Colour Breathing Relaxation Technique® (CBRT™) 1 “Providing Patients with an effective system to relax themselves naturally” CBRT™ NHS Training Initiative 2012 - Overview Statement This QIPP2 and focused Training Initiative will train your staff to provide structured, relaxation support sessions, with a new Innovation3 in Mindfulness approach for Patient groups and individuals, who would benefit from learning to relax naturally, and/or who have symptoms of mild depression or anxiety related conditions. This Training Programme based Initiative also promotes CPD provision in training and is “a natural partnership with research and innovation to improve health outcomes.” (Liberating the NHS: Developing the Healthcare Workforce4 ) 10.01.2010 Initiative Name: CBRT NHS Training Initiative 5 Cost per participating Trust: £45,127.70 + VAT Estimated QIPP savings per Trust : c. £2.2 million per annum Initial initiative implementation: October - December 2012 National Director: Alison Bourne6 , CBRT International Ltd KEY POINTS: CBRT will train 25 staff members at your location in the CBRT Technique - CBRT Practitioner Training Programme* (2 days.) 7 Staff to complete their Training Programme content with 40 question Assessment Paper and 10 Case Studies of provision of CBRT to individuals and groups . (4 – 6 weeks.) Above papers marked and certificates of training returned. (3 weeks/15 working days.) Five trained staff then selected to attend further “Train the Trainer “Training Programme in January/February 2013. Each Trust will receive in Phase 3 100 CBRT Training Kits for their own use. The CBRT Training Programme is in preparation for CPD Accreditation by The Royal College of Nursing 8 and The College of Occupational Therapists 9. Colour Breathing tool kit and system is in preparation for CE marking10 and ISO: 1348511 Class 1 medical device status. The NIHR NHS Research Design Team South West 12 (Bournemouth University) is involved the development of an NHS led clinical research programme into CBRT, Depression, Dementia and Delirium - to prepare the pathway for CBRT to become a NICE approved relaxation technique. CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 1. CBRT NHS Training Initiative Overview CBRT™ (Colour Breathing Relaxation Technique) provides individuals from all backgrounds with a comprehensive, very effective and easy to learn “Relaxation Support Technique” (CBRT RSS). A patent holding, UK invention 13, CBRT has been in consistent and progressive development stages since 1997. What started out as a simple idea as a self-help relaxation book kit using Colour Breathing Disks as a focus tool, was soon discovered to aid individuals and peer groups experiencing low to moderate depression and anxiety disorders. A series of one day workshops in 2002 within two years became a Practitioner Training Programme recognised by the BCMA (British Complementary Medicine Association 14. Patients are provided with a “Colour Breathing Disks Easel Chart” 15 as a visual tool to focus on (also see image on top of front page) containing a set of seven coloured disks whilst a) becoming aware of their natural breathing pattern and b) relaxing their body in seven stages. The product is very safe to use, being of printed matter. The seven “Colour Breathing Disks®” have been specially designed with subtle gradient effects for individuals to use with ease. They are a physical item to see and hold, yet visual point of focus, for individual and group led relaxation support sessions. Individuals enjoy using CBRT as a relaxation technique and using colour as a means of expressing how they feel. The Initial Colour Breathing® Trials of 1999 – 2000 16 involved over 120 members of the public engaged in a controlled comparison trial in the use of the Colour Breathing Disks and visualisation. Research has since involved training a wide group of mental health, education and complementary professionals – the majority from within the UK, who have provided valuable case studies and feedback. Their valuable data includes a wide range of presented conditions and social care case studies including insomnia, GAD, the full spectrum for depression including PTSD and suicide tendencies. CBRT is a practical, low cost, simple and versatile innovation. In March 2011, CBRT scored 92.53% with the NHS National Innovation Centre Technology Scorecard.17 The CBRT NHS Training Initiative is Patient-centred, recovery focused and promotes SelfCare. NHS Staff will be trained to be able to deliver structured and effective CBRT Relaxation Support Sessions to either individuals - or groups of between 5 - 20 Patients at a time, within 30 – 45 minutes. NHS Staff will be able to use CBRT to engage with individuals or groups of Patients as part of their existing work schedule. This Training Initiative will provide training for 25 -28 members of your staff , with 5 of these receiving an additional two day “Train the Trainer” programme – to enable self training of all future CBRT Training Programmes. CBRT is a Mind-Body Relaxation Technique 18 which combines breathing techniques 19 , Page 2 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 Mindfulness approach 20 , positive thinking 21, self-help and guided self-help 22 , MBSR (Mindfulness –based stress reduction) 23, Mind-body interventions 24 , creative visualisation 25, meditation 26, group therapy 27 , anxiety breathing techniques 28 (including controlled breathing) all supported by NHS Evidence 29 as being beneficial components to mental health, preventative health and wellbeing programmes. (The aim of controlled breathing is to slow down your breathing and heart rate, relax tension in the muscles, quieten the mind and empty it of worrying thoughts.) The many associated benefits to having structured CBRT Relaxation Support Sessions available to both Patients and NHS Staff are many. Feedback from existing CBRT Practitioners is very positive, with CBRT being a popular and effective relaxation technique for men, women and children of all abilities who wish to lead healthier lives. CBRT is simple and safe to use (being non invasive or pharmacy lead) and encourages dialogue. Working with the Patients and getting them involved in the selection of their own affirmations for positive thinking is also both popular and beneficial.. The proactive management of people with long-term conditions, including the promotion of self-care by patients, is a key priority for the NHS. CBRT provides active support for a positive approach to management of long term conditions 30 and primary prevention through focusing on a natural relaxation process for better self care. 2. Current mental health provision status within the NHS. “Mental illness 'under-treated by NHS' ” 31 (18.06.12) is a