Faculty Hiring Procedures (Full-time, Probationary/Tenure-track or Fixed-Term) (Revised 10-2012) I. Position Authorization 1. Request to Hire (RTH), Faculty Position paper form for budget justification and approval completed by Department. Note: For probationary positions, prior consideration of applicants under IFO contract Article 21 and 31 must be given before other applicants are reviewed. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. II. Department forwards completed paper RTH form to the Dean for review and approval Dean/Associate Provost or Designee logs in to NEOGOV/Online Hiring Center and opens a new electronic Requisition, completing all areas of the online form. The scanned in copy of the paper RTH form from the Department must be attached to the online Requisition. Approval routing must be set up with approvals designated in the following order: I. Budget Officer II. Associate Provost for Faculty Relations III. Provost IV. Human Resources Director V. Equity & Affirmative Officer VI. President – final approval The NEOGOV/OHC system electronically routes Requisition to approvers in this order, with the President as the final approver. An email notice is triggered and sent to each Approver indicating that there is a new Requisition to approve in above order automatically and each Approver will electronically have the choice to approve/reject/put on hold or cancel. Following the final approval, EAA Analyst receives notice and then authorizes and opens the Requisition and creates a recruitment plan in NEOGOV indicating the position is ready to be searched. EAA Analyst prepares and sends a red Search Packet to the Dean/Associate Provost’s unit office. Dean/Associate Provost forwards Search Packet to department or search chair. Prior to beginning a search for a full-time faculty position (including emergency searches/hires), the Dean/Associate Provost will provide written notification to all faculty in the college and the Faculty Association (FA) that a search is to be conducted. Search Committee Assembly 1. All faculty searches will be conducted by search committees selected consistent with the IFO/MnSCU Master Agreement and existing university and MnSCU policy. Upon formation of a search committee, the Dean/Associate Provost will notify the faculty of the college and the FA of the formation and membership of the search committee. If representation from a non-IFO bargaining unit is needed, contact Human Resources (x83203) to request representation from respective bargaining units. 2. Affirmative Action Requirements for All Search Committees: A. Each committee must be diverse and should include a representative from the underutilized class in the department/unit where applicable. B. If it is not possible to constitute a committee within the unit which meets this minimum, a representative from outside the unit or administrative unit where the vacancy occurs may be asked to serve as a member of the committee. 1 (Revised 10-2012) III. Recruitment Plan / Notice of Vacancy / Advertising The following need to be completed and forwarded to Dean/Associate Provost for approval who then forwards to EAA: 1. 2. Affirmative Action Recruitment Plan A. Search committee & search chair names B. Advertising plan and AA recruitment strategies C. Search timeline, including date review of applications begins; all positions are open until filled. D. Window of application for national searches open minimum of 30 days Notice of Vacancy (NOV) Important items to remember when preparing your Ad or NOV: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. IV. Use the NOV template provided online on the Employment Procedures website or in the search packet or and type in the sections required. Every Notice of Vacancy (NOV) and Ad that is placed by SCSU must contain the following statements: I. Ph.D. / Master’s Degree (depending on position) at time of application If ABD is acceptable, request date of graduation. (include in minimum qualifications) II. Evidence of demonstrated ability to teach and work with persons from culturally diverse backgrounds. (include in Required Qualifications section) III. SCSU is committed to excellence and actively supports cultural diversity. To promote this endeavor, we invite individuals who contribute to such diversity to apply, including minorities, women, LGBT, or persons with disabilities and veterans. SCSU is a member of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System. (include this at the end of the NOV) For Faculty TENURE-TRACK SEARCHES ONLY, be sure to include the following near the end of the "Responsibilities" section: "In order to be considered for tenure, the successful candidate will demonstrate the ability to: teach and/or perform assignment effectively in other current assignments, produce a record of scholarly or creative achievement or research, continue preparation and study, contribute to student growth and development and provide service to the university and community.” (IFO Article 22, Section B) EAA reviews for completeness, diversity of committee, clarity and timeliness; EAA hand delivers above documents to Provost for approval and authorization; Upon approval, EAA notifies Dean/Associate Provost and Search Chair of approval; EAA posts the position in NEOGOV and on AA websites and also places the one ad paid for by Academic Affairs. Search Committee Tasks and Ground Rules 1. FIRST COMMITTEE TASKS A. Search Chair arranges for committee to meet with Equity & Affirmative Action Office representative who will provide an overview of the search process and the importance of confidentiality and data privacy of applicants during the search process. A handout outlining this is provided to all members along with a Confidentiality Agreement form to sign. 2 (Revised 