Chapter 4 Origins of Life Development of Life on the Primitive Earth: The Big Picture Scientific evidence indicates that the earth’s life is the result of about 1 billion years of chemical change to form the first cells, followed by about 3.7 billion years of biological change to produce the variety of species we find on the earth today Biological evolution: the description of how earth’s life changes over time Natural selection: survival traits that would be more prevalent in future populations of species; individuals in a population with some edge over other individuals are more likely to survive, reproduce, and have offspring with similar survival skills o Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace both came up with this on their own, but Darwin was the first one to mention it and purpose it Life on earth developed in two phases o The first phase involved chemical evolution of the organic molecules, biopolymers, and systems of chemical reactions needed to form the first cells. This took about 1 billion years o Followed by biological evolution by natural selection from single-celled bacteria to multi-cellular protists, plants, fungi, and animals. This phase has been going on for about 3.7 billion years How Do we know Which Organisms Lived in the Past? Our knowledge about past life comes from fossil, chemical analysis, cores drilled out of buried ice, and DNA analysis Fossils: mineralized or petrified replicas of skeletons, bones, teeth, shells, leaves, and seed, or impressions of such items found in rocks o Provide physical evidence of ancient organisms and revel what their internal structures looked like Also drill cores from glacial ice and examine the kinds of life found at different layers Also compare the DNA of past and current organisms Fossil record: the world’s cumulative body of fossils found o This record is incomplete and uneven o Difficult to reconstruct the development of life with so little evidence Evolution, Natural Selection, and Adaptation Genetic Mutations: Changes in a Population’s Gene Pool The most widely accepted idea is that biological evolution by natural selection results from changes in a population’s genetic makeup overtime Biological evolution by natural selection involves the change in a population’s genetic makeup through successive generations Important: Populations, not individuals, evolve by becoming genetically different Mutations: random changes in the structure or number of DNA molecules in a cell that can be inherited by offspring Mutations can occur in two ways o By exposure of DNA to external agents such as radioactivity, X-rays, and natural and human-made chemicals (called mutagens) o From random mistakes that sometimes occur in coded genetic instructions when DNA molecules are copied each time a cell divides and when an organisms reproduces Some mutations are harmless, and some are lethal o Every so often, a mutation can be beneficial If beneficial, it gives the organisms a better chance of survival and reproduction under existing environmental conditions or when such conditions change Natural Selection and Adaptation: Leaving More Offspring with Beneficial Genetic Traits Some members of a population may have genetic traits that enhance their ability to survive and produce offspring with these traits Natural selection is the next step in conventional biological evolution o survival traits that would be more prevalent in future populations of species; individuals in a population with some edge over other individuals are more likely to survive, reproduce, and have offspring with similar survival skills Natural selections explains how populations adapt to changes in environmental conditions Three conditions are necessary for biological evolution by natural selection o First, there must be enough genetic variability for a trait to exist in a population o Second, the trait must be heritable, meaning that it can be passed from one generation to another o Third, the trait must lead to differential reproduction: is must enable individuals with the trait to leave more offspring than other members of the population Natural selection acts on individuals, but evolution occurs in populations Adaptation/adaptive trait: is any heritable trait that enables an organism to survive through natural selection and reproduce better under prevailing environmental conditions o Natural selection tends to preserve beneficial adaptations in populations and discard harmful ones When faces with an environmental change species have three possibilities o Adapt to the new conditions through natural selection o Migrate (if possible) to an area with more favorable conditions o Become extinct Genes mutate, individuals are selected, and populations evolve that are better adapted to survive and reproduce under existing environmental conditions Coevolution: A Biological Arms Race Interacting species can engage in a back-and-forth genetic contest in which each gains a temporary genetic advantage over the other Coevolution: when populations of two different species interact over a long time, changes in the gene pool of one species can lead to changes in the gene pool of the other o Each species is in a genetic race to produce the largest number of surviving offspring The species develop new traits so they can beat the other species at their own game, one set of species is always trying to do something to outsmart the species Hybridization and Gene Swapping: Other Ways to Exchange Genes Sometimes different species can crossbreed to form hybrids that can survive and reproduce, and some species can exchange genes without sexual reproduction Hybridization: when individuals of two distinct species crossbreed to produce an individual or hybrid that in some cases has better ability to survive tan conventional offspring