Spanish 2 Chapter 3 11/24 & 11/25 Teacher: R.F.Kanzig Target: The student will compare pastimes and leisure activities of the target language countries to those of the United States. Essential Questions / Understandings Monday 11/24/2014 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Students will give directions to get to a place and to do tasks and discuss driving habits. Students will also develop story writing skills that promote proficiency within an authentic context. Students will describe events in the past using the correct conjugations of the preterite tense. Students will compare similarities and differences between various grammar elements of English and the target language. Are there similarities and differences in chores and places in a community between our culture and Hispanic cultures? Is there a difference between Spanish and Objective 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I can recall, listen to, and understand vocabulary related to chores, modes of transportation, prepositions, and places in a community. I can learn new vocabulary about places people go, what they buy, and errands. I can learn new vocabulary about driving, giving, or following directions, and special landmarks in a city or town. I can write, listen, and talk about the location of things in a city, and errands. I can illustrate or categorize new vocabulary according with themes. I can conjugate a regular and irregular verb for the preterite tense. I can learn, read questions, and respond Teacher/student Warm-up: Brainstorm activity dealing w/ new vocabulary. Guided Practice: 1. Ch. 3 Vocabulary PPT. 2. Practice pronunciation w/ partner. Independent Practice: Flashcard activity Ch. 3 vocabulary. Assessment/Closing: Exit ticket. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. English when one describes his/her surroundings? How does life in Latin America and United States communities compare to each other? How do I talk about the past? Is there a difference between Spanish and English when one talks about past events? How are daily routines in Spanish speaking countries different than in the United States? How does learning the language of a country help you experience / understand the culture? How is the grammar structure set-up in the Spanish language? How does it differ or show similarities to that of the English language? Can you show and apply the grammar structure? Tuesday 11/25/14 1. Students will give directions to get to a place and to do tasks and discuss driving habits. 2. Students will also develop story writing 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. using Direct Object Pronouns (D.O.P). I can learn about irregular preterite verbs: ir and ser. I can use the preterite forms of ir and ser to complete a paragraph. I can write a personal experience using the preterite tense. I can show the Spanish grammar structure by talking & writing in the target language through oral & written activities. I can recall, listen to, and understand vocabulary related to chores, modes of transportation, prepositions, and places in a community. 2. I can learn new vocabulary about Warm-up: Practice vocabulary Ch. 3 (pronunciation) w/ partner. Guided Practice: Flashcard creation. Independent Practice: Flashcard activity Ch. 3 vocabulary. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. skills that promote proficiency within an authentic context. Students will describe events in the past using the correct conjugations of the preterite tense. Students will compare similarities and differences between various grammar elements of English and the target language. How are daily routines in Spanish speaking countries different than in the United States? Are there similarities and differences in chores and places in a community between our culture and Hispanic cultures? Is there a difference between Spanish and English when one describes his/her surroundings? How does life in Latin America and United States communities compare to each other? How do I talk about the past? Is there a difference between Spanish and English when one talks about past events? How does learning the language of a country help you experience / 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. places people go, what they buy, and errands. I can learn new vocabulary about driving, giving, or following directions, and special landmarks in a city or town. I can write, listen, and talk about the location of things in a city, and errands. I can illustrate or categorize new vocabulary according with themes. I can conjugate a regular and irregular verb for the preterite tense. I can learn, read questions, and respond using Direct Object Pronouns (D.O.P). I can learn about irregular preterite verbs: ir and ser. I can use the preterite forms of ir and ser to complete a paragraph. I can write a personal experience using the preterite tense. I can show the Spanish grammar structure by talking & writing in the target language through oral & written activities. Assessment/Closing: Exit ticket. understand the culture? 12. How is the grammar structure set-up in the Spanish language? How does it differ or show similarities to that of the English language? Can you show and apply the grammar structure? Wednesday & Thursday 11/25/2014 & 11/26/14 NO SCHOOL. THANKSGIVING BREAK. Friday 11/27/2014 NO SCHOOL. THANKSGIVING BREAK.