April 8, 2015 - Pittsburg State University

Pittsburg State USS Senate Minutes for April 8th, 2015
Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 13th, 2015
Location: Prairie Room in Student Center, 1:30 pm
The University Support Staff Senate welcomes all University Support staff employees; you do
not have to be a Senator to attend.
Welcome guests:
Senators Present: Natalie Ballard, John Bartels, Carrol Bell, Terri Blessent, Bryna Broyles,
Heather Busch, Barbara Circle, Dacia Clark, Phillip Deierling, Brenda Hawkins, Donna Jacobs,
Tracey Mussa, Irene Robinson, Craig Stokes, Jessica Williams and Stephanie Willis. Guests
present were Woody Lopez and Hala AlHoraish.
Senators Absent: Dina Gladson (excused), Karen LaSota (excused), Leah Mackey (excused),
Michelle Mitchell-Carrier, Terry Pierce (excused)
Opening of Meeting
Meeting called to order by Senate President Barbara Circle at 1:30 PM.
Special remarks by Dr. Scott, President of PSU and Shawn Naccarato, Director of
Government and Community Relations
a. Budget issues- Dr. Scott reminded us of the Legislative update tomorrow at 1:00 at
the Bicknell Center, stated goal is to bring sanity to what is going on; it’s a very
complicated environment right now. Recognizes that the budget situation is stressful
and a lot is going on. Regardless of what happens, we are trying to move the
University forward. Noted that we created something amazing despite all these
difficulties, referring to the Bicknell Center. The University is doing things beyond
what we have ever done before and we are not going to give up and will continue to
serve students at a high level.
b. Salaries (Dr. Scott) range of revenue directly impacts salary increases, there is lots
of pressure in regards to salaries. Final decision regarding tuition will be finalized in
c. Shawn Naccarato- Last week of the session was challenging for Higher Education,
greatest concern in House and Senate is that budget is met. Freeze in tuition is being
considered, but looks like they are going to allow Universities to manage tuition rates
themselves, this is all tentative. Flat funding that is being presented is a cut. Good
news is it’s still early. Right now, worst case scenario is a cut and cap to tuition,
noted this is out of our control. wNoted we have plenty of time and not to worry just
yet. Stated the legislature continues to look upon our university favorably and that
the work we do here is noticed on all levels and appreciated. USS Bill 161 regarding
additional vacation leave for USS staff passed in the Senate and is now in the House
appropriations committee. Shawn noted it will not receive a full hearing but will go
into a conference committee and that we have a good shot of getting it passed.
Second step is for the board to advocate for equalization, we should know by June 1st
Review of Meeting Minutes
The minutes for February 11th, 2015 were not emailed to Senators; they will be
immediately sent to Senate after meeting and will be reviewed at the May meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
a. Budget Account: Beginning Balance: $1,487.97 No expenses Ending Balance:
b. Foundation Account: Beginning Balance: $35.73 No expenses Ending Balance:
Senate President’s Report with University President
a. Dr. Scott would like staff to be reminded of the legislative convocation tomorrow
afternoon at 1:00 (Thursday, April 9th) at the Bicknell Center for the Arts
Committee Reports:
a. Internal Committees:
i. By-Laws: Dacia Clark, Barbara Circle, Terri Blessent, Heather Busch,
Dina Gladson, & Tracey Mussa-the Constitutional changes were passed by
USS Staff with a vote of 82-0 in favor of the changes. We had
approximately 24% participation which is in alignment with the expected
18-33% average participation levels. Changes go into effect immediately.
ii. Election: Natalie Ballard & Heather Busch-USS Senate has a total of 13
vacancies. Under the new divisions, there is one spot open under the
President, 3 open spots under the Provost, 9 open under Mr. Patterson and
no open spots under Advancement. Senators in At Large positions are
only able to sit for 1 year unless during elections no one fills those
positions, said Senator must then sit out for 30 days and can then fill any
At Large positions. Donna Jacobs is at the end of her term and eligible to
run, Stephanie Willis is still in her term, Natalie Ballard is still in her term,
Karen LaSota is At Large, John Bartels is at end of term, eligible to run,
Phillip Deierling is still in his term, Brenda Hawkins is At Large, Jessica
Williams is At Large but eligible to run in her division, Craig Stokes is At
Large, Dina Gladson is at the end of term and eligible to run, Terri
Blessent is still in her term, Dacia Clark is not eligible to run, Carrol Bell
is still in term, Irene Robinson is still in term, Michelle Mitchell-Carrier is
At Large, Heather Busch is At Large, Bryna Broyles is at end of term and
eligible to run, Leah Mackey is still in term, Barbara Circle is not eligible
to run, Terry Pierce is in term and Tracey Mussa is At Large. It is the
Senate’s goal to fill the 13 open positions with staff from that area and
eliminate At Large positions, if possible. If all positions are not filled,
those not eligible to run in the election will have completed the mandatory
30 day waiting period and said positions can be filled using At Large
positions by the Senate Executive Board. Emails will be going out in May
for election.
