Term 1 Introduction to Computer Programming Week 1 Day/Date Monday 8/18/14 Objectives ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION & RESOURCES Intro to Programming Concepts First Day Stuff! Welcome Overview Programming Terms: Computer Program - a set of instructions that tells a computer what to do. (simplified definition) Class - defines a particular kind of object. In Alice, classes are pre-defined as 3D Models provided in the gallery, categorized into groups such as, Animals, People, Buildings, and so on. Objects - In Alice, they are the visual pieces that make up the animation you see on screen. www.Code.org Tuesday 8/19 What is Alice - Alice is an environment that will help students learn programming through the use of 3D Animation. Alice is so named in honor of Charles Ludwidge Dodson, an English Mathematician and logician who wrote under the pen name Lewis Carroll. Carroll wrote Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Opening an Alice World Choosing Environment Saving and Alice World Adding Objects Adding, positioning and sizing objects Adding people Object Tree Object Parts Bunny Movie Begin Bunny Tutorial Wednesday 8/20 Setting Camera Views-Alice 2.4 Review Rename Camera Views Original Views Moving camera Finishing Setup Assignment: Alice Essentials A short tutorial that introduces the learner to Alice by walking through the creation of a world with a bunny. Good Animation Terms: Virtual World - A video game or simulation implemented in 3D. What is Alice - "An Educational Software that teaches students computer programming in a 3D environment. Intro to Alice Parts of the Alice Environment Camera Views Setting initial view(should become a habit) Methods to move around the island Methods to move individual parts Point of view for a first time glimpse at what Alice can do. Concepts introduced include scene set up and built-in methods. Bunny Tutorial due (100 pts) Access the Personal Server Folder Thursday 8/21 Methods Things your character can do New things you want to code your character to do Assignment: Alice Essentials Kangaroo - Alice Basics 100 pts. Friday 8/22 Assignment: Shark Attack: The Island 100 pts Remember to save final world as follows: period#LastName_Assignment Name Example: 3Cudak_shark What this tutorial covers. Camera Views - Setting initial view(should become a habit) Methods to move around the island Methods to move individual parts Point of view Week 2: DAY/DATE Monday 8/25/14 Objectives ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION & RESOURCES PROGRAMMING & ANIMATION CONCEPTS Assignments: Begin Parts 1+2 of Shark Attack: The Island. Put the basic Shark Attack: The Island parts 1+2 for the first grade, into the drop box. (100 pts) Programming Terms: Computer Program - a set of instructions that tells a computer what to do. (simplified definition) Class - defines a particular kind of object. In Alice, classes are pre-defined as 3D Models provided in the gallery, categorized into groups such as, Animals, Intro to Alice Parts of the Alice Environment Camera Views Setting initial view(should become a habit) Methods to move Tuesday 8/26 Wednesday 8/27 Continue working on Shark Attack Then, add the enhancements to it and and turn it in again as period#LastName_Shark2. (or Island 2) If you are done with the first one, complete the Add-ons to Shark Attack: Add at least 2 more pieces of scenery. Do not allow them to detract from the original program. Make the coconuts fall from the tree when you press the space bar. That will include an event. (hint:similar to Press S for.. that you added for the first part..) Name the final project: period#LastName_Shark2 (or Island 2) and put it into the dropbox. (100 pts) Due today! Thursday 8/28 Space: A New Frontier (100 pts) Due Friday After completing the instructions for Space: A New Frontier, turn it in via the drop box. Name it Period#LastName_Space. Then, add the following: 1. Orient the Astronaut to the humvee. (Hint, we did this with the shark assignment) 2. Add a Billboard. A Billboard in Alice is a 2D image that can be used for a variety of things. In this case, you will be adding space scenery to be moved to the back of the scene and enlarged to fill in the area. Use Google Images to find a space background. Click on the image you want to use, hold the control key and click on the image and Save Image to the desktop. Under File > Add Billboard > Find the image you saved from the internet. Use the move (arrow) under the Add Elements to move the space to the background. Use the sizing tool (2nd from the right on that tool bar) to make it fit the whole area. People, Buildings, and so on. Objects - In Alice, they are the visual pieces that make up the animation you see on screen. Animation Terms: Virtual World - A video game or simulation implemented in 3D. CONCEPTS: A computer program is a sequence of instructions that tell the computer what to do. Learning to program is actually learning how to think about arranging a sequence of instructions to carry out a task. In Alice, the animation of 3D objects takes place in a virtual world. An Alice object can move in six possible directions in a virtual world. We call the direction and angle at which an object is facing the object's orientation. From our text book: Learning to Program with Alice, 3rd Ed. Dann, Cooper, Pausch around the island Methods to move individual parts Point of view 3. Add an alien object (you may use the fantasy or other object) and have the Alien in the beginning of the animation move around the astronaut by pressing the M. Be sure to have the Alien say press the M key to make him move. Keep working, don't worry if you feel like you are behind. You will catch up...Complete this and save it, you do not need to hand it in yet. Video Example of Project:Right Click and save to your desktop Friday 8/29 Space A New Frontier due by end of the period