weekly newsletter - Dereham Team Ministry

Dereham and District Team Ministry
The parishes of Dereham, Scarning, Swanton Morley, Beetley with East Bilney, Hoe,
Shipdham and East with West Bradenham
Week beginning Sunday 7th June 2015
Trinity 1
Holy Communion (1662), Dereham
Parish Communion, Dereham
Morning Prayer, Scarning
Parish Communion, Swanton Morley
Parish Communion, Beetley
Café Church, Shipdham
Messy Church, Shipdham
Holy Communion (BCP), Bradenham
Bell Ringing Practice, Dereham
Community Choir, Shipdham All Saints
Holy Communion, Dereham
Holy Communion, Shipdham
Shipdham Knitters, Shipdham All Saints
Bell Ringing Practice, Scarning
12 noon
Trinity 2
The Rector
The Rector
The Rector
The Revd J Nursey
The Revd J Nursey
The Revd D Fotherby
The Vicar(GW)
The Vicar (GW)
The Revd D Fotherby
Bell Ringing, Shipdham
Coffee Morning, Church House
Dedication of New School, Thomas Bullock,
Holy Communion, Dereham
Funeral, Fred Hammond, Dereham
Choir Practice, Dereham
Bell Ringing Practice, Swanton Morley
Bishop Alan
The Revd J Taylor
Wedding, David Tester & Ruth Mills, Dereham
Holy Communion, Dereham
Parish Communion, Dereham
Parish Communion, Scarning
Morning Prayer, Swanton Morley
Baptism, Swanton Morley
Morning Prayer, Hoe
Parish Communion, East Bilney
Parish Communion, Shipdham
Baptism, Shipdham
Café Church in Village Hall, Bradenham.
The Revd J Nursey
The Rector
The Revd J Nursey
The Revd J Taylor
The Rector
Adam Pyke
The Revd K Pilgrim
The Revd D Fotherby
The Revd D Fotherby
The Vicar(GW)
St Nicholas Sanctuary Flowers: Eileen
Lamb has expressed her thanks for the
beautiful sanctuary flowers that she
received on 31 May 2015. Jeanette
Lawes has also expressed her thanks
for the surprise of receiving the lovely
Spring flowers the previous Sunday.
St. Nicholas Social Committee:
Application forms for the Benefice Trip to
on Thursday, 23rd July
are now
available from Sue Barker, Beverly
Burton, Michael Fillenham and Mary
Jack. Bletchley Park is a world-class
heritage site telling the incredible story of
the Second World War Codebreakers
and how their dedication and ingenuity
helped shorten the war by nearly two
years. The cost (adults) is £25 which
covers the cost of the coach and
admission to Bletchley Park. Further
details are available on the forms which
should be returned with payment as
quickly as possible as there has already
been a lot of interest in the trip.
Craft Fair:
The St Nicholas Fund
Raising Committee is staging a two day
Craft Fair on Friday 17th & Saturday 18th
July. If anyone in the benefice would
like to have a stall please contact
Barbara D’Arts (bdarts@uwclub.net) for
an application form.
Music at St Nicholas at 9.30am this Sunday:
The choir will sing “Lord for Thy tender mercy’s
sake” by Richard Farrant; the organ voluntary
will be Toccata, by Georgi Mushel (1909-1989).
June Charity at St Nicholas: Under Tree
Schools is a charity helping a community in
rural South Sudan to grow into a self-sustaining
and thriving place for families. Education for
the girls will help lift the community out of
subsistence and bring them a better life. The
girls in the town need to learn vocational skills
of agriculture and health education. Donations
are needed for the running costs of the school
and enable the addition of a library and the
expansion of the farm. They say – Come and
join us in building links with the newest country
of the world.
Coffee Morning: Saturday 13th June at
Scarning Village Hall from 10 a.m. Come along
for a cuppa, a cake and a chat and, maybe, a
Bacon Buttie!! Please call Tricia Foreman on
01362 687082 for further information.
Proceeds to Scarning Church.
Traidcraft: Thank you to everyone who
supports the Stall. I have news from GPI in
Nepal – they are just getting back on their feet
after the earthquakes and beginning to work
again producing lovely handmade paper and
felt goods. I am making a feature of their
products whenever I sell Traidcraft and support
has been good. The best way of helping the
people of Nepal in the long-term is by buying
their products, so they will be on sale in Church
on Sunday 14th June and at Friday Coffee on
12th June. I am still in need of volunteers to
cover the Stall on the Sundays when I can’t do
it so please sign up if you can help or contact
me on 695503. Kate Baldry.
Advance Notice: We are planning a
tour of the Holy Land next May. The
dates are Thursday 5th to Saturday 14th
May (10 days) and the cost is £1365.
Brochures are available giving full details
and the planned itinerary. If you would
like to register your interest and
receive a brochure, please contact Church Office revised opening hours:
Please be advised that with effect from
Adrian. 638378.
Tuesday 9th June, the revised Church Office
Snowball Lunch: The next snowball opening hours will be from 10.00am to 12 noon
lunch will be held on Thursday 18th June from Tuesday to Thursday and 9.00am to 12
at the Windmill, Necton. 12 for 12.30pm. noon on Fridays. If the change in hours causes
Please sign the list at the back of St any difficulties please contact the Church
Nicholas if you would like to come, and Wardens in the first instance.
take a menu. Return menus to me by 8th
June. Ann Betts.
