DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT EDUCATION SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION, 2011-12 Applications to the Saint Louis University Physician Assistant Program are reviewed only upon receipt of the following items: Completed CASPA application, submitted electronically on or before December 1, 2011, Three (3) CASPA recommendations, submitted electronically/postmarked on or before December 1, 2011, Completed Saint Louis University Supplemental Application and fee, postmarked on or before December 1, 2011. The SLU Supplemental Application includes the following components: I. Narrative Statements A. On a separate sheet, please compose a personal narrative statement that addresses the following: There are more than 150 PA programs in the U.S.; please describe clearly and specifically why you want to attend the PA program at Saint Louis University. B. On a separate sheet, please compose an additional narrative that addresses ONE of the following: Access to healthcare and the expanding role of the Physician Assistant OR The role of the Physician Assistant in the pursuit of social justice C. (For SLU reapplicants only): On a separate sheet, please provide a brief statement describing steps you have taken to strengthen your overall application to the SLU PA program since last applying. Please keep in mind the following when writing your statements: Statements should be typed, limited to one (1) page each and should NOT duplicate your CASPA narrative. Include your name, SSN and CASPA ID on each page of your statements. Spacing: 1.5 or double spacing is preferred; single spacing is acceptable II. Prerequisite Course Information Forms (pages 2-3) The form on Page 2 is for completed courses; the form on Page 3 is for courses in progress or to be taken. Enter course information directly on the forms using Microsoft Word (preferred), or print out the forms and PRINT information clearly in black ink. o Complete all information concerning each prerequisite course, including laboratories. o See examples on pages 2-3 for correct way to enter courses with accompanying laboratories. Course information should correspond to the CASPA application, except when additional course work has been added following submission of the CASPA application. III. Non-refundable Supplemental Application fee (check or money order) payable to: “Physician Assistant Program – Saint Louis University” $30.00 – Supplemental Application postmarked on or before October 15, 2011 $60.00 – Supplemental Application postmarked October 16-December 1, 2011 (A limited number of processing fee waivers will be available for applicants experiencing severe financial hardship. To be considered for a fee waiver, applicants must submit a request in writing or via e-mail (, outlining reasons for the request and the nature of the financial hardship.) A completed Saint Louis University Supplemental Application will contain the following items: Narrative statements (2 for new applicants, 3 for SLU reapplicants) with name, SSN and CASPA ID on each page Prerequisite Course Information Forms – one for completed courses and one for courses in progress or to be taken Check or money order ($30.00 or $60.00, see #III. above) payable to “Physician Assistant Program – Saint Louis University” Mail the above items together in one envelope (no staples or paperclips, please), postmarked on or before December 1, 2011, to: Department of Physician Assistant Education Attn: Admissions Committee Doisy College of Health Sciences 3437 Caroline Street, Room 3025 St. Louis, MO 63104-1111 (Note: Supplemental Applications sent by fax or e-mail will not be accepted.) SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT PROGRAM – SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION, 2011-12 – PAGE 2 (Last Name) SSN II. (First Name) (Middle Name) CASPA ID Prerequisite Course Information Form – Completed Courses Only (include separate laboratories if applicable; see example below) SLU Prerequisite Course Requirement EXAMPLE ENTRY FOR COURSE WITH SEPARATE LABORATORY College Chemistry I (List separate lab if applicable) (4 semester hours) College Chemistry II (List separate lab if applicable) (4 semester hours) Organic Chemistry I (List separate lab if applicable) (3-4 semester hours) Organic Chemistry II (List separate lab if applicable) (3-4 semester hours) Microbiology (medical micro w/lab preferred) (List separate lab if applicable) (3-4 semester hours) †Vertebrate or Human Anatomy (List separate lab if applicable) (3-4 semester hours) †Vertebrate or Human Physiology (List separate lab if applicable) (3-4 semester hours) Molecular Biology, Genetics, OR Upper Level Biochemistry (List separate lab if applicable) (3-4 semester hours) College/ University Year (e.g., 2009) Term (e.g., Fall) Course No. (e.g., BIOL 351) John Smith University 2009 Fall CHEM 101/ CHEM 103L Name of Course Dept. (e.g., BIOL) Credits (Semester Hours) Letter Grade Chemistry I/ Chemistry I Lab CHEM 4/1 B/A Office Use Only Statistics (3 semester hours) Medical Terminology (1-3 semester hours) † Anatomy & Physiology I PLUS Anatomy & Physiology II (6-8 semester hours total) may be substituted for the separate anatomy & physiology courses listed above. It is highly recommended that prerequisite course work be completed within seven (7) years of application. SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT PROGRAM – SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION, 2011-12 – PAGE 3 (Last Name) SSN (First Name) (Middle Name) CASPA ID III. Prerequisite Course Information Form – Courses In Progress or To Be Taken (include separate laboratories if applicable; see example entry below) SLU Prerequisite Course Requirement EXAMPLE ENTRY FOR COURSE WITH SEPARATE LABORATORY College Chemistry I (List separate lab if applicable) (4 semester hours) College Chemistry II (List separate lab if applicable) (4 semester hours) Organic Chemistry I (List separate lab if applicable) (3-4 semester hours) Organic Chemistry II (List separate lab if applicable) (3-4 semester hours) Microbiology (medical micro w/lab preferred) (List separate lab if applicable) (3-4 semester hours) †Vertebrate or Human Anatomy (List separate lab if applicable) (3-4 semester hours) †Vertebrate or Human Physiology (List separate lab if applicable) (3-4 semester hours) Molecular Biology, Genetics, OR Upper Level Biochemistry (List separate lab if applicable) (3-4 semester hours) College/ University John Smith University Year (e.g., 2011) 2011 Term (e.g., Fall) Course No. (e.g., BIOL 353) Fall Chemistry 201/ Chemistry 203L Name of Course Dept. (e.g., BIOL) Credits (Semester Hours) Chemistry II/ Chemistry II Lab CHEM 4/1 Office Use Only Statistics (3 semester hours) Medical Terminology (1-3 semester hours) † Anatomy & Physiology I PLUS Anatomy & Physiology II (6-8 semester hours total) may be substituted for the separate anatomy & physiology courses listed above.