II Endorsements and Approvals Please obtain the Program Chair

Program Modification Form
I Summary of Proposed Changes
Change to undergraduate program requirements, adding PHL 449 (a newly
proposed course) to the list of courses that satisfy the upper-division value
theory requirement.
II Endorsements and Approvals
Please obtain the Program Chair/Director’s approval and Dean’s approval.
Please type / print name Signature
Program Chair/Director:
Paul Muench
Paul Muench
Department Dean
Other affected Programs:
Chris Comer, CAS
(Use additional sheet if
Are other departments/programs affected by this
Please obtain signature(s) from the
modification because of
Chair/Director of any such department/
(a) required courses incl. prerequisites or corequisites,
program (above) before submission
(b) perceived overlap in content areas
(c) cross-listing of coursework
III Type of Program Modification
(e.g. adding a writing course required of all majors.) Please X check the appropriate box.
Minor x
Teaching major/minor
IV Catalog Language
If you are proposing a change to an existing program or Please provide the proposed copy as you wish
major, please cut and paste the requirements as they
it to appear in the catalog. 
appear in the current catalog below.
www.umt.edu/catalog 
See attachment #1
See attachment #2
Please explain/justify the new proposal or change. 
The Department of Philosophy has proposed a new course, PHL 449 (History of Moral and Political
Philosophy), which will complement an existing course, PHL 450 (Contemporary Moral and Political
Theory). If this course is approved, we would like to add it to the list of courses that will fulfill the upperdivision value theory requirement.
V Copies and Electronic Submission
Once approved, the original, a paper copy and an electronic file are submitted to the Faculty Senate
Office, UH 221 (camie.foos@mso.umt.edu).
VI Department Summary Required if several proposals are submitted. In a separate document
list program title and proposed change of all proposals.
Revised 11-2009
Attachment #1: Old Catalog Language
7. Upper-Division Core Courses
In order to take upper-division core courses students must have satisfied the Designated Writing
Course Requirement by successfully completing PHL 210E (PHIL 300E) Moral Philosophy.
A. Philosophy Major: Students must complete at least one course in each of the four core areas
(History, Value Theory, Continental Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy).
B. Philosophy Minor: Students must complete at least one course in two of the four core areas
(History, Value Theory, Continental Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy).
I. History
PHL 462 (PHIL 452) Early Modern Philosophy
PHL 464 (PHIL 453) Kant
PHL 465 (PHIL 461) Plato
PHL 466 (PHIL 463) Aristotle
II. Value Theory
PHL 412 (PHIL 443) Ethics and Public Affairs
PHL 422 (PHIL 427E) Environmental Philosophy
PHL 427 (PHIL 444) Topics in Philosophy of Art
PHL 429 (PHIL 441) Philosophy in Literature
PHL 450 (PHIL 422E) Contemporary Moral and Political Theory
PHL 455 (PHIL 477) Philosophy of Society and Culture
III. Continental Philosophy
PHL 467 (PHIL 465) 19th Century Continental Philosophy
PHL 468 (PHIL 467) 20th Century Continental Philosophy
IV. Analytic Philosophy
PHL 405 (PHIL 469) 20th Century Analytic Philosophy
PHL 406 (PHIL 471) Contemporary Issues in Analytic Philosophy
PHL 445 (PHIL 411) Central Issues in Philosophy of Science
Special Topics courses taught at the 400-level (PHL 491 [PHIL 495]) may count as upper-division
core courses provided that they have a suitable content (consult the department advisor).
Attachment #2: New Catalog Language
7. Upper-Division Core Courses
In order to take upper-division core courses students must have satisfied the Designated Writing
Course Requirement by successfully completing PHL 210E (PHIL 300E) Moral Philosophy.
A. Philosophy Major: Students must complete at least one course in each of the four core areas
(History, Value Theory, Continental Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy).
B. Philosophy Minor: Students must complete at least one course in two of the four core areas
(History, Value Theory, Continental Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy).
I. History
PHL 462 (PHIL 452) Early Modern Philosophy
PHL 464 (PHIL 453) Kant
PHL 465 (PHIL 461) Plato
PHL 466 (PHIL 463) Aristotle
II. Value Theory
PHL 412 (PHIL 443) Ethics and Public Affairs
PHL 422 (PHIL 427E) Environmental Philosophy
PHL 427 (PHIL 444) Topics in Philosophy of Art
PHL 429 (PHIL 441) Philosophy in Literature
PHL 449 History of Ethical and Political Philosophy
PHL 450 (PHIL 422E) Contemporary Moral and Political Theory
PHL 455 (PHIL 477) Philosophy of Society and Culture
III. Continental Philosophy
PHL 467 (PHIL 465) 19th Century Continental Philosophy
PHL 468 (PHIL 467) 20th Century Continental Philosophy
IV. Analytic Philosophy
PHL 405 (PHIL 469) 20th Century Analytic Philosophy
PHL 406 (PHIL 471) Contemporary Issues in Analytic Philosophy
PHL 445 (PHIL 411) Central Issues in Philosophy of Science
Special Topics courses taught at the 400-level (PHL 491 [PHIL 495]) may count as upper-division
core courses provided that they have a suitable content (consult the department advisor).