January 16, 2015 - Department of Medicine

Research Advisory Committee Meeting
January 16, 2015
Present: T. Tsang, T. Tang, V. Duronio, K. Madden, C. Toze, J. Swift
Regrets: N. Reiner, A. Krassioukov, J. Saw, B. Salh, J. Fleetham, K. Shojania, N.
Ayas, N. Khan, T. Kerr, N. Cashman, A. Levin.
The meeting was called to order at 8:05 am.
TLEF (Teaching Learning Enhancement Fund) Application
T. Tsang provided information for members on the TLEF application which was
submitted in November 2014, a joint effort from the Research Office and
Experimental Medicine graduate training program. The focus of the submitted grant
was to move forward with the development of an educational component needed to
support the creation of a “new” clinical, translational and patient oriented research
stream, under the umbrella of the ExpMed program ( JP Collett, Duronio, Swift &
V. Duronio provided additional context summarizing some of issues which students
have had with the current 501/502 courses, and provided specific examples of
students who are doing more “clinically oriented” struggling with the rigorous content
in the 501 program which is more aimed at the traditional bench-type studies. The
new proposed course would aim to support students by providing a high-level view of
what is essential in a clinical/patient oriented project, ethics, policy, methodologies
etc. Our current view is that there will be a 3 credit didactic type course, followed by a
3 credit practical course where each individual will be paired with a clinical mentor,
and we continue to explore ways to allow trainees to observe bedside interactions.
K. Madden suggested that we interface with Engineers in Scrubs program to see how
they have set up access to patients.
T. Tang suggested that we engage with C2E2 and CHEOS to have them lead some
of the modules.
J. Swift reiterated that this course is not designed to replace any of the stats or
methodology courses offered at SPPH, but meant more to be a high level survey
course to help students develop a larger view of what is required to execute their
desired projects, and connect them with clinical mentors outside of their current
supervisor. Students will still be expected to take courses through SPPH, specific to
the research methodology they will utilize for their thesis research.
Research Advisory Committee Meeting
January 16, 2015
V. Duronio described the roll out of the proposed program. The pilot program would
be tested by a few select graduate students under the course MEDI 548 –
Independent study (Fall 2015), to help ensure that all necessary components were
covered. A full roll out is anticipated for Fall 2016, after Senate approval.
Action Item:
We have agreed to proceed with the pilot year (Fall 2015), regardless of the outcome
of the TLEF competition. All members are provided with a sample logic model
describing the overall goals and objectives of the program. Members are asked to
provide feedback on the current proposed objectives to help ensure that no critical
components are missed. Any members interested in participating as instructional
support are also asked to speak to either J.Swift or V. Duronio.
Blog and Social Medial Presence for DoM
T. Tsang introduced the idea of having a shared Department of Medicine, research
focused Blog. The blog would be a public forum for sharing newly published
research, current big projects and promoting research in UBC Medicine. The current
vision is to have each division assigned to blog for 2 – 3 weeks per year, each
division would have a designated representative to post stories, articles, news or
anything of interest to their division. Specific goals for this initiative are:
1. Engage researchers in a dialog fashion
2. Engage all divisions to promote research and knowledge mobilization
3. Engage public engagement with research happening at UBC
C.Toze indicated that this is similar to the BC Cancer Agency “blogger of the week”,
and suggested we look at this model
The question was raised as to why we choose a blog rather than say twitter. J. Swift
responded by pointing out that a blog allows for moderation of comments. All
comments and responses to posts from outside the DoM contributors will be
moderated to ensure that content is suitable to be posted publically, to help preserve
the integrity of the site and the messages.
Action Item:
The Research Office will draft a mock-up Blog page and reach out to each division
for volunteer guest bloggers, and draft a schedule for a year trial.
Updates on current CIHR Changes and Requirements for Internal Review
J. Swift updated the group on how the current changes to the CIHR suite of programs
has impacted the various departments. At the moment there are two concurrent
competitions, the TOOG and the Foundation Pilot Stage 2 (FPS2). The FPS2 is
currently utilizing the SPARC resources and we have been asked as departments to
Research Advisory Committee Meeting
January 16, 2015
ensure that our “new-new” investigators, within their first 5 years of funding have their
grants appropriately reviewed for scientific content. Our office has been in touch with
individuals in this category and has arranged a few reviews. We share this with you in
the event you are approached to help review a grant for an investigator that you
understand where this request is coming from.
Upcoming Meetings and RAC Membership
T.Tsang initiated a discussion on the challenge we are facing meeting quorum at
each of our meetings. Understanding that it is hard to handle the scheduling
challenges for our members, we hope to improve attendance for future meetings. We
are suggesting that each division have a primary appointed member and a back-up
member who can attend meetings if needed, and in fact both members could attend if
desired. It is very important that we have representation from all divisions so that
important research related issues are not being missed.
J.Swift shared that our aim for 2015 – 2016 is to also have the RAC group drive the
research agenda for the Research Office.
Members indicated that we should do a new Doodle Poll to determine what the best
time for meetings would be, and set these one year in advance, and circulate a
memo to each division asking for additional volunteer membership.
Action Items:
The Research Office will draft a memo for each RAC member asking for confirmed
commitment and to the Division Head asking for a second member for each division
to be appointed. A Doodle Poll will be circulated to determine the best time and date
for setting upcoming meeting schedule for 2015 / 2016. Individuals who cannot fill out
the Doodle Poll may send their preferences via email.
New Business from Members
V. Duronio raised the question as to whether the Research Office has been involved
in anyway with the cardiology practice plan set up? Or whether we could provide
information relevant to the Division of Respiratory Medicine for an upcoming meeting.
J. Swift indicated that yes, the Research Office has worked closely with Cardiology,
in an administrative capacity to help set up research accounts to distribute funds.
Additionally, the Research Coordinator is meeting with ORS Director, Martin Kirk to
discuss the current flow of funds and set up, to ensure that we are working under the
best practice. This meeting is scheduled for the 19th of January.