HCI October Convening Agenda - Final 10-27-2015


Dedicated to Improving the Health of All Kansans

Meeting Agenda

Title : Community Change: Continuing and Expanding the Momentum

Date : October 28 th – 29 th , 2015

Time : 10:00 a.m. on October 28 th – 12:00 p.m. on October 29 th , 2015

Location : Kansas Leadership Center, 325 E. Douglas, Wichita

Mission: To provide a forum for leaders working in Healthy Community

Initiatives to strengthen and sustain networks to continue to create environments supportive of healthy eating and active living policies.

The 1 1/2 –day forum will be a place


To share information and facilitate discussion related to strengthening and sustaining local and statewide networks.


To learn from and connect with each other about successes and challenges and identify next steps to move policy priorities forward.


To provide an update on the evaluation to help ensure success at the local level.

Attendees & Presenters:

Center for Community Support and Research

Healthy Communities Initiative Leadership Teams

Healthy Communities Initiative Kansas Advisory Committee

Innovation Network

Kansas Alliance for Wellness

Kansas Department of Health and Environment

Kansas Health Foundation

Kansas State Research and Extension

Public Health Law Center


Day 1 – Wednesday, October 28, 2015

10:00 a.m. Kansas then and now: lessons learned from 30 years of progress, partnerships and communities coming together

Steve Coen, Kansas Health Foundation

Konza Town Hall

In three decades, the Kansas Health Foundation has distributed more than

$500 million to Kansas communities in our effort to create a better, more

prosperous state. We envision a culture in which every Kansan has an opportunity to make healthy choices where they live, work and play. Join

Steve Coen, President and CEO of KHF to hear about lessons learned, the changing health landscape and how the foundation has evolved its program areas to improve and protect the well-being of Kansans throughout the state.

10:30 a.m. Why are networks important to facilitating efforts to create environments supportive of healthy eating and active living


Joyce McEwen Crane & Amy Delamaide, Center for

Community Support & Research

Konza Town Hall

Effectively implementing the community change framework to create environments supportive of healthy eating and active living policies requires establishing and sustaining local and statewide networks. Why are networks important? How are they established? What sustains them?

Large and small group discussions will help identify strategies for creating and sustaining networks to advance policy priorities.

11:45 a.m. Lunch

12:45 p.m. The Emerging Statewide Network

 Jennifer Church, Kansas Department of Health and


 Missty Lechner, Kansas Alliance for Wellness

 Sandy Procter, Kansas State University Research &


Konza Town Hall

Moderator: Scott Wituk, Center for Community Support &


Panelists will describe their efforts to create and sustain statewide networks to help facilitate environments supportive of healthy eating and active living policies. Small group discussions will focus on opportunities, dilemmas and strategies for moving forward.

1:45 p.m. Healthy Break


2:00 p.m. Local networks: lessons from across Kansas


 Live Well Health & Wellness Committee of Crawford


 Live Well Lawrence

Konza Town Hall

Moderator: Ron Alexander, Center for Community Support &


Panelists will describe their efforts to establish local networks to help create environments supportive of healthy eating and active living policies. What have they learned along the way? How have they adjusted their efforts in response to unanticipated opportunities and challenges? What suggestions might they offer others based on their experiences?

3:15 p.m. Healthy Break

3:30 p.m. Breakout Sessions

 Breakout 1 --HCI 1 Leadership Team Assessment Tool, Kat

Athanasiades, Innovation Network, High Plains

 Breakout 2 – HCI 2 Visual reports, Veena Pankaj, Innovation

Network, Flint Hills

 Breakout 3 – Developing Statewide Networks, Scott Wituk,

Center for Community Support & Research, Konza Town


Veena Pankaj and Kat Athanasiades with Innovation Network will share recent evaluation data with HCI 1 and HCI 2 teams, describe lessons learned and identify next steps with regard to the evaluation. Scott Wituk with CCSR will moderate a discussion to reach a set of recommendations for the future of our emerging statewide network. Sessions will run concurrently.

4:30 p.m. Bringing it All Together, Highlights from the Day, Planning for

Day 2

Konza Town Hall

Moderator: Ron Alexander, Center for Community Support &


5:00 p.m. Public Health Law Center office hours


Natasha Frost & Mary Marrow, Public Health Law Center

Konza Town Hall

Natasha Frost and Mary Marrow will be available for consultation.

Day 2 – Thursday, October 29, 2015

7:30 a.m. Breakfast

8:00 a.m. How to best communicate the value of HEAL Strategies

Blythe Thomas & Lindsey Spiess, Kansas Health Foundation

Natasha Frost & Mary Marrow, Public Health Law Center

Konza Town Hall

As fellow HEAL community health champions, we invite you into a conversation to share your best thinking on ways to engage different audiences to join you on your journey. Do you have the same conversations and approach when you are talking with a city councilman versus a PTA Group? Or do you have different strategies and content you share depending on who you’re talking to? We desire your input, experience and feedback for the upcoming Kansas Health Foundation’s key message guide, publishing in November 2015 for all HCI Grantees, affiliates and health professionals.

9:00 a.m. Peer consultation: gaining and giving critical insights to help strengthen and sustain networks

Joyce McEwen Crane & Kevin Bomhoff, Center for

Community Support & Research

Konza Town Hall

Building and sustaining networks is hard work. In this session, participants will work in small groups to present challenges or dilemmas related to creating and sustaining networks to advance their policy priority. The peer consultation framework, a tool developed by Cambridge Leadership

Associates, will be used to help each participant describe their challenges, gain insight into their perspectives of their dilemma as well as generate multiple ideas about how to make progress. Participants will leave having gained input from others so that they can consider actions they can take in their communities.


10:30 a.m. Healthy Break

10:45 a.m. Peer consultation continued

11:30 a.m. Using technical assistance funds to advance policy priorities

Jeff Usher, Kansas Health Foundation

Konza Town Hall

Do you still have technical assistance funds available to advance your policy priority? Looking for innovative ways to spend the dollars? Small and large group discussions will help identify a variety of ways to use technical assistance funds to help create environments supportive of healthy eating and active living policies.

11:45 a.m. Wrap Up & Adjourn

