Liverpool Hope University EQUALITY ANALYSIS Guidance Notes and Analysis Template Introduction There is no specific process in relation to equality analysis in the Equality Act 2010. However, The Public Sector Equality Duty requires HEI’s to consider the equality implications of key decisions and demonstrate that they have paid due regard to the three aims of the duty: to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation, to advance equality of opportunity between different groups, and to foster good relations between different groups. The different groups concerned relate to the following protected characteristics: Age Gender Race Gender Reassignment Disability Marriage and Civil Partnership Pregnancy and Maternity Religion or Belief Sexual Orientation In order to be able to demonstrate that they have considered the main aims of the Equality Duty, it recommends that public bodies record the process of equality analysis. The Equality Analysis Process When should equality analysis take place? Analysis should be carried out before decisions are taken. As soon as a relevant policy or proposal is being considered, updated or amended, the completed Equality Analysis template should be included in the decision making process. Who should carry out the Equality Analysis? Individuals that are closest to the changes taking place are responsible for undertaking equality analysis. For example, the project manager would carry out the analysis on a specific project whilst a line manager or any senior member of staff involved in the process would be involved in the analysis of policy development. Completing the Equality Analysis Template Stage 1: Identify the Policy/Procedure Consider: Is it a new policy/procedure or an existing policy that is being reviewed or amended? What are the aims and objectives of the policy/procedure? Who is responsible for the policy/procedure? Who will be reviewing the policy/procedure? Has an EIA being carried out previously? Who should be involved in the analysis? Stage 2: Decide if the policy/procedure is equality relevant Consider: Does the policy/procedure involve or have consequences for students, employees or other people? If yes, state who will be affected If no, end the assessment process and record your reasons for doing so Stage 3: Gather evidence Consider: What local and national evidence is available eg. Liverpool Hope University Planning Office – student and staff monitoring data; Equality Challenge Unit website (; Office for National Statistics (; What sources are available for individual characteristics eg. Employers Forum on Age (; Stonewall (; Stage 4: Carry out the analysis Consider: Does the data present any immediate concerns? Is there a potential positive or negative impact on each protected characteristic? Is any further evidence required? Does the policy present any risk of discrimination, harassment or victimisation? Does the policy present an opportunity to advance equality of opportunity between different groups? If there is a potential negative impact, how can this be mitigated? Record all results Stage 5: Monitor and Review Consider: Are arrangements in place for regular review of the policy? How will the impact of any proposed actions be monitored? Equality Analysis Template Please ensure you read the accompanying guidance notes before completing this form. This form is a written record that demonstrates you have shown due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations with respect to the characteristics protected by equality law. 1 About the Policy Name of the Policy/procedure/function: New or amendment: Intended aims/outcomes of the policy/procedure/function: Senior Manager responsible: 2 Is the policy/procedure/function equality relevant? Does the policy/procedure/function involve or have consequences for staff, students or others? If yes, state who will be affected. If no, go to 6 3 What evidence has been used to help inform this analysis? Characteristic Age Disability Ethnic Group Gender Gender reassignment Marriage and civil partnership Pregnancy or Maternity Religion or belief Sexual orientation Evidence 4 With reference to the data, what are the equality implications of the policy/procedure/function under the following headings? Characteristic Positive Impact Negative Impact* (see 5 below) Age Disability Ethnic Group Gender Gender reassignment Marriage and civil partnership Pregnancy or Maternity Religion or belief Sexual orientation 5 Action Plan Negative Impact Discovery Action required to remove or reduce By who Timescale 6 Duty to advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations Ways in which the policy/procedure/ function can advance equality of opportunity Name of person completing this analysis Job Title Date of completion Ways in which the policy/procedure/ function can foster good relations ( this could be joint forums, partnerships, promoting understanding between different groups)