Scarning Gardens Open Day:
Sunday 14th June,10 am to 5 pm.Ten
gardens open – admission by “passport”
available from any garden for £4. Teas,
games, etc. Village Hall open for
comfort breaks. To complete the day, a
Summer Barbecue at the home of Roger
and Yvonne Long, Hillfield, Dereham
Road, NR19 2PU. Tickets £10 in
advance from 01362 693135.
Messy Church at All Saints' Church
Shipdham: Sunday 7th June, 3.00pm. Please
invite families you know to join us for crafts, fun
and activities as we explore The Lord's Prayer.
Messy Church St Nicholas: We shall be
having a preparation session for Messy Church
crafts on Monday 22nd June at 3pm, for those
who have a bit of spare time and would be
prepared to help. Nothing complicated! Just
bring a pen or pencil and scissors. Tea, cakes
Congratulations to Sue and David and good company available as usual! Thank
Ovenden who are away celebrating their you. Evelyn Speed (01362 691339)
Golden Wedding this weekend.
Extract from the Revd. B Armstrong’s Diary:
Launch of Shipdham Village Charter
at Thomas Bullock School, Friday June June 14th, 1859
12th from 5pm. Full programme of
events including Hog roast, School and Took all my dear children yesterday over the
School Union Workhouse (Gressenhall) which they had
musicians, information on Shipdham long been desirous of seeing. Everything in
community organisations. All welcome. famous order but the 'House' itself being much
older than such places usually are. It seems it
Youth Café: We are hoping to start the was a Union before the last poor law and was
Youth Cafe in Church House on 7th built 80 or 90 years ago. The children much
September. We need volunteers to help interested with a poor wooden-legged boy who
with this and would invite you to come pets a tame owl, and with a poor old idiot who
along to Church House on Monday 15th had been found in the roads, dresses in
June at 4 pm for an initial training Theatrical costume, supposed to have been
meeting. The Youth Cafe would run on a ejected from some show when he became
monthly basis from 4 till half 5 and the useless, having been exhibited as a wild man,
dates we have pencilled in for the or something of that kind.
Autumn term are 7th Sept, 5th Oct, 9th Today, took the Chair at the Oddfellows dinner
Nov and 7th Dec. You do not have to be at which 250 sat down. They serenaded us at
a youth worker just someone who loves the Vicarage.
young people. We are excited about this Lord Derby's government resigns, they having
opportunity in the centre of Dereham. been in a minority of 13 in a vote of want of
North Breckland Youth for Christ team. confidence.
Email afox@northbrecklandyfc.org.uk to
The newsletter is always available on the
confirm that you will be coming to the
Website. www.derehamanddistrictteam.org.uk
meeting, or call 07747 471221 to chat
Our Clergy
Team Rector
Team Vicar
Team Vicar
Assistant Clergy
Canon Sally Theakston
The Rev’d Adrian Aubrey-Jones
The Rev’d Gill Wells
The Rev’d Jane Nursey
The Rev’d Kenneth Pilgrim
The Rev’d Doreen Fotherby
tel 693680 day off Monday
tel 638378 day off Tuesday
tel 822404 days off Mon, Fri & Sat.
tel 697058
tel 861265
tel 821481
Today’s Worship
Trinity One
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1.
O God,
the strength of all those who put their
trust in you,
mercifully accept our prayers
and, because through the weakness of
our mortal nature
we can do no good thing without you,
grant us the help of your grace,
that in the keeping of your
we may please you both in will and deed;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Gospel: Mark 3:20-end.
First Reading: Genesis3:8-15.
R: My soul waits for the Lord
Out of the depths have I cried to you,
O Lord;
Lord, hear my voice;
let your ears consider well the voice of
my supplication.
If you, Lord, were to mark what is done
O Lord, who could stand?
But there is forgiveness with you,
so that you shall be feared. R
I wait for the Lord; my soul waits for
in his word is my hope.
My soul waits for the Lord,
more than the night watch for the
more than the night watch for the
morning. R
For our prayers:
The Sick: Mary Adams, Margaret Davies,
Carla Mitchell, Margaret Farquharson,
Amelie Wind-Cowie, Terry Wilkins, Hazel Oliver,
Alistair Harrison, Dan Lawrence,
Raymond Mitchell.
Please continue to pray for: Margaret Houke,
Vic Ringwood, Pam Dixon, Edna Hadlett,
Norman Brooks, Pat Hunter, Angela Watkins,
Eileen Malt, Peter Johnson, David Hall,
Christine Handley.
The Recently Departed: Joan Richardson,
Fred Hammond, Carole Hancock,
Brian Bonnington, Joan Mason.
Those celebrating their first wedding
anniversary: Colin and Shirley Wade.
Mr & Mrs R Halliday.
Post Communion:
Eternal Father,
we thank you for nourishing us
with these heavenly gifts:
may our communion strengthen us in
build us up in hope,
and make us grow in love;
for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Readings for next week: Ezekiel 17:22-end,
Psalm 92:1-4.12-end, 2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17,
Mark 4:26-34.
O Israel, wait for the Lord,
for with the Lord there is mercy;
With him is plenteous redemption
and he shall redeem Israel from all their
sins. R
Church Office, Church House, Church Street, Dereham, NR19 1DN open 9am-12 noon, Tuesday - Friday,
Telephone 01362 693143 email: parish.office.dereham@gmail.comhttp://derehamanddistrictteam.org.uk
Newsletter items derehamanddistrictteam@gmail.com deadline 11am Wednesday, Barbara D’Arts.