Dr. Cheré Edgar, ND Naturopathic Doctor www.drchereedgar.com Sitz Bath The sitz bath, also known as a hip bath, can be used to promote circulation to the lower abdomen, the pelvis and upper legs. An alternating sitz bath is used to stimulate blood and lymph circulation. Implements: 1 or 2 tubs or containers large enough to over the hips and lower abdomen Alternative: a bath tub that you can dangle your legs over the side, and a tub large enough for you to sit in, not including legs Alternating Hot and Cold Directions: 1. Fill one tub with hot water, water should be ½” above navel 2. Fill one tub with cold water, water should be ½” below navel 3. Alternate between the two tubs Sit in the hot tub for three minutes, then sit in the cold tub for 30 seconds 4. Alternate between the hot and cold tubs for a series of 3 rounds Hot: 3 minutes, cold: 30 seconds 5. Always end with a cold bath Indications: vaginal infections, chronic urinary tract infections/bladder infections, pelvic congestion, hemorrhoids, fissures, prostatitis, constipation, postpartum Hot Sitz Bath 1. Fill tub with hot (106-110º F) water, water should be ½ “ above navel 2. Relax in tub for 10 minutes 3. Apply cold compresses to forehead and /or back of neck 4. Finish hot sitz bath by pouring cold water over all parts bathed in hot water Indications: painful spasms, cramps, neuralgia, insomnia, painful hemorroids Neutral Bath 1. Fill tub with warm (92-97º F) water, water should be ½ “ above navel 2. Relax in tub for 15 minutes – 1 hour Indications: acute urinary tract infection /bladder infection Herbs which may be added: Geranium Yarrow Oak bark Witch hazel (707) 840-0556 1727 Central Ave , McKinleyville, CA 95519