report carried in the NHS Choices website 32 . The report was written by the London School of Economics Centre for Economic Performance 33 Mental Health Policy Group Think Tank. The report, How Mental Illness Loses Out in the NHS 34 was produced by a distinguished team of economists, psychologists, doctors and NHS managers convened by Professor Lord Layard 35 of the LSE Centre for Economic Performance. The report says that mental illness is widespread and is generally more debilitating than most chronic physical conditions. The researchers report that a third of all families in Britain have a family member with mental illness. Additionally, nearly half of all ill health in those younger than 65 years is due to mental illness and only a quarter of those needing treatment receive it. The report estimates that 6 million adults have depression or anxiety and 700,000 children have a mental health disorder. The report also found that mental health problems account for nearly half of absenteeism at work and a similar proportion of people on incapacity benefits. ii. Another report in Mental Health - “Patchy Progress shown for Mental Health Treatment” 36 states that according to the official IAPT statistics, of the six million people in England who have depression or anxiety problems, only 2% received talking therapies between April and June 2011. Of these: 210,540 were referred for psychological therapies 123,065 entered treatment Page 3 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 92,638 are waiting more than 28 days for treatment iii. The “NICE Guideline on the Treatment and Management of Depression in Adults” 37 (2010, page 293) states: “Low-intensity interventions are clinically and cost effective for subthreshold depressive symptoms and mild depression, and therefore are to be preferred over individual and group CBT (and other high-intensity psychological interventions) as the initial treatment for subthreshold depressive symptoms and mild depression. Group CBT is an effective treatment for mild depression but, given the duration of the group and the staffing of such groups, it was viewed on costminimisation grounds as less cost effective than low-intensity interventions but more cost effective than individual CBT, and so was placed between them in the steppedcare model.” With stress and anxiety affecting many millions of people in the current economic climate, mild to moderate mental health needs require support . The provision of CBRT Relaxation Support Sessions used as a health and social care interface is a practical and common sense approach to the above situation which can also support a diverse population, with individual and community support service needs. CBRT received an extremely positive and excellent response from NHS management attending the DH Healthcare Innovation Expo 201138 – which has resulted in this CBRT NHS Initiative being written. Provider groups will benefit having an effective solution and providing an additional Patient Care based service - to quickly increase capacity to care - for the growing numbers of individuals and groups requiring mental health and wellbeing support. Staff undertaking the Training Programme will benefit from feeling valued through having CPD training and enhanced skill sets. All NHS Staff will benefit from provision of CBRT RSS in their place of work, whether they work in the offices or A & E. 3. CBRT Brief History and Background 39 1997 – 1998 Colour Breathing Disks invented and prototypes created for UK Patent. 1999 – 2000 First Research Programme 2000 - UK Patent granted 2001 – 2004 Frankfurt, Australian, American, UK Book Publishing Fairs 2002 - First products production run and workshops including Denver, US. 2002 – 2004 Colour Breathing Practitioner Training Programme written 2003 – 2006 Colour Breathing part of EI Education Programme in Hampshire 2004 – Colour Breathing first speech at ISMA (International Stress Management Association ) Annual Conference - London 2004 - “Colour Breathing” CBRT Training Programme was first acknowledged as a relaxation technique by the BCMA British Complementary Medicine Association 2004 – First Colour Breathing Practitioner Training Programme 2005 – 2011 – Over 250 individuals trained in Colour Breathing technique in UK and Page 4 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 Australia. 2005 – 2008 Action Mental Health Northern Ireland 40 2009 – 2012 – Southern Health Community Trust, Northern Ireland 41 2010 – Colour Breathing becomes acronym “CBRT” in preparation for NHS entry. 2011 – CBRT showcases at DH Healthcare Innovation Expo during which the CBRT products and evidence based case studies attracted great interest from the hundreds of healthcare professionals attending. 2011 – Present. CBRT has completed the NHS NIC Technology Scorecard in March 2012 (92.53% score) and is preparing for NHS entry with support from the DH Innovation Procurement & Commercial Division with this Initiative. Improving outcomes CBRT provides a practical means of improving outcomes, including excluded groups in society, in contact with secondary mental health services. CBRT intends to work with the NHS NIHR Research Team to enable CBRT to become a NICE approved relaxation technique. This would enable CBRT in the future to be considered for future mental health funding for psychological services such as “No health without mental health: A cross-government mental health outcomes strategy for people of all ages” 42; and “Talking therapies: A four-year plan of action” 43. CBRT intends to support provider groups with an agenda for Positive Outcomes and is a QIPP focused 2 initiative providing Patients with better services, new self-care initiatives, innovation, and cost savings. Recent changes brought to the NHS procurement landscape as of January 2011 are provided in the websites 44 and 45 which states “Each SHA holds a legal duty to promote innovation, raising the profile of innovation and encouraging a more rapid adoption of innovation throughout the health service. ‘Innovation leads’ are employed in each Authority to deliver this requirement. This focus on encouraging the entry of innovation into the NHS is also underpinned in “Innovation Health & Wealth 3 (June 2012 version) Accelerating Adoption & diffusion in the NHS” - mentioned at the beginning of this Initiative. 