Resonant Degenerate Crystal Made of Spheres Located in Magnetodielectric Medium Anatoliy I. Kozar Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkov, Ukraine Abstract In the paper, a computational method is proposed to analyze phenomena occurring when electromagnetic waves are scattered by a finite resonant crystal with the cubic lattice having small resonant magnetodielectric spheres in its nodes. The method is based on the second kind Fredholm integral equations. Investigated are properties of a resonant degenerate crystal located in magnetodielecrtic environment with positive and negative values of permittivity 0 and permeability 0 . It is shown that media with positive and negative values of permittivity and permeability differently influence on scattering properties of the degenerate resonant crystal. The effect of degeneration canceling, when the permittivity and permeability jump, is found such that coincidence of the lattice resonance and the internal crystal sphere resonance is canceled, and the resonance curves split. Graphic dependences given in the paper numerically define a magnitude of occurring splitting. The influence of an internal resonant crystal cavity size on the scattered field structure in the Fresnel zone is graphically estimated. Keywords Magnetodielectric, Integral Equation, Crystal second type Fredholm integral electromagnetic equations[2, 3, 4]. 1. Introduction Our attention was attracted by work[1] wherein unusual properties of substances with simultaneously negative values of permittivity and permeability μ were considered. It was of interest to study scattering properties of a finite discrete resonant crystal made of magnetodielectric spheres, if the crystal is located in external media with simultaneously either positive or negative permittivity and permeability μ. Investigated in this paper are crystal properties when a degenerate resonance is excited in it (st+ m +e) in the case the structural (st) (lattice) crystal resonance coincides with the internal, also coincided, magnetic (μ) and electric () resonances of spheres. This is a study of the case equivalent to roentgen crystals optics, with a λ 1 ; a λg ~1; d , h, l λ ~1 where a is the sphere radius; , g are the lengths of waves scattered outside and inside spheres; d , h, l are the orthogonal lattice constants. We investigated the me multimode structure (d, h, l~ 2 λr ) of the resonant (r) field inside and outside the cubic lattice in the Fresnel and Fraunhofer zones for external media with the permittivity and permeability 0 0 1 . An effect of canceling the resonant crystal degeneracy is considered. The solution is obtained on the basis of the * Corresponding author: (Anatoliy I. Kozar) Published online at Copyright © 2012 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved 2. Main Part Let us find the field scattered over the known internal field re r r ,t and magnetic of scatterers through the electric П r r П m r , t Hertz potentials of the spatial lattice П rr ,t ik , П rr ,t , (1) r r П rr ,t ik , П rr ,t . r Еscatt k 2 0 0 r H scatt k 2 0 0 re rm 0 m e 0 The lattice Hertz potentials are presented as a superposition of Hertz potentials for separate lattice spheres. The electric Hertz potential of the lattice looks like N r r 1 П e r , t 3 sin k1ac k1ac cos k1ac х c 1 k1 cef r r eik1rc х 1 Ec0( p , s ,t ) (r ', t ) . rc 0 (2) Expression (2) describes the scattered field at arbitrary distance rc from the sphere centers to observation points r0 r outside the spheres. Here Ec (',r )t is the induced internal field of the interacting spheres. The field can be found by the algebraic system of inhomogeneous equations[3], N is the number of spheres. The field scattered by the system of ur r spheres Е scatt (,r )t is found by (1), (2) as me N r r 1 Escatt r , t 3 sin k1a k1a cos k1a x c 1 k1 ) r r cef cef x 1 Lc Ec0 (r ') ik 0 1 x 0 0 ) r0 r i t k1rc x Pc H c r ' e , where ) Lc ) Pc and xxc ik1 where 1 2 3( x xc)0 k1 rc rc5 x, y, z are 2 rc2 2 0yc xc 0 zc 0 0xc rc2 ( 2 x ) xc 0 k1 rc3 2 the coordinates of observation point; xc0 , yc0 , zc0 are the