Educational Program for the 18 to 24 months

Educational Program for the 18 to 24 months
Our bilingual educational program focuses to develop and enhance the five following dimensions.
Emotional, physical, social, cognitive and language skills. These skills are developed through play and
various activities designed by the educator. Each child is unique and therefore the program is catered
specifically to their needs. All children are guided towards a healthy lifestyle, becoming more
independent and learning to share and socialize with other children.
At the end of the school year, a child of this age group will
Be able to express their feelings and understand them.
Improve their hand-eye coordination. Climbing and descending objects.
Associate words with gestures. (on top, under, through, etc.)
Enhance their creativity.
Learn about themselves, their surroundings, family, and friends.
Be able to make their own decision.
Play in groups.
Learn to share.
Be more independent. (clean up, dress, potty train)
Learn shapes.
Be able to play alone and create their own game.
Learn to count.
Learn sounds.
Big and small, full and empty, open close.
Be able to take it a step further.
Educational program for the 2 year olds
Our bilingual educational program focuses to develop and enhance the five following dimensions.
Emotional, physical, social, cognitive and language skills. These skills are developed through play and
various activities designed by the educator. Each child is unique and therefore the program is catered
specifically to their needs. All children are guided towards a healthy lifestyle; becoming more
independent and learning to share and socialize with other children.
At the end of the school year, a child of this age group will
1. Be able to verbalize and discuss how he feels. As well as understand how others feel in various
2. Start to learn to control his emotions.
3. Become even more independent in order to understand that he is an individual.
4. Be able to follow a routine and anticipate what lies ahead.
5. Be proud to show you what he can do.
6. Be able to name various parts of his body.
7. Be able to dance to different rhythms and have an understanding of different types of music .
8. Have enhanced his coordination.
9. Have learned the difference between stop and go, change direction, move quickly or slowly, up
and down, etc.
10. Be able to take big steps, crawl, stretch.
11. Throw and kick a ball.
12. Be able to take some preventative measures while playing.
13. Have greater self-esteem.
14. Have enhanced his social skills and have a sense of belonging.
15. Have enhanced their decision making process.
16. Be able to dress mostly on their own.
17. Be able to handle manually small pieces.
18. Be able to finish an activity that they have started
19. Be able to carry a conversation.
20. Learn various cause and effects, like mixing ingredients to make cookies.
21. Learn to count.
22. Associate shapes, sizes and color.
23. Learn order for example the terms first, second, and third; breakfast, lunch, diner.
24. Be able to take it a step further.
Educational Program for the 3 year olds
Our bilingual educational program focuses to develop and enhance the five following dimensions.
Emotional, physical, social, cognitive and language skills. These skills are developed through play and
various activities designed by the educator. Each child is unique and therefore the program is catered
specifically to their needs. All children are guided towards a healthy lifestyle; becoming more
independent and learning to share and socialize with other children.
At the end of the school year, a child of this age group will
1. Be more responsible
2. Have a better understanding of his emotions and be able to somewhat find a way to control
3. Have a goal during an activity and be able to attain it.
4. Have greater concentration while doing an activity.
5. Greater self-esteem.
6. Be able to do a combination of various movements.
7. Greater independence.
8. Wait for their turn.
9. Understand, high and low, underneath and above, around and back again.
10. Understand rules and limitations.
11. Say please and thank you.
12. Mostly dress and undress himself.
13. Have greater manual dexterity.
14. Be more creative.
15. Be able to play memory games.
16. Be able to sort and place.
17. Be able to associate situation to emotion.
18. Be able to understand different units of measure.
19. Have a sense of different textures and their differences.
20. Understand sequences.
21. Be able to take it a step further.
The preschoolers (4yrs old)
Our bilingual educational program focuses to develop and enhance the five following dimensions.
Emotional, physical, social, cognitive and language skills. These skills are developed through play and
various activities designed by the educator. Each child is unique and therefore the program is catered
specifically to their needs. All children are guided towards a healthy lifestyle; becoming more
independent and learning to share and socialize with other children.
At the end of the school year, a child of this age group will
Higher self-esteem by feeling supported and wanted.
Be able to exploit their talents and strong points.
Express themselves through drawings and stories.
Be able to use their imagination to create a scene.
Understand and control their emotions
Be motivated to be more curious about their surroundings. Allowing for exploration.
Play in groups and ensure others safety.
Follow a game’s rules.
Learn to lose and win.
Be creative.
Understand his capabilities.
Be able to hold a conversation.
Explore different textures and odors.
Count forwards and backwards.
Learn to read and write.
Read a book without illustrations.
Learn cause and effect.
Learn similarities and differences.
Additions and subtractions.
Relate words to a picture, i.e.: “Stop” or “Beware of dog”.
Be able to take it a step further.