4. CBRT Research CBRT is working with the NHIR NHS Research Design Service Team South West 12 on research grant programmes and applications with Dr. Sarah Thomas, Dr. Zoe Shephard with additional support from Dr. Paul Ewings. One proposed area for research is Depression, Dementia and Delirium. CBRT have also met Professor Anthea Innes Head of The Institute of Dementia 46 in Bournemouth. The CBRT Research Team 47 comprises Professor Stephen Westland, Dr. Vien Cheung, (Leeds University) Dr.Ute Leonards (Bristol University) , Dr. Sophie Weurger (Liverpool University.) Since 1997, Alison Bourne has been supported by many leading medical, academic, healthcare, mental health and education specialists from across the UK and USA. During the R & D stages, over 250 professionals from the UK, Germany, Australia, Canada and Brazil have undertaken the CBRT Training Programme, using Page 5 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 CBRT in their work, providing feedback and case studies. Since 2001 support has been received from leading academics from: Universities of Leeds, Bristol, Essex, Southampton, Oxford University, Faculty of the Mind, Royal Holloway, University of London. The CBRT Apparatus is a UK invention and healthcare technology with a current UK Patent, International Trademarks and Copyright. The international interest in CBRT underlines the importance of this CBRT NHS Training Initiative; CBRT International Ltd has taken advice and worked closely with many government bodies including SEHTA (South East Health Technologies Alliance) 48 South East Business Innovation Growth Team 49 UKTI (UK Trade & Investment) 50 – over 20 meetings with Healthcare Sector Specialists from Europe and major countries e.g. USA, India, China, The Middle East. Examples of over 70 individuals and groups CBRT Case Studies 51 can be viewed online. The CBRT Practitioners Code of Conduct 52 is based on the Midwifery Code. You can read the Colour Breathing Book Foreword 53 by Consultant Gynaecologist Mr. M. Dooley MMs FFSRH FRCOG. 54 5. CBRT NHS Training Initiative - Goals and Benefits • To provide additional benefits to Patients and a toolkit and system for self-care.55,56 • A simple and effective relaxation technique which anyone can learn. • CBRT provides a caring interface for Staff and Patients.57 • CBRT Initial Response Sheets© used by professional are said to provide Patients with a form of talking therapy provision -Talking therapies: A four-year plan of action.58,59 • Reducing referrals for medically unexplained symptoms 60 • Patient Choice. Satisfaction from knowing that they have played a part in helping themselves relax - “Personal Health Budgets Report 60 • Reducing referrals for medically unexplained symptoms 61 • Staff trained in CBRT will learn a new skill to help their colleagues and Patients relax. “Health and Social Care Provider Units in Healthcare 62 • Help children and young people - read “The Discovery Initiative” (CBRT in Education and Pre-school sectors) 63 • Relaxation Support Sessions could provide a visible and tangible positive wellbeing effect for Patients –(including those with Personal Health Budgets.) 64, 65, • A service to help Patients with measurable improvement towards individual recovery goals. • Support for those with Dementia and their carers “Living well with dementia: A national Dementia Strategy” 66 • Less chance of Patient relapses through having additional support. • Patient Choice for those who do not wish (nor require) to start medication.67 • More appropriate use of healthcare resources and time. • Potential savings for fewer GP appointments could lead to shorter waiting times. • An all-inclusive and anti-discriminatory new service provision. • The Initiative estimates that each Trust with 125 staff trained, it is possible to provide additional support to c.12, 000 Patients per annum. Page 6 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 Potential cost savings per Trust are estimated c. £2.2million per annum through reducing GP appointments, a reduction in the requirement for medication, self care support and preventative health measures. 6.Target datelines for the initial CBRT NHS Training Initiative: 1. The CBRT National Training Team will train 25 of your staff members during the Autumn/Winter of 2012 / 2012. Please advise us of your preferred dates as soon as possible. 2. It is the responsibility of the provider group to ensure that all assessment papers and case studies by staff members are completed by the agreed date. 3. The CBRT National Training Team will train 5 members per group provider to become CBRT Trainers in January/February 2013. These will be permitted to train further CBRT Practitioners in their own group provider region/boundaries only. 4. We suggest each CBRT Trainer aim to train an additional 20 staff each in 2013. The CBRT National Training Team may monitor and observe these initial training programmes. In the future, each NHS CBRT Trainer may train as many individuals as they wish, from within the boundaries of their group provider region, with supplies and stock available for purchase with NHS discount through CBRT International Ltd. It is hoped that future CBRT Training Programmes will be offered to individuals from within 3rd sector support groups who could benefit from being able to provide the CBRT service e.g.: public health, local government, voluntary and community organisations, Social Services, Education sector, Prisons/Institutions. The Training provider is permitted to charge appropriate fees for this service. CBRT Relaxation Support Sessions can provide support for wider social care in the community; Job Centres, Prisons, Youth Offenders Units, etc 5. If a Trust wishes, all CBRT products may be customised to contain local logos, NHS addresses, local message to Patients, contact details and images, in full colour. CBRT products may be produced in different languages, font sizes, Braille, at additional cost. 7. Initiative Interdependencies and Inputs Having your staff trained in CBRT will provide a Primary care intervention to help people with mental health problems, through structured relaxation support sessions (care) which optimises engagement, prevents or anticipates crisis, and reduces risk. “The Coalition – Our Programme for Government (May 2010) 68 included the government’s commitment to talking therapies to reduce long-term NHS costs. The White Paper Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS (July 2010) 69 aims to: • Enable long term savings to the NHS • Meet local and individual needs while enabling equitable access for all • Collect good quality data to inform future service delivery 1. The Spending Review (October 2010) 70 specifically stated that the health settlement will enable Department of Health to 'expand access to psychological therapies.’ Page 7 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 2. Equality Act 2010 71 requires all services to promote equality across their communities and to publish information in a way that the public can judge how it has been used to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different groups. (A socio-economic duty for public bodies and a public sector equality duty determined over the winter of 2010, which came into force in April 2011.) 