Animal Adaptations Awards

Animal Adaptations Awards
Name: ___________________________
Our World is filled with amazing examples of organisms that change and adapt to their environments.
Humans are now exploring more parts of the Earth than ever before, including extreme environments and
discover new amazing species. Global Warming will push many creatures to adapt faster than they
normally have.
If you had to choose only one animal to win the award of “Best Adaptor”, which organism would you
nominate, and WHY?
You can find all of these websites on our team site. A great starting place is (Website) (Canadian animals) (basics of
adaptation explained) (10 examples from popular science)
Videos you might want to watch at home to help you learn more:
The Miracle of Nature: 57 minutes
How Animals DO That (Discovery Channel): 49 minutes
Animal Adaptations: 2 minutes
Animal Adaptations: 27 minutes
Animal life in Action, Animal Adaptations: 24 minutes
Spend time (but not too much time!) learning about different ways that various organisms adapt, physically
and behaviorally, to their environment. Make sure you understand what it means to adapt and the various
ways in which animals show their adaptations.
Choose 5-10 animals that interest you that you think have adapted well. These should be brief notes and
description of each animal. Once you have narrowed down your top contender, you will research it
Possible Adaptation Contenders:
Animal: __________________________________________________________
How they have adapted to their environment:
Animal: __________________________________________________________
How they have adapted to their environment:
Animal: __________________________________________________________
How they have adapted to their environment:
Animal: __________________________________________________________
How they have adapted to their environment:
Animal: __________________________________________________________
How they have adapted to their environment:
Animal: __________________________________________________________
How they have adapted to their environment:
Animal: __________________________________________________________
How the have adapted to their environment:
Now that you’ve looked at some different animals, choose one of these amazing organisms that you feel
adapts even better than the rest. You should have narrowed down your search to one creature by November
15, 2013 (at the beginning of class) at the latest.
1) Research that organism in more detail. Things to learn:
 Common name, _____________________________________________________________________________________________
 Latin name (genus, species)_________________________________________________________________________________
 When did this creature join us on the timeline of life?
 Where does this creature live in our world? (Describe in detail and/ or provide a map)
 Describe the specific habitat this creature lives in:
o Climate _______________________________________________________________________________________________
o Vegetation zone______________________________________________________________________________________
o Is it extreme? Why ?_________________________________________________________________________________
o Other _________________________________________________________________________________________________
 List/ describe/ draw all the anatomical and physiological (physical) adaptations that help this
creature adapt to its environment. Use scientific language and be able to explain what the terms
mean. (Use extra paper if needed)
 List/ describe/ draw all the Behavioral (inherited or learnt behaviors) adaptations that help this
creature adapt to its environment . (Use extra paper if needed)
2) Prepare a presentation for our class that clearly and passionately explains why this organism is
worthy of the “Best Adaptor” award. Presentations must be less than 2 minutes and convince others
to vote for your organism. You may choose any method to share your information and convince us to
vote for your animal. For example, a speech, original song, power point, mind map, commercial, model,
pamphlet, original documentary, etc. Be creative and remember to make the presentation fit the purpose.
Make sure you include a lot of science language and explain the adaptations that your creature
uses to adapt. Please practice and be prepared with all materials at the start of class on Monday,
November 25.
In Class presentations will be held on Monday, November 25th.
Be ready! Use your learning time wisely!!
3) After all presentations we will vote for two representatives to present in front of the rest of the Quadra
representatives. Team presentations will be on Wednesday, November 27th.