9) What is your surgery of choice for primary anterior vaginal

University of North Carolina
Surgery with Mesh Questionnaire
This survey has been approved by the AAGL Board of Trustees for distribution to its membership.
This questionnaire surveys physician practice in regards to mesh use in surgery. Please fill out all 3
pages by the end of this session and leave it on the chair. Thank you for your time.
Please check one of the appropriate boxes below:
Academic level:
If Attending, how many years of practice outside of training?
☐ Attending
☐ 0-1 year
☐ Fellow
☐ 2-4 years
☐ Resident
☐ 5-10 years
☐ 10-20 years
☐ >20 years
☐ FPMRS/Urogynecology
At what type of facility do you practice at?
☐ University Hospital
☐Obstetrics and Gynecology
☐ University-affiliated Community Hospital
☐ Urology/Female Urology
☐ Community Hospital
☐ Other ____________________
☐ Other _______________________
1) Do you perform any surgery for pelvic organ prolapse or urinary incontinence?
If no, stop here. You do not need to complete the rest of the questionnaire.
☐ Yes
☐ No
Before the FDA 2011 News Release…
2) What was your surgery of choice for primary anterior vaginal prolapse?
☐ Anterior colporraphy
☐ Anterior repair with Mesh
☐ Other ___________
3) What was your surgery of choice for recurrent anterior vaginal prolapse?
☐ Anterior colporraphy
☐ Anterior repair with Mesh
☐ Other ___________
☐ N/A
☐ N/A
4) What was your surgery of choice for primary posterior vaginal prolapse?
☐ Posterior colporraphy
☐ Posterior repair with Mesh
☐ Other ___________
☐ N/A
5) What was your surgery of choice for recurrent posterior vaginal prolapse?
☐ Posterior colporraphy
☐ Posterior repair with Mesh
☐ Other ___________
☐ N/A
6) What was your surgery of choice for uterine prolapse?
☐ Hysterectomy and traditional vaginal repair
☐ Hysterectomy and sacrocolpopexy
☐ Sacrohysteropexy
☐ Vaginal repair with mesh ☐Hysterectomy and vaginal repair with mesh
☐Other ___________
☐ N/A
7) What was your surgery of choice for primary vaginal vault prolapse?
☐ Sacrocolpopexy
☐ Vaginal apical suspension (Uterosacral/Sacrospinous ligament suspension)
☐ Vaginal repair with mesh
☐ Other ___________
☐ N/A
8) What was your surgery of choice for recurrent vaginal vault prolapse?
☐ Sacrocolpopexy
☐ Vaginal apical suspension (Uterosacral/Sacrospinous ligament suspension)
☐ Vaginal repair with mesh
☐ Other ___________
☐ N/A
After the FDA 2011 News Release...
9) What is your surgery of choice for primary anterior vaginal prolapse?
☐ Anterior colporraphy
☐ Anterior repair with Mesh
☐ Other ___________
☐ N/A
10) What is your surgery of choice for recurrent anterior vaginal prolapse?
☐ Anterior colporraphy
☐ Anterior repair with Mesh
☐ Other ___________
☐ N/A
☐ Other ___________
☐ N/A
11) What is your surgery of choice for primary posterior vaginal prolapse?
☐ Posterior colporraphy
☐ Posterior repair with Mesh
12) What is your surgery of choice for recurrent posterior vaginal prolapse?
☐ Posterior colporraphy
☐ Posterior repair with Mesh
☐ Other ___________
☐ N/A
13) What is your surgery of choice for uterine prolapse?
☐ Hysterectomy and traditional vaginal repair
☐ Hysterectomy and sacrocolpopexy
☐ Sacrohysteropexy
☐ Vaginal repair with mesh ☐Hysterectomy and vaginal repair with mesh
☐Other ___________
☐ N/A
14) What is your surgery of choice for primary vaginal vault prolapse?
☐ Sacrocolpopexy
☐ Vaginal apical suspension (Uterosacral/Sacrospinous ligament suspension)
☐ Vaginal repair with mesh
☐ Other ___________
☐ N/A
15) What is your surgery of choice for recurrent vaginal vault prolapse?
☐ Sacrocolpopexy
☐ Vaginal apical suspension (Uterosacral/Sacrospinous ligament suspension)
☐ Vaginal repair with mesh
☐ Other ___________
16) Do you currently use synthetic midurethral mesh sings?
If Yes, which type of products? (check all)
☐Retropubic topdown
☐Transobturator outin
☐ Yes
☐ N/A
☐ No
☐Retropubic bottomup
☐Transobturator inout
☐Mini sling/single incision slings
 If Yes, what brands do you use? _______________________________________________
17) Do you currently use synthetic mesh for sacrocolpopexy?
☐ Yes; What mesh brand: _______________________________ ☐ No
18) Do you currently use synthetic mesh in vaginal surgery? ☐ Yes
☐ No
 If Yes, which compartment do you place mesh in? (check all)
☐ Anterior Compartment
☐ Posterior Compartment
☐ Total vaginal mesh kit
☐ Anterior/Apical Compartments ☐Posterior/Apical Compartments
 If Yes, what brands do you use? _________________________________________________
19) How do you currently counsel your patients regarding surgery with mesh? (check one)
☐ Counselling by discussion only
☐ Counseling by discussion and visual aids (check all): ☐ 2D diagram
☐ Video
☐3D model
☐ Online tool
☐ Counseling, visual aids, and handout on general mesh use
☐ Counseling, visual aids, and mesh-specific handout
☐ Counseling and handout on general mesh use (no use of visual aids)
☐ Counselling and mesh-specific handout (no use of visual aids)
20) Based on the FDA 2011 warning, do you plan on changing your counseling to patients? ☐Yes ☐No
 If yes, how so? (check one)
☐ Counselling by discussion only
☐ Counseling by discussion and visual aids (check all): ☐ 2D diagram
☐ Video
☐3D model
☐ Online tool
☐ Counseling, visual aids, and handout on general mesh use
☐ Counseling, visual aids, and mesh-specific handout
☐ Counseling and handout on general mesh use (no use of visual aids)
☐ Counselling and mesh-specific handout (no use of visual aids)
21) Based on the FDA 2011 warning, do you plan on changing your surgical practice? ☐Yes ☐No
 If yes, how so (check all)
☐ Decrease the use of vaginal mesh in certain compartments
☐ Use vaginal mesh only in patients who have failed a traditional native reconstructive surgery.
☐ Stop using vaginal mesh all together
☐ Refer patients who have vaginal prolapse to a different provider
☐ Other ___________________________________________________________________
Thank you for participating in this survey.
**Please leave this on your chair at the end of this session.**