10-2012) B. 2. V. EAA Analyst provides introduction to and training in NEOGOV system during this first meeting. C. Schedule initial committee meeting. I. Review NOV terminology for full understanding of terms responsibilities, qualifications and experience; be clear as to what is required, what is preferred; II. Draft NOV terminology into Screening Criteria form III. Draft Interview Questions – for phone and/or campus interviews IV. Forward screening criteria form and interview questions to EAA for approval prior to review of any applications. D. Set up committee meeting schedule, using proposed search timeline from the AA Recruitment Plan as a guide. ESTABLISH COMMITTEE GROUND RULES A. Committee as a whole acts as an agent of the university and is obligated to follow law and policy applying to personnel matters in carrying out the President's authority to hire, which is delegated, in writing, to the Provost. B. Decide standard way to achieve consensus; C. Decide how to break stalemate; D. Decide when and how to inform unit/department of progress; E. Committee Chair is sole spokesperson of Committee; F. Maintain confidentiality of deliberations, records and applicant information as per Minnesota State Data Practices Act. Click on this link to a short video from MnSCU regarding the law and confidentiality issues in searches. Please forward the link to all search committee members and have them review it. This will provide some basic concepts and fundamental law. G. Questions from committee members should be routed to the Search Chair, who will then route them to the Equity & Affirmative Action Office (x8-5123). Application Review 1. EAA Analyst provides Search committee members access to NEOGOV/OHC system. After logging in, Committee members select their position search and begin the ONLINE review of the applicant materials using the approved screening criteria form. Note: No printing or downloading of applicant materials is permitted. 2. Members must use the screening criteria form for each applicant review. 3. Committee’s collective assessment of each applicant is recorded on the screening criteria form and kept in the search file. 4. Maintain complete confidentiality; credential discussion should only be among committee members. 5. The committee’s collective assessment of each applicant is recorded in the NEOGOV system and becomes the official record. The search chair will log into NEOGOV and enter each candidate’s disposition and comments (strengths and weaknesses) based on the committee’s consensus as follows: A. Click on the first candidate’s name and then click on Show Candidate Disposition in the upper right hand side of the screen. Enter the disposition/committee consensus and click on one of the options there using this as your guide: I. Pass – indicates those you recommended for interview; enter comments in the comment box indicating that these are your A-List (e.g. Rec. for phone or campus interview, list of strengths/concerns) II. Fail – indicates those that didn’t meet the minimum qualifications or that had incomplete files; select the Reject Reason from the dropdown list and enter a comment indicating what qualifications they were lacking or item(s) missing based on review of their application file. 3 (Revised 10-2012) Other – indicates those that meet the minimum qualifications and that you want to keep on reserve (B-List and C-List if needed) in case the AList people are no longer available and/or decline interviews. Be sure to include specific reasons for non-selection (why they are not as strong as the A-List candidates, what makes them less qualified) B. Once the dispositions and comments are entered, email the Hiring Manager and EAA to let them know and then wait for approval from both before contacting finalists to schedule interviews. Hiring Manager and EAA review the dispositions and comments in NEOGOV and determine if they approve or if there are additional candidates who should be interviewed. Phone interviews are an option for pre-screening and may be done to narrow an applicant pool. Phone interview questions must be approved by EAA prior to use and most or all committee members should be present during phone interviews. Upon approval, Dean/Associate Provost will notify Search Chair at which time interviews can be arranged. Search Chair will create and provide the interview schedule and interview itineraries to EAA. EAA Analyst sends email notices to initial group of unsuccessful applicants. Reference checks can be done prior to bringing candidates on campus and/or following the candidate interview process. Reference questions must be approved by EAA. III. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. VI. Interviews 1. Treat all candidates the same (including internal candidates), and with the courtesy of guests. Note: Internal candidates that rise to the level of a finalist should be interviewed first (for phone or campus interviews). 2. Personal questions are not appropriate; this is an assessment of professional qualifications based on the published criteria. 3. Arrange for candidates to be picked up and dropped off at airports. 4. Arrange to have candidates accompanied around campus. 5. For a national search, three (3) interviews is the norm. More is acceptable with approval by the Dean/Associate Provost and Provost. 6. This is recruitment; put the department’s best foot forward. 7. Seeking work-related travel/interview alternatives? Web/video/phone conferencing bring creative solutions. St. Cloud State University provides and supports several meeting alternatives that can alleviate time and travel costs. To learn more about the SCSU-supported technologies or for assistance in using them, contact ITV/Video/WebConferencing (320) 308-4096. In addition to these SCSU-supported options, there are several other free options available on the Web. For information on downloading and installing these types of software, please contact the HelpDesk at mailto:helpdesk@stcloudstate.edu or 308-2077. 