3. Equality Focused Services: CBRT is a non denominational, non tactile and all inclusive relaxation technique. “Demand for evidence-based psychological therapies services remains high across all communities. Some groups may have higher prevalence of anxiety disorders and depression than others (e.g. the homeless, military veterans). Other groups may have proportionately lower levels of identification despite high levels of need (e.g. people who are gay, lesbian or bisexual). The needs of all these groups should be taken into account alongside those with the legally protected characteristics of age, disability, ethnicity, faith, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity.” 8. The CBRT NHS Training Initiative also supports these policies: 1. QIPP : Liberating the NHS, 2. Self Care: An Ethical Imperative 72, 3. Health and Social Care Provider Units in Healthcare 73 , 4. Living well with dementia: A national Dementia Strategy 74, 5. National Mental Health Workforce Strategy (sections 1 – 6) 75, 6. Commissioning Talking Therapies for 2011/12 76 from which, 1.3; “There is strong evidence that appropriate and inclusive services and care pathways for people with common mental health conditions reduce an individual’s usage of NHS services leading to efficiencies and cost savings, as well as contributing to overall mental wellbeing. This approach promotes inclusive, equitable services that meet the needs of the whole community.” And 1.4 “Increasingly; there will be room for innovative approaches in the services commissioned, along with flexibility tailored to local need and to the personal needs of individuals seeking treatment.” 7. The Kings Fund > Transforming our health care system – Ten priorities for commissioners 77 of which relevant references include: a) Primary Prevention: Taking action to reduce the incidence of disease and health problems within the population, either through universal measures that reduce lifestyle risks or by targeting high-risk groups: The financial sustainability of the NHS in the future will depend on more systematic primary prevention in order to reduce the overall burden of disease in the population. b) Secondary Prevention: “Systematically detecting the early stages of disease and intervening before full symptoms develop – for example... taking measures to reduce high blood pressure.” The “How to do it” section here includes: “Working systematically with local authorities and other partners to ensure primary care prevention forms part of a broader strategy Page 8 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 on public health” “Working with community and voluntary sector groups to offer interventions to patients who do not engage well with mainstream health services”. 8. Also relevant is The Royal College of Nursing (Q.30) response to the White Paper 78 -“ How can we ensure funding streams do not act as a discentive to innovation and are able to support changes in skill mix?” with their answer being:“Funding streams for education and training need to be linked to service commissioning strategies and QIPP initiatives . The RCN believes that openness, fairness, equity and publishing regular audit updates is the absolute minimum.” 10. CBRT NHS Training Initiative - Overview 1. The CBRT Training Programme is deemed suitable for NHS Staff of all levels. (Staff will need basic skills in computer competency to be able to complete their assessment paper and case studies online.) 2. CBRT is preparing for IS0: 13485 and CPD accreditation with the RCN and other leading, recognised bodies and adhere to strict standards. 3. The CBRT Training Programme and Handbook has been developed following ongoing course participant feedback following every training programme. Practitioners will be asked to provide ongoing feedback, Trainers and Materials receive regular updates / under constant review for ongoing quality assurance and improvements. 4. The Training facilities provision for up to 28 staff and the CBRT Trainer requires a lecture area with enough space to enable individuals to work in pairs (with table and 2 chairs each for individual work) and group work. 5. To keep the Training Programme at a low cost, CBRT do not include the provision of light refreshments or food for participants in their costings. Therefore a packed lunch or use of a staff canteen facility close to the training rooms, is the usual practice. 11. CBRT NHS Training Initiative – 25 places + 3 free CBRT International Ltd are keen that all training places are filled and will cover any additional materials costs involved for up to 3 additional training places. CBRT recommend the two day CBRT Training Programme be offered to 28 members of staff, so should any member of staff be unable to attend, due to illness or staffing reason, all 25 Training Places paid for will be filled with nil wastage of resources for the Trust . Selection of the 25 + 3 NHS Staff to attend the Training Programme and 5 NHS CBRT Trainers is the responsibility of each group provider. 12. Initiative Constraints 12a. Resources, Training Facilities, Timing 1. CBRT stock will be available from completion of Phase 2; product allocations will be delivered directly to each provider group for internal distribution to trained staff. Page 9 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 2. The CBRT NHS Training Initiative will use current product range as exhibited at the DH Healthcare Innovation Expo March 2011. 3. NHS staff will initially be able to deliver CBRT Relaxation Support sessions to groups of 6 patients using products provided at the Training Programme. The Case Study examples reflect this. Trained NHS staff will be able to deliver CBRT Relaxation Support Sessions for groups of up to 20 Patients if they wish. 4. The Training Programme will be delivered in Training Room facilities provided by each Trust / participating provider group at no additional cost to CBRT. 5. Timing – once a Two Day Training Programme date has been agreed, dates are fixed to the agreed schedule. 6. CBRT believe the CBRT Training Programme to be deemed suitable for NHS Staff of all levels. 12b. Initiative Critical Success Factors (Key Performance Indicators) 1. All NHS staff to complete the Training Programme, 10 Case Studies and 40 question CBRT Assessment paper. 2. Certificates of Training will be sent to the Trust upon completion of all case studies and assessment papers. 2. The first 500 CBRT NHS staff to be trained will create the initial 5,000 Case Studies for NHS Evidence. 3. Trained CBRT Staff are required to provide an agreed number of 30 - 45 minutes CBRT Relaxation Support Sessions - for a target number of 5 Patients - into their schedule as soon as possible. 