Sitz Bath

Dr. Cheré Edgar, ND
Naturopathic Doctor
Sitz Bath
The sitz bath, also known as a hip bath, can be used to promote circulation to the lower abdomen, the
pelvis and upper legs. An alternating sitz bath is used to stimulate blood and lymph circulation.
 1 or 2 tubs or containers large enough to over the hips and lower abdomen
 Alternative: a bath tub that you can dangle your legs over the side, and a tub large enough for you
to sit in, not including legs
Alternating Hot and Cold Directions:
1. Fill one tub with hot water, water should be ½” above navel
2. Fill one tub with cold water, water should be ½” below navel
3. Alternate between the two tubs
 Sit in the hot tub for three minutes, then sit in the cold tub for 30 seconds
4. Alternate between the hot and cold tubs for a series of 3 rounds
 Hot: 3 minutes, cold: 30 seconds
5. Always end with a cold bath
Indications: vaginal infections, chronic urinary tract infections/bladder infections, pelvic congestion,
hemorrhoids, fissures, prostatitis, constipation, postpartum
Hot Sitz Bath
1. Fill tub with hot (106-110º F) water, water should be ½ “ above navel
2. Relax in tub for 10 minutes
3. Apply cold compresses to forehead and /or back of neck
4. Finish hot sitz bath by pouring cold water over all parts bathed in hot water
Indications: painful spasms, cramps, neuralgia, insomnia, painful hemorroids
Neutral Bath
1. Fill tub with warm (92-97º F) water, water should be ½ “ above navel
2. Relax in tub for 15 minutes – 1 hour
Indications: acute urinary tract infection /bladder infection
Herbs which may be added:
 Geranium
 Yarrow
 Oak bark
 Witch hazel
(707) 840-0556
1727 Central Ave , McKinleyville, CA 95519