Rescue Scholar - Northern Marianas College

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Bloem, Martha M. <>
Date: Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 6:04 PM
Subject: RE: IIE-Scholar Rescue Fund/Northern Marianas College
To: President NMC <>, "Miller, Jim"
Cc: "Willcox, Sarah" <>
Dear Sharon,
Hope this finds you well. Please accept my apologies for this
delayed reply. We are so grateful for your interest in
partnering with IIE-SRF to host a scholar. Please find below
answers to your initial questions.
1. Does the rescued scholar retain diplomatic immunity
status while on campus or in a state/US Territory? Scholars
typically travel to their host countries on the short-term visitor
visa that other visiting scholars would use for temporary
professorships or research appointments. In the U.S., this the
J-1 exchange visitor visa, which we ask the university host to
sponsor. They do not obtain diplomatic immunity while they
are in the U.S. As a U.S. Territory, could scholars visit the
Northern Mariana Islands on a J-1 visa? Is NMC able to
sponsor scholar visas?
2. If Northern Marianas College is presumably the "host" or
the "sponsor" of such a scholar, does this obligate NMC to
inform the community or the neighborhood where the scholar
will be residing, just in the event that undercover monitoring
and protection by external and/internal agents become known
in the community or in the neighborhood? Given the sensitive
nature of IIE-SRF’s work, it is IIE-SRF’s policy not to identify
publicly or disclose any information about IIE-SRF scholars,
including their affiliation with IIE-SRF or their university hosts,
without their and explicit permission. In instances where a
university would like to publicize a scholar’s presence on
campus and/or its partnership with IIE-SRF, we ask to discuss
this first with IIE-SRF to find the best way forward to meet the
needs of the scholar. Should the community’s security be a
concern, this is something that we would be happy to discuss.
3. Should the A.G. be informed of NMC's hosting including
the Governor, knowing the sensitivity of the issue but also
NMC's obligation to the community and the leadership of the
community? If this is a concern for NMC, we can discuss the
best way to address any issues or sensitivities that may arise.
If needed or helpful, we would be happy to participate in any
conversations with the leadership of the community. It may be
helpful to note that during the application process, IIE-SRF
vets all candidates by conducting a thorough review of the
scholar’s application materials. The team also contacts the
scholars’ references and other sources, such as independent
experts on the country of origin or the particulars of the
reported threat, to gain a better understanding of a scholar’s
background and circumstances. All candidates considered for
fellowship support are screened against a database of names
comprised of over 25 major international watch lists. Because
they are seeking to resume their academic work, IIE-SRF
scholars typically seek opportunities to integrate into the
academic community as an international, visiting scholar
highlighting the merits of their work and their contributions to
the university rather than the threats that they faced in their
home countries.
4. If the scholar fails to perform at the level expected of all
faculty, and the institution needs to take disciplinary or even
more serious, termination procedures, how is this all
handled? Do you have a contract form and/or other obligatory
responsibilities that are spelled out in more detail than what is
on the website, that may address this and/or other host
obligations? As a true partnership, we aim to maintain close
contact with our host partners throughout the scholar’s
fellowship appointment and respond to any issues or concerns
that may arise. As visiting faculty, the scholars are required to
abide by the university’s policies. All hosts sign a hosting
agreement, which outlines the terms of the IIE-SRF fellowship
and the host. These terms are:
Arrange for the appropriate visa status, if required
Provide the scholar with academic and professional
resources for the duration of the fellowship term
Receive the IIE-SRF fellowship funds for support of the
Disburse in full during the fellowship term the combined
IIE-SRF and the university support, as noted in the
table above, waiving any administrative or
overhead fees
Provide IIE-SRF and the scholar with a timetable of
scheduled payments
Assume all responsibilities associated with the local,
state and federal taxation requirements relative to
all aspects of the fellowship
Submit a report of the scholar’s activities during the
fellowship including a brief evaluation of his/her
visit. (Midterm and end-of-fellowship report forms
will be provided by IIE-SRF for this purpose at the
appropriate time.)
Notify IIE-SRF in the event of any misconduct or
violation by the scholar of the university’s policies
Notify IIE-SRF promptly of any circumstances that
would change the agreed-upon fellowship
arrangement in any way
Agree to return to IIE-SRF any remaining award
balance should the appointment or fellowship
conclude for any reason prior to the fellowship term
end date
I hope that this helps to answer your questions. Please let me
know if I can clarify any of the above or if you or your
colleagues would like to speak over the phone/Skype.
Thank you also for offering to help promote us through the
AACC newsletter. We would love to have the opportunity to
partner with more community colleges and I would also love to
talk about their April convention. Would the below statement
work for the newsletter?
Around the world, scholars have long suffered harassment, detention,
torture, and other forms of persecution as a result of their work. In the
worst cases, scholars pay with their lives for their dedication to their
academic work and freedom of thought. The Institute of International
Education (IIE), an independent not-for-profit, has participated in the
rescue of persecuted scholars since its founding in 1919. In 2002, IIE
launched the Scholar Rescue Fund (IIE-SRF) to formalize its
commitment to preserving the lives, voices, and ideas of scholars
around the globe.
IIE-SRF selects outstanding professors, researchers, and public
intellectuals for fellowship support and arranges visiting academic
positions with partnering institutions of higher learning and research.
These fellowships enable scholars to pursue their academic work in
safety and to continue to share their knowledge with students,
colleagues, and the community. If conditions in the scholars’ home
countries improve, scholars may return after their fellowships to make
meaningful contributions to their national academies and civil society. If
safe return is not possible, scholars may use the fellowship period to
identify longer-term opportunities.
Since 2002, IIE-SRF has provided life-saving support to more than 550
scholars from 50 countries in partnership with over 300 host institutions
in 40 countries around the world. For more information on how to
nominate or host a scholar, please visit or contact
Many thanks again for all of your interest and support, Sharon.