of the two parent species Horizontal Gene Transfer: when some species (mostly microorganisms) can exchange genes without sexual reproduction These two things can occur rapidly compared to the thousands to millions of years required for the conventional Darwinian evolution Limits on Adaptation Through Natural Selection A population’s ability to adapt to new environmental conditions through natural selection is limited by its gene pool and how fast it can reproduce Limits to adaptations in nature through conventional conditions natural selection o First, a change in environmental conditions can lead to adaptation through conventional natural selection only for genetic traits already present in a population’s gene pool o Second, even if a beneficial heritable trait is present in a population, the population’s ability to adapt may be limited by its reproductive capacity Even if there is a beneficial trait in a population, everyone else in the population has to die out, so the beneficial trait predominates the population to pass the trait on through natural selection These limitations do not apply to development of new species through hybridization and the exchange of genes between different species without sexual reproduction Common Myths about Evolution through Natural Selection Evolution through natural selection is about leaving the most descendants; organisms do not develop certain traits because they need them or want them; and there is no master plan leading to genetic perfection Three common misconceptions o “Survival of the fittest” means “survival of the strongest”, fitness is a measure of reproductive success, not strength; the fittest are the ones who leave the most descendants o Organisms develop certain traits because they need or want them o This evolution involves some grand plan of nature in which species become more perfectly adapted; no plan or goal of genetic perfection has been identified in the evolutionary process Geological Processes, Climate Change, Catastrophes, and Evolution Geological Process and Evolution by Natural Selection The very slow movement of huge solid plates making up the earth’s surface, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes can wipe out existing species and help form new ones Tectonic plates: a series of gigantic solid plates, have very slowly drifted back and forth across the planet’s surface over thousands to millions of years Tectonic plates has two important effects on the evolution and location of life on the earth o First, the locations of consistent and oceanic basic greatly influence the earth’s climate and this help determine where plants and animals can live o Second, the movement of continents has allowed species to more, adapt to new environments, and form new species through natural selection. When continents join together populations can disperse to new areas and adapt to new environmental conditions. An when continents separate, populations must evolve under isolated conditions or become extinct Volcanic eruptions can also affect biological evolution by destroying habitats and reducing or wiping out populations of species Earthquakes can separate and isolate populations of species. Over long periods of time, this can lead to the formation of new species as each isolated population changes genetically in response to new environmental conditions Clime Change and Natural Selection Changes in climate through the earth’s history have shifted where plants and animals can live Long-term climate changes have a major effect on biological evolution by determining where different types of plants and animals can live and thrive and by changing the locations of different types of ecosystems Some existing species became extinct because the climate changed too rapidly for them to survive and new species evolved Catastrophes and Natural Selection Asteroids and meteorites hitting the earth and large upheavals of the earth’s crust from geological processes have wiped out large numbers of species and created opportunities for the evolution by natural selection of new species Each major catastrophe resulted in long periods of extreme environmental stress o This changed the course of evolution by wiping out large numbers of existing species o Such mass extinctions also have opened up opportunities for the evolution by natural selection of new species and shift in the locations of different types of ecosystems Ecological Niches and Adaptation Ecological Niches: How Species Live and Coexist Each species in an ecosystem has a specific role or way of life Ecological niche: is a species’ way of life or role in a community or ecosystem and includes everything that affects its survival and reproduction Each species has a distinct niche or role to plat un the ecosystems where it is found Fundamental niche: consists of the full potential range of physical, chemical, and biological conditions and resources it could theoretically use if it could avoid direct competition from other species o Of course, different species often compete with one another for the same resources o The niches of competing species overlap Realized Niche: to survive and avoid competition for the same resources, a species usually occupies only part of its fundamental niches in a particular community or ecosystem Generalists and Specialists Species: Broad and Narrow Niches Some species have broad ecological roles and other have narrow or more specialized roles Generalist Species: have broad niches; can live in many different places, eat a variety of foods and tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions Specialists Species: occupy narrow niches; may be able to live in only one type of habitat, use one or a few types of food, or tolerate a narrow range of climatic and other environmental conditions