Supplementary Table 1. Source information for the disease and autism association genetic databases used in this study. Source Description Numbe Link Comments r of genes DISEASES – The Novo Disease-gene associations mined 576 http://diseases.jen Selected genes Nordisk Foundation Center for from literature associated with Protein Research at the “Autistic disorder”, University of Copenhagen [DOID:12849] Genetic Association Database Human genetic association studies of 373 http://geneticasso Selected genes (GAD) – Center for complex diseases and disorders associated with Information Technology, cgi-bin/index.cgi “autism” phenotype National Institutes of Health HuGE Navigator Phenopedia – An integrated, searchable knowledge 401 http://www.hugen Selected genes Centers for Disease Control base of genetic associations and associated with and Prevention human genome epidemiology ENavigator/home “Autistic disorder” .do Malacards – Crown Human An integrated database of human 224 http://www.malac Selected genes Genomics Center and the maladies and their annotations, associated with Bioinformatics Unit of the modeled on the architecture and “Autism spectrum Weizmann Institute of Science richness of the popular GeneCards disorder” database of human genes AutDB - MindSpec An integrated catalogue of human 315 http://autism.min Selected human genes genetic studies related to autism AutismKB – Center for An evidence based knowledgebase of 181 http://autismkb.cb Combined “Core” and Bioinformatics, Peking autism genetics “Syndromic” University categories Autism Genetic Database A comprehensive database for autism 202 http://wren.bcf.ku Selected all genes (AGD) susceptibility gene-CNVs integrated .edu/ with known noncoding RNAs and fragile sites “A Brain Region-Specific Autism candidate genes generated by 464 http://www.ploso Selected Table S9. Predictive Gene Map for filtering the human genome with Set of 460 Autism Derived by Profiling a Reference Gene Set” expression/functional profiles of 84 significant autism susceptibility genes from AutDB “A noise-reduction GWAS analysis implicates altered regulation of neurite outgrowth and guidance in autism” Autism candidate genes generated by human GWAS analysis with statistical noise reduction to decrease false positives 761 ors/info%3Adoi% 2F10.1371%2Fjo urnal.pone.00284 31 http://www.molec Selected Table S4. ontent/2/1/1