4. Encourage feedback from Patient groups and online. CBRT will work with the NHS to create a new database for Patients’ feedback 5. Encourage Patients to use CBRT at home and keep a CBRT Observations Diary 6. NHS staff to provide regular feedback of patient’s response. Data collection rates will be monitored on a regular basis to help ensure that Staff is achieving at least 90% complete outcomes for the number of people who have had two or more therapeutic sessions, to include a Patient Health Questionnaire such as PHQ-9 79 and Generalised Anxiety Disorder GAD7 scale 80 . 7. To keep the Training Programme at a low cost, CBRT do not provide light refreshments or food for participants. The group provider is required to provide light refreshments for all staff attending on both days of the Training Programme and/or provide use of a staff canteen facility close to the training rooms, as is the usual practice. Page 10 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 12c. CBRT NHS Initiative Terms 1 As stated at the “Healthcare Innovation Expo 2011” the cost of provision of this CBRT initiative is based on the free provision of training facilities. We train on your home site, saving you staff costs for travel and accommodation. 2 The CBRT Training Programmes will commence from OCTOBER 2012. All participating staff are required to have completed an information form. 3 NHS Staff attending the CBRT Training Programme will each receive the CBRT Practitioner Kit (see Page 13 for details) and members use of the website for members post training paperwork including assessment paper and case studies. 4 1. CBRT Practitioners agree to abide by the CBRT Practitioners "Code of Conduct" which is based on the Midwifery Code of Conduct. 5 Individual NHS CBRT Practitioners using CBRT in their place of work will not be required to pay any CBRT Practitioner Annual Licence fee - as they will not be earning private income from the use of CBRT products. All CBRT trained staff will be required to provide feedback and comments online to maintain quality assurance and improve ongoing Patient Care. 6 All NHS Staff becoming CBRT Trainers will be trained by a CBRT National Trainer. 7 *CBRT “Train the Trainer” Training for 5 members of staff per provider group will take place over 2 days in January /February 2013 following completion of their CBRT Practitioner Training Programme. 8 All NHS staff are required to provide 10 Case Studies each. Each provider group is responsible for the return of all forms as the CBRT Training Programme will provide 250 case studies, to be submitted to NHS Evidence. 9 Payment for the CBRT Training Programmes is payable in two stages by BACs (see schedule on page 12 ) to secure booking and stock. 10 The CBRT National Training Team is to have completed the training of 25 NHS Staff and 5 NHS Trainers as per an agreed schedule 11 The allocation of additional CBRT Easel Cards and products included in the contract price (the new CBRT “CE marked” product range) will be delivered to each group provider in Phase 2. 12 Costs shown are correct at time of printing, but may change due to unforeseen transport, production and/or materials price increases. Page 11 of 22 Page 12 of 22 NHS CBRT additional stock for trained staff Available from the Summer 2012 Outers of 14 x 5 CBRT Easel Charts (CBRT charts for Patients use in sessions.) Allocation of 1 CBRT Book Kit for Patients Use per Staff trained in CBRT Allocation of 1 CBRT Observation Diariy for Patients Use per Staff 125 125 125 Training and 45% products 55% products within 10 working days of receipt of CBRT NHS products. Stage 1 Stage 2 Participation in the CBRT NHS Programme is payable in two stages: £ £ £ 20,489.40 45,127.70 24,638.30 +VAT + VAT 2 3 2 3 Upon receipt of products Upon contract signature Number of Patients to benefit weekly: 50 250 500 75 375 750 250 1,250 2,500 375 1,875 3,750 Weekly CBRT Relaxation Support Sessions delivered: 2 sessions per week 3 sessions per week 2 sessions per week 3 sessions per week Trained staff 25 25 125 125 Y Y Y Y Y 10 932.50 37,253.45 2,343.75 14,256.20 224.00 Y Y Y Patients per session below: 1 5 £ £ £ £ £ £ 19,497.00 7,874.25 £ £ 3,000.00 £ Y VAT (Offering CBRT Relaxation Support Sessions of between 30 - 45 mins each per week 7.46 18.75 419.30 8.96 194.97 600.00 £ Total £ 4,874.25 Y £ £ £ £ £ £ Cost each £ £ 194.97 45,127.70 TOTAL New CBRT NHS Affirmation cards Sets - for staff trained in Phase 1 25 34 CBRT equipment* to train a further 100 NHS Staff by end of 2012. for breakdown see "NHS Trainer trains NHS Staff" chart. 100 Stock for NHS Trainers CBRT NHS "Train the Trainer" programme. 5 Stage 2 CBRT NHS Practitioners trained - special price using original stock CBRT NHS Programme - Included in the Phase 1 - PCT contract price Training Targets 25 Stage 1 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 12d. CBRT NHS Initiative Cost detail CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 12e - CBRT Training Resource Kit Cost detail – (prices include NHS discount) CBRT Practitioner Kit requirement Example of CBRT Training Resource Kit costs - 27.08.12 CBRT Training Kit comprises: £ 1 x CBRT Book, Easel Card and Audio CD Kit* £ 18.75 1 x CBRT Practitioner Training Handbook £ 40.00 1 x CBRT Affirmation Cards selection* £ 8.96 4 x Sets of five CBRT Easel Cards @29.95 each £ 119.90 1 x CBRT Observations Diary* £ 7.46 1 x Assessment paper £ - 1 x 10 Case Studies £ - 1 x Certificate (upon completion) Total £ £ 195.08 2 Product prices shown* include NHS discount based on a 3,000 print run. Further quantities of CBRT Training Resource Kits may be ordered with nhs discount from 3 CBRT NHS Trainers are required to mark the Assessment Paper and Case Studies 4 for each Practitioner they have trained and submit these online to CBRT International Ltd. CBRT NHS Staff submit their Assessment Paper and Case Studies online within 4 - 6 weeks of Training Programme. CBRT NHS Practitioners will be exempt from payment of annual CBRT Practitioner Annual Licence fee, but will be required to agree to not receive income from use of products and 1 5 provide ongoing Patient and quality standards feedback. 6 7 *CBRT NHS stock will be made available in Stage 2 of the CBRT NHS Pilot Initiative. Products shown will enable an NHS member of staff to provide CBRT Relaxation Support Sessions for up to 20 Patients 8 The prices shown above are fixed until 30.09.12 12 f - Future product launches In 2013/4 CBRT intend to launch CBRT Affirmation Cards for use in clinics for specific conditions, such as PTSD, GAD, COPD, weight issues, smoking cessation, and bereavement. Other subjects such as bullying and self esteem are also planned. 