ARC LINKAGE PROJECTS 2014 COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST A Completed Proposal Consists of the Following Section Items to check Yes No Incorrect /Follow up Yes No Incorrect /Follow up Yes No Incorrect /Follow up Eligibility of application has been checked ANU ANU Authority to Apply form complete submission requirement ANU Certification Form complete Partner Organisation letters Email/letter from Centre Director (internal only, not sent to ARC) Application "Submitted to Research Office" in RMS Most recent version of application downloaded Word files received and saved in local drive Proposal Summary Page Most recent PDF generated PART A Mandatory Administrative Summary A1: Administering Organisation completed* A2: Proposal Title (no more than 150 characters approx 20 words). No unnecessary uppercase, quotation marks, acronyms A3: Person Participant Summary** RMS form Auto Mandatory Auto A3: Current Organisation is showing*** Auto A4: Organisation Participant Summary completed* Auto A5: Summary of Proposal (750 Char – approx 100 words) Focus on the aims, significance and expected outcomes of the project. Not all in uppercase, no quotation marks, acronyms and limit terminology: must use plain English Mandatory Z:\5_Work Space\Sponsored Research\ARC\ARC Schemes\LP - Linkage Projects\LP14\Development and Submission Page 1 of 10 ARC Linkage Projects 2014 Compliance Checklist A6: Summary of Project for Public Release (350 char – approx 50 words). NOT repeat of A5. Must use Australian spelling. Avoid use of quotation marks & acronyms. Must use “The project will…” rather than ‘I will’ ‘We will’ or ‘They will’ Mandatory A7: Impact Statement Addresses how the project contributes to the objectives of the scheme, as per subsection 4.2.1 of the Funding Rules. Mandatory *A1 and A4: must be completed at Draft Proposal Summary ** Ensure the Project Leader is entered first in the ‘Draft Proposal Summary’ page. NOTES *** Ensure PIs match the POs. ****A3 – Position Currently Held in Personal Details must be checked and changed if necessary by them. PART B RMS form Classifications and Other Statistical Information Yes B1: Strategic Research Priority + area and goals completed Mandatory B2: FOR codes entered - incl percentage (sum 100%) highest to lowest* Mandatory B3: SEO codes entered - incl percentage (sum 100%) highest to lowest* Mandatory No Incorrect /Follow up B4: Keywords entered Limit of 3 per proposal, please ensure that they are spelt correctly Mandatory B5: International Collaboration - Country added Optional B6: Number of PhD stipends being requested in this proposal Mandatory Page 2 of 10 9/02/2016 ARC Linkage Projects 2014 Compliance Checklist *Enter a whole number and do not use a percentage sign. *Use no more than three FOR/SEO codes; a maximum of one “Not elsewhere classified”/xxxx99 FOR code which should only be used when there is no other appropriate code within the classification NOTES *The maximum % can only be entered for one FoR code (e.g, 50% cannot be entered for 2 FoR codes) *These are the principal tool used to identify & assign relevant assessor from the ARC database – so ensure most relevant PART C Additional Text Description of Project/Program of Research Yes C1: Description of project/program of research (8 A4 pages & required format) Mandatory C1: Title matches title in A2 Mandatory C1: Matches headings in order: Project Title; Aims And Background; Significance And Innovation; Approach And Training; Research Environment; Partner Organisation Commitment And Collaboration; Role Of Personnel*; References No Incorrect /Follow up Mandatory C1: Any tables, charts, etc are in at least 12 point font Mandatory C2: Medical and Dental Research Statement (750 Char – approx 100 words)** Mandatory *Ensure each PI/CI role is discussed, along with any PhDs & RAs mentioned in budget – they must match *All CIs and PIs need to describe their roles on the project in detail, including PIs in a management or an administrative role. NOTES **Proposals which are clearly not related to a medical or dental research area may enter ‘Not Applicable’ at this question. Create PDF from word document. As described in Appendix A - All sections 0.5cm margins (sides & top & bottom) and at least 12 point font. (References may be in 10 point font). Page 3 of 10 9/02/2016 ARC Linkage Projects 2014 Compliance Checklist PART D RMS Form Partner Organisation Details Yes D1: Organisation Contact Details Mandatory D2: Organisation Postal Address* Auto D3: Organisation ABN and Type Auto D4: Is this a Partner Organisation whose funds are appropriated predominantly from Commonwealth or Australian State or Territory funding sources for the purposes of research?