I look forward to continuing our conversation.
All the best,
Assistant Director
Scholar Rescue Fund
Institute of International Education (IIE)
From: President NMC [] Sent: Monday,
July 14, 2014 9:23 AM
To: Miller, Jim
Cc: Bloem, Martha M.; Willcox,
Subject: Re: IIE-Scholar Rescue Fund/Northern Marianas College
Dear Jim,
I hope you are well! I am still waiting to hear back from Martha, as it
relates to my questions, and to provide info that I can ensure is sent to
all presidents under the AACC.
I am still in the US, but flying most of today. I can be reached on my US
cell at 813-431-6877 if that is easiest -- especially beginning
tomorrow. I depart the US Mainland on Friday.
We are still most interested in hosting a scholar and I know time is of
the essence.
Thank you again....oh yes, and AACC is now accepting proposals for
their next April convention. I'm still very willing and happy to help in
pulling something together....
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 9:24 AM, Miller, Jim <> wrote:
Dear Sharon,
Greetings on this Monday- wherever you are!
Many thanks for resending the below; in fact, I had lost that email from
June 18th.
We are extremely grateful to you for promoting IIE-SRF’s work with the
AACC. Various IIE programs work with (George Boggs) and the IIE
Network has more than 200 community colleges as IIE members. With
this email, I am delighted to e-introduce you to my colleague, Martha
Bloem. Martha is the IIE-SRF Assistant Director and she can best
answer your questions below. As well, Martha can supply you with a
succinct statement for your submission to the AACC newsletter.
Again, many thanks for all of your support.
Jim Miller III
Director, Scholar Rescue Fund Institute of International Education (IIE)
809 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017
Phone + |Mobile +1.917.523.4959 | |
Twitter @ScholarRescue | Facebook IIEGlobal | Blog Opening Minds
From: President NMC [] Sent: Monday,
June 23, 2014 1:37 AM
To: Miller, Jim
Subject: Fwd: Scholar 528
Jim, thank you for getting back to me with your revised list of
scholars. Sorry to see, but at the same time thrilled to see, the one
scholar I was looking at has been placed. I'm asking my Director of HR
to review the list you've provided me, in confidence.
As you seem to have lost some emails last week, below is the one I had
sent earlier in the week. Sorry for the bluntness of some of these
questions, but I'm helping my Board to see the importance of the work
you are doing and the benefit of this great program!
Please keep me posted on any new scholars as well! Also, I am going
to contact the American Association of Community Colleges, and ask
the CEO in his weekly newsletter to all community colleges presidents
to provide a paragraph on your program. Maybe you'd like to provide
me with one, and I will be happy to get him to publish it. It will go out to
the 1600 community colleges in the United States.
All the best and keep up the great work you are doing!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: President NMC
Date: Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 11:44
Subject: Re: Scholar 528
To: "Miller, Jim" <>
James, here are some other questions which I need clarification on, as
they are coming from some of my board members. I am sorry for the
bluntness of some of these questions, but I'm sure you've probably
seen them all over the years? I believe a few of my board members
want to ensure that there will be nothing detrimental to an
institution/community if a scholar is hosted.
1.Does the rescued scholar retain diplomatic immunity status while on
campus or in a state/US Territory?
2. If Northern Marianas College is presumably the "host" or the
"sponsor" of such a scholar, does this obligate NMC to inform the
community or the neighborhood where the scholar will be residing, just
in the event that undercover monitoring and protection by external
and/internal agents become known in the community or in the
3. Should the A.G. be informed of NMC's hosting including the
Governor, knowing the sensitivity of the issue but also NMC's obligation
to the community and the leadership of the community?
4. If the scholar fails to perform at the level expected of all faculty, and
the institution needs to take disciplinary or even more serious,
termination procedures, how is this all handled? Do you have a
contract form and/or other obligatory responsibilities that are spelled out
in more detail than what is on the website, that may address this and/or
other host obligations?
Jim, thank you for answering these questions or in providing them to
one of your staff who can. My goal is to get my BOR in full
support. They are my advocates out in the community and their buy-in
is also key.
Thank you!
On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 9:24 PM, Miller, Jim <> wrote:
Hi Sharon,
It was terrific meeting you in Yokohama. Thank you so much
for your enthusiasm and all that comes with it!
Today will be my first day back in the office so I will regroup,
do some crisis management catch-up regarding our scholars
caught in Iraq now with this awful civil war, and meet with the
team about your interest in hosting the two scholars.
I will be in touch with you shortly….
Again, many thanks for your vital support!
Jim Miller III
Director, Scholar Rescue Fund Institute of International Education (IIE)
809 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017
Phone + |Mobile+1.917.523.4959 | |www.scholarrescuefund
From: President NMC [] Sent:
Tuesday, June 17, 2014 7:16 AM
To: Miller, Jim
Subject: Scholar 528
Jim, as discussed with you on Saturday, I am really interested in
immediately reviewing the credentials of Scholar 528 Iraq -Biology/Physiology. My folks are very excited to see what he can bring
to us.
I also met with a number of college presidents last evening and spoke
about the program. They are very interested. Also, my boyfriend in
Canada is announcing the geophysics opening at a major meeting in
Canada this week that he is in charge of. Any other new individuals for
me to know about, or is there a way to get automatic updates? That
would be most helpful.
As I said to you the other day, I don't know of anything more important
than this. My goal is to persuade others to see the true benefit as well!
Hope to hear back from you with this scholar's information. Thanks!!!
-Sharon Y. Hart, Ph.D.
Northern Marianas College
Box 501250
Saipan, MP 96950
Cell: (670) 285-0010
Tel: (670)
FAX: (670) 234-1270