12g - IPR and other information: Registered Office: CBRT International Ltd, Transport House, Uxbridge Road, Hillingdon Heath, Middlesex, UB10 0LY. Registered in England and Wales No 7393535. Vat Registration No GB 119 9391 81 Colour Breathing®, The Colour Breathing Disks®, products and CBRT Practitioner® Training Programmes are subject to International IP, Patent, Copyright, Design and Trademark Laws. Colour Breathing Relaxation Technique™, CBRT Relaxation Support Sessions™, CBRT, CBRT™, CBRT Practitioner Training Handbook™, Colour Breathing at Home™, Colour Breathing Foundation Fund and all future Color Breathing US and international generics all ©Alison m Bourne and CBRT International Limited 1997 - 2012. Costs* correct at time of printing, but may change due to unforeseen transport, production and/or materials price increases. For any further information, please contact Alison Bourne on: 01425 629602 or 07977 900716 Email: Page 13 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 HEADLINE FIGURES CBRT NHS Initiative Projected Cost Savings 1. Phase 1 provides the necessary training and preparation of 25 NHS Staff to launch CBRT to Patients in 2012/13. 2. Phase 2 includes training of 5 staff as Trainers and additional 100 staff training kits. Once trained, it is estimated 125 staff could provide annual saving of c. £2.2million. 3. The Staff costs shown are based on the “NHS Agenda for Change” 81 pay scales and Primary Care Costing Template including 70% Overheads which include room provision costs in GP practices. CBRT NHS Initiative Phase 1 & 2 Costs include budget for staff time used during Training. 2012 / 2013 Autumn/Winter Timescale(s) CBRT Training Programme cost per group (payable in two stages ) Phase 3 2013 Year 1 Spring 2013 24,638 £20,489 n/a Phase 1 - Costs include 125 x Grade 5 - 7 Staff training cost 250 days@ £192 per day. 5 x Band 5 - 7 Staff for “Train the Trainer” Training £48,000 Programme (10 days) and CBRT Training Programme Days for CBRT £3,840 n/a Practitioners each (10 days) @ £192 per day. (20 days total) 5 x CBRT Trainers (the staffing cost for days to train the 100 additional NHS Staff above) in a group over 20 days training is included in this allowance total. (The CBRT Training Resource Kit for Phase 1 Training £3,840 Programmes is included in the initial Programme cost.*) Stock requirement for Patients in phase 2 is included in these examples. Total Cost £100,807 £0 £129,600 n/a Projected initiative savings per provider group Phase 1 , Example 1 Phase 2 , Example 1 n/a £601,800 Phase 2, Example 2 n/a £641,520 Phase 2, Example 3 n/a £957, 528 £28,793 £2,200,848 Estimated initiative saving The next four pages provide examples of potential CBRT cost savings. Page 14 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 Potential Savings Phase 1 = ≥ £129,600, per Trust. Illustration is of potential cost saving of having 25 Staff completing CBRT Training in Autumn /Winter 2012/13. Example – with 25 Staff trained 25 Staff – e.g. Practice Nurses or Band 5 equivalent Staff, complete two day CBRT Training Programme and case studies within 4 - 6 weeks of Training Programme. Upon successful completion and marking of all case studies and assessment paper, Staff may provide CBRT Relaxation Support Sessions to Patients as individuals or in groups of up to 20 Patients in their clinics and surgeries. Five of the above Staff to be selected by the Trust to attend a further two day “Train the Trainer” CBRT Training Programme in January / early spring 2013. 100 additional CBRT Training Kits are included in the Initiative cost (e.g. each provider group will have the potential to have 125 staff trained in CBRT by the end of 2013.) *In this example, Patients use the CBRT Staff working kit and are not provided with their own kit "to keep." Example 1 - Grade 5 Practice Nurse, Occupational Therapist, or equivalent 1 25 GP Band 5 Patients Sessions Months £36 £18 1 8 4 5 8 4 45 11 10 8 11 Cost of Grade 5 Practice Nurse or equivalent 25 x Nurses provide 8 x 45 mins CBRT sessions (@ £18 cost) each pcm = 25 x Nurses provide 8 x 45 mins CBRT sessions each month x 4 months = 25 x Nurses provide 8 x 45 mins CBRT sessions each month x 11 months = Appointments 1,000 4,000 11,000 £ £ £ Number of Patients seen, based on 5 patients per session 25 x Nurses provide 8 x CBRT sessions for 5 Patients each pcm = 25 x Nurses provide 8 x CBRT sessions for 5 Patients each month x 4 months 25 x Nurses provide 8 x CBRT sessions for 5 Patients each month x 11 months 3,600 14,400 39,600 1,000 4,000 11,000 pcm 4 months per annum pcm 4 months per annum Equivalent GP Appointment Costs 1000 x GP Appointments@ £36.00 each 4000 x GP Appointments @ £36.00 each 11000 x GP Appointments @ £36.00 each £ £ £ 36,000 144,000 396,000 pcm 4 months per annum Total Potential Cost Savings 1000 x GP Appointments @ £36.00 each 4000 x GP Appointments @ £36.00 each 11000 x GP Appointments @ £36.00 each £ £ £ 32,400 129,600 356,400 pcm 4 months per annum Summary: 25 x Band 5 Nurses, or equivalent (@ £24 per hour 82) provide 8 x 45 mins* (*£18) CBRT sessions each,*pcm (5 Patients* each session) x 4 months to end of early spring = 1,000 Patients pcm = 11,000 GP Patients appointments per annum total. 11 months per annum allows for Staff holidays and/or sickness allowance. Patients benefit through having a full 45 minutes session with their Practice Nurse rather than a 12 minute appointment with their GP 83. E.g. each CBRT Nurse sees 240 Patients each in a 4 months period. 25 Nurses provide 48 CBRT sessions each = 1200 sessions for 6000 Patients. Phase 1 ≥Potential Savings of £129,600 within a 4 months period. Page 15 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 Potential Savings Phase 2 = ≥ £601,800 per annum, per Trust. This illustration of potential cost savings is based on having 25 Staff (Band 7) using CBRT for one year Example here is based on Band 7 Psychiatric Nurses caring for mild to moderate mental health issues. 1. Phase 2 is for the period of one year. 2. Example is 25 x Psychiatric Community Nurses CBRT to small groups of 5 Patients. 