NDCCG Primary Care Co-Commissioning Committee Thursday 25th June 2015 NDCCG Primary Care Co-Commissioning Committee Robert Robinson Room, Scarsdale Thursday 25th 2015 Public Session MINUTES Present Gary Apsley (Chair) Lay Representative (PPI Lead) Ben Milton Dr Darren Green Hannah Belcher Ian Gibbard John Grenville Marie Scouse Mark Smith Jackie Pendleton Jayne Stringfellow Richard Bull NDCCG, Lead Clinician NDCCG, Head of Finance NHS England, Contracts Manager Lay Representative (Audit) Derby & Derbyshire LMC, LMC Chair NDCCG, Assistant Chief Nurse (Primary Care) NDCCG, Director of Finance NDCCG, Chief Officer NDCCG, Chief Nurse NDCCG, GP Apologies Beverley Smith Andrew Milroy Jonathan Rycroft Joanne Winfield NDCCG, Chief Transformation Officer Derbyshire County Council, Head of Adult Social Care NHS England, Head of General Practice Lay Representative In Attendance Christy Herbert Mark Roome Jayne Bouch NDCCG, Clinical Quality Administrator GEM & Arden CSU Informatics NHS England, Contracts Officer Item PCC.0027.15 Item Welcome, Introductions and Apologies The Chair of the meeting Mr Apsley welcomed the group, introductions were given and apologies recorded as above. PCC.0028.15 Declaration of Interests Both the Chair Mr Apsley and Dr Ben Milton declared an interest in agenda item 6 Premise Update. PCC.0029.15 Minutes of the previous Primary Care Co-Commissioning Committee The minutes of the previous Primary Care Co-Commissioning Committee held on Thursday 25th May 2015 were agreed as a true and accurate record. Action 1 NDCCG Primary Care Co-Commissioning Committee Thursday 25th June 2015 Matters Arising PCC.0018 & PCC.0026.15 – Miss Herbert has now arranged future monthly meeting dates and venues. This information has been circulated out to the Committee. PCC.0021.15 – Mrs Scouse informed the committee that the Clinical Quality Team have capacity issues in relation to managing some of the Co-Commissioning contractual management requirements. In order to undertake this role the team have looked at its structure and work streams and the CCG intends to secure an additional resource. Mrs Scouse will provide the Committee with a report in three months’ time. Mrs Pendleton suggested that in the interim the CCG should build on its relationships with the District Council and embed relationships in preparation for future section 106 funding opportunities. Mrs Scouse will take this forward. Marie Scouse Marie Scouse The Committee briefly discussed the housing development currently in process along the A61, Chesterfield. It is believed that this development is not of a considerable size. The Chair Mr Apsley suggested that Section 106 Monies should be discussed outside of the meeting looking at what is already being done and what other work can be done in preparation for future developments. PCC.0021.15 – Miss Belcher informed the committee that Mr Rycroft is in the process of collecting each CCGs responses in relation to the Guiding Principles. Mr Rycroft intends to bring a paper to the August Primary Care Co-Commissioning Committee. PCC.0030.15 Marie Scouse/ Darren Green Jonathan Rycroft Terms of Reference Mrs Scouse informed the committee that since the last meeting the terms of reference have been updated with the suggested changes. At the previous meeting the committee queried if the names of members in attendance should be included within the terms of reference. The committee agreed that names are not necessary and only positions should be listed. The committee then discussed the vice' Chair of the Primary Care CoCommissioning Committee. It was agreed that the vice chair should be formalised within the terms of reference so efforts can be made to attend the meeting. Action: Mr Apsley agreed to approach Isabella Stone regarding the Vice Chair responsibility to see if she has capacity to take this role on. Mr Apsley The committee agreed that the terms of reference can be amended post meeting to reflect the changes made to the terms of reference 2 NDCCG Primary Care Co-Commissioning Committee Thursday 25th June 2015 Vice Chair. It was noted by the committee that the quorum of five members, to include two directors, one clinical representative and two lay representatives is a requirement taken straight from the delegation agreement. Clarity was sought by the committee on the ‘Clinical Representation’ within the terms of reference. Mrs Stringfellow agreed that at future meetings she will attend the committee as the Executive Lead for Primary Care rather than Clinical Lead. POST-MEETING NOTE: it was agreed that this consideration applied equally to Mrs Scouse, and that Mrs Scouse would therefore also attend Committee meetings as an executive officer rather than as a clinician. Mrs Stringfellow bought to the committee’s attention Section 8.6 – 8.8 reporting arrangements within the Terms of Reference. The committee were informed that at the next Primary