RSA® CONFERENCE 2014 Call for Speakers Offline Submission Form SUBMITTER INFORMATION: The information you provide in this section pertains to you as the Submitter. If you’re also the Speaker, your account information can be carried forward in the Speaker Information section. Please fill out the following information *= required input Salutation * Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms. First name * Middle Initial Last Name * Suffix Company * Job Title * Address 1* Address 2 Address 3 City* Country* o If Country is USA or Canada State/Province* Zip/Postal Code* o If Country is United Kingdom UK Country* UK County* Foreign Postal Code* o If Country is NOT USA, Canada or United Kingdom Foreign State Foreign Postal Code Primary email address * Secondary email address Primary Telephone * PAGE 1 of 7 SESSION INFORMATION * = required input Are you the proposed speaker or panel moderator?* Yes /No If you are not the proposed speaker: We require each speaker to approve their participation in the submission. Notifications will go out to all speakers, moderators and panelists and submissions will be disqualified if any participants have not approved their participation in the session. Session Title * (Limit 75 characters including spaces) Your session title should clearly indicate the topic of your presentation, and do so in a way that attracts potential attendees for your presentation. Enter Session Title Here Short Session Abstract * (Limit 400 characters including spaces) In a few sentences, explain what your session will cover (please do not use bullets in your submission). This abstract will be included in our marketing materials, website and program guide. NOTE: How long is 400 characters? This paragraph is 275 characters including spaces. Enter Short Abstract Here Quick Abstract * (Limit 200 characters including spaces) This shorter abstract will be used for pocket guides, mobile apps, etc. NOTE: How long is 200 characters? This paragraph is 156 characters including spaces. Enter Quick Abstract Here Session Detail (Limit 2,500 characters including spaces.) Describe the architecture of your session here. What are the main points you plan to cover (note: bullets not supported)? Describe the presentation flow. If a panel what are the specific issues will you have the panelists address? Where will the difference of opinions come from? Enter Session Details Here Session Format * (select one) Individual Speaker - One speaker only Co-Speakers - This format has two speakers, one is designated as Primary Speaker and the other as Secondary Speaker. The Primary Speaker is the main contact for the RSA Conference Speaker Manager. PAGE 2 of 7 Panel Discussion - This is a session with a Moderator and up to four Panelists. The Moderator is responsible for facilitating the panel discussion and is the main contact for the RSA Conference Speaker Manager.. Session Length * 20 minutes 60 minutes Will this presentation be seen elsewhere within 45 days before or after the Conference? * Yes/No If Yes please provide details: Submitters Comments (limit 400 characters including spaces) Enter your comments here Session Profiling Information – The following information will help ensure that the attendees clearly understand if they have the appropriate experience to get the most benefit from your session. Session Classification * Please choose one of the following: Intermediate Focused on principles and concepts that would appeal to attendees with more than 5 years of experience. Little, if any, time is spent on definitional terms and concepts. Contains instructive demos, management tools, deep process discussions, or similar level of content. Advanced Sessions focused on advanced principles and concepts, geared toward attendees with deep subject knowledge and 10 or more years of experience. Little/no time is spent on defining terms and background. Contains demonstrations, line code, advanced architecture discussions, tools that can be shared, or similar level of content. . Advanced sessions are in high demand. If you choose ‘advanced’ you will be asked to justify this classification. General Interest This classification is used for compelling strategic sessions, introductions to new technology, or sessions or tracks where ratings are not as relevant (e.g. Professional Development). PAGE 3 of 7 Select the Topic Category that would be most appropriate for your topic. * Select that Conference Topic Category which best fits your presentation. Application Development Application Security Big Data Business of Security Case Studies Cloud Security Cybercrime Cyber Warfare Hackers & Threats Research Identity Management Research Revealed Insider Threats Law Mobile Applications Mobile Security Security Security Security Security Network Security Physical Security & Critical Infrastructure Policy & Government Data Security Endpoints Privacy Enterprise Defense Governance, Risk & Compliance Awareness Intelligence Services Trends Social Engineering Social Networking Strategy and Architecture Virtualization Professional Development Security Analytics War Stories Wireless Security Security Tags: Please provide up to 5 keywords to describe your session. anti malware digital rights intellectual property protection professional certification threat management anti spam e-discovery intrusion detection professional development time services application development application security apt audit embedded device security encryption encryption key management endpoints jurisdiction provisioning law remote access virtualization legislation research visualization research revealed voip security risk management vpn lessons learned authentication endpoint security big data enterprise defense linear cryptanalysis secure ecommerce biometrics enterprise security management managed security services secure file transfer wan security ethics messaging security security analytics war story exploit of vulnerability metrics security architecture web 2.0 block ciphers botnets business of fault_analysis liability timing analysis mobile PAGE 4 of 7 security vulnerability assessment web server security case studies cloud computing applications awareness security federated identity mobile device security security consulting web services security financial services mobile security security education wireless security security intelligence zero day vulnerability cloud security firewalls mock trial compliance forensics network protocol security fraud network security security operations governance oem appliance security services controls government regulations online security critical infrastructure government risk and compliance cryptographic protocols government standards password management cryptography research hackers and threats patch management content filtering consumerization cybercrime hacking cyberterrorism hacktivism cyberwarfare data security database security denial of service digital certificates digital evidence digital signatures data loss prevention hashing functions healthcare hypervisors identity management identity theft incident response insider threats internet protocol outsourcing pci penetration testing phishing physical security security jobs security trends sha3 side channel attacks siem spam soa social engineering social networking pii software code vulnerability analysis pki strategy and architecture policy management sso power analysis standards privacy product certification PAGE 5 of 7 storage security supply chain PROPOSED SPEAKERS Add a Speaker An Individual session may have only one speaker, a Co-Speaker session has two speakers, and Panel Discussions require a Moderator and up to four Panelists. All proposed Speakers, Moderators and Panelists will be notified that they were included in a proposed submission. If we discover a Speaker or Panelist hasn’t approved their participation in a session, your submission will disqualified. Complete the following information for each speaker. You’ll also be given the option to prefill the form with your information, if you are both the Submitter and a Speaker. NOTE: Each speaker must have a unique email address * = required input: Has the proposed speaker approved his or her participation in the session? Yes/No Session Role * Individual or Co-Speaker/Moderator/Panelist Salutation * Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms. First name * Middle Initial Last Name * Suffix Preferred Name Company * Company Type * Enterprise/Vendor/Government/Association/None Job Title * Country* Email address * Primary Telephone * Mobile Telephone* Speaker Biography/CV * (Limit 800 characters including spaces) This information will appear on the website and in other marketing materials (must be unique) Enter speaker biography/CV here What is the Speaker’s first language?* Enter language here Is the proposed speaker a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)? * PAGE 6 of 7 Yes/No/Not Known Does the proposed Speaker have other security certifications? Yes/No/Not Known If yes, please provide details: If the proposed speaker has a blog, please enter blog link here: Enter blog link here If the proposed speaker has a Twitter handle, please enter the Twitter handle here: Enter Twitter handle here Has the proposed speaker spoken at an RSA Conference before? * Yes/No If yes, please identify the Conference(s) years: PAGE 7 of 7