St. Lukes 2015 Schedule

THE FRIENDS OF St Lukes Charity Reunion Show
On Monday 1st June 2015 In Kilronan (Beside Dublin Airport)
Derby Ring(Start at9.00)
Connemara Performance Derby
By Kind Permission of the Dawson Family and Kilronan Equestrian Centre
Ring 2 Show Ring( Start at 9.00)
Ring 2a (will not start before 1.00)
Connemara(pony aged 4years and over) 10a Side Saddle(if 3or more pre-entries)
Lead Rein WH Perf Derby
60cm Performance Derby
11 Lead Rein S P
21 M+M First Ridden(rider not attainted 12 birthday
70cm Performance Derby
12 133cm Show Hunter
22 M+M Ridden(will be divided if sufficient entries)
80cm Performance Derby
13 143cm Show Hunter
23 M+M In Hand(will be divided if sufficient entries)
Mini Perf Championship
14 153cm Show Hunter
24 Part Bred inhand
Clifden High Perf Connemara Class
Connemara Championship
Mr Melvyn Chadwick
Show Hunter Championship
20a M&M Lead Rein(rider not attainted 9 birthday
25 Part Bred Ridden
(Connemara are eligible for class 22)
15 Lead Rein S H
90cm Performance Derby(2pm start) 16 First Ridden SH/SP
1m Performance Derby
10 1m10cm Performance Derby
Perf Derby Championship
( classes) 8,9,10
Judge Mr Melvyn Chadwick
Mini Championship classes
17 First Year First Ridden sp/shp
18 Show Starter Stake
M&M Championship classes(20a-23)
19 123cm Show Hunter
Part Bred Championship class 24&25
20 Show Pony (will divide if enough novice and open entries)
Rugs for winning Derby teams and a Supreme Championship for all Champions winners
Derby Judges
Ms Denise Norton classes 1 to 7.
Entry Fee Derby Ring 20.00euro Class 7 25euro
Mr Philip Scott classes 8 to 10
Show Ring 12.00euro (per entry)
Enquiries to Lorli Higgins 087-2343913 Ann Grimes 087-1275472 Anne Stanley 086-3921095
For more information regarding this Show please search on Facebook : Anne Stanley,s Barn or on next page
Details for the St Lukes Show
All information regarding the qualifier maybe found on Connemara Pony Breeders Society 09521863 those
who compete in the qualifier and would like to compete in the Derby classes the first entry will be 15 euro and 20euro
after that
The Connemera Performance will be run in the same format as the RDS qualifier ie with the small flat test to be ridden
before jumping, there are no age restriction on the children in this class
All Stallions must have IPS permission to compete in IPS Classes.
Performance Derby.
Classes 5(60cm) and Class 6(70cm) would be suitable for Cradle Stakes and Starter Stakes. In the Performance Derby
Championship first and second placed in each class will
be asked to jumping 3 or 4 fences the same height as the class
they were placed in.. All those competing in the Derby Classes(1-10)MUST wear back protectors for more information
please contact Lorli or Anne Stanley 086-3921095
If a pony is eliminated in the Derby ring, it must leave the ring but can pay 10euro and go HC in the class when all those
who have competing in the class have all jumped, but in doing so they must go HC for the rest of the day in the Derby
Direction for Kilronan please go to Kilronan Equestrian Centre web site.For stabling and local B&B please contact Ann
The Team Event at St Lukes show incorporated in the Derby Classes
The Derby Classes will be run on a fantastic purpose built derby course with banks and
other solid fences. There will be Connemara Performance, Lead Rein WH ,
60cm,70cm,80cm,90cm,1m and 1m 10cm classes. Each team should have at least one
competitor in each height of class, with a total of 4 competitors per team. We will have
lovely prizes for the winning Team, including *Derby* rugs for the winning team and
special rosettes for all the teams placed.
In the Derby classes the emphasis is on jumping with approximately 20 fences the ratio is
60%for jumping and 40% for way of going.
The entry fee will be 80euro per team, and this will also entitle the child to compete for an
individual prize.
If you would like to enter for your team,
Please Contact Lorli Higgins at 087-2343913 or