8. Committee should meet as soon as possible after the interviews are completed to compare notes and discuss results of interviews. 9. Committee should record strengths and weaknesses for each interviewee in NEOGOV in the Candidate Disposition Comments area. 10. Committee enters their recommendation (unranked) via their notes (Strengths/Weaknesses) in NEOGOV and emails Hiring Manager and EAA seeking approval and a decision on offer and hire. 11. Search Committee's work is now complete. 12. Dean/Associate Provost proceeds to Step VII. 13. If an applicant is not a US citizen or U.S. permanent resident, include Human Resources in the interview schedule (15 minutes). Call 308-3203 to arrange. See Foreign National section for more detailed information. 4 (Revised 10-2012) 14. For Faculty searches, candidate travel reimbursement for up to three (3) candidates is covered by the Office of Academic Affairs Recruitment Funds. See Guidelines for Use of Recruitment Funds for Faculty Searches. VII. Salary Calculation / Offer 1. At the point when finalists are approved by the Dean and EAA, the Dean’s Office will send the Prior Work Experience Collection Form to finalists to complete prior to campus visit/interview for all new FTNP and tenure-track/probationary faculty hires. The Guidelines for Calculation of Creditable Experience will provide direction to the faculty member when they are completing the Prior Work Experience Collection form. 2. The Dean/Associate Provost will forward the form to Academic Affairs Office for verification of the finalist’s prior work experience based on application materials submitted online. Once this process is completed and signed by Academic Affairs staff and Human Resources, the form will be returned to the Dean/Associate Provost and a base salary will be confirmed for the new faculty member and offer extended. Offers must be confirmed in writing by a letter from Human Resources. VIII. Hire / Payroll Deadlines / Search Close The Employment Request Form (ERF) is used by HR to complete the hire of an employee. It initiates the process whereby an Appointment Form is generated and places the employee on payroll. 1. Once the chosen finalist accepts the offer, the Dean/Associate Provost notifies the Department Chair and requests the Department office manager to complete the ERF, which the department chair signs. The completed (see A-J below), signed ERF should be forwarded to the Dean/Associate Provost’s office. A. For an adjunct appointment, rank does not need to be assigned. If the person is adjunct and teaching the entire semester, please enter the semester dates. If the employee is not teaching the entire semester, then put in the dates of the class. B. For probationary, fill in the rank, the final year dates, which is 5 years, unless special arrangements have been made. If left blank, verify with chairperson that it’s a 5 year probationary period and enter that information. C. Specify Assignments – complete by listing special assignments, nature of assignment, courses and credit hours assigned. D. Special considerations – work authorization statements, completion of Ph.D. requirement, tenure review in anything less or more than 5 years. E. Source of funding – Include the account number to be charged F. Identification of Position – if replacement, include the name of the person the new employee is replacing. If adjunct, per the IFO collective bargaining agreement, specify why an adjunct is being hired: G. To meet temporary staffing needs due to enrollment increases for which normal full funding is not provided. H. To meet temporary staffing needs when faculty are reassigned to other duties or who are on sabbatical or on other leaves of absence. I. To teach courses requiring special expertise and/or to meet special programmatic needs of departments where such expertise and needs cannot otherwise be provided by the faculty within the department. J. Enter the number, in the “Replacement For” line, that corresponds to the reason for hiring an adjunct. 5 (Revised 10-2012) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The department office manager should email Karla Shangrow in Human Resources kjshangrow@stcloudstate.edu with the name and contact information of the new hire. Karla will contact the new hire for orientation. The Dean/Associate Provost’s admin assistant will need to log in to NEOGOV and print the job posting, the new hire application, vita, transcripts, and references. Copies of official undergraduate and graduate transcripts are acceptable for Bachelor’s and Master’s level positions. Note: Student records/unofficial transcripts printed off the internet are NOT acceptable. Official Original transcripts are required for PhD level positions and should be requested and submitted directly to the HR office, Attn: Karla Shangrow. The Dean/Associate Provost will then review and sign the ERF and will attach the Prior Work Experience form, a copy of job posting, application and vita printed from NEOGOV, transcripts, references, and notice of vacancy (NOV). The ERF and attachments are forwarded to EAA. Once approved by EAA and the Provost, Human Resources will process the appointment form and mail to the new hire. In order for an employee to be paid in a timely manner, the ERF must be processed through HR immediately. Any delay can have significant impact on when the employee receives their first paycheck. It also impacts the employee’s ability to receive a campus id number, access e-mail and obtain a campus card. Note: No employee may work without an approved Employment