Care Development Group (PCDG) Meeting on Monday 29th June 2015 it will be proposed that the Open Public Minutes from this Primary Care Co-Commissioning Committee are routinely circulated out to all NDCCG member practices for openness and transparency of business discussed and they are fully informed of the decision making process. Miss Herbert The committee noted that the Primary Care Co-Commissioning Committee is responsible for looking at how and where Primary Care funding is spent. The Governing Body Assurance Committee (GBAC) then ratifies this decision from an affordability point of view. This being the reason the minutes of this committee are then taken to GBAC. A further discussion was then held by the committee around GPs chairing the PCDG Meetings and if this is appropriate. Mrs Stringfellow informed the committee that moving forward she plans to attend future PCDG Meetings with the possibility of chairing once the current chair retires in August if the attendees of the group agree. PCC.0031.15 Quality and Assurance Reports Unfortunately the attendee who planned to present the Quality and Assurance Dashboard Report to the committee was unavailable. A paper example screenshot of the monthly Practice Dashboard was tabled at the meeting. The paper is an example dashboard of what has been developed in Lincolnshire showing practice activity in prescribing, KPIs, Plans Vs actuals in tariffs, activity data and admissions. Mr Roome has been working with Mrs Derricott Clinical Quality Manager using this dashboard as a comparative against the areas NDCCG are interested in reporting. Mrs Scouse informed the group that it has been suggested to also add in the monitoring information collected for NHS England from the Primary Care Web tool, combining this information into 3 NDCCG Primary Care Co-Commissioning Committee Thursday 25th June 2015 one dashboard creates one sensible mechanism for reporting. This would provide the Primary Care Co-Commissioning Committee with a report of all the contractual elements that need reporting into the CCG. The CCG Primary Care Team are reviewing the individual serious incident and complaints data on a monthly basis and will bring this information to the committee on a three monthly basis with exceptions being reported to the committee when necessary. Mrs Scouse will take this forward. The committee recommended that the dashboard report also include Procedures of Limited Clinical Value (PLCV), 111 and Out of Hours. Mr Roome noted this recommendation. A further discussion was had by the committee around the harshness of using the Red, Amber Green (RAG) status on performance and whether this should be replaced with bronze, silver and gold. The CCG needs to identify which practices they are actively working with so the focus should not be on the RAG status but more around the discussions with practices and how this element is recorded. Mrs Scouse will take this forward. Mrs Scouse Mr Roome Mrs Scouse Dr Milton highlighted that practices need comparative data in order to see the value of data that is collected. The Committee requested that a presentation of the dashboard be given at the next meeting in July by Arden & GEM CSU Informatics. Agenda Mr Smith who is part of the GEMIMA Steering Group asked the committee to be mindful that GEMIMA which is the platform for this dashboard has lots of potential but is still in the process of being rolled out to practices. PCC.0032.15 Premise Update Mr Green informed the committee that there has been very little progress since the last meeting in May. Mrs Belcher highlighted that there has been a number of regional and national meetings happening in order to try and get the schemes moving. The concerns raised in Derbyshire and in other areas have been shared and escalated. The committee raised concerns that if there is no slippage in the NHS England Infrastructure funding this leaves practices with a limited amount of time for development. Practices now need full assurance of the commitment agreed. The CCG is supporting the successful practises to receive the funding and they have had an agreement in principle from NHS England. Mrs Pendleton informed the committee that NHS England has recently sent out a letter to all four CCGs outlining the requirements to develop an Estates Strategy. NDCCG plan to incorporate this into the 21st Century estates Workstream which includes primary care. PCC.0033.15 Violent Patient Scheme 4 NDCCG Primary Care Co-Commissioning Committee Thursday 25th June 2015 Mrs Scouse gave the committee an overview of Direct Enhanced Service (DES) Violent Patient Scheme (VPS). The VPS is a service that provides Primary Medical Services for patients who have been removed from a practice list due to a breakdown in Patient / GP relationship or by them exhibiting violent behaviour in a GP practice. Further to the NHS Co- Commissioning delegated arrangements the