Village des Technologies de l’Information et de la Biotechnologie Exclusive Promoter of the Ivory Coast Free Trade Zone Case No. VITIB FREE TRADE ZONE - APPLICATION FORM (ver. 6.1) COTE D’IVOIRE FREE TRADE ZONE FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ZBTIC) - GRAND-BASSAM I. THE FREE TRADE ZONE – TAX AND CUSTOMS BENEFITS In accordance with the Law N° 2004-429 of August the 30th 2004, the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire allows national and international companies to do business and to take advantage of the benefits offered by the above mentioned Law. In counterpart, they are bound to creating employment and promoting exportation from the Free Trade Zone of Biotechnology, Information and Communication Technologies (ZBTIC) in Grand-Bassam. II. TAX AND CUSTOMS INCENTIVES 0% customs duties on import and export 0% income tax for the first 5 years of operation 1% tax on revenue starting from year 6 with the possibility of up to 50% tax rebate 0% Value Added Tax on electricity, water and oil products consumption Free transfer of funds on salaries and dividends A one-stop-shop office for efficient administrative transactions (license, visas, work permits, import, export …) Long term visas and work permits for foreign workers and their families No limitation on local and foreign investments ELIGIBILITY – PRE-REQUISITES The advantage of the ZBTIC system is subject to registration as such by the sole promoter of the Free Trade Zone (VITIB SA). To this end, the following steps are compulsory : I. ELIGIBILITY Companies wishing to establish in the Free Trade Zone must operate in the following areas: 1) Biotechnology 2) Information and Communication technologies 3) Banks and financial institutions, supporting investments realized within the free trade zone. II. OBLIGATIONS BOUND BY THE GRANT OF THE OPERATING LICENSE Prior to the actual grant of the operating license, the following are required: 1) Operating agreement signed by both parties 2) Signing of Lease agreement to operate on the Free Trade Zone in case of office rental or an agreement for booking a part of land in case of construction. The above being provided the need in space has been expressed (Note 1); 3) Settlement of the Annual royalty for the first year (Note 2). 4) Business plan’s Summary of the activity to be performed on the park. The summary will have to emphasise the evolution in five (5) years on the turnover, investments as well as employments 5) Detailed description of the company and its activities Note 1 : Rental cost Office rental amounts to XOF 5,000 / SM (m²)/ month, a typical flat area equals 170 SM (m²). Long-term Rental of land made available for construction amounts to XOF 1,000 / SM (m²)/ year. Booking of spaces in the Data Centre to host servers is subjected to special pricing. Note 2 : Royalties The annual final royalty amounts to 2.50% of the Projected Gross Turnover. It is due at the beginning of the financial year adjusted at the end of the financial year and based on the compulsory disclosure of the realized Gross Turnover. The payment of the annual final royalty is a precondition for the validation of operating license. Companies that Gross Revenue does not reach the minimum of XOF 400,000,000 for a given financial year are under the obligation to pay a flat-rate charge (XOF 10,000,000) at the beginning of each financial period. Corporate Information Company Name : Registration N° : Address : Capital : Phone : E-Mail CEO : Type of implantation Type of Company : Tax registration N° : Fax : ☐New Company to be created Mobile : Web site : Fonction : ☐ Operating Company to be transferred III. Shareholders Presentation Shareholders IV. Nationality Shares (%) Employment Forecast Direct Employment Number of Managers Year 1 Year 3 Year 5 Number of Employees Total Indirect Employment: ………….. V. Direct Investments Forecast Year 1 Year 2-3 Year 4-5 Investments (000 FCFA) Source of Financing VI. Land and Offices requirement Rental type Number / Superficy Type of facilities (Office – warehouseFactory----) Office space 170m² Long-terme Land (5000 m2) Launch date of the sales activity : Launch date of the facilities building : VII. Datacenter Hosting requirement Year 1 Year 3 Number of Racks Internet Bandwidth required Hosting projected Date: VIII. Company Profile Description of the activity a. Products : b. Services : Marketing a. Target market / Region of coverage: Local: % International: b. Competitors : % References: (Customers & partners) 1. 2. 3. Financials: *For existing companies: Financial statement of the past five (5) years. *For new companies to be established in the free trade zone: Projected Business Plan for 5 years *Indicate in a well-developed document your source of funding (Stockholders' equity or loans). IX. Business Plan* including the following: Business plan ☐ CAPEX with financing source ☐HR organization and Recrutement Plan ☐ Sales Forecast ☐ Gross Margin Forcecast ☐ OPEX ☐ P&L projections for 5 years ☐ Financial Statement for past 3 years for existing companies ☐ Business Development Plan ☐ Innovation Development Plan *Please provide the electronic file of the Business Plan. X. Legal Documents to be attached ☐Statuts XI. ☐ Liabilities of the CEO ☐Copy of the Company Registration Form ☐Copy of the TAX registration Form Commitment I/We the undersigned………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………certifies/certify that I am/we authorised to fill the current application form for establishment at VITIB. I/We agree to be under the obligations applied to the called Application form. I/W certify that all information given in this application, supporting documents is correct to the best of my/our knowledge. Name First Name Address Phone Fax Mobile ID CARD Title Date, Signature & Company Stamp National ID: or Passport ID: XII. How have you been aware of the Free Trade Zone of Grand-Bassam (Optional)? ☐Website of VITIB ☐CEPICI (Center of Promotion and Investments in Cote d’Ivoire) ☐The papers ☐Specialised magazine( specify) ☐Search engine (ex. Google) ☐Ministry of Post Offices and ICT (MPTIC) ☐Other Government sources ☐Embassy (specify) : Personal Recommendation (specify Name and Contacts) : Place: …………………………………………. Date: ………/…...../…………... All data and information provided in this form are subject to check by VITIB SA at any time. False information may lead to closure of your company and /or prosecution. RECEIVED ON (Date): ………/…...../…………... VITIB STAMP