Request Form and completed I-9 form which will be processed through Human Resources. If the person being hired is not a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident, contact Human Resources at 308-3203 so that a work authorization can be processed right away, if necessary. Following EAA for approval of the new hire paperwork; search completed and Requisition is closed. Upon conclusion of the search, the Dean/Associate Provost shall notify the college faculty and the FA of the outcome of the search. EAA sends notices to remaining unsuccessful candidates. Committee search materials are archived within hiring unit/department for three years from the date of hire. After three years, all search materials for the hire must be destroyed. Coaches & Assistant Coaches (Faculty, 4-yr or 2-yr fixed-term, respectively) 1. Request to Hire (RTH), Faculty Position form for budget justification and approval completed by Department. A. Department forwards RTH form to the Athletic Director for approval B. Athletic Director or Designee logs into NEOGOV/Online Hiring Center and opens a new electronic Requisition, completing all areas of the online form. Approval must be set up with approvals designated in the following order: I. Budget Officer II. Associate Provost for Faculty Relations (if a faculty position) III. Provost IV. Human Resources Director V. Equity & Affirmative Officer VI. President – final approval C. The NEOGOV/OHC system electronically routes Requisition to approvers in this order, with the President as the final approver. An email notice is triggered and sent to each Approver indicating that there is a new Requisition to approve in above order automatically and each Approver will electronically have the choice to approve/reject/put on hold or cancel. 6 (Revised 10-2012) D. Following the final approval, EAA Analyst receives notice and then authorizes and opens the Requisition and creates a recruitment plan in NEOGOV. 2. All other steps for conducting a Coach or Assistant Coach search follow the Faculty Hiring Procedures above. 3. Other special notes and requirement for Coach/Assistant Coach searches follow. The Athletics unit includes both the men's and women's sports within the athletics unit. Under the current "Affirmative Action Plan for Employment Practices" anytime a vacancy occurs in the athletics unit, a search committee would be formulated by the unit as a whole. The following guidelines supplement and do not supplant either the "Affirmative Action Plan for Employment Practices" or the collective bargaining agreement between the Inter Faculty Organization and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System. Three levels of sports are set forth in the current IFO collective bargaining agreement: A. B. C. Level 1 (basketball, football, ice hockey, and volleyball); Level 2 (soccer, baseball, swimming, gymnastics, wrestling, softball, crosscountry skiing or spring track); and Level 3 (cross-country running, Nordic skiing, golf, tennis, and winter track). When additional women's sports are added, a memorandum of agreement between the university and the Faculty Association will be completed addressing level placement. Ordinarily, coach search advisory committees will be constituted as follows according to level. All head coach committees will have four members from the athletics unit; assistant coach committees will have three members from the athletics unit. If a sport is primarily for a particular gender, the distribution will be three from department members representing that gender and one from the other. This is for head coach positions. For assistant coach positions, two and one. If a coach is to be assigned either to a mixed gender team or if that person is to coach both a men's and women's team, an equal number of representatives will be selected from members of the male and female sports staff. Note: When in the opinion of the President, a variation in the committee structure will serve the best interests of the University and its Athletic programs, the President shall confer with the athletic director and unit and seek to reach consensus on any such variation. 4. Head Coaches for Level 1 Sports (Basketball, Football, Ice Hockey, Volleyball): A. Athletics (4) - Selected by unit members as described above B. Other Department(s) - If joint appointment (e.g., PERSS) (1-2) - Selected by the Department; number dependent upon proportion of time assigned to that unit. Optional: Student member - individual should not be from the team to be coached. Optional: Community member(s) - in recognition of the community relations functions of coaches. 5. 6. 7. Head Coaches for Level 2 Sports (Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Swimming, Gymnastics, Wrestling, Cross-Country Skiing, Spring Track): A. Athletics (4) - Selected by unit members as described above B. Other Department(s) - If joint appointment (e.g., PERSS) (1-2) - Selected by the Department; number dependent upon proportion of time assigned to that unit. Options on student and community member(s) same as in Level 1. Head Coaches for Level 3 Sports (Cross-Country Running, Nordic Skiing, Golf, Tennis, Winter Track): A. Ordinarily appointed as adjuncts or graduate assistants. In other cases, the same structure will be used as for Level 2. Assistant Coaches- All Levels: A. Athletics (3)- Selected by unit members as described above. B. Other departments(s)- If joint appointment (e.g., PERSS)(1-2)- Selected by the Department; number dependent upon proportion of time assigned to that unit. Option on student same as in Level 1. 7 (Revised 10-2012) C. * Level for soccer and Nordic skiing to be determined. Participation of community members and students in the interview process where appropriate is encouraged. 8 (Revised 10-2012)