Revised Rubric for Key Assignment for present CI 512 Teaching and

Revised Rubric for Key Assignment for present CI 512 Teaching and Learning
Proposed for use in new program
Assignment Description and Expectations:
After completing the assigned readings and having participated in the course CI 512, Teaching and Learning, students will write a final paper (6-8 pages) that
summarizes their respective positions regarding teaching and learning. The paper will have three complementary sections:
1. a summary of the most relevant theories of teaching and learning, mainly from the history of 20th century U.S. educational learning theory;
2. a clear description of the theory or theories that the writer views as most closely aligned with her/his own educational philosophy; and
3. a description of how the writer imagines this perspective to manifest in their classroom with respect to their teaching and their students’ learning.
Summarizes at least three
theories of teaching and
learning including
perspectives on learner
development [InTASC 1]
Articulates an educational
philosophy that includes at
least one theory of teaching
and learning with
implications for
professional learning and
ethical practice [InTASC 9]
No evidence
Paper does not adequately
summarize, summarizes fewer
than three theories, and/or fails to
address perspectives on learner
Paper adequately
summarizes three theories
and begins to address
perspectives on learner
development but does not
describe design and
implementation of
learning experiences.
Paper provides well
developed summaries of
three theories and
discussion of learner
development, including
design and implementation
of learning experiences
and recognition of
individual variation in
patterns of learning.
Paper is not adequate in its attempt
to articulate an educational
philosophy that includes at least
one theory of teaching and
Paper sketches the main
outlines of an educational
philosophy that includes
at least one theory of
teaching and learning.
Implications for
professional learning and
ethical practice are
Paper puts forth a
philosophy of education
that discusses one or more
theories of teaching and
learning, and implications
for professional learning
and ethical practice are
thoughtfully developed.
Consideration is given to
the effects of teacher
choices and actions on
Paper strongly
understanding of theories
of teaching and learning
and includes substantial
discussion of learner
development, including
individual variation across
cognitive, linguistic,
social, emotional, and
physical areas.
Paper articulates a welldeveloped philosophy of
education that discusses
details of one or more
theories of teaching and
learning, and implications
of professional learning
and ethical practice are
thoughtfully developed.
Consideration is given to
the effects of teacher
choices and actions on
others, and the paper
describes ways to adapt
practice to meet the needs
of each learner.
Describes application of
teaching and learning
theory within a cultural and
community context,
appropriate to age and
developmental levels
[InTASC 1, 2]
The paper does not demonstrate
understanding of how to apply
teaching and learning theory or
awareness of cultural and
community contexts.
The paper describes
application of teaching
and learning theory but
may lack development of
ideas appropriate to age
and development.
Cultural and community
contexts are not
sufficiently addressed.
The paper describes
application of teaching and
learning theory in ways
that are appropriate to age
and development. Cultural
and community contexts
are considered, and an
understanding of
individual differences is
used to describe inclusive
learning environments.
Describes application of
teaching and learning
theories with appropriate
instructional strategies that
promote opportunities for
all students to learn
[InTASC 8]
The paper is not adequate in its
attempt to describe application of
teaching and learning theories with
instructional strategies. Strategies
included are limited and unlikely
to support learning for all students.
The paper attempts to
describe application of
instructional strategies
that align with teaching
and learning theories and
that promote
opportunities for all
students to learn.
The paper explains and
describes application of a
variety of instructional
strategies that align with
teaching and learning
theories and promote
opportunities for all
students to learn. The
paper begins to explore
ways learners can develop
deeper understanding and
apply knowledge.
The paper clearly
describes application of
teaching and learning in
ways that are appropriate
to age and development.
Cultural and community
contexts are considered as
essential aspects, and an
understanding of
individual differences is
used to describe inclusive,
appropriate and
challenging learning
The paper explains and
describes a variety of
instructional strategies that
align with teaching and
learning theories and
promote opportunities for
all students to learn. The
paper provides evidence
that strategies selected
encourage learners to
develop deep
understanding of content
areas and to apply their
knowledge in meaningful
Uses knowledge of teaching
and learning theories to
describe respectful,
supportive and
intellectually challenging
learning environments for
all students [InTASC 2]
The paper lacks attention to
describing learning environments
as they relate to theories of
teaching and learning.
The paper uses emergent
knowledge of teaching
and learning theories to
describe respectful,
supportive, and
challenging learning
The paper uses substantial
knowledge of teaching and
learning theories to
describe respectful,
supportive, and
challenging learning
environments for all
The paper uses extensive
knowledge of teaching and
learning theories to
describe respectful,
supportive, and
challenging learning
environments for all
students. Careful attention
is given to understanding
individual differences, as
well as diverse cultures
and communities, in order
to ensure inclusive
learning environments.