3. GP estimated cost at £36 19 per 12 minute consultation taken from “Quality and Outcomes Framework Programme – NICE cost impact statement July 2011.28” Phase 2, Example 1 - Grade 7 Psychiatric Nurse * 45 mins 25 PN Patients Sessions Months £59 1 2 4 £44.25 5 8 10 250 4000 11 Weeks 1 16 48 Cost of Psychiatric Nurse for 45 minutes session 1 x P Nurse provides 2 x 45 mins CBRT sessions (@ £44.25* cost) each week = 25 x P Nurse provides 2 x 45 mins CBRT sessions (@ £44.25* cost) each week = 25 x P Nurses provide 8 x 45 mins CBRT sessions each month x 4 months = 25 x P Nurses provide 8 x 45 mins CBRT sessions each month x 11 months = £ £ £ £ Number of Patients seen, based on 5 patients per session 1 x P Nurse provides 2 x CBRT sessions for 5 Patients each week = 25 x P Nurses provide 2 x CBRT sessions for 5 Patients each week = 25 x P Nurses provide 2 x CBRT sessions for 5 Patients each month x 4 months = 25 x P Nurses provide 2 x CBRT sessions for 5 Patients each month x 11 months = 89 2,213 35,400 97,350 10 250 4,000 11,000 per week per week 4 months per annum per week per week 4 months per annum Cost of normal Psychiatric Nurse Service (for Individual) per hour 1 x Individual P Nurse x 10 Appointments@ £59.00 each = 25 x P Nurses x 10 Individual Nurse Appointments @ £59.00 each = 25 x P Nurses x 2 Individual Nurse Appointments @ £59.00 each = 25 x P Nurses x 25 Individual Nurse Appointments per month @ £59.00 each = 25 x P Nurses x 25 Individual Nurse Appointments per month @ £59.00 each = £ £ £ £ £ 590 14,750 47,200 36,875 405,625 Cost per Patient for 1 x CBRT sessions per week 5 patients provided with 2 x CBRT Relaxation Support Sessions per week £ 9 COST SAVING Direct comparison 1 25 x P Nurses provide 2 x CBRT sessions for 5 Patients each week = 25 x P Nurses x 10 Individual Nurse Appointments @ £59.00 each Total weekly Potential Saving based on 10 Patients each Nurse Total annual Potential Saving based on 10 Patients each Nurse £ £ £ £ 2,213 14,750 12,538 601,800 per week per week per week per annum COST SAVING Direct comparison 2 25 x P Nurses x 10 Individual Nurse Appointments per month @ £59.00 each x 11 months = 25 x P Nurses provide 2 x CBRT sessions for 5 Patients each month x 11 months = Total Annual Potential Saving based on 10 Patients each per month £ £ £ 162,250 24,338 137,913 per annum per annum per annum per week per week 4 months per month per annum per week Summary: 25 x Psychiatric Nurses 84 provide 2 x 45 mins CBRT sessions each per week, for groups of 5 Patients each session, (10 Patients in total) as an alternative to seeing the patients individually. These sessions are also beneficial to larger peer groups. Each CBRT Nurse is able to support 40 Patients per month. Phase 2, Example 1 - Annual Potential Saving ≥ £601,800 per group provider, per annum. Potential Savings Phase 2 = ≥ £601,800 per annum, per Trust. Page 16 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 Potential Savings Phase 2, = ≥ £641,520 per annum, per group provider Example here is based on Band 5 Practice Nurses caring for mild to moderate mental health conditions 1. 45 x Band 5 Practice Nurses or equivalent provide 2 x 30 - 45 minutes “walk in” CBRT Relaxation Support Sessions in GP surgeries and Clinics each week. 2. Any Patients may attend, especially those who being able to relax will help their condition e.g. hypertension, COPD, smoking cessation, obesity, bereavement, unemployment, insomnia, and stress related conditions. The intention here is to provide a care service to reduce the number of Patients feeling the need to visit their GP. Example 2 - Grade 5 Practice Nurse, Occupational Therapist, or equivalent 1 45 GP Band 5 Patients Sessions Months £36 £18 1 8 1 5 8 11 10 8 Cost of Grade 5 Practice Nurse or equivalent 45 Nurses provide 8 x 45 mins CBRT sessions (@ £18 cost) each pcm = 45 Nurses provide 8 x 45 mins CBRT sessions each month x 11 months = Appointments 1,800 3,600 19,800 £ 6,480 pcm £ 71,280 per annum Number of Patients seen, based on 5 patients per session 45 Nurses provide 8 x CBRT sessions for 5 Patients each pcm = 45 Nurses provide 8 x CBRT sessions for 5 Patients each month x 11 months = 1,800 pcm 19,800 per annum Number of Patients seen, based on 10 patients per session 45 Nurses provide 8 x CBRT sessions for 10 Patients each pcm = 45 Nurses provide 8 x CBRT sessions for 10 Patients each month x 11 months 3,600 pcm 39,600 per annum Equivalent GP Appointment Costs 1,800 x GP Appointments @ £36.00 each 3,600 x GP Appointments @ £36.00 each 19,800 x GP Appointments @ £36.00 each £ 64,800 pcm £ 129,600 pcm £ 712,800 per annum Total Potential cost savings 19,800 x GP Appointments @ £36.00 each 45 Nurses provide 8 x 45 mins CBRT sessions each month x 11 months = £ 712,800 per annum £ 71,280 per annum £ 641,520 per annum Summary 45 x Nurses provide 2 x 30 - 45 minutes CBRT RSS sessions each per week. The example here is for 5 Patients – the CBRT Nurse has enough equipment to be able to relax up to 20 Patients per session - if required. Patients use the CBRT kit which belongs to the CBRT staff; so there is therefore no additional cost. GP cost at £36 per 12 minute consultation 83 taken from Quality and Outcomes Framework Programme – NICE cost impact statement July 2011. Potential Savings Phase 2, = ≥ £641,520 per annum, per group provider Page 17 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 Potential Savings Phase 2 = ≥ £957,528 per annum, per group provider. Example here is based on Band 5 Nurses using CBRT to help Patients wishing to lower their medication requirements: 1) Patients agree to attend a series of 6 x 30 - 45 min CBRT Sessions (over 3 weeks) and receive their own CBRT kit to a) help their condition e.g. they are “borderline” whether they need or wish to take prescribed medication or b) they wish to gradually stop taking medication. Example 3 - Band 5 Practice Nurse, Occupational Therapist, or equivalent 1 45 No of No of Medication Band 5 Patients Sessions Weeks £170 £18 5 6 3 10 CBRT Kit £26.21 Medication for depression @ £170 15 per annum No of 3 week Cycles 16 Cost of Grade 5 Practice Nurse or equivalent for 45 minute session £18 each 45 Nurses provide 6 x 45 mins (1 cycle) of CBRT sessions (6 x £18) for 10 Patients, every 3 weeks 45 Nurses provide 16 cycles of 6 x CBRT sessions for 10 Patients per annum Total Patients 450 7,200 £ £ 4,860 77,760 3 weeks per annum Cost of CBRT NHS Patient kits required, based on 10 patients per 3 week cycle 45 Nurses provide 1 x CBRT NHS Kit for 10 Patients per cycle = 45 Nurses provide 1 x CBRT Kit for 10 Patients for 16 cycles = 11,795 188,712 3 weeks per annum Cost for CBRT service 45 Nurses and 450 kits 45 Nurses and 7,200 kits 16,655 266,472 3 weeks per annum 450 7,200 3 weeks per annum Number of Patients seen, based on 10 patients per 3 week cycle 45 Nurses provide 1 cycle (6 x CBRT sessions) for 10 Patients every 3 weeks = 45 Nurses provide 16 cycles of (6 x CBRT sessions) for 10 Patients every year = Equivalent Medication Costs 450 x Annual Medication @ £170.00 each 7,200 x Annual Medication @ £170.00 each £ 76,500 £ 1,224,000 Total Equivalent Medication Cost Savings using CBRT NHS Relaxation Support Sessions £ £ 59,846 957,528 3 weeks per annum 3 weeks per annum Summary Medication for depression @ £170 per patient, per annum taken from The Social Exclusion Unit’s (SEU) report - Mental Health and Social Exclusion 85, published in June 2004 includes a useful