** Mandatory D5:Type of Partner Organisation Mandatory D6: Evidence of collaboration with the Administering Organisations and the alignment of the Project with the Partner Organisation’s strategic plan (no more than one A4 page) Mandatory D7: Letter of Support (no more than two A4 pages, one for each Partner Organisation)*** Mandatory D8: Partner Investigator participating on this Proposal for this Partner Organisation (must be one of PIs listed at A3) Mandatory No Incorrect /Follow up *Only the ARC is able to update these profiles Notes **If so, see LP14 FR section 6.3 regarding cash and in kind contribution requirements ***As per LP14 FR section 6.2.6 Page 4 of 10 9/02/2016 ARC Linkage Projects 2014 Compliance Checklist PART E RMS Form Project Cost Yes E1: Proposed Budget Completed for each year requested (no indexation). Mandatory E1: All budget items eligible (FR 5.2-5.3, pp 10-11) Mandatory E1: Correct ANU salary and stipend ($25,392 2014 APA rate) rates used Mandatory E1: Salary contributions listed for participants/ personnel. [For ANU personnel, correct on costs included. The ANU salary gap of 3.31% must be included as part of the in-kind contribution] Mandatory E1: Total amounts match in each of the Eligible, Other and Partner Organisation columns and the respective Organisation summary tables Mandatory E1: Combined Partner Organisation cash and in-kind contributions must at least match the total amount sought from ARC Mandatory E1: Partner Organisation Cash Contributions meet ARC requirements* Mandatory E1: No amount entered against “unspecified funding” or in years where no support requested Mandatory No Incorrect /Follow up E1: Costs related to carrying out field or survey research are requested under ‘Fieldwork expenses’ *Ensure Partner Org cash/in-kind contributions match what stated in the Partner Org letter. See FR Notes Total funding requested – minimum of $50,000 per year to maximum of $300,000 per year, per project. Travel costs no exceeding $50,000. Costs are at ATO rates Page 5 of 10 9/02/2016 ARC Linkage Projects 2014 Compliance Checklist PART F Additional text Additional text Budget Justifications Yes F1: Justification of funding requested from the ARC (2 A4 pages) Mandatory F1: Matches headings and order in Budget Table at Part E of Proposal Mandatory F2: Details of non-ARC contributions (2 A4 pages) Mandatory F2: Matches headings and order in Budget Table at Part E of Proposal Mandatory F2: Non-ARC contributions attributed to specific Partner Organisations*. Mandatory No Incorrect /Follow up * Do they match those amounts in the Project Cost section. * If no direct funding then explanation why. Notes PART G Create PDF from word document - All sections 0.5cm margins and at least 12 point font - Justify each person/item in terms need and cost. (eg why full-time/part-time; why specific salary level etc) Personnel Yes G1: Personal details auto populated Auto G2: Postal address auto populated Auto G3: Member of ARC or selection/ advisory committee Auto G4: Centre association (CIs only) Optional G5: Are you an Indigenous Participant Mandatory G6: PhD awarded? (YES/NO) Mandatory G6: Date of award of PhD* Optional G7: Qualifications (most recent first) Auto No Incorrect /Follow up RMS form Page 6 of 10 9/02/2016 ARC Linkage Projects 2014 Compliance Checklist G8: Current and previous appointments (most recent first) – 10 years, select start & end date, select an Org Auto G9: Organisational affiliations Mandatory G10: Time commitment (%FTE) to this Project Mandatory G11: Research Opportunity and Performance Evidence (ROPE) G11.1: Career and opportunities for research over the last 10 years – 2003 onwards (5250 char/approx 750 words) G11.1: Provides and explains: i. Number of years since graduation with highest qualification; ii. Research