coordinates of spheres centers. Expression (3) describes the scattered field consisting of propagating and damped spatial harmonics inside and outside the lattice in the Fresnel and Fraunhofer zones. The entire field at an arbitrary medium point outside the spheres is defined as E( ,r )t ( ,E)0 r t( , )Escatt r t , (4) where E(0 ,r )t is the undisturbed field of the scattered wave. Expressions (3) and (4) are analyzed numerically for the resonant degenerate cubic crystal. The analysis results are given in Figs. 1, 2, 3. The number of spheres here is N = 64000; their radii are а = 0.5 cm; their permittivity and permeability are me r 2λ Fig. 1 b). 0 0 +1 (curve 2 in Fig. 1 b). Here resonances of lattices and spheres do not coincide. Figs. 2 and 3 show modules of fields (4) and (3) versus changes in coordinates x, y and z in the direction of scattered wave propagation (Fig. 1 b), inside and outside the degenerate crystal in media with 0 0 +1 (Fig. 2) and 0 0 –1 (Fig. 3). , 9.75; the lattice constants are d h l 14.82 cm (Fig. 1 a) and 0 0 –1 (curve 1, Considered for the same crystals are also the similar dependences for the cases when the medium parameters change and become 0 0 –1 (curve 2 in Fig. 1 a) and are the functional matrices xyc 3( x xc)0 rc4 and in the medium with 0 xzc yyc yzc ; Pˆc 0zc yc zyc zzc ) Element xxc of matrix Lc looks like xxc Lˆc yxc zxc (3) d h l 2 λr 12.52 cm (Fig. 1 b). Figs. 1 а and 1 b show the fields (4) and (3) modules versus scattered wavelength l for the resonant degenerate crystals in the medium with 0 0 +1 (curve 1, Fig. 1 a) |E| Figs. 2 с and 3 с show the damped component of the multimode scattered field in the Fresnel zone; curve 1 is given for crystals with internal cavities[5, 6]. Figs. 2 d and 3 d show modules of fields (4) and (3) versus coordinate z for the crystal side area along the y-axis (Fig. 1 b) in the Fraunhofer zone in media with 0 0 +1 (Fig. 2 d) and 0 0 –1 (Fig. 3 d). It follows from the numerical analysis that the resonant degenerate cubic crystal in media with simultaneously either positive or negative permittivity and permeability 0 0 1 has different electromagnetic properties. In a medium with 0 0 –1 the crystal is characterized by the pronounced reflecting properties. It can play a role of reflecting mirror and resonator with a strong internal field. By forming nodes and antinodes on crystal faces, one can control the scattering crystal properties. In a medium with 0 0 +1, a phenomenon of scattered wave resonant propagation is inherent in the crystal. This can be used when creating non-reflecting devices. E0 Escatt x 4,95 H0 4,95 2(m+e) z 1(st+m+e) 1(st+m+e) 1,65 y 2(m+e) 1,65 , сm , сm 7 6 a 8 6,5 5,6 b Figure 1. Dispersion dependences of entire (a) and scattered (b) fields in media with 0 0 1 7,4 |E| |E| 5,175 5,175 1,725 0,575 y, сm x, сm -6000 0 6000 -5000 5000 0 a b |E| |E| 6,3 2,7 1 1,5 2,1 z, сm z, сm -825 750 -4200 2325 c Figure 2. The entire field in the medium with 0 0 +1 0 4200 d Escatt Escatt 5,265 5,265 1,755 1,755 y, сm x, сm -6000 0 -6000 6000 0 a 6000 b Escatt Escatt 6,75 1,89 1 2,25 0,63 z, см -2000 -1000 0 400 z, см -4500 c Figure 3. The field scattered in a medium with 0 0 –1. 0 4500 d When varying the environment parameters 0 and 0 , an effect of canceling the degeneracy in the resonance degenerate crystal, which entails violation of the crystal resonances (st+ m +e) superposition, can occur. As an example, this effect is shown in Fig.4 where splitting of resonant curves as a consequence of this effect (Fig.1 b) and occurrence of noncoincident resonances (st), (m), (e) (Fig. 4 a) and (e), (m) (Fig. 4 b) can be seen. In the case of splitting resonance curve 1 (st+ m +e), medium parameters have the values: 0 1 ; 0 1.71 ; whereas in the case of curve 1 (m + e) they take the values: 0 1 ; 0 1.71 . After the degeneracy is cancelled, the structural resonance (st) of curve 1 (st+ m +e) (Fig. 4 а) is deposed to the domain of wavelength st λ r 8.2 , and therefore is not presented in Fig. 4a, as it is beyond the figure limits. 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