iii. Public Relations: Bryna Broyles-no report
iv. USS Council Conference Call: Terri Blessent, Dacia Clark and Natalie
1. Senate Bill 161 was discussed, it was noted that the bill passed in
the Senate and went to the House. According to Shawn Naccarato,
this bill may not be heard this session but noted it is highly
favored. Looking at having an end of the year meeting in Wichita
the end of May or early in June. Dates are pending and they are
asking that all legislative liaisons be present.
v. Welcoming Committee: Karen LaSota & Dina Gladson-no new employees
b. External Committees:
i. Advisory Policy Making Board of the Student Center: Brenda Hawkins
1. Student Center is continuing to make progress, names of new
conference rooms were vote on and Heartland, Sunflower and
Meadowlark was selected.
ii. Athletic Council: Donna Jacobs-was not notified of meeting, council
iii. Athletic Fee Council: Brenda Hawkins-council complete
iii. Diversity: Barbara Circle-No Report
iv. Information Technology Council: Tracey Mussa
1. No meeting in March, next meeting is April 16th
v. Outstanding Seniors: Natalie Ballard-committee met March 6th
1. Last meeting was March 27th, outstanding senior was selected and
will be presented at Annual Awards Banquet on April 13th.
vi. Parking: Phillip Dierling - no report
vii. PSU Service Award & Retirement Recognition Ceremony-Dina Gladson,
Karen LaSota, & Heather Busch
1. Ceremony will be held on April 23rd at 3pm at the Bicknell Family
Center for the Arts.
2. Recipients get a pen or charm based on their number of years of
service. Next year will be the 20th year of this ceremony and group
is looking for new ideas for recognition instead of pens and
charms. Last years were poor quality and had to be returned. This
year they will be giving a watch to the 45 year recipient. It was
suggested that a bulk-e go out to all staff regarding who the
recipients are so all offices can plan ahead. Email Heather Busch
with any ideas.
viii. Social Media Work Group: Leah Mackey-no report
ix. Strategic Planning: Dacia Clark- no report
x. Student Health Fee: Natalie Ballard-completed
xi. Tuition: Barbara Circle. Committee met for the final time on Friday,
April 3rd, 2015 at 2:00pm. The committee’s forthcoming recommendation
was 6.5% tuition increase. It is approximately $23 a month per student for
the academic year. Increase will include a 2% salary increase for all staff.
xii. University Critical Incident and Crisis Response Advisory, Planning,
Evaluation and Support Team (UCICRAPEST): Barbara Circle-No Report
xiii. University Diversity Council: Barbara Circle-No Report
xiv. USS Performance Review & Modification for 4 Rating Factors: Barbara
Circle, Dacia Clark, & Terri Blessent-The final revision was released by
HR; everyone should have received an email. Revision will be effective
July 1, 2015.
xv. University Scholarship Committee: Barbara Circle-completed
Old Business
a. University Support Staff Logo-Barbara Circle has 3 prototypes but were not
available for the meeting, they will be emailed to USS Senate for input.
b. Elections-see above notes
New Business
a. Create a policy for when someone in the Senate is sick, has a death in the
immediate family or major catastrophe regarding what the Senate would like to
provide, i.e. flowers, plant, card, etc. Policy to include management of funds,
whether it’s a donation by USS Senate members or if Senate funds can be used.
Tracey Mussa, Terri Blessent and Stephanie Willis volunteered to work on policy.
Working on name for new committee. New policy committee was motion,
seconded and passed.
Good of the Order
a. USS Appreciation Picnic: Wednesday, May 27th @ 11:30am on East Side of
b. PSU Service Award & Retirement Recognition Ceremony: Thursday, April 23rd
@ 3:00pm at the Bicknell Family Center for the Arts
c. Jeff Steinmiller is giving tours of Student Center for USS Senate members this
Friday from 8-9, 9-10, 1-2 and 2-3. Hardhat is required. Report to Jeff’s office
for tour. Will take approximately 45 min to an hour.
Adjournment: 2:48pm