opportunities in the context of employment; iii. Whether you are university or industry based etc; iv. Any career interruptions; v. Research mentoring and research facilities available; vi. Any other aspects of career or opportunities for research that are relevant and not detailed elsewhere*** G11.2 (1): Recent significant publications (10 A4 pages max) ADDITIONAL TEXT ADDITIONAL Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory G11.2 (1): Listings are limited to the last 10 years ONLY (2003 onwards) Mandatory G11.2 (1): Items are numbered continuously Mandatory G11.2 (1): Asterisks next to publications relevant to proposal Mandatory G11.2 (1): Publications are split into the five categories of: (i)scholarly books;(ii) scholarly book chapters; (iii) refereed journal articles;(iv) refereed conference papers (only when the paper was published in the full proceedings); (v)other (e.g. major exhibitions, compositions or performances) Mandatory G11.2: Includes acceptance date, no submitted only Mandatory G11.2 (2): ARC Grants awarded in last 10 years on which been a CI, PI or Fellow - grants/publication table (Template table ITA p32) Mandatory G11.3: Ten career-best publications (Four A4 pages) Mandatory Page 7 of 10 9/02/2016 ARC Linkage Projects 2014 Compliance Checklist TEXT G11.3: Must provide full reference for each Mandatory G11.3: Next to each provide information on any ARC grant scheme on which were CI or Fellow from G11.2 Mandatory table) G11.3: Includes 30 word max summary on each Mandatory G11.3: Asterisks next to publications relevant to proposal Mandatory G11.4: Research impact and contributions – 10 years – 2003 onwards (7500 char – approx 1000 words)**** Mandatory G11.5: Contributions to the research field of this proposal (3700 characters – approximately 500 words) Mandatory RMS FORM * If a PhD has been awarded then date of award. If not been awarded/conferred yet, provide the date when the thesis was or is to be submitted. ***Headings are not necessary, but the points should be addressed NOTES: ****Research output other than publications (patents/policy advice/consultancies etc); evidence for quality of all research (citations, prizes etc). Create PDF from word document - All sections 0.5cm margins and at least 12 point font Page 8 of 10 9/02/2016 ARC Linkage Projects 2014 Compliance Checklist ART H RESEARCH SUPPORT Yes No Incorrect /Follow up H1: Complete for all participants 2013-2017 incl for ARC and other agencies. Mandatory Includes projects/proposals/fellowships awarded or requests submitted Additional Text H1: Includes current proposal first Mandatory H1: Others in descending date order Mandatory H1: Proposal/Project ID only applies to ARC/NHMRC projects R=requested, C=current and P=past Mandatory Create PDF from word document - All sections 0.5cm margins and at least 12 point font Notes - Must be in table as per template on page 35 ITA (can be altered from horizontal to vertical) - Details should be provided for all sources of funding not just ARC funding - Funding amounts to be in $1000’s and in AUD Page 9 of 10 9/02/2016 ARC Linkage Projects 2014 Compliance Checklist PART I Additional Text STATEMENTS ON PROGRESS OF ARC-FUNDED PROJECTS I1: for each participant attach a statement of progress for each project/fellowship involving that participant awarded funding for 2012* (1 A4 page for each funded project) Yes No Incorrect /Follow up Mandatory if applicable Check conducted in ARIES for current proposals involving each participant *Only for ARC Discovery Projects, Discovery Indigenous Researchers Development, Discovery Indigenous, Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, Linkage Project or any ARC Fellowship scheme. - Only for projects that were allocated funding in 2012 (not carry forward funding only). Notes - Must be done for each project indicated in H1 whether reports are up to date at the ARC or not Create PDF from word document - All sections 0.5cm margins and at least 12 point font PART J ADDITIONAL DETAILS Yes J1a: submission of similar proposal to any other agency RMS form J1b: if yes - organisation selected. J1c: agency name entered if I1b is “other” No Incorrect /Follow up Mandatory Mandatory if applicable Mandatory if applic Page 10 of 10 9/02/2016