Liaison Information - Florida Nursing Students Association

FNSA Liaisons
What is an FNSA Liaison?
Liaisons to FNSA have become a very important part of this association. We are relying more and more on
them to represent the organization at important committee and task force meetings, and they have responded by
taking part in some exciting planning and discussion sessions with professionals in nursing.
Term of Service: Liaisons are appointed by the January board meeting, and their appointment continues for 1
year. Following the annual state convention each year, the newly elected president will appoint members as
Responsibilities: The specific responsibilities of each liaison depend on the committee or task force in which
they are assigned. These responsibilities can include: emailing, listening to conference calls and webinars, or
even attending board meetings. All are expected to present a written or verbal report to the executive board at
state meetings. They are strongly encouraged to attend all board meetings and network closely with the
executive board.
The committees and task forces change from year to year and some will remain. No more than 2 liaisons per
committee or task force may be appointed.
Available liaison positions include:
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Liaison
AACN Certification Corporation contributes to consumer health and safety through comprehensive
credentialing of nurses to ensure their practice is consistent with established standards of excellence in caring
for acutely and critically ill patients and their families. As the undisputed leader in credentialing nurses, AACN
Certification Corporation has demonstrated that certification contributes to achieving optimal outcomes that are
consistent with the goals and values of acutely and critically ill patients and their families. For more
information visit:
Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetist Liaison
Founded in 1936, the Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists (FANA) represents 3,500 Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) licensed in Florida. FANA advocates for our patients and members in legislative
and governmental affairs and serves as a resource for CRNAs, the nursing and medical professions, hospitals,
health care facilities and others interested in anesthesia care. For more information visit:
Florida Board of Nursing Liaison
The Florida Board of Nursing license, monitors, disciplines, educates and, when appropriate, rehabilitates its
licensees to assure their fitness and competence in providing health care services for the people of Florida. The
sole legislative purpose in enacting the Nurse Practice Act is to ensure that every nurse practicing in Florida
meets minimum requirements for safe practice. It is the legislative intent that nurses who fall below minimum
competency or who otherwise present a danger to the public shall be prohibited from practicing in the State of
Florida. For more information visit:
Florida Center for Nursing Liaison
The Florida Center for Nursing was established by the Legislature with the goal of studying nursing manpower
needs for the future. The Center is housed at the University of Central Florida and conducts research with the
goal of projecting nursing manpower needs for the future to ensure quality care for the citizens of Florida. The
Executive Director and the members of the board are appointed by the Governor. For more information visit:
Florida Emergency Nursing Association Liaison
FENA is affiliated with the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) at the State and Chapter level, chartered by
the National Association (ENA) to implement its philosophy, objectives and leadership on the State and Chapter
levels in liaison with the National level. For more information visit:
Florida League for Nursing Liaison
The Florida League for Nursing supports and implements the mission of the National League for Nursing to
promote excellence in nursing education to build a strong and diverse nursing workforce to advance the nation’s
health. For more information visit:
Florida Nurses Political Action Committee Liaison
This is a two-year appointment. The person selected for this position is a voting member of this important
committee, which decides what legislative representatives the Florida Nurses Association will support during
elections. This liaison will distribute a survey on current legislative issues to each region so those members can
express questions, comments, or concerns that could assist the liaison with his/her vote on the committee. These
legislative issues are also posted on the FNSA website. FNSA will appoint a new incoming liaison each year,
with the previous year’s liaison to continue his/her second year as an outgoing/mentor liaison. Only one
FNSA/FN-PAC liaison may vote on the committee. For more information visit:
Florida Nursing Association Board Liaison
The Florida Nursing Association serves and supports all registered nurses through professional development,
advocacy and the promotion of excellence at every level of professional nursing practice. The Florida Nursing
Association invites the FNSA liaison to attend all meetings and serve as the FNSA board representative. This
liaison also plans the student day that is held yearly at the FNA annual convention. For more information visit:
Florida Nursing Association Bylaws Committee Liaison
This liaison works with the FNA Bylaws committee by attending meetings (usually conference calls). They
report back information on FNA bylaws to the FNSA board. This is an excellent way of learning the workings
of the state organization. The FNA Bylaws committee is most active in a convention year (odd years). For
more information visit:
QUIN Council Liaison
The mission of the Quality and Unity in Nursing (QUIN) Council is to promote quality and unity for nurses and
nursing in Florida through developing a strategy to communicate between the organizations key issues that
affect nursing, communicate networks that foster collaboration, support/unity for nursing in Florida and mutual
agreement on key nursing issues. The QUIN Council provides a forum for discussing major positions and
focuses on moving the agenda for nursing forward through being action and outcome oriented. For more
information visit:
Special Interest Group Liaison
This liaison may choose a special interest group (SIG) from the Florida Nurses Association and will attend their
meetings and report back to the FNSA board on how FNSA can partner with this professional group. For more
information visit:
FNSA Liaison Application
Please email to
***Applications must be complete and legible for consideration***
Last Name
First Name
College of Nursing
Date of Graduation
College of State Offices Held
Conventions and Conferences Attended
Liaison Positions of Interest
Please briefly describe your interest in this position and your goals within the organization:
Thank you for your time and dedication to FNSA!