MINUTES FOR THE DIVISION FOR PHYSICAL, HEALTH AND MULTIPLE DISABILITIES EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING October 25, 2011 The meeting began at 4:30 pm and adjourned at 6:00 pm Minutes are being submitted by Kristin Joannou. Board members present for the meeting: Officers: o Lisa Pufpaff, President-elect o Linda Thomas, President o Meg Cooper, Treasurer o Kristin Joannou, Secretary Committee Chairs: o Janie Avant, Co-chair of Critical Issues and Leadership Committee o Megan Elam, Chair of Hospital/ Homebound Committee Approval of minutes from Sept. 27, 2011: Meg moved to approve, Megan provided the second, all in favor to accept as is; no discussion Officers’ Reports Meg Cooper presented the Treasurer’s Report 2011 income $9800, expenditures $9100, journals expecting to be at least $5500, Committee Reports Lisa Pufpaff presented the Membership Committee’s Report Lisa contacted Barbara Kulik about possibility of special topics issue of journal on multiple disabilities. Barbara's response: We have previously considered single topic issues of the journal, but each time we came up with the same problems. We barely have enough qualified submissions to fill our two editions a year. If we restrict submissions to one area for a journal issue, we would not be able to publish twice a year -- we need all the manuscripts in the regular editions. If someone from DPHMD wants to gather manuscripts emphasizing multiple disabilities, and then submits them to our review process, that might work. However, there is no guarantee that the articles would successfully complete our review process. A third edition of the journal is, of course, financially impossible at this time. And it would take manuscripts, which we need to fill our regular issues. John's 3-year term as chair ends January 1. Committee will need to discuss process for identifying a new chair 17 new members joined DPHMD in Sept.; we are still only one of two divisions showing consistent membership growth Bob Hale, newest member of committee, has taken on the role of contacting members within their first year of membership to extol the value of maintaining membership in DPHMD Lisa Pufpaff presented the Constitution and Bylaws Committee’s Report Revised C & B is on the division website under DPHMD in Action; huge thank you to Mari Beth for all her time and effort devoted to this task Meg Cooper presented the Finance Committee’s Report Meeting scheduled last week that had to be rescheduled Alex looking at silent auction. Meg looking at newsletter ads and working as liaison for product reviews and webinars. Robbie looking at grants and awards. Jennifer looking to potential activities like Macy’s shop for a cause and Barnes & Noble. No timeline defined yet. Lisa contacted Dan Ratner at CEC Headquarters about silent auction, his response sent to Alex as co-chair of Finance Committee. Silent Auction is acceptable. Need to know where the auction will be held- meeting room or expo hall. Cash sales are permitted. CEC can list it in the meetings pages of the program and CEC can purchase space on the take one table. Lisa Pufpaff presented the Knowledge and Skills Committee’s Report Joni submitted written report indicating nothing concrete to share at this point; possible ramifications on CEC standards related to NCATE merging with TEAC as a single accrediting body for teacher education programs Janie Avent presented the Critical Issues & Leadership Committee’s Report Janie communicating with Stefani Roth at CEC headquarters about their desires for the direction of the monograph Committee is working with Home/Hospital Placement committee to combine efforts in order to create the document that CEC wants; no definite timeline toward that end yet Linda Thomas presented the Nominations Report Blanche communicated that there were no objectives from the Board regarding the nomination of Kharon Grimmet for Vice President Kharon will go before membership for vote; Kharon's bio will be included in the next newsletter Mari Beth will create online vote for membership in hopes we will get better participation than by putting it in the newsletter Megan Elam Presented the Home/Hospital Placements Committee’s Report Megan reported this committee is working with Critical Issues committee on monograph Continuing to reach out to professionals outside CEC to join committee and by doing so, increasing membership in CEC and DPHMD Several committee members have agreed to put in time at convention working at the DPHMD booth A committee member who will be presenting at CEC has already agreed to submit her work to the journal for publication Megan asked for ideas about activities for the committee; Lisa suggested a white paper on issues for other professionals, outside the medical field, to give a sense of current directions and trends in the field; webinars were addressed as a possible activity and Megan will elicit webinar topics from committee and communicate with Professional Development committee about webinars with broad enough appeal that CEC would consider hosting them Linda Thomas presented the Strategic Plan Report Revised strategic plan was sent out via email today; John and Blanche voted yes to accept the plan via email; those present at this board meeting voted unanimously to accept the strategic plan; Linda will send it on to CEC Pamela Mims submitted a written Professional Development Committee’s Report Here is an update for today's meeting from the Prof. Development Co.: After hearing back from the majority of the committee members and taking their rank ordering of the potential topics, I have compiled a prioritized, rank ordered list of topics for professional development. 1. alternate assessments for students with significant disabilities 2. accessing the general curriculum for students with significant disabilities 3. collaboration with schools on students with SMD and inclusion 4. partial participation 5. early intervention Also, I spoke with Kathleen McLain (Professional Development Coordinator w/ CEC) about setting up the webinars. She was very helpful in regard to the steps we need to take to get our webinars up and going. The webinars are completed collaboratively w/ CEC. We need to submit topics and possible presenters to Kathleen. She then takes the list to the Executive Director to discuss the potential topics and identify if they feel they would be of broad interest to all members of CEC. If they feel the topic(s) should move forward, then it becomes a shared responsibility where there is a split of revenue and promotion. CEC sets up technology, needs of presenter, and the actual webinar. They also participate in more global promotion to all members. We would also be responsible for more targeted promotion of our members and other groups we feel might have interest in the topics. The cost for participants in each webinar is $89/member and $114/nonmember (w/ discounts for a series of related webinars; which tend to make more money than individual webinars). We would receive 40% of gross revenue for 50 or more participants. There are currently 20 slots for 2012 (this is what they are currently booking for). We need to submit our topics (and potential presenter names (does not have to be locked in)) ASAP in order to be considered for a slot (by the end of Oct.). My question now is do we think these topics are broad enough to be accepted as a webinar in order to meet the needs of all CEC members? If not, should we broaden them more? Also how many to we want to submit to Kathleen? We could offer a series by linking the first 3. This might go over better w/ the Executive Director?? We need to move fast so any feedback from the Executive Board would be greatly appreciated. I have some possible names of presenters that are nationally recognized that have the expertise and likely would be willing to present the first 3 as a series. I look forward to hearing your feedback and moving forward w/ this opportunity. Discussion during board meeting- discussed doing the first three topics over a series. Wanted to use technology as a hook for the three topics. Also thought we should broaden from severe disabilities too entice more people to participated. Marketing to school districts and hospital teams was suggested because it is a really good deal for them- they can pa $89 and broadcast it to the whole staff. We need to be active in advertising. Joni Baldwin submitted a written Convention Report Joni Baldwin submitted meeting requests to CEC. PROPOSED meeting dates and times: o Executive Board: Wed. 4/11 (1st choice) 12:00-4:00 & (2nd choice) 11:003:00 o Membership: Wed. 4/11 7:00-8:30pm o General Business: Thur. 4/12 (1st choice) 11:30-1:00 & (2nd choice) 6:007:30 o Strategic Plan: Fri. 4/13 8:00-9:30 o Critical Issues: Fri. 4/13 9:00-12:30 o Home/Hospital: Fri. 4/13 11:00-2:00 o Severe/Multiple: Fri. 4/13 1:00-4:00 o Professional Dev: Fri. 4/13 3:00-5:00 o Finance: Sat. 4/14 8:00-9:30 Joni worked very hard to coordinate these meeting days/times with presentations and other CEC events in order to minimize conflicts; we will be notified when the meeting schedule is finalized by CEC Joni asked for feedback on three questions: (1) what is the best process for getting members to sign up to work the booth during convention? Board response: Create document that already has meetings and other events filled in, then get Executive Board members to fill in their times to work; then send one at a time to committee chairs to get their committee members to fill in work times. (2) Need new/revised/updated signs for the display board; Joni believes Alex committed to helping with this task. (3) Need more copies of the brochure printed. Joni suggested if each executive board member could make 25 copies, we would not have expense related to printing. Board members present all agreed that was a good solution. Issue of color of brochure was raised. We all agreed that multiple colors were just fine. Joni will send master copy of brochure to executive board members for each to make 25 copies to take to convention. Linda presented the Newsletter Report Fall newsletter articles, officer reports, and committee reports were due last week Newsletter will not be sent out in hardcopy (to members who opted out of email communication); notice will be sent to members when newsletter is available on the website Linda received a request for a university to recruit doctoral students to their program via our newsletter; Board agreed to treat this as paid advertising in the newsletter Waiting on a couple of people to submit. Send one more email that Friday is the final dead line. Next meeting is Tuesday November 29, 4:30 EST. Linda move to adjourn, Janie seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.