summary of the costs of various forms of mental health services: For this initiative example, each Patient receives their own CBRT Training Resource Kit & CBRT Observations Diary (total cost £26.21+ VAT) to use at home as part of their healthcare programme. This additional cost has been factored into this example. The CBRT Observations Diary allows the Patient and Nurse to monitor progress for a 3 month period. Many people find it helpful to keep a diary during therapeutic intervention. Potential Savings Phase 2 = ≥ £957,528 per annum, per group provider Page 18 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 References 1. CBRT™ (Colour Breathing Relaxation Technique - CBRT RSS) 2. “QIPP : Liberating the NHS” 3. Innovation Health & Wealth (June 2012 version) Accelerating Adoption & diffusion in the NHS 4. (Liberating the NHS: Developing the Healthcare Workforce 3 ) 10.01.2010 5. CBRT Training Initiative 6. Alison Bourne 7. CBRT Technique - CBRT Practitioner Training Programme* (2 days.) 7 training-2/become-a-cbrt-practitioner/ 8. CPD Accreditation The Royal College of Nursing 9. The College of Occupational Therapists 10. CE Marking NHS National Innovation Centre 11. ISO : 13485 12. NIHR NHS Research Design Team South West (Bournemouth University) 13. A patent holding UK invention 14. BCMA (British Complementary Medicine Association. 15. “Colour Breathing Disks Easel Chart” 16. Initial research and development started in 1999/2000 17. CBRT scored 92.53% with the NHS National Innovation Centre Technology Scorecard 18. “Mind-Body Relaxation technique” NHS Evidence 19. Breathing Techniques NHS Evidence 20. Mindfulness approach NHS Evidence 21. positive thinking NHS Evidence 22. self-help and guided self-help 23. MBSR (Mindfulness –based stress reduction) 24. Mind-body interventions 25. creative visualisation 26. meditation 27. group therapy 27 28. anxiety breathing techniques 29. 30. NHS Evidence Management of long term conditions 26 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. “Mental illness 'under-treated by NHS '” NHS Choices website London School of Economics Centre for Economic Performance How Mental Illness Loses out in the NHS report Professor Lord Layard Mental Health Policy Group 2011 – 2012 36. Patchy Progress shown for Mental Health Treatment 37. NICE Guideline on the Treatment and Management of Depression in Adults 38. DH Healthcare Innovation Expo Page 19 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 39. CBRT Brief History and Background 40. 41. 42. 43. Action Mental Health Northern Ireland Southern Health Community Trust, Northern Ireland “No health without mental health: A cross-government mental health outcomes strategy for people of all ages “Talking therapies: A four-year plan of action” 44. 45. 37 %20recent%20changes.pdf 46. The Institute of Dementia 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. The CBRT Research Team SEHTA – South East Health Technologies Alliance South East Business Innovation Growth Team UKTI (UK Trade & Investment) Examples of over 70 detailed CBRT Case Studies CBRT Code of Conduct Colour Breathing Book Foreword 54. Consultant Gynaecologist Mr. M. Dooley MMs FFSRH FRCOG 55. “Self Care” 56. “Self Care: An Ethical Imperative” 57. 58. “OP 79 “Do the right thing: How to Judge a Good Ward” “Talking therapies: A four-year plan of action.” ttp:// action.pdf 59. Talking Therapy Technique 60. Personal Health Budgets Report The views of service users and carers.” 61. Reducing referrals for medically unexplained symptoms 62. “Health and Social Care Provider Units in Healthcare” 63. “The Discovery Initiative” (Education and Pre-school sectors) 64. In the QIPP and Personal Health Budgets report by Vidhya Alakeson 65. “Understanding personal health budgets.” 66. “Living well with dementia: A national Dementia Strategy” 67. NICE Common mental health disorders : Identification and pathways to care.” 68. “The Coalition – Our Programme for Government (May 2010) 69. The White Paper Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS (July 2010) 70. 71. 72. The Spending Review (October 2010) Equality Act 2010 Self Care: An Ethical Imperative 73. Health and Social Care Provider Units in Healthcare 74. Living well with dementia: A national Dementia Strategy Page 20 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 75. National Mental Health Workforce Strategy (sections 1 – 6) 76. Commissioning Talking Therapies for 2011/12 46 from which, 1.3; ttp:// 77. The Kings Fund>Transforming our health care system – Ten priorities for commissioners ocument.rm%3Fid%3D9100&ei=o5s7UIGbAew0QW2ioCIAQ&usg=AFQjCNE3N3vgV4ha47Myv7EkCYXobiCV1Q&sig2=iaPNrZro3v00l0fxpuP8dQ 78. The Royal College of Nursing Q.30 Response to the White Paper PDF 79. Patient Health Questionnaire such as PHQ-9 “PHQ-9 80. 81. Generalised Anxiety Disorder GAD7 scale RCN “NHS Agenda for Change” 2011 / 2012 82. 25 x Band 5 Nurses, or equivalent (@ £24 18 per hour) £24 per hour is based on NHS Agenda for Change pay scales – 2011/2012 Band 5 £27,625 + costs in the NIHR CRN Industry Costing Template 83. GP estimated cost at £36 19 per 12 minute consultation. Quality and Outcomes Framework Programme NICE cost impact statement July 2011 Indicator area: Hypertension states “Assuming a 1.5 minute discussion following a consultation based on £36 per 12 minute GP consultation and £12 per 15.5 minute nurse consultation.” 84. “25 x Psychiatric Nurses 85. Medication for depression @ £170 per patient, per annum taken from The Social Exclusion Unit’s (SEU) report - Mental Health and Social Exclusion Medication for depression @ £170 per patient, per annum taken from The Social Exclusion Unit’s (SEU) report – “Mental Health and Social Exclusion”, published in June 2004 includes a useful summary of the costs of various forms of mental health services including: “Community mental health team - around £59 per hour of patient contact; Specialist community psychiatric nurse - around £70 per hour patient contact; Cost of privately obtained talking therapy or counselling – around £732 per year; Basic cost of medication treatment for depression around £170 per year.” Page 21 of 22 CBRT NHS Initiative September 2012 - Overview Statement v.4 2012 CBRT NHS Training Initiative Duration Initiative Stages Date Estimate Stage 1: CBRT Training Programmes from: OCTOBER 2012 Stage 2 : Train the Trainer Programmes from: JANUARY 2013 Stage 3: CBRT NHS Trainers to have each trained additional 20 staff SUMMER 2013 APPROVAL and permission for contract to proceed. I agree to the terms and conditions of this document and wish to participate in the CBRT NHS Training Initiative. Name and Address of Organisation wishing to participate in the CBRT NHS Training Initiative Approved By: Title Date Page 22 of 22