Specialists are more prone to extinction when environmental conditions change When is it better to be one or the other? o If the environmental conditions are fairly constant specialists have an advantage because they have fewer competitors o Under rapidly changing environmental conditions, the generalists usually is better off Natural selection can led to an increase in specialized species when several species must compete intensely for scarce resources o Over time one species may evolve into a variety of species with different adaptations that reduce competitions and allow them to share limited resources Evolutionary Divergence: starting with a single ancestor, the species begin to evolve different types of traits in order to survive in their specific habitat, to access certain resources Speciation, Extinction, and Biodiversity How Do New Species Evolve? A new species can arise when members of a population are isolated from other members for so long that changes in their genetic makeup prevent them from producing fertile offspring if the get together again Speciation: two species arise from one o For sexually reproducing species, a new species, is formed when some members of a population cannot longer breed with other members to produce fertile offspring The most common mechanism of speciation takes place in two phases: geographic isolation and reproductive isolation o Geographic Isolation: occurs when different groups of the same population of a species become physically isolated from one another for long periods of time Separation by physical barrier, by a change such as a volcanic eruption or earthquake, or by few a few individuals being carries to a new area by wind or flowing water o Reproductive Isolation: mutation and change by natural selection operate independently in the gene pools of geographically isolated population After these two phases have happened, speciation has occurred Extinction: Lights Out A species become extinct when its populations cannot adapt to changing environmental conditions Extinction: when an entire species ceases to exist Endemic Species: species that are only found in one area in the world and are especially vulnerable to extinction Background Extinctions, Mass Extinction, and Mass Depletion All species eventually become extinct, but drastic changes in environmental conditions can eliminate large groups of species Background extinction: as local environmental conditions change, a certain number of species disappear at a low rate Mass extinction: is a significant rise in extinction rates above the background level, widespread (often global) event, large groups of existing species are wiped out in a geological period lasting up to 5 million years o Evidence shows that there has been 5 mass extinctions during the past 500 million years Mass Depletion: in which extinction rates are higher than normal but not high enough to classify as a mass extinction During times of mass extinction and depletion, it is an opportunity for other species that can fill unoccupied niches or newly created ones Effects of Human Activities on the Earth’s Biodiversity: Are We a Wise Species? The scientific consensus is that human activities are decreasing the earth’s biodiversity Speciation minus extinction equals biodiversity, the planet’s genetic raw material for future evolution in response to changing environmental conditions Extinction is a natural process, but humans have become a major force in the premature extinction of a growing number of species We are also destroying and degrading ecosystems that are centers for future speciation Genetic Engineering and The Future of Evolution Artificial Selection and Genetic Engineering We selectively breed members of populations to produce offspring with certain genetic traits and use genetic engineering to transfer genes from one species to another Artificial selection: to change the genetic characteristics of populations with similar genes o We select one or more desirable genetic traits in the population of a plant or animal o Then we use selective breeding to end up with populations of the species containing large numbers of individuals with the desired traits Today scientists use genetic engineering to speed up our ability to manipulate genes Genetic Engineering, or Gene Splicing: is the alteration of an organism’s genetic material through adding, deleting, or changing segments of its DNA, to produce desirable traits and eliminate negative ones o This allows scientists to transfer genes between different species that would not interact in nature Recombinant DNA: (key tool used in genetic engineering) which is DNA that has been altered to contain genes or portions of genes from organisms of different species Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or transgenic organisms: organisms that have been genetically engineered by use of recombinant DNA technology Synthetic Biology and Cloning Biologists are learning to rebuild organisms from their cell components and to make identical copies or clones of organisms Synthetic biology: to go beyond conventional genetic engineering, spate cells into their fundamental components, and use them to rebuild new organisms Clone: a genetically identical version of an individual in a population Some Concerns about the Genetic Revolution Genetic engineering has great promise for improving the human condition, but it is an unpredictable process and raises a number of privacy, ethical, legal, and environmental issues Controversy over Genetic Engineering There are arguments over how much we should regulate genetic engineering research and development Case Study: How did We Become Such a Powerful Species so Quickly? We have thrived as a species mostly because of our strong opposable thumbs, ability to walk upright, and complex brains