commissioning of this service is a North Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group (ND CCG) and Hardwick Clinical Commissioning Group (HCCG) responsibility. Mrs Scouse further explained that this service is currently delivered by Avenue House Surgery, Chesterfield. The Practice has given notice to withdraw from this contract and have accepted to terminate this from December 2015. Currently the VPS has 10 patients registered on the scheme, all are NDCCG patients, initial discussions have been held with HCCG and it is the intention to continually jointly commission this service. The committee were informed that in order to gain an understanding of potential new provider interest for future delivery of this service for its patient population the CCG will send out an expression of interest request to its member practices. The committee were made aware of the potential financial risk which comes with the re-procurement of the VPS service. There is currently no national specification or funding agreement for the VPS therefore the price to deliver this varies across the Country. Miss Belcher highlighted that this service can only be delivered by a Practice and there is no such scheme for community pharmacy and dentists etc. The committee raised points around the duty of care towards other patients and the violent patients themselves. Mrs Stringfellow advised the committee that as part of the MAPPA Public Protection Officers Duty the police are obliged to individually communicate with practices regarding potentially or previously violent patients who have been released from HMP. Dr Bull question what currently happens to violent patients during the out of hour’s period and why this is different to the VPS. Mrs Stringfellow agreed to discuss this with DR Bull outside of the meeting. Miss Belcher and Mrs Scouse plan to put together an options appraisal along with a position statement on the risks and threats which will be bought back to the next meeting and discussed under matters arising. PCC.0034.15 Dr R Bull Jayne Stringfellow Mrs Scouse Mrs Belcher Primary Care Hub Development This item was moved to the confidential section of the meeting for 5 NDCCG Primary Care Co-Commissioning Committee Thursday 25th June 2015 discussion. PCC.0035.15 Minutes of the Primary Care Development Group Meeting The committee noted for information the final minutes from the Primary Care Development Group meeting dated Monday 30th March 2015. Mrs Scouse asked the group to note the Basket of Services decision making information within the minutes. Mrs Stringfellow pointed out to the committee that a number of queries have been raised by various sources around the decisions made and sign off of the BOS specification. The process for ratifying the BOS and contract arrangements will be shared with all member practices. It has been identified that currently a number of practices are not delivering all the services within the BOS, the BOS is commissioned and funded as a whole and is inclusive. Dr Bull highlighted that the purpose of the PCDG Meeting is not solely to discuss the BOS and that this is only one element of the meeting. The discussions on the BOS have been open, transparent and have gone through an engaging interactive process for a number of months. Mr Grenville informed the CCG that the Chesterfield Locality have arranged an evening meeting on Monday June 29th to discuss the BOS. Mr Grenville recommended that a member of the CCG attend the meeting. It has been made clear by the locality that they are having difficulties providing the essential and additional services they are contracted to deliver. Mrs Stringfellow agreed that she is happy to send the response to Mr Grenville prior to the meeting on June 29th so that this can be shared with the practices ahead of the meeting. Mrs Stringfellow reaffirmed that the CCG has a duty to look at the measures and monitoring aspects of the BOS. A representative from the CCG will attempt to attend the evening meeting on June 29th. PCC.0036.15 Minutes of the Chesterfield and North East Clinical Governance Leads Meeting The committee noted for information the final minutes from the Chesterfield and North East Clinical Governance Leads Meeting dated January 14th 2015. PCC.0037.15 Any other business Mrs Pendleton asked the committee to note that the CCG has formally received the signed scheme of delegation agreement from NHS England. Mrs Stringfellow The Committee had no other business to discuss. PCC.0038.15 Date, time & venue of the next meeting Thursday 23rd July 2015, 11am, Robert Robinson Room, Scarsdale 6 NDCCG Primary Care Co-Commissioning Committee Thursday 25th June 2015 Moving forward the administrative support for this committee will be provided by Rosalind Combes. Please can agenda items and apologies be forwarded to Rosalind.Combes@northderbyshireccg.nhs.uk Signed by………………………………. Chair Date…………………………………….. 7