRP education and outreach project ideas
- New member: Andre Malone
Keshema Webbe provided an overview of the VIRP and its teams to Mr. Malone.
She introduced the USVI Integrated Solid Waste Strategy (aka: “Options Report”) as
a set of goals for the VIRP teams. She also clarified how the EPA, VIWMA, and EFC
are involved and explained that EPA funding typically goes to the VI government.
Laura Cardoso emphasized that team goals should be achieveable. Ie: The Organics
Team is currently focused on 2 main goals (derived from the Options Report). The
first goal is to encourage on site, small-scale composting. The second is to establish
3 centarlized composting locations- one on St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas- with
very basic green and food waste only.
Mr. Malone was happy to learn of the VIRP. He would like to know the cost of
operations. Ie: the cost of trucks, diesel, and shipping costs.
- Keshma participated in an internal EPA meeting on recycling efforts in Region 2
(NJ, NY, PR, USVI). She looked into VI specific issues on a broader scale.
EPA goals for the VIRP include:
1. focusing more on the VIRP Options Report (Integrated Solid Waste
Management Plan);
2. communicating more with VIWMA; and
3. organizing a recycling fair or walk/run on the 3 main islands
4. assisting with outreach to supermarkets to reduce plastic bags use
Mr. Malone gave his input on the idea of a recycling fair. He noted that some people
won’t care too much about environmentalism. Malone warned against doing any
outdoor events during the hurricane season. After October would be best. He
suggested the following potential site locations for this event and other composting
1. Bordeaux Farms
2. East End
3. Mandahl Bay
4. Hanna’s Retreat
Malone suggested making money part of the conversation. If solid waste- such as
plastics or aluminum- are seen as money being thrown away, then people might get
involved. Also, the problem of solid waste needs to be seen as a “human” problem,
not just a problem for any particular group of people.
Laura summarized the 3 main current VIRP initiatives:
1. Outreach to supermarkets to encourage them to reduce waste in various
cerative ways (outlined by the Education and Outreach Team)
2. Encourage small scale composting (Ie: in schools and backyards)
3. Conduct education and outrecah and encouarge more citizen involvement.
Courtney Mayes briefly described the 2 compost tumblers that were built by VI
Oganics Interns and placed in front of the UVI Green Technology Center.
Laura discussed the VI Organics Intership (VIOI) program. The first round of
interns has completed their work. From February through July 2013 there were
12 active VIOI participants. During this time composting activities were
conducted with one school and one local institute on St. Croix, two schools on St.
John, as well as one school and six community organizations on St. Thomas.
STT Interns constructed two compost tumblers for the GTC located on the St.
Thomas (STT) campus.
Mayes added that one intern Marsha Laurencin purchased composting starter
kits for the tumblers. The UVI physical plant current donate yard waste for the
tumblers. Cafeteria waste currently goes to somone, but also leftovers will be
given to this project. In addition, UVI professors will be enoucraged to bring
“comosting trash bags” of compost materials from home to drop off at the UVI.
Laura suggesting having the UVI Sustainability Club produce educational signs.
Conduct composting outreach at high schools
Malone suggested holding events at school auditoriums, particulraly during the last
week of June, when there is little school work and kids could continue composting
over the summer months.
Send memos/ invites to parents
Get the Virgin Islands Newtork of Environmental Educators (VINE) involved
Once compost is complete at composting facilities, the finished product
should be sold for ~$5/bag or given to farmers.
Coordinate with Channel 12
Create quarterly Public Service Announcements (PSAs)
Utilize social media – Ie: VIOI Facebook Page and VIRP Twitter Page
Reduce plastic bag use. (Refer to previously mentioned project with
Keshema gave an update on the VIRP Education and Outreach Team’s letter to VI
supermarkets to reduce waste and encourage customers to do so as well. There is a
draft that Charmin Springer is reviewing. Webbe will follow-up with Charmin Springer.
 EFC will ensure that Mr. Malone is a VIRP member and aware of upcoming
 Webbe will follow-up with Charmin Springer re: Education and Outreach Team
letter to the supermarkets. If she is not done, EFC and Webbe will edit the letter
and send to the Education Team.
 EFC will encourage others to use VIRP Facebook and Twitter pages.
 In early September, EFC and EPA will draft a PSA announcing the midSeptember VIRP Meeting. (They will draft future, quarterly PSAs as well.)
 Malone will do the PSA.