Per 6 Discussion notes

Socratic Seminar Reflection
Seminar Topic
Text Title:
Calli S.
Capitalism vs. Socialism in Literature
“A Modest Proposal”
Jonathan Swift
Opening Question(s):
What if any, are the moral, ethical, and or practical responsibilities of a society to its most
impoverish members?
1. Summary of key ideas: (at least 5)
Swift uses satirical strategy to get through to audience, Madame Bovary author uses
realism, both authors use drastic measures to get their point through, no fluff but does
exaggerate to make point important and clear
Swift uses lots of detail to get point across with legitimate and well researched claims,
this makes the Swift’s entire idea seem very probable and real. This strategy gets to the
listener and makes them think and be baffled.
Current society is spending $40 billion on homeless people, Swift says 8 shillings should
be cost of children to eat which is around the same price of a pig.
Socialism is about economic equality of every person.
70% of veterans have substance abuse, most are homeless and have PTSD and use drugs
to get out of hard reality. We need to ensure proper and affordable healthcare for these
people so that situations like this don’t happen.
Billy Joel song was source of tension, said that the U.S. shouldn’t be so involved in other
countries business. You can take from the song that we didn’t start the problems and
therefore you aren’t responsible for the effects of that problem.
Some problems in the world are deep set and can’t be fixed fast.
Getting countries to talk things out is the best way to solve problems. You can’t solve
problem entirely but you can alleviate some of the issues.
In American Sniper, the hero is shot because he was trying to help a fellow veteran after
returning from war.
Veteran’s benefits aren’t the best, they don’t have good healthcare or don’t believe they
have PTSD and so they turn to drugs to solve their problem. The poor people and drug
addicts if they want to get better should have free rehab.
The Jungle is satire like “A Modest Proposal”. Uses and indirect way to point out the
obvious that gets under your skin and makes you question what you believed in.
Problem with welfare is that some people don’t need welfare as much as others do.
Through The Jungle, Sin Claire uses comparisons for his satire. The pigs were like the
immigrants that came to America.
Is abortion morally right when mother can’t support the child. This ties into A Modest
Proposal because asks the same question. Is it more moral to put child out of misery
before they can experience it?
In A Modest Proposal, Swift says the parliament members should ask parents if they
would’ve wanted to die instead of suffering. The answer is to go back to the source of the
Kids in CPS are miserable but want a better life. It is not their fault for their terrible life
so they shouldn’t suffer the consequences.
Every society needs a system where they should be supported because of some problems
like the Great Depression occurring.
Value of human life was low in A Modest Proposal. The value of life was below what is
good for any person
Essays for death penalty. Charles Manson’s case saw uprising through a song, point in
the up rise. Helter skelter, though he was not insane, is more of a front that makes it so
that he does not get put up to the death penalty. Cult leader mindset. He was smart, was
his own lawyer. Inmate put on death row for killing another inmate, not as smart, but put
towards the same fate, morally correct?
2. Reaction: Identify what at least three inner circle members said; write down his/her
comment. Evaluate his/her statement and evidence. Provide your own evidence to
agree, disagree or qualify with his or her claim.
 Its responsibility of society to provide opportunities for the poverty of the U.S. not just
handouts that won’t get the poor anywhere.(Elliot’s thoughts on what Taylor said)
 Capitalism is more independent, while socialism is about community effort. (Savannah
from Jason)
 Can’t put a band-aide on problems like prostitution. If things like this issue where legal it
wouldn’t solve the problem.
3. Explain how the Seminar influenced your thinking about the topic or the text(s).
4. Socratic Connections: Identify and explain a connection to at least three of the following. . .
another writer/poet
historical event
news article
another culture
famous/infamous person
Explain and cite your connection fully:
-“He swears before you that the intention of his book from first line to last is a moral and
religious intention.”- Flaubert
-Albert Fish, serial killer and cannibal compared taste of daughter to pig. Edward Gain used
humans as clothing.
-Billy Joel “We Didn’t Start The Fire”
5. Self Assessment
Write out the claim you made below. Offer the evidence you provided.
Evaluate the quality of your contribution.
Taking a position on a question
Using evidence to support a position or presenting factual information
Drawing another person into the discussion
Asking a clarifying question or moving the discussion along
Highlighting and marking the text with questions/commentary
Identify a personal goal for the next seminar: