
Modules 14, 15, & 16 Review:
Directions: Use the word bank in each section to answer the review questions. To answer the questions, use your
readings, assignments and notes, as well as the internet. The answers will only be used once. Save your work and
submit it as an assignment. Print your completed work to use as a study guide as you prepare for the EOC.
NC EOC Goal 11 Review: Recovery, Prosperity, and Turmoil—This traces the economic, political, and
social developments that surrounded the Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement, and the 1950s-1980s.
1950’s and 1960’s The end of World War II led the United States into the Cold War and a war against
communism. At home, the segregation of African American grossly conflicted with the ideals of American
democracy versus Communist oppression. The conditions were right for change.
Use the Review Activity #1 word bank to complete the fill in the blank statements below.
Alliance for Progress
Bomb Shelters
Brown v. Board of Education
Betty Friedan
Civil Disobedience
Word Bank: Review Activity #1
Gulf of Tonkin
Malcolm X
Swann vs. Charlotte Mecklenburg
McCarthy Oaths
Peace Corps
Peaceful protest
TET Offensive
1. As a response to Cold War fears many Americans built _________________ to protect themselves from a
potential nuclear war with the Soviet Union.
2. The fear of communism spread through the U.S. rapidly. Senator Joseph McCarthy demanded government
officials take _________________ to show their loyalty to democracy and the U.S..
3. _____________________ was one of the reasons the U.S. got involved in the Vietnam War.
4. ______________________was the turning point in the Vietnam War. US media showed images of the
war and thousands of American soldiers bodies returning to the US. American opinion began to
move against the war.
5. Many hippies gathered together in the _________________district of San Francisco to protest political
events and the Vietnam War.
6. In 1954 _________________ overturned the 1896 Supreme Court ruling of Plessy vs. Ferguson that
said separate but equal was legal and acceptable. This case led to the desegregation of American
schools. The support of the federal government to end segregation helped encourage the Civil
Right’s Movement.
7. The passive resistance of Martin Luther King Jr. consisted of _____________________ and
8. _____________ was a 1960s Civil Rights leader who opposed Martin Luther King Jr. in favor of a more
aggressive approach to gaining civil rights for African Americans.8.
9. The Supreme Court case, __________________________ 1971, allowed for the use of buses as a means
to integrate schools to meet the expectations of Brown v. Board of Education.
10. Politician’s who were part of the “Solid South” and supported segregation were known as the
11. When Kennedy created the _____________________ his goal was to help Latin American nations.
12. Kennedy created the _________________________ which is a volunteer organization in which Americans
traveled to poverty stricken countries to help them.
13. __________________ was a prominent woman in the 1960s Feminist movement she wrote the book
The Feminine Mystique.
NC EOC Goal #12: The Modern Era: America was changing. New ideas, new presidents, and new foreign
issues were the main focus. The Vietnam War was ending; there were new economic, technological, and
environmental changes. Federal legislation was trying to keep up with the time.
Use the Review Activity #2 word bank to complete the fill in the blank statements below.
Brady Bill
Jimmy Carter
No Child Left Behind
Humanitarian Diplomacy
Environmental Protection Agency
Word Bank: Review Activity #2
Three Mile Island
Trickle Down Theory
Ronald Reagan
Texas v. Johnson
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
1. The U.S. became more concerned with human rights than imperializing. President _________________
led the way by promoting _______________________
2. There were many First Amendment issues that were brought to the attention to the Supreme Court. For
example in ____________________ the Supreme Court ruled that flag burning is protected under the
First Amendment.
3. The nuclear incident on _____________ in Pennsylvania forced a presidential administration to create the
___________________to develop and enforce environmental standards.
4. Inflation and a down economy opened the door for __________________ to be elected in the 1980
presidential election!
5. When Gerald Ford took over as president he __________________ President Richard Nixon for his
involvement in the Watergate Scandal.
6. Ronald Reagan’s economic policy was nicknamed ____________________. It was based on the
_________________. This idea promoted tax breaks to businesses so that they would expand and
hire more workers.
7. President William Clinton promoted an anti-violence campaign and legislated for the _______________ that
addressed gun control.
8. President George W. Bush’s ________________put new standards in place for schools and tied funding to
test scores.
9. Clinton’s legislation that eliminated tariffs between Canada, the United States, and Mexico was called
10. The ___________________ thwarted (prevented) Clinton from passing universal health care.