INTEGRATED SAFEGUARDS DATA SHEET CONCEPT/APPRAISAL STAGE 70810 Date ISDS Prepared/Updated: 25 August 2011 I. BASIC INFORMATION A. Basic Project Data Country: Pacific Islands (Regional) Project ID: P128725 Additional Project ID (if any): Project Name: Regional Institutional Strengthening and Knowledge Management Support to Pacific Island Countries to Strengthen Implementation of the Pacific Urban Agenda under the Pacific Plan Task Team Leader: Federico Silva Estimated Approval Date: 7 April 2011 Estimated Completion Date: 2013 Managing Unit: Cities Alliance (FEUCA) Lending Instrument: Grant Sector: Urban Theme: (AAA) Knowledge Management on Urban Development 6. Other financing amounts by source: Cities Alliance MDTF US$349,600 Environmental Category: Category C Simplified Processing Simple [ X] Is this a transferred project Yes [ ] Repeater [ ] No [X] B. Project Objectives: The overall project aims to support the development of regional knowledge management and institutional strengthening mechanisms in support of the Urban Agenda in the Pacific Islands. The creation of such mechanisms is anchored on the premise that both knowledge and institutional strengthening the urban sector are a key foundation for the development of an effective response and improved urban performance to the growing urbanisation challenges in the Pacific region. The specific objectives of this project are: Strengthening human and institutional capacities in the region through training of trainers (ToT) activities to support country up-scaling and regional replication of City Development Strategies (CDS) and Slum Upgrading Strategies (SUS) and other proven good urbanization practices; 1 Developing a Pacific Regional Urban Knowledge Management Framework which coordinates the documentation of strategic planning experiences in the region integrating best practices and lesson learnt; Facilitating and institutionalizing urban policy dialogue into regional and national planning so as to establish consensus with stakeholders on urbanisation priorities, strengthen partnerships, and up-scale resource mobilization to achieve better urban outcomes; Strengthening monitoring by the Secretarial of the Pacific Community (SPC) as the identified regional responsible agency to monitor Pacific Islands’ urban commitments made under the Pacific Urban Agenda. C. Project Description: A. The project consists of five major components: Component 1: Project establishment and regional needs assessment and analysis. This component establishes a regional Project Management Framework to ensure all key stakeholders have a common understanding of the outcomes, processes and expectations and undertake a national urban sector needs assessment of the current situation. Deliverables: Inception Report including project Work Plan and Monitoring and Evaluation framework; Needs assessment questionnaire designed and completed; Regional needs assessment on urbanization challenges. Component 2: Institutional strengthening through the delivery of training of trainers (ToT) addressing key urban themes. Building on the understanding gained from Component 1 including identified capacity gaps and opportunities in the regional needs analysis, this component carries out regional ToT workshops for policy makers and key practitioners. Deliverables: Reports on Regional ToT events on CDS and SUS; Training toolkits on urban planning completed and available for dissemination and sharing; Component 3: Supporting Urban Knowledge Creation and Management. This component develops and implements a Pacific Urban Knowledge Management framework. Working with national and regional stakeholders, the framework will collate national experiences in preparing and implementing the CDS and SUS experiences via regional workshops and disseminate findings, lessons learned and key implications. Deliverables: Documentation of lesson learned from CDS and SUS and other relevant urban experiences in the region; Analysis of urban regional trends and strategic policy implications; Urban knowledge management plan including institutional options and sustainability; 2 Component 4: Facilitating Policy Learning Dialogue on Pacific Urbanisation. This component focuses on strengthening the Pacific Islands Planners Association’s (PIPA) capacity to coordinate and institutionalize key policy dialogues so as to increase the visibility of urban issues and elevate them in the Pacific regional development debate. Deliverables: Implementation Plan for a series of Policy Dialogues; Regional Urbanisation and Urban Management Policy proposition papers; Report on proceedings of regional policy dialogue on Pacific urbanization issues; Report on the Regional Conference on the State of Urbanisation in the Pacific; Report on the extent of alignment of the National Sustainable Development Plans with the Pacific Urban Agenda. Component 5: Strengthening the Capacity of SPC to Implement and Monitor Urban Initiatives under the Pacific Plan. This component focuses on supporting SPC in order to strengthen their capacity to work within countries in the region and to ensure that the commitments in Pacific Urban Agenda are mainstreamed nationally and complied with. Deliverables: Institutional strengthening plan for SPC; M&E Indicators for use by Pacific Island Countries and SPC in monitoring PUA implementation; Report on options for establishing a Pacific Regional Urban Observatory including core functions and financing. All project’s activities and deliverables are of analytic nature and will serve as inputs for future research, analysis and decision-making in urban development. Project activities will not involve any direct buying of equipment and/or building/construction and no World Bank parallel, associated or follow on investments are expected, which include physical work. The project’s environmental and social impact will be negligible and will not produce any irreversible environmental or social impacts that could trigger safeguards policies. D. Project location and salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard analysis (if known): N/A. This project focuses on diagnostic work, knowledge management and institutional building activities with a regional scope in the Pacific and has no site-specific interventions. 3 E. Borrower’s Institutional Capacity for Safeguard Policies: This is a Recipient Executed (RE) grant. The grant recipient is the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, (UN-Habitat). UN-Habitat is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. UN Habitat has been a recipient of a significant number of Cities Alliance grants and with the World Bank were its founding members. UN-Habitat is also currently a member of the Cities Alliance Executive Committee. Mr. Chris Radford, UN-Habitat will manage project implementation. Federico Silva, Junior Professional Officer, FEUCA, from the World Bank will supervise implementation. F. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialist: Not Applicable: The project activities are analytical in nature and will have negligible environmental and social impact. The project has been classified as OP/BP 4.01 “Category C” and therefore no Environmental and Social Management Plan is required. II. SAFEGUARD POLICIES THAT MIGHT APPLY Safeguard Policies Triggered (please explain why) Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) Yes No X Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04) X Forests (OP/BP 4.36) X Pest Management (OP 4.09) X Physical Cultural Resources (OP/BP 4.11) X Indigenous Peoples (OP/BP 4.10) X Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12) X Safety of Dams (OP/BP 4.37) X Projects on International Waterways (OP/BP 7.50) X Projects in Disputed Areas (OP/BP 7.60) X Piloting the Use of Borrower Systems to Address Environmental and Social Safeguard Issues in BankSupported Projects (OP/BP 4.00) X 4 TBD III. SAFEGUARD PREPARATION PLAN A. Target date for the Quality Enhancement Review (QER), at which time the PAD-stage ISDS would be prepared: N/A B. For simple projects that will not require a QER, the target date for preparing the PAD-stage ISDS: N/A C. Time frame for launching and completing the safeguard-related studies that may be needed. The specific studies and their timing1 should be specified in the PAD-stage ISDS: N/A IV. APPROVALS Signed and submitted by: Task Team Leader: Approved by: Cities Alliance Safeguards Focal Point or Regional Safeguards Coordinator: Comments: Program Manager: Comments: 1 Federico Silva 08/22/11 Phyllis Kibui 11/02/2011 William Cobbett 11/04/2011 Reminder: The Bank's Disclosure Policy requires that safeguard-related documents be disclosed before appraisal (i) at the InfoShop and (ii) in-country, at publicly accessible locations and in a